/• BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN OF THE flTmrine Biological laboratory WOODS HOLE, MASS. Editorial Staff E. G. CONKLIN — Princeton University. GEORGE T. MOORE — The Missouri Botanic Garden, T. H. MORGAN — Columbia University. W. M. WHEELER — Harvard University. E. B. WILSON — Columbia University. Managing ]£fcitor FRANK R. LILLIE — -The University of Chicago. VOLUME XL. WOODS HOLE, MASS. JANUARY TO JUNE, 1921 PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. CONTENTS OF VOLUME XL No. i. JANUARY, 1921 PAGE LILLIE, FRANK R. Studies of Fertilization. VIII, On the Measure of Specificity in Fertilization Between Two Associated Species of the Sea- Urchin Genus Strongylo- centrotus I LILLIE, FRANK R. Studies of Fertilization. IX, On the Question of Superposition of Fertilization on Partheno- genesis in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus 23 HYMAN, LIBBIE H. The Metabolic Gradients of Vertebrate Embryos 32 No. 2. FEBRUARY, 1921 * UHLENHUTH, EDWARD. Observations on the Distribution and Habits of the Blind Texan Cave Salamander, Typhlomolge Rathbuni 73 NEWMAN, H. H. On the Development of the Spontaneously Partheno genetic Eggs of Asterina (Patiria) Miniata .... 105 NEWMAN, H. H. On the Occurrence of Paired Madreporic Pores and Pore-Canals in the Advanced Bipennaria Larvce of Asterina (Patiria) Miniata together with a Discussion of the Significance of Similar Structures in Other Echinoderm Larvce 118 No. 3. MARCH, 1921 HUXLEY, JULIAN S. Differences in Viability in Different Types of Regenerates from Dissociated Sponges, with a Note on the Entry of Somatic Cells by Spermatozoa ... 127 HYDE, I. H. A Micro-Electrode and Unicellular Stimulation 130 STARR, ISAAC, JR. Effect of Variations in Oxygen Tension on the Toxicity of Sodium Chloride Isotonic to Sea Water ... 1 34 LOEB, LEO. Transplantation and Individuality 143 iii IV CONTENTS No. 4. APRIL, 1921 HUBBS, CARL L. The Ecology and Life-History of Amphigo- nopterus Aurora and of Other Viviparous Perches of California . 181 ALLEN,. WILLIAM RAY. Studies of the Biology of Freshwater Mussels 210 No. 5. MAY, 1921 HARRIS, J. A., AND REED, H. S. Inter-Periodic Correlation in the Analysis of Growth 243 SCHRADER, FRANZ. The Chromosomes of Pseudococcus Nipa 259 JUDAY, CHANCY. Observations on the Larvce of Corethra Punctipennis Say 271 No. 6. JUNE, 1921 THOMAS, L. J. Morphology and Orientation of the Otocysts of Gonionemus 287 'BRUES, CHARLES T., AND GLASER, RUDOLF W. A Symbiotic Fungus Occurring in the Fat-Body of Pulvinaria in- numerabilis Rath 299 RICHARDS, A., AND THOMPSON, JAMES T. The Migration of the Primary Sex-Cells of Fundulus heteroclitus 325 HONDA, H. Spermatogenesis of Aphids ; The Fate of the Smaller Secondary Spermatocyte 349 Vol. XL. January, 1921 No. i. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN AUTHOR S ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, FEBRUARY 7 STUDIES OF FERTILIZATION. VIII. ON THE MEASURE OF SPECIFICITY IN FERTILIZATION BETWEEN Two ASSOCIATED SPECIES OF THE SEA-URCHIN GENUS STRONGYLOCENTROTUS.1 FRANK R. LILLIE, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. CONTENTS. I. Introduction i II. Comparison of the Gametes 3 III. Cross-fertilization. 1. General 3 2. Variability of different individual cross-fertilizations 7 (a) Purpuratus eggs fertilized by franciscanus sperm 7 (&) Franciscanus eggs fertilized by purpuratus sperm 8 3. The effect of sperm concentration 8 (a) Purpuratus § X franciscanus <$ 8 (fc) Franciscanus £ X purpuratus $ p 4. The measure of specificity 10 5. Fertilization with mixtures of eggs and sperm 13 IV. Cross-agglutination 14 V. General 20 I. INTRODUCTION. In previous studies on fertilization the writer has maintained that the substance from eggs that agglutinates spermatozoa of the same species is necessary for fertilization; more specifically that the activating effect of the spermatozoon in fertilization is pri- marily on this substance, which then sets the other processes in operation. The agglutinating substance was accordingly called 1 The writer wishes to express his indebtedness to J. Nelson Gowanlock for his devoted and careful work as assistant in these experiments and in those of study IX. T 2 FRANK R. LILLIE. fertilisin. If there is such a connection between the capacity of the eggs for agglutinating spermatozoa and for being fertilized, then, in addition to other consequences which have been followed out by Just (1919), Moore (1916, 1917) and the writer (1914, 1919), the fertilization reaction and sperm agglutination should show a similar degree of specificity. This has been shown to be the case in wide crosses, as between Arbacia and Nereis by the writer, and between Arbacia and Echinarachnius by Just. But the matter has not been tested with two species of a single genus where the test might be expected to be crucial. If there were no connection between agglutination of spermatozoa and fertilization of the egg, the phenomena need not exhibit similar specificities; but if the phenomena were found to be similarly specific we would have a new and strong argument for the postulated connection. The problem of specificity in fertilization is at present obscure, and in any case data presenting the nature and degree of spe- cificity could not fail to be useful. It is rather extraordinary that no attempt to secure even roughly quantitative results on this problem in animals has hitherto been recorded. In the neighborhood of Pacific Grove, California, Strongylo- centrotus purpuratus and 5\ franciscanus are found in protected situations along the rocky shores. S. purpuratus occurs a short distance below the high-water mark and extends to an unde- termined depth, certainly several feet, below the low-water mark. S. franciscanus rarely occurs above the low-water mark and cer- tainly extends into deeper water than purpuratus. At low water one thus finds purpuratus in isolated tide pools and sometimes entirely exposed, whereas franciscanus is very rarely found in such situations. The two s.pecies are commonly, though by no means always, intermingled just below the low water mark. In one collecting station purpuratus was so abundant in this zone as to form a veritable pavement on the floor and a covering on the sides of the partially open rock-pool ; S. franciscanus, very conspicuous by its larger size, longer spines and different color- ing, was interspersed among the individuals of the other species. At the time of my visit, January and February, 1920, both species were ripe simultaneously at this station and elsewhere; but whereas all individuals of purpuratus had practically only STUDIES OF FERTILIZATION. 3 ripe gametes wherever found, franciscanns at this station and elsewhere, with one exception, had relatively undeveloped gonads, which, however, always contained ripe gametes, often in con- siderable abundance, which fertilized readily. At the exceptional station, well within Monterey Bay, all individuals of both species had perfectly developed gonads. The waiter wishes to express his appreciation of the hospitality of the Hopkins Marine Sta- tion during this investigation, and his thanks to the Director, Dr. W. K. Fisher, for his aid in securing material and in many other essential ways. II. COMPARISON OF GAMETES. 6\ franciscanns is much larger than 5\ purpuratus, commonly almost twice the diameter, and its much larger spines cause the impression of an even greater discrepancy in size. It is an in- teresting fact that the gametes of the larger species are almost correspondingly larger than those of the smaller, both in the case of the ova and also the spermatozoa. The eggs of franciscanns are no to 114 /JL in diameter, the eggs of purpuratus from 75 to* 79 fj.. The head of the spermatozoon of franciscanus is about 7ju, long by 2/x broad at the base, that of purpuratus is about 4 by 2 p. The jelly surrounding the franciscanns egg is about 30^ in thickness and relatively firm and resistant, that surrounding the egg of pnrpuratns is about 15/1 in thickness, relatively soft and easily lost. III. CROSS-FERTILIZATION. i. General. Loeb's recorded observations contain the only information in the literature on the subject of the cross-fertilization of these two species. They are to the following effect: (i) " If we mix eggs of franciscanns and purpuratus in sea-water and add the sperm of purpuratus the eggs of purpuratus will be fertilized more quickly than the eggs of franciscanus; and the reverse is true if the sperm of franciscanus is added to a mixture of both eggs in sea-water ' (p. 273, Am. Nat., 1915). (2) "The sperm of purpuratus shows no trace of cluster formation with the egg-sea water of franciscanus, and yet the eggs of franciscanus are readily fertil- 4 FRANK R. LILLIE. ized with the sperm of purpuratus." (Loeb, 1914, p. 136.) (3) In his "Artificial Parthenogenesis and Fertilization" (The University of Chicago Press, 1913), p. 293, Loeb gives figures of plutei from purpuratus eggs fertilized by franciscanus sperm. These records of the occurrence of both reciprocal fertilizations give, however, no measure of the degree of specificity; in fact, there is only a bare hint that the straight fertilizations occur more readily than the crosses. If one wishes to gain a correct idea of the degree of specificity in fertilization, it is necessary to control the variable factors very carefully. Assuming that only perfectly ripe gametes are used, as was the case in all the recorded experiments, the principal pre- cautions to be observed are the following: (i) The eggs should be washed in at least two changes of sea-water to get rid of tissue secretions, blood or detritus ; the eggs used should be uniform in this respect, and similar quantities should be used in com- parable experiments. (2) The sperm should be sufficiently abun- dant so that measurable quantities of the dry sperm free from any fluid or foreign particles may be used as a basis for cal- culating the sperm concentration in any experiment. (3) The range of individual variability with reference to cross-fertiliza- tion should be understood; it is at least very considerable. (4) The method of mixing the sperm with the eggs should be as uniform as possible, or very considerable differences in per- centage results may occur from this cause alone. (5) It should go without saying that the utmost precautions against contamina- tion must be observed : abundance of sterilized pipettes and glass- ware, washing of specimens in drinking water to destroy adherent spermatozoa, sterilization of hands and instruments after handling any male, etc. (6) In spite of all precautions there will remain a certain degree of residual variability that shows clearly that all the conditions of fertilization are not yet understood. Sperm Concentrations. — The basic sperm suspension from which fertilizations were usually made is one drop (o.i c.c.) dry sperm thoroughly mixed in 5 c.c. sea-water; one drop (0.07 c.c.) of this suspension added to eggs in 100 c.c. sea-water will be arbi- trarily selected as it nit sperm concentration. Any measured in- semination may be expressed as unity or as a fraction or multiple STUDIES OF FERTILIZATION. 5 thereof. The various inseminations are all so designated. Unit sperm concentration would usually be called a "light insemina- tion " and ten unit concentration would usually be regarded as fairly " heavy." The absolute value of " unity " would be one part of the dry sperm in about 70,000 parts of sea-water. There is not much difference in the relative fertility of the crosses between the two species. In the records given it appears that franciscanus eggs may give a small percentage of cross fertilization at lower sperm concentrations than purpuratus eggs ; but the purpuratus spermatozoon is much smaller than the fran- ciscanus spermatozoon, so that it is probable that sperm suspen- sions of purpuratus rated as of the same concentration as those of franciscanus really contain a very much greater number of sperm- atozoa, which would tend to explain the lower concentration for minimum results in cross fertilization of franciscanus eggs. On the other hand, the highest percentage of fertilizations recorded in a cross (Table 4) concerns purpuratus eggs ; this may be due to the much greater number of experiments with this cross than with the reciprocal. The cross-fertilized purpuratus eggs appear to be more viable than the cross-fertilized franciscanus eggs ; the latter do not in my experience develop to the pluteus stage, while the former do readily enough. The blastulae even of the cross-fertilized fran- ciscanus eggs ofter appear abnormal, and the gastrulae very commonly so. It is doubtful to what factor to ascribe this differ- ence, whether to the large size of the cytoplasmic mass of the franciscanus egg and small size of the purpuratus spermatozoon, or to behavior of the chromosomes in the reciprocal crosses. Material is on hand for investigating the latter possibility. Another difference noted in the two reciprocal crosses is that the cross-fertilized purpuratus eggs commonly form as fine mem- branes as the straight fertilized ones, whereas in a much higher percentage of franciscanus eggs the membranes are either " tight," in the sense that they do not stand out so far from the surface of the egg, as in the straight fertilization, or lacking entirely. Now the tight membrane and absence of membrane in fertilized eggs are signs of poor condition or low vitality. This difference, 6 FRANK R. LILLIE. which is far from being absolute, would appear to indicate that as a rule the franciscanus egg is understimulated by the purpuratus spermatozoon, and this may aid to explain their lesser viability as compared with the reciprocal cross. When high sperm concentrations are used (5 units and above) the jelly of the crossed franciscanus eggs becomes permanently packed with purpuratus spermatozoa, thus producing the appear- ance of halos varying in intensity with the concentration of the sperm. Such halos do not appear in the reciprocal cross, nor yet in either of the straight fertilizations. The difference in the physical characters of the jelly in the two kinds of egg does not explain this difference, for the franciscanus sperm does not form comparable halos in franciscanus eggs. It would appear to be an effect of some secretion contained in the franciscanus jelly on the purpuratus sperm; but the franciscanus egg-water has no appar- ent effect on the purpuratus sperm. We shall consider first the variability of different individual combinations in the two crosses separately, classified again by the sperm concentration ; secondly, we .shall consider the effect of various sperm concentrations on the percentages of fertiliza- tion in the eggs of one female ; third, we shall tabulate the com- plete experiments in which both crosses and both controls were run simultaneously. The first table will give the measure of variability of different individual cross combinations. The second will give the effects of sperm concentrations for given combinations. The third will give the measure of specificity, which cannot be evaluated without the other two. The percentages of fertilization may be measured either by the percentage of membranes formed, or by the percentage of eggs that actually segment. The latter determination is much more accurate, for membrane formation is apt to be defective in the cross-fertilized eggs, or even absent, more especially where fran- ciscanus eggs are used. In some cases, both determinations were made, and the difference gives approximately the percentage of membraneless eggs that segment. Eggs that form membranes sometimes fail to segment, though this is relatively rare ; it ap- pears especially in the lower sperm concentrations. STUDIES OF FERTILIZATION. 2. Variability of Different Individual Cross Fertilisations. (a) Purpuratus Eggs Fertilised by Franciscanus Sperm. — For the purpose of bringing out the individual variability of cross combinations we shall consider first the fertilizations made with sperm of 10 units concentration (Table I) ; temperature approxi- mately 15° C. Each entry stands for a separate female. TABLE I. VARIATION OF FERTILITY OF PURPURATUS EGGS FERTILIZED WITH 10 UNITS FRANCISCANUS SPERM. No. Percentage of Membranes. Percentage of Cleavage. Remarks. I 12% One franciscanus male 2 .... 4 5-.. • 6 7. .. . 8 1.6% 13' % 4 % 17 % 19 % o 4% 16% 29% 39% 72% 84% One franciscanus male i % 10 i % > One franciscanus male 12 6.7% ' One franciscanus male 2O.I% One franciscanus male The variations of fertility in this cross, from o to 84 per cent, of cleavage, is exceeding striking and shows a great range to exist on the female side (cf. especially Nos. 2-7 where one fran- ciscanus male was used). There is a probable considerable variation also on the male side as appears when the group 2-7 fertilized with one franciscanus male is compared with the group 8-1 1 fertilized with another franciscanus male. But no system- atic attempt was made to evaluate this side, as the franciscanus material was relatively rare and difficult to obtain. It should also be noted that such high percentages as Nos. 6 and 7 were never approximated in any other combination (43 in all recorded and many others tried). To correct the impression that this cross-fertilization is very easy, which might readily be given by the exceptional percentages in Nos. 2-7, the following record of the fertilization of the eggs 8 FRANK R. LILLIE. of five purpuratus with the sperm of one franciscanus at 13.2 units will be useful: percentages segmented o.i per cent., 0.3 per cent., O.6 per cent., 1.6 per cent., 6 per cent. It should be realized that sperm concentrations of 10 and more units are very much higher than would ordinarily be used in straight fertilizations, where I unit concentration is adequate to fertilize every egg. (&) Franciscanus Eggs Fertilised by purpuratus Sperm. — The determinations for this cross are not nearly so numerous as for the reciprocal on account of the greater rarity of the material in its best condition. The eggs appear to be not quite so variable in their cross-fertilization capacity as those of purpuratus, but with a lower concentration of sperm they commonly show a higher percentage of cleavage after cross-fertilization than cross- fertilized purpuratus eggs; on the other hand, I have never secured so high a percentage with higher sperm concentrations as in exceptional lots of purpuratus eggs. Moreover, the cross- fertilized franciscanus eggs appear to be less viable than the cross-fertilized purpuratus eggs. These matters will be dealt with beyond. The data given in Table IV. throw some light on the question of variability. 3. The Effect of Sperm Concentration. In the case of both species a higher concentration of sperm is required for any degree of cross fertilization than for practically perfect straight fertilization (see Table IV.). Beyond such minimum concentration, the result of increased sperm concen- tration is to increase the percentage of eggs fertilized up to a cer- tain point; however, such increase is by no means proportional to the sperm concentration and sometimes it is very strikingly absent. (a) 5. purpuratus 5 X S. franciscanus <$. — Though the higher percentages of fertilization were never secured with sperm con- centration below about 6 units, yet it must be said that the factor of individual variability of combinations is much more important than that of sperm concentration. An isolated illustration will STUDIES OF FERTILIZATION. TABLE II. EFFECT OF SPERM CONCENTRATION, PURPURATUS 9. X FRANCISCANUS Strength of Sperm. Percentage of Membranes. Percentage of Seg- mented Eggs. Remarks. I unit 2.5% I+% \ 2 units 2-5% I+% / Eggs of one female 8 ' periment i 2 3 No. of Experiment. 4 Time Since Fer- tilization. State of Embryo. Oxygen Con- sumed. Time Since Fer- tilization. State of Embryo. Oxy- gen Con- sumed. 4—6 hrs 2-4 cells 32 cells many cells large disk far over yolk embryo present good circula- tion 0.07 0.07 O.OQ 0.09 O.I2 0.14 O.IO O.I? 0.15 O.22 O.09 O.06 O.O9 O.O9 0.13 0.13 O.IO 0.18 0.15 0.23 0.08 O.O7 O.O7 0.08 0.15 O.I4 O.IO 0.17 0.14 0.24 2—? hrs to 8 cells small disk disk \ over yolk embryo with eyes circulation O.O4 O.O6 0.19 O.2I 0.22 0.36 O.27 0.25 0.30 6-8 hrs 9-II hrs. . . . 26-29 hrs. . . 34-37 hrs. . . 2\ days .... 3* days .... 4 + days . . . Si days .... later (average) 9—11 hrs 22—24 nrs- • • 30—32 hrs 2 days 3 days 4 days . . 6 days Later (average) My determinations of the rate of oxygen consumption were made by the same method used by Scott and Kellicott. The carbon-dioxide output was determined by the phenolsulphontha- lein method. Forty eggs of approximately the same stage of 54 LIBBIE H. HYMAN. development were placed in tubes with the phenolsulphonthalein solution in sea-water. The pH of the sea-water at Woods Hole was found to be 8.2 by comparison with the set of standardized tubes put out by Hynson, Westcott, and Dunning. The length of time required for the forty eggs in a closed tube to turn the indicator from pH 8.2 to pH 7.6 was recorded at different stages of development. This furnishes a rough measure of the rela- tive rate of carbon-dioxide output at successive stages. The temperature was of course kept constant as nearly as practicable throughout such experiments. The data on the oxygen consumption are given in Table I. Four experiments were run, each consisting of over a thousand eggs mixed from a number of females. Three of these experi- ments were run simultaneously, the fourth one at a later time. The experiments recorded in Table I. show that the oxygen consumption remains about the same through the early cleavage although a slight rise probably occurs. By the time, however, that the blastoderm has spread one third or half way over the yolk a marked rise in the rate of oxygen consumption occurs. In experiment 4 this rise was over 200 per cent., less in the other three experiments. From this time on through the establishment of the embryo the rate remains about the same and may even fall again. Thus the formation of the embryo is not a period of increase in the rate of oxygen consumption but rather the time of high respiratory activity is that period when the germ ring is approaching the equator of the egg. This probably corresponds to the time of gastrulation. After the heart has begun to beat the oxygen consumption rises again as also found by Scott and Kellicott. Beyond this time the determinations yielded rather irregular results. I cannot verify the statement of Scott and Kellicott that there is a general upward trend during these later stages ; I found a considerable variability in the amount of oxygen consumed ; in general it was very little if any higher than the rate at the time the heart had begun to beat vigorously. In the table the average of these later determinations is given. It should be emphasized that the determinations during later stages are probably unreliable owing to the growth of bacteria on the METABOLIC GRADIENTS OF VERTEBRATE EMBRYOS. 55 eggs. Although the eggs were frequently washed, particularly in experiment 4, this source of error was probably present. It tends of course to make the oxygen consumption appear too great. In experiment 4 in which the eggs were thoroughly washed twice daily, the results are probably more reliable than in the other three experiments ; and in this experiment no increase was observed in later stages. These experiments lead us to believe that the rate of oxygen consumption in the development of Funduhis is highest at the time when the germ ring is in the neighborhood of the equator, early on the second day of development. It is probably actually highest per unit weight of protoplasm since from that time on the amount of protoplasm increases greatly but the oxygen con- sumption does not increase in like proportion ; in fact, a consider- able part of the oxygen consumption after the third day is due to the activity of the heart. As the embryo is continually increas- ing in size after this time while the oxygen consumption shows relatively little increase we may reasonably conclude that the oxygen consumption of the embryo per unit weight is actually decreasing. In other words, senescence is already in progress. The study of the carbon dioxide production yielded similar results. The carbon-dioxide production per unit time increased up to the early part of the second day of development after which it fell, rising again in later periods. This result, that the metabolic activity of the embryo is at its highest point at the period when the germ ring is near the equator, is in harmony with and furnishes an explanation of previously known facts. Child determined the susceptibility of the eggs of Funduhis to phenyl urethane ('15^, p. 416). He found that the embryos are killed more quickly at this stage than at any other stage. Since susceptibility is, as I have pointed out in the introduction, a measure of metabolic rate, this result of itself shows that the metabolic rate is highest at that period. My experiments confirm this result of Child's and further illustrate the reliability of the susceptibility method as a measure of rate of activity. Various investigators, as Stockard and Kellicott, whose work is considered at greater length later, have noted that 56 LIBBIE H. HYMAN. the Fundulus embryo is most affected by reagents when the germ ring is near the equator of the eggs and yields the maximum num- ber of teratological forms at this period. Newman ('15) found that in heterogenic fish hybrids development very frequently stops at this stage. V. RELATION OF THE GRADIENTS TO TERATOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. The literature on the structure, occurrence, and experimental production of teratological vertebrate embryos has now attained such vast proportions that an adequate review of it would be a huge task. I shall here consider only the experimental produc- tion of terata among teleosts. The discussion applies, however, to vertebrate terata in general, since the mode of development is much the same throughout the vertebrates. Morgan ('95) found that if the developing eggs of Tauto- golabrus are placed in diluted sea-water, the development of the anterior end of the embryo is commonly inhibited ; the medullary folds fail to close and the anterior end remains flattened out on the yolk. In one case the formation of the embryo was com- pletely inhibited but the germ ring continued to develop and close in normal fashion. The experiments of Stockard ('06, '07, '09, '10) on the produc- tion of teratological forms in Fundulus are familiar to every one. His first experiments were performed with lithium chloride. In the stronger solutions, the eggs either cease to develop in an early blastoderm stage or else very abnormal embryos are produced with poorly developed anterior and posterior ends, short bodies, and no eyes. The trunk and auditory vesicles are, however, present. In weaker solutions of lithium chloride, the embryos are less abnormal. The expansion of the blastoderm over the yolk may be retarded resulting in spina bifida. The embryos are commonly short with no eyes or defective eyes. The developing eggs were found to be most sensitive to the treatment between 18 and 22 hours after fertilization when the germ ring is near the equator of the egg. In later experiments Stockard found that a number of substances would produce the same effects on the METABOLIC GRADIENTS OF VERTEBRATE EMBRYOS. 57 Fundulus eggs. He used potassium chloride, lithium nitrate and sulphate, calcium chloride, ammonium chloride, and magnesium chloride, alone or in combinations. In solutions of all of these substances embryos were obtained with poorly developed heads and eyes, or with no eyes, with abnormal hearts and defective cir- culatory systems, with shortened bodies, and open blastopores. In magnesium chloride in particular, fifty per cent, of embryos with various eye defects were obtained. All degrees of approximation of the eyes were noted, to the cyclopean condition. Many one- eyed monsters were obtained, in which one eye was small or defective or wanting. Associated with the approximation of the eyes was often an abnormality of the anterior part of the head resulting in displacement and elongation of the mouth which pro- jected ventrally like a proboscis. The forebrain in these embryos with abnormal eyes may be nearly normal or reduced ; it is always reduced when the cyclopean eye is reduced and defective. In the extreme cases, the olfactory pits were fused also. Later Stockard found that similar conditions could be produced by anaesthetics, except that the eye defects were then accompanied by other defects while with magnesium chloride it is possible to produce defective eyes in embryos otherwise nearly normal. The embryos produced in anaesthetics in addition to defective eyes nearly always have narrow and defective brains, abnormal ear vesicles, and defective posterior ends in the form of spina bifida. Other investigators have obtained similar results. McQendon ('i2a and b) obtained cylclopic Fundulus embryos by means of a number of salts, anaesthetics and alkaloids. He states that in nature cyclopic trout embryos arise in water containing an in- sufficient quantity of oxygen and that he has observed cyclopean smelt embryos which were possibly caused by an excessive car- bon-dioxide content. Gee ('16) obtained abnormal Fund id us embryos similar to those of Stockard by alcohol and sodium hydroxide. These embryos were characterized by defective heads and eyes, asymmetrical eyes, absence of eyes, shortened bodies, defective circulation, and spina bifida. Gee found that the defects are obtained if the egg is exposed to the solutions before fertilization or shortly after fertilization. Kellicott ('16) 58 LIBBIE H. HYMAN. obtained numerous defective forms in Fundnlus by exposing the eggs to low temperature at various periods after fertilization. The eggs do not develop while in the refrigerator but if removed even after a number of days to room temperature, some of them will develop and numerous abnormalities are produced. Although it is stated by Kellicott that every possible abnormality arises under these conditions, yet perusal of his data show that the. abnormalities are in fact limited to certain parts of the embryos. These are : absent or defective head, absent or shortened tail, various abnormalities of the brain and eyes, abnormalities of the heart or circulatory system, abnormalities of wandering cells and their products.1 It is evident that the terata obtained by Kelli- cott fall under the same heads as those obtained by Stockard and others. Kellicott noted a marked susceptibility to low temperature at the time when the germ ring is approaching the equator. The low temperature used by Kellicott is more effective than the chemical solutions employed by others since it greatly inhibits the development without at the same time destroying the blastoderm. It is important to note that when such greatly in- hibited living masses are restored to room temperature sugges- tions of organs develop such as " brain fragments, lenses, portions of optic cups, groups of somites, masses of erythrocytes, rhythmic- ally contractile cells arranged either as flat sheets or tubular hearts, scattered pigment cells of the usual types, endothelial cells over the surface of the yolk, fragments of notochordal tissue." Kellicott did not notice the fact that these fragments which develop from eggs retarded in early stages concern exactly the same parts of the embryo in general as fail to develop when the eggs are inhibited at later periods in their development. Loeb ('15) obtained blind Funduhis embryos by means of potassium cyanide solutions and low temperatures. One embryo is figured by Loeb which possesses eyes and tail and nothing else. Werber ('16) again obtained the same teratological types with butyric acid and acetone-embryos with defective heads, including brain (forebrain), mouth, and eyes, with approximated olfactory pits, i No observations were made by me on the wandering cells of the yolk sac. It is reasonable to believe, however, that such cells are cells of high physio- logical activity and hence highly susceptible to toxic agents. METABOLIC GRADIENTS OF VERTEBRATE EMBRYOS. 59 defective auditory vesicles, defective or absent tails. Werber also noted the same fact which as been mentioned in connection with Kellicott's experiments, namely, that in some cases, the parts which are usually inhibited may alone survive, the rest of the embryo having disappeared. Such isolated parts are the anterior end of the embryo and the eyes. In some cases the only differ- entiated parts of the embryo were a fragment of the brain with an eye attached. Similar terata can also be produced by hybridization. Such terata in Fund nl its hybrids were described by Newman ('08, '17) and Loeb ('15). Newman showed that there is a correlation between the rate of development of such hybrids and the degree of abnormality. Those which develop most slowly showed the most pronounced abnormalities. The terata are of the same types as those already described, consisting of defective and in- hibited heads, brains and eyes, defective hearts, shortened bodies, as well as types in which the head and eyes alone are present. It is highly significant to note that similar terata can be ob- tained by treatment of the sperm alone. Oppermann ('13) ob- tained them from normal eggs of the salmon fertilized by sperm which had been exposed to radium and mesothorium. The embryos resulting from such fertilizations show all of the typical defects — distortions and marked inhibition of the forebrain and eyes and general anterior end of the body, defects or inhibitions of the tail, spina bifida, some abnormality of the myotomes. Embryos were frequently obtained having neither definite heads nor tails, but only trunks. G. and P. Hertwig ('13) treated the sperm of Gobius jozo with methylene blue and methyl green and observed that eggs fertilized by such sperm produce abnormal embryos with defective anterior and posterior ends. From this consideration of the literature it is obvious that a large variety of agents and conditions produce the same defects in fish embryos. These defects are primarily concerned with the following parts of the embryo : the forebrain, the head in general, the sense organs, especially the eyes, the heart and circulatory system, the tail. The explanations of these defects have been almost as numer- 6O LIBBIE H. HYMAN. ous as the investigators concerned. These explanations have in general proved inadequate and unsatisfactory and fail to account for the facts. The most obvious explanation, proposed at first by Stockard, that the defects are the consequence of a specific action of the chemicals employed upon the embryo, was later abandoned by him and must be regarded as untenable. The fact that a large number of substances and conditions call forth the same defects at once shows that their action must be a very gen- eral one and not at all specific. The osmotic pressure of the solu- tions cannot be the effective factor, since solutions of varying osmotic pressure yield similar results. McClendon's proposal that the solutions alter osmotic conditions in the egg by changing the permeability of the surface cannot be accepted in view of the fact that the same defects are produced by injuring the sperm only and keeping the eggs in normal sea-water. Stockard's final conclusion that the defects are due to a general depression of the eggs by the agents to which it is exposed contains part of the truth but fails to account for the fact that only certain parts of the embryo are affected. Werber believes that the defects are due to a blastolytic destruction or dispersal of the embryo ; but outside of the fact that such blastolysis cannot be demonstrated the theory fails like the others to account for the differential ac- tion of the effective agents on the embryo. Kellicott sought the explanation in a disturbance of the normal organization of the egg with abnormal arrangements and distributions of the egg materials. This theory likewise does not account for the dif- ferential effect on the embryo. It is perfectly obvious that the outstanding fact which must be taken into consideration is that all of the reagents and condi- tions affect some parts of the embryo more than they do other parts. These affected parts have already been enumerated. It is quite impossible to account for this except on the assumption that certain parts of the embryo are more susceptible to altera- tions of conditions than other parts. The necessity for this as- sumption has been recognized clearly by Stockard, McClendon, and Werber, but it does not seem to have occurred to them that when this assumption is granted no further explanation is neces- METABOLIC GRADIENTS OF VERTEBRATE EMBRYOS. 6l sary. It is of itself the explanation. The defects are due not to the agents used, except in a general way, but to the metabolic conditions in the egg and embryo. The work of Child and his students upon the susceptibility gradients of organisms has shown that in fact some parts of the organism are more susceptible to external agents than others. The differential susceptibility required to explain teratological development is then no longer an assumption but a demonstrated fact. In the sea-urchin ('16) and in annelids ('17) Child showed that the development could be controlled and modified on the basis of the susceptibility gradients and predictable types of terata experimentally produced. A similar demonstration of the relation between the susceptibility gradients and the teratological development was made by Bellamy on the frog. The relation between the susceptibility gradients and the pro- duction of terata is the following: Those parts of the egg or embryo having the highest susceptibility and metabolic rate are the most strongly affected by altered conditions of a depressing nature and the most greatly inhibited by them, providing that the circumstances do not permit of recovery or acclimation. On the other hand if the circumstances do permit of such recovery and acclimation than those same parts which under more severe condi- tions succumb are able to recover and continue to develop while parts of lower metabolic rate cannot. In order to apply these conceptions to any particular organism it is first necessary to study the metabolic gradients in that organ- ism. This I have done in the case of the teleost fishes and I have shown that the most susceptible parts are the forebrain, the eyes (particularly in Fundulus}, the heart, the posterior end, and to a less extent the other sense organs.1 It will be obvious without 1 No observations were made on the susceptibility of the olfactory pits but in the frog Bellamy noted that they are regions of high susceptibility. In gen- eral it may be said of the sense organs of the head, that the eye is the most susceptible, the ear vesicles next, and the olfactory pits last. It is therefore possible to obtain defective eyes in embryos otherwise fairly normal but de- fective ear vesicles and approximated olfactory pits occur only in embryos otherwise considerably abnormal. As the matter is not discussed in the text a word may be said here about the cerebellum. The high susceptibility of the 62 LIBBIE H. HYMAN. further discussion that these parts of the embryo, shown by me to be the most susceptible to toxic agents, are also the ones show- ing the most defective development in the experiments which have been quoted. In all of these experiments it is evident that the agents used are inhibiting or depressing agents because as stated by the authors the development of the eggs subjected to them is slower than that of the control. Under such depressing condi- tions the parts with the highest susceptibility or, in other words, highest metabolic rate, will be inhibited while other parts develop ; and this is actually the fact. On the other hand, if the circum- stances permit, such parts can recover more readily than others, and these same parts may be found developed while other parts have succumbed. This explains the development of small parts of the embryo described by Kellicott, Werber and others — iso- lated eyes, hearts, fragments of brain, etc. The susceptibility gradients therefore furnish a basis for the explanation of teratological development. No other conception which has been advanced does so serve to account for all of the facts. In particular it seems to me impossible on any other basis to explain the production of the same terata in eggs fertilized by injured sperm or by foreign sperm or in cases where the egg is treated before fertilization as in Gee's experiments. In such cases a general lowering of the metabolic rate of the egg as shown by its slower development has occurred and this could produce specific terata only in case certain parts of the embryo require a higher metabolic rate for their expression than others. The application of the metabolic gradient conception to verte- brate teratology has already been made by several investigators. Werber ('16) recognized its bearing on the teratological Fundulus embryos which he produced but failed to grasp the full signifi- cance of the conception and failed to see that it rendered his own conception of differential blastolysis superfluous. Newman ('17) cerebellum is interesting in view of the fact recognized by neurologists that the cerebellum is a supra-segmental structure added on to the brain stem in the course of evolution ; and the further fact, discovered by MacArthur and Jones (':/), that the cerebellum respires about as rapidly as the cerebral hemispheres, both respiring more rapidly than other parts of the central nerv- ous system. METABOLIC GRADIENTS OF VERTEBRATE EMBRYOS. 63 clearly saw that " the principles enunciated by Child serve to rationalize the results of heterogenic hybridization." He gave what is for the most part the correct explanation of the terata originating in his hybridization experiments but fell into a num- ber of errors because little was then known about the metabolic gradients in these fish embryos, and he assumed them to be like those of the flatworms.1 The most complete analysis of verte- brate teratology which has been made is that of Bellamy ('19) on the frog, since in this case both the metabolic gradients and the terata resulting from the differential action of external agents on the eggs are known. I have now shown in a general way how the terata produced experimentally in teleost embryos can be explained on the basis of the metabolic gradients. Such terata are of two general types, those due to differential susceptibility, in which the parts of highest activity are inhibited and defective, and those due to dif- ferential recovery or acclimation, in which the parts of highest activity alone survive. A more detailed discussion seems to be unnecessary in view of the extensive treatment of the matter in the papers of Child, Newman, and Bellamy already cited. I may, however, as an illustration of the application of the susceptibility results to a specific organ take the case of the Fundulus eye. It happens that in Fundulus, as I have shown, the eyes are very susceptible with reference to other parts of the body, more so than in other species of fish. This indicates that the region from which the eyes arise must be one of very high activity, and as the data of Stockard show this region must be affected before the eyes appear in order that defective eyes result. Consequently inhibition of this region results first in approximated and later in defective eyes. Now since it happens that in Fundulus this region is so much more susceptible than in other forms, the oc- currence of eye defects in Fundulus will also be more common than in other forms and further it is possible to obtain eye defects i In particular the statements made by Newman about the gradient of the heart and circulatory system are quite erroneous. Further the posterior end of fish embryos is a region of high metabolic rate and embryos with defective posterior ends are probably due to direct inhibition and are not recovery types as supposed by Newman. 64 LIBBIE H. HYMAN. in embryos otherwise nearly normal, if the inhibiting agent is a rather weak one. This is not possible in other forms ; I venture to predict that such a result could not be obtained in Tautogo- labrus but that defective eyes in this species would always be associated with marked defects of the brain and other parts of the head. Such is the case in the frog, where cyclopic eyes occur only in markedly microphthalmic embryos. Owing also to the high metabolic rate of the Fundulns eye it is possible in this form for the eye to recover and survive when nearly all other parts of the embryo are killed. I also venture to predict that the occur- rence of such isolated and solitary eyes in the absence of other parts of the embryo will be found to be rather rare and unusual in other species.1 In conclusion I may reiterate that the study of the metabolic gradients such as has been made in this paper furnishes a rational basis for the understanding and interpretation of normal and teratological development. While the particular organism which is to develop from a given egg is determined by the hereditary constitution of that egg, the orderly sequence of development, the spatial relations and proportions of parts, and the general axial organization are controlled by physiological, metabolic differ- ences between different parts of the developing egg. Such physio- logical differences arise in the final analysis through the action of external conditions on protoplasm. By modifying in a purely non-specific, quantitative manner the metabolic differences at dif- ferent levels, orderly predictable departures from the normal course of development are obtainable. VI. SUMMARY. 1. The susceptibility of developing eggs of Fundulns, the din- ner and the cod to toxic solutions at various stages was studied. 2. In early blastoderms the central region is more susceptible in Fundulus and the dinner, the peripheral region in, the cod. 1 Monopthalmia, often observed in Fundulns embryos, is simply due to a greater susceptibility of one side than the other; the eye on the more sus- ceptible side is inhibited. In the course of my studies on vertebrate embryos, this asymmetrical susceptibility has frequently been noted although the figures are drawn as if the susceptibility were always bilaterally symmetrical. METABOLIC GRADIENTS OF VERTEBRATE EMBRYOS. 65 3. In late blastoderms, the median posterior region of the germ ring where the embryonic shield is to arise is the most susceptible region. 4. After the formation of the shield, its anterior portion is the most susceptible. 5. After the origin of the embryonic axis the anterior end of the axis is the most susceptible and from this point the suscep- tibility decreases posteriorly. 6. Sooner or later a secondary region of high susceptibility arises at the posterior end of the embryo. This secondary region arises very early in Fundulus, later in the cod, and very late in the cunner. 7. After the origin of the secondary posterior region, the gen- eral susceptibility gradient in all three species is a " double " one. Anterior and posterior ends are the points of highest suscep- tibility and from them the susceptibility decreases in both direc- tions towards the middle. Both ectodermal and mesodermal structures (somites) are involved in the double gradient but the ectodermal structures (neural tube) are in general much more susceptible. 8. The heart is highly susceptible (Fundulus). The venous end of the heart is the most susceptible part of it and from it the susceptibility decreases towards the arterial end. 9. Besides the general gradients, specific organs may exhibit high susceptibility. Conspicuous examples of this are the eyes (especially in Fundulus), the auditory vesicles, and the cere- bellum. 10. The relations of these gradients to normal development are considered. It is pointed out that the embryo arises for the most part from material that does not come from the germ ring but that later the germ ring contributes to the embryo in degrees varying in different species. It is further pointed out that the germ ring type of development is probably a specialization from a method in which the center of the blastoderm played the chief role in development. The facts recorded do not support the theory of concrescence. 11. The oxygen consumption and carbon-dioxide production 66 LIBBIE H. HYMAN. of developing eggs of Fundulus heteroclitus increase up to the time when the germ ring is at the equator of the egg. Subse- quently they decrease relative to the amount of protoplasm but show an absolute increase owing to the heart beat and other activity. This period when the respiratory metabolism is greatest is also the period when the eggs are most readily modified by external agents. 12. The relation of the susceptibility data to teratological de- velopment is discussed at considerable length. It is shown that those parts of the embryo having the highest susceptibility are those which are most defective in teleost terata and that such differential susceptibility is therefore the explanation of terato- logical development. It is also shown that these same parts most susceptible under extreme conditions may recover if conditions permit and may develop while the less susceptible parts fail to recover. Recovery forms of terata are thus just opposite in ap- pearance to inhibited types. CITATIONS. Alvarez, W. C., and Starkweather, E. '18 The Metabolic Gradient underlying Intestinal Peristalsis. Amer. Jr. Physiol., Vol. 46, pp. 186-208. Bellamy, A. W. '19 Differential Susceptibility as a Basis for Modification and Control of Early Development in the Frog. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 37, pp. 312-361. Child, C. M. '153. Individuality in Organisms. University of Chicago Press. 'i5b Senescence and Rejuvenescence. University of Chicago Press. '16 Experimental Control and Modification of Larval Development in the Sea Urchin in Relation to the Axial Gradients. Jr. of Morph., Vol. 28, pp. 65-133. '17 Differential Susceptibility and Differential Inhibition in the Develop- ment of Polychete Annelids. Jr. of Morph., Vol. 30, pp. 1-63. Gee, Wilson. '16 Effects of Acute Alcoholization on the Germ Cells of Fundulus hetero- clitus. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 31, pp. 379-406. Hertwig, P. and G. '13 Beeinflussung der Mannlichen Keimzellen durch chemische Stoffe. Arch. f. mikro. Anat., Vol. 83, pp. 267-306. Hyman, L. H. '16 An Analysis of the Process of Regeneration in Certain Microdrilous Oligochaetes. Jr. Exp. Zool., Vol. 20, pp. 99-163. METABOLIC GRADIENTS OF VERTEBRATE EMBRYOS. 67 Kellicott, W. E. '16 The Effects of Low Temperature upon the Development of Funduhis. Amer. Jr. Anat., Vol. 20, pp. 449-483. Kopsch, F. '96 Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber den Keimhautrand der Salmoni- den. Verb. d. Anat. Gesell., icth Versammlung, pp. 113-121. Loeb, J. '15 The Blindness of the Cave Fauna and the Artificial Production of Blind Fish Embryos by Heterogeneous Hybridization and Low Temperatures. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 29, pp. 50-68. MacArthur, C. G., and Jones, 0. C. '17 Some Factors Influencing the Respiration of Ground Nervous Tissue. Jr. Biol. Chem., Vol. 32, pp. 259-275. McClendon, J. F. 'i2a An Attempt toward the Physical Chemistry of the Production of One-eyed Monsters. Amer. Jr. Physiol., Vol. 29, pp. 289-297. 'i2b The Effects of Alkaloids on the Development of Fish (Fundulus) Eggs. Amer. Jr. Physiol., Vol. 31, pp. 131-141. Morgan, T. H. '95 The Formation of the Fish Embryo. Jr. of Morph., Vol. 10, pp. 419— 473- Newman, H. H. '08 The Process of Heredity as Exhibited by the Development of Fun- duhis Hybrids. Jr. Exp. Zool., Vol. 5, pp. 503-563. '17 On the Production of 'Monsters by Hybridization. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 32, pp. 306-322. Oppermann, K. '13 Die Entwicklung von Forelleneiern nach Befruchtung mit radiaumbe- strahlten Samenfaden. Arch. f. mikro. Anat., Vol. 83, pp. 140-189. Sumner, F. B. '03 A Study of Early Fish Development. Experimental and Morphological. Arch. f. Entw. Mech., Vol. 17, pp. 92-149. Scott, G., and Kellicott, W. E. '16 The Consumption of Oxygen during the Development of Fundulus heterocliius. Anat. Rec., Vol. n, p. 531. Stockard, C. R. '06 The Development of Fundulus hetroclitus in Solutions of Lithium Chlorid with Appendix on its Development in Fresh Water. Jr. Zool., Vol. 3, pp. 99-120. '07 The Influence of External Factors, Chemical and Physical, on the De- velopment of Fundulus heteroclitus. Jr. Exp. Zool., Vol. 4, pp. 165-201. '09 The Artificial Production of Cyclopean Monsters : The Magnesium Em- bryo. Jr. Exp. Zool., Vol. 6, pp. 285-337. '10 The Influence of Alcohol and other Anaesthetics on Embryonic Devel- opment. Amer. Jr. Anat., Vol. 10, pp. 369-392. Werber, E. I. '16 Experimental Studies on the Origin of Monsters. I. An Etiology and an Analysis of the Morphogenesis of Monsters. Jr. Exp. Zool., Vol. 21, pp. 485-583- 68 LIBBIE H. HYMAN. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE I. FIGS, i and 2. Two stages in the disintegration of an early blastoderm of Tautogolabrus, showing greater susceptibility of the central cells. FIGS. 3 and 4. Two stages in the disintegration of an early blastoderm of Fundulus, showing rupture and disintegration of the central region. FIG. 5. Disintegration of an early blastoderm of the cod, showing greater susceptibility of the margin. FIGS. 6 and 7. Disintegration of a later blastoderm of the cod, showing greater susceptibility of one region of the circumference and spread of disin- tegration in both directions from this region. FIG. 8. A later blastoderm of Tautogolabrus-, posterior half of the blasto- derm most susceptible. FIGS. 9 to ii. Disintegration of a late blastoderm of Tautogolabrus. Fig. 9, the normal blastoderm; Fig. 10, bulging of the blastoderm up from the yolk and disintegration of the central posterior region; Fig. n, further course of disintegration. FIG. 12. First appearance of the germinal shield in the cod. FIGS 13 and 14. Disintegration of a stage like Fig. 12. Fig. 13, disinte- gration of the shield; Fig. 14, spread of the disintegration around the germ ring. FIG. 15. First stage in the disintegration of a later stage of the embryonic shield of the cod; disintegration beginning at the anterior end of the shield. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XL. PLATE I. L1BBIE H. HYMAN 7O LIBBIE H. HYMAN. PLATE II. FIG. 1 6. Further course of the disintegration shown in Fig. 15. FIG. 17. Stage of the early embryonic axis in Tautogolabrus. FIG. 18. Same blastoderm as in Fig. 17, drawn without the yolk; it is much shrunken. The embryonic region is disintegrating. FIG. 19. Three stages in the disintegration of the earliest observed em- bryo of Fundulus. Anterior end to the left. Disintegration begins at the posterior end, then the anterior end, and proceeds in both directions to the middle. FIG. 20. Earliest appearance of the embryo in the cod. Disintegration beginning at the anterior end of the embryonic shield. FIG. 21. Further course of the disintegration shown in Fig. 20. FIG. 22. Later embryo of the cod ; disintegration beginning at the anterior end of the shield. FIGS. 23-26. Further course of the disintegration shown beginning in Fig. 22. FIG. 27. An early embryo of Tautogolabrus. Disintegration is beginning at the anterior end of the head. FIG. 28. Same embryo as Fig. 27, enlarged, showing course of the disinte- gration along the neural tube. FIG. 29. An embryo of Tautogolabrus shortly before the closure of the germ ring. FIGS. 30-32. Three stages in the disintegration of the embryo shown in Fig. 29. FIG. 33. Normal embryo of Tautogolabrus after the closure of the germ ring. FIG. 34. Three stages in the disintegration of the embryo shown in Fig. 33. The somites are omitted in the first two drawings. FIG. 35. An embryo of Fundulus after the appearance of the optic vesicles and three stages in its disintegration. FIG. 36. A later embryo of Fundulus and four stages in its disintegration. The somites are omitted from the latter. The neural tube is characteristically curved. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XL. PLATE II. JS 36 tIBBIE H. HYMAN. 72 LIBBIE H. HYMAN. PLATE III. FIG. 37. Four stages in the disintegration of a later embryo of Fundultts. FIG. 38. Three stages in the disintegration of an embryo of the cod after the formation of the optic vesicles. FIG. 39. Four stages in the disintegration of an embryo of the cod shortly before the closure of the germ ring. FIG. 40. Four stages in the disintegration of an embryo of the cod after the closure of the germ ring. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL XL. P1ATE III. 38 f & M i l'-:f-/ 3S»" «*jF |^ ^ J9 LIBBIE H. HYMAN. Vol. XL. February, 1921. No. 2. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN AUTHOR S ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, FEBRUARY 7 OBSERVATIONS ON THE DISTRIBUTION AND HABITS OF THE BLIND TEXAN CAVE SALAMANDER, TYPHLOMOLGE RATHBUNI. EDUARD UHLENHUTH, PH.D., ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH, NEW YORK. When in 1895 the artesian well was drilled at the U. S. Fish Hatchery in San Marcos, Texas, the first specimens known to biologists of the blind cave salamander, Typhlomolge rathbuni, were brought up with the waters from the depths of the ground. The animals were described by Prof. L. Stejneger. For several years after this a relatively large number of the blind salamanders, about 100 a year, were found in the basin of the well, but gradu- ally the number decreased and lately has been reduced to a few specimens a year. When the question arose of subjecting this animal to certain experiments on metamorphosis, it became evident that a number of specimens sufficiently large for this purpose could be obtained only through an extensive search in the actual habitat of the Typhlomolge. With the aid of a special grant from the Rocke- feller Institute for Medical Research an extensive study of the caves of San Marcos and environment was made by the writer and Mr. C. A. Campbell, at that time instructor in biology at Coronal Institute in San Marcos, during the months of August and September, 1916. So far as the number of animals obtained is concerned, the result was disappointing. But, on 'the other hand, several observations were made which seem to be of in- terest as regards the distribution and habits of the Typhlomolge 73 74 EDUAKD UHLENHUTH. and which furnish valuable suggestions as to the methods which must be employed in order to procure a large number of animals. The writer hopes to stimulate a search for these salamanders on a large scale, in order to make this interesting form accessible to the experimental biologist who is in need of just such an animal as Typhlomolge rathbuni for attacking many important problems. GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE REGION. As pointed out, the specimens described first by Stejneger were found in the basin of the Artesian Well in the Fish Hatchery in San Marcos, and were carried up into this basin by the flowing water of the Artesian Well. During a two months' stay in San Marcos, we secured only two specimens from this basin, but five other specimens were found in three other localities, i.e., in Frank Johnson's Well, in Ezell's Cave and in Beaver Cave. In order to understand the conditions which might have led to the present distribution of Typhlomolge and because these con- ditions in the future may be an important guide in tracing the subterranean channels which the animals inhabit, a careful study was undertaken. It was found that the conditions in the three places where we found Typhlomolge are essentially similar to those existing in the locality from which the water of the San Marcos Artesian Well is derived. Before describing the well and the caves in which we found Typhlomolge it is necessary to point out the geologic peculiarities of this area of Texas, since these conditions not only led to the formation of the caves but also to the present distribution of the Typhlomolge. Whether or not they are also responsible for the peculiar characteristics of the animal as Eigenmann and Stej- neger assume, is an important question, the answer to which, however, cannot be given before extensive experiments on this species have been carried out. San Marcos is located on the so-called Balcones scarp line. This line runs from Austin to Del Rio in a south-westerly direc- tion and separates in a most distinct way the Edwards Plateau (north of the line) from the Rio Grande Plain (south of the line). It forms the escarpments of the plateau towards the plains. Along this line a faulting has taken place in Eocene time (Hill OBSERVATIONS ON TYPHLOMOLGE RATHBUNI. 75 and Vaughan, p. 260), during which the part that now forms the plain was thrown down and the northern part which now consti- tutes the plateau was left behind. In consequence of this fault- ing, any particular geologic stratum now lies deeper on the side thrown down than on the plateau. It was apparently this faulting which has led to the formation of many cracks in the rock layers. The caves near the escarp- ments of the Edwards Plateau represent gigantic cracks. Be- sides this factor there is still another cause leading to the forma- tion of caves in this region. The entire area of the Edwards Plateau constitutes a huge outcrop of the Cretaceous. In the soft strata of the various cretaceous formations of the plateau, numerous caves have been formed by the mechanical force of the \vater combined with its dissolving action. By this process most of the rivers of the Edwards Plateau have disappeared almost entirely from the surface, and their former beds are dry. These rivers have sunken beneath the surface where they flow in sub- terranean channels. THE SAN MARCOS ARTESIAN WELL. When the Artesian Well of the U. S. Fish Hatchery in San Marcos (Fig. i) was drilled in 1895, a number of water reser- voirs were opened up by the drill. At present only the water is used which rises from a depth of approximately 190 feet. Here a cave filled with water was opened up ; in it the Typhlomolge lived. The water in this cave must have been under a pressure sufficiently high to carry it up 190 feet. The Typhlomolge, thus, lived most abundantly in water under high pressure and without any access to air except that present in the water. The water of this cave belongs to the so-called " sweet water " horizon of the Edwards limestone in which formation the cave is located. We measured the temperature of the water as it comes out of the tube of the well as approximately 21.5° C. Among the fauna of the cave from which the water of the San Marcos Well rises, are particularly conspicuous two crustaceans, both unpigmented and eyeless, an isopod, Cirolanides texensis and a decapod, Palce- monetes antrorum. The latter species is of particular importance, 76 EDUARD UHLENHUTH. since so far it has been found to occur in all localities which are inhabited by the blind salamanders. The cave of the San Marcos Well, thus, is characterized in the following manner: (i) It is situated in the Edwards limestone. (2) It contains water derived from the " sweet water " horizon. FIG. i. Basin of the Artesian Well of the U. S. Fish Hatchery in San Marcos. (3) The temperature of the water is approximately 21.5° C. (4) The water is inhabited by the decapod, Palccmonctcs antrorum. FRANK JOHNSON'S WELL. Approximately two miles southwest of the San Marcos court house (see map, Fig. 2), the flat valley of the dry Purgatory Creek crosses the Balcones scarp line opening here into the flat valley of the San Marcos River. Its northern slopes are formed here by the San Marcos Hill. Purgatory Creek originates near the Devil's Backbone, the divide between the Guadalupe and Blanco Rivers, at Boyett's Farm, about 14 miles northwest of San Marcos. It is dry at present, but several of the older in- OBSERVATIONS ON TYPHLOMOLGE RATHBUNI. 77 habitants claim that this creek had running water in it until about 50 years ago. At present only a few water holes are left in the upper course of the valley and several sink holes have formed in its lower course. These are filled temporarily with rain water. In time of severe cloud bursts the water in the creek becomes a »* II /''**-. &•) ^"vi^- -»—'"'' \ r t»f FIG. 2. Map of San Marcos Area. 1. San Marcos. 5. Ezell's Cave. 2. Artesian Well of U. S. Fish 6. Frank Johnson's House. Hatchery. 7. Frank Johnson's Well. 3. Head of San Marcos River. 8. Swift's Cave. 4. Beaver Cave. torrent rising to a height of 8 feet, but it disappears completely within several hours.1 Purgatory Creek has now become a sub- terranean creek. Mr. Frank Johnson's farm is located near where the creek crosses the fault line. i The general character of a creek like this may be found described in Hill and Vaughan, page 207. 78 EDUARD UHLENHUTH. Mr. Johnson informed me soon after my arrival in San Marcos that the blind white salamander has been seen in his well, and in fact this well has yielded us more salamanders than any other place. It is shown in Fig. 3. The well is located in the valley of Purgatory Creek, a short distance above where the creek enters the plain. Part of the flat valley is visible in the figure. Near the well is a sink hole (Dris- kel's Water Hole, see diagram, Fig. 4). The well was dug from FIG. 3. Frank Johnson's Well. Showing the well house and at the right of the well house the dry and flat valley of the Purgatory Creek. a level of 613 feet1 above sea (San Marcos Court House 620 feet) to a depth of 317^ feet. There a cave was struck which now communicates with the well through a slit in the well bot- tom, as indicated in the diagram (Fig. 4). From this slit the water rose to from 3 to 5 feet in the well. This makes the sur- 1 Altitudes above sea level were measured by means of an anaeroid barome- ter and therefore are only approximately correct (within several feet). Di- mensions other than altitudes were measured directly, except when otherwise stated. OBSERVATIONS ON TYPHLOMOLGE RATHBUNI. 79 face altitude of the water about 584 feet. Mr. Johnson claims that the water is flowing. There is no doubt that Johnson's Well communicates with the subterranean Purgatory Creek. As in the case of the San Marcos Artesian Well, the water in this com- pletely water filled cave must have been under a pressure suffi- ciently high to lift it to 3 feet in the well. It again is evident that the Typhlomolge prefer to live in water under high pressure and in caves which are filled entirely with water. The water of John- son's Well has the same temperature as that of the San Marcos Artesian Well and also has the same taste. Besides the Typhlo- molge, Frank Johnson's Well contains also the Palcemonetes an- troruin and the Cirolanides texensis. \j4vwi ov s FIG. 4. Purgatory Creek Valley and Frank Johnson's Well. Diagrammatic section reconstructed from several cross sections. The figures indicate alti- tude above sea level in feet. Thus, though the water of the Frank Johnson Well represents the subterranean Purgatory Creek, it shows great similarity to the water of the San Marcos Artesian Well. Particularly the pres- ence in Purgatory Creek of 3 species typical of the artesian well would suggest that in some way the Purgatory Creek water is in communication with the so-called sweet water horizon near the San Marcos Artesian Well. In Frank Johnson's Well the Typhlomolge were seen to pass through the slit from the cave into the well. During my stay in San Marcos, the water in the well was too high to catch the sala- manders directly and for this reason traps were submerged in the well. These were ordinary minnow traps. In the beginning they 8O EDUARD UHLENHUTH. were supplied with various kinds of bait, but in this way only the crustaceans mentioned above were caught. The Typhlomolge did not seem to react to the bait, and later on when I observed the animals in the laboratory, it became evident that the instinct of hunger is not sufficiently strong in the Typhlomolge to make them go into traps ; it is in fact very difficult to make these ani- mals eat. Later on the traps were placed with one opening di- rectly in the slit ; animals passing out from the slit had to go directly into the trap. In this way 2 Typhlomolge were caught in Johnson's Well, one in August, 1916, and another in September, 1916. After I had left, n more Typhlomolge were found by Mr. C. A. Campbell and Mr. Rufus Smith who from time to time looked after my traps. Thus, Frank Johnson's Well yielded us 13 specimens of Typhlomolge. They were caught as shown in the following table. The number is, however, too small to war- rant any conclusions as to a possible influence of the season upon the frequency of the occurrence of Typhlomolge. August, 1916 i September, 1916 i November, 1916 2 December, 1916 i January, 1917 2 April, 1917 i Summer, 1917 2 November, 1917 3 One of the greatest difficulties encountered was to find a method of shipping the animals from San Marcos to New York ; most of them did not survive the trip. In fact, only two ever reached the laboratory alive. The first seven specimens caught were taken on the train in a bucket filled with water. The jarring killed six. Among the eleven caught later on, only one survived the trip. Its safe transfer was accomplished by a fortu- nate incident. The animal was packed in a fruit preserving jar filled entirely with water and shipped in the winter. On arrival it was frozen tightly in a block of ice. This animal survived for one year in the laboratory. The only thing it could be made to eat were newly hatched larvae of Ambystoma maculatum. Though kept for most of the time in a dark room, the skin which in the OBSERVATIONS ON TYPHLOMOLGE RATHBUNI. 8 1 beginning was white with a bluish, mother-of-pearl gleam, had darkened somewhat. It should be pointed out here that slow reaction to food as exhibited by the Typhlomolge'*- is noteworthy in regard to certain findings of Miss E. T. Emmerson, who claims, upon anatomical reasons, a close relationship between Typhlotnolge and the larvae of Eurycea rubra. We are keeping a large number of such larvae in the laboratory and contrary to my experience with the larvae of Ambystoma and other salamander larvae, these larvae react very slowly to food. In fact, it is impossible to make them eat every day aside from the fact that most of the individuals of this species will eat only at night. EZELL'S CAVE. Ezell's Cave was opened up several years before the San Marcos Well was drilled. The entrance to the cave is located on the southwest slope of the San Marcos Hill (see map, Fig. 2), wrhere it slopes down to the valley of Purgatory Creek about 2 miles W.S.W. of the San Marcos Court House, and not far from a little ravine, the bed of the dry City Boundary Creek, a tributary to Purgatory Creek. This location of Ezell's Cave indi- cates that it belongs to the Purgatory Creek System, the river found in it probably being the subterranean course of the City Boundary Creek. Ezell's Cave distinctly exhibits the aspect of a large crack in the strata of the hill, brought about by dislocation of the strata towards the Purgatory Creek Valley. The entrance to the cave (approximately 6/0 feet above sea level) is part of a 62 ft. slit in the surface (Fig. 5), which for the most part is closed up by large rocks and runs from N.N.W. to S.S.E., that being the direction of the long axis of all the various parts of the cave. As the diagrammatic cross and longitudinal sections (Fig. 6 and 7) indicate, the entire slit so far as accessible is divided into two compartments by means of the rock masses which were thrown down during the process of dislocation and following corrosion. i Normann, who kept a specimen of Typhlomolge in captivity, also reports great difficulty in making the animal eat. 82 EDUARD UHLENHUTH. These masses of debris form the bottom of the first story and in the N.N.W. corner leave open a small hole ("entrance hole"), 2^4 feet wide through which a narrow canal ("tube") may be reached which after running along the main axis of the slit for a short distance leads down into the second story or water room. FIG. 5. Entrance to Ezell's Cave. This compartment of the cave contains a large body of water (Fig. 8). This pond is not formed by water which drains through the strata forming the roof of the cave nor by water flowing directly into the entrance of the cave, as the slope of the hill is drained in OBSERVATIONS ON TYPHLOMOLGE RATHBUNI. the course of rain. The pond is formed by a subterranean river, which is evident from the fact that the water is flowing, though hardly in a perceptible manner. The flow can be observed from the dislocation of bodies dropped into the water at the N.N.W. end of the pond. If the water is not disturbed such bodies will arrive, in the course of an hour or so, at the S.S.E. end, thus By means of a collapsible indicating the direction of the flow. RUttu.de 10 FIG. 6. Ezell's Cave. Diagrammatic section reconstructed from several cross-sections. boat which was brought down into the water it is possible to follow the course of the subterranean creek towards N.N.W., (Fig. 9) for a distance of about 91^ feet. The crack extends, however, beyond this point and by climbing over a number of rocks the creek can be seen to continue in this crack. But we had no opportunity so far to explore this part of the cave. The greatest depth of the water is 13^2 feet, as far as it can 84 EDUARD UHLENHUTH. be measured. It is, however, not possible to ascertain exactly the depth of the water and of the crack, since the water is covered in part by the overlapping wall of the crack forming a ledge over the water (diagram Fig. 6 and photograph Fig. 9). Underneath this ledge the ground can be seen to slope down very deeply ; it is possible by means of a strong light to see a f unnel- RUitude N-S.W M a in -H oo TIX - --/-- Entrance HoXe lute 10 FIG. 7. Ezell's Cave. Diagrammatic section reconstructed from several longi- tudinal sections. shaped crater opening at the deepest part of the lake in which no bottom can be seen. The entire crack, with the water which it contains, is located in the Edwards limestone ; but as pointed out above, the structure of the cave would indicate that this crack may extend into the deeper lying strata. The distance from the entrance down to the water surface is 94 feet, which makes the level of the water about 577 feet. The altitude above sea level of the entrance of the cave was measured merely by means of a barometer, but the figure approaches the altitude of the water surface in Frank Johnson's Well near OBSERVATIONS ON TYPHLOMOLGE RATHBUNI. 85 enough ; the water levels in Frank Johnson's Well and in Ezell's Cave are approximately equally high. The water is of an extreme clearness and of bluish color, typical also of the water of the sweet water system. It also tastes like this water and has the same temperature (21.5°). Using a sufficiently strong light one discovers immediately a great number of Palccnionetes antrorum swimming near the sur- , . FIG. 8. Water-room in Ezell's Cave. face of the water, which thus contains also the same species of animals as were found in the water of the San Marcos Artesian Well and in Frank Johnson's Well. Hence the water in Frank Johnson's Well and that in Ezell's Cave have a number of characteristics in common. They have the same taste, are of the same temperature, and their levels are equally high. They harbor the same species of animals. From their characteristics and from their location it seems that they are parts of the subterranean Purgatory Creek System. Furthermore, both of these water bodies have certain most 86 EDUARD UHLENHUTH. conspicuous characteristics in common with the water of the San Marcos Artesian Well. They are of the same temperature and contain the same fauna. One naturally would think of a direct communication between the Purgatory Creek System and the caves which supply the San Marcos Artesian Well. FIG. 9. Ezell's Cave Lake. Showing the overlapping ledge. « We caught only one animal (78.5 mm.) in Ezell's Cave. It was sitting quietly near the bank of the river where the water is shallow, and did not seem to mind pebbles dropped down into the water near it, nor the glare of the light from two Columbia dry cells. We spent 12 days in the cave under the most varied con- OBSERVATIONS ON TYPHLOMOLGE RATHBUNI. 87 ditions, and conducted a most extensive search for Typhlomolgc. Hence the scarcity of this species is somewhat perplexing. It is possible that the animals prefer to stay further down in the passages and cracks filled completely with water under high pres- sure, an assumption which is supported by the circumstances under which the animals were found in both the artesian well and Frank Johnson's Well. It may be that they rarely and only by some incidental circumstances are induced to come to the more open bodies of water. So far as is known to the writer, the specimen of Typhlomolge caught in Ezell's Cave in 1916 is the first and only one positively known as having come from this locality. But it is claimed by people in San Marcos, as Mr. S. N. Stanfield, teacher of biology in the Texas Normal School in San Marcos, informed me, that the first two Typhlomolge ever seen were found in Ezell's Cave, i Y-2. years before the well was drilled, in a small boat, which had sunk in Ezell's Cave Lake. BEAVER CAVE. Not far from the entrance of Ezell's Cave on the southwest slope of San Marcos Hill and at an altitude of 652 feet above sea level, near the dry bed of the City Boundary Creek is situated the entrance to Beaver or Wonder Cave. The location of the cave would indicate that it belongs, like Ezell's Cave, to the Purgatory Creek System. Beaver Cave represents the aspect of a straight running crack in the strata of the Edwards limestone, the same as Ezell's Cave ; this crack, in part, has been widened out and its walls have been smoothed down by the action of the water (Fig. 10). Its bottom is made up of huge masses of broken-down rocks which form, at some places, high cliffs and rock masses, dividing the entire cave horizontally in a number of rooms connected by narrower tubes with one another, and vertically into several compartments. Fig. II represents a diagrammatic longitudinal section through the cave, which gives an idea of the construction of this cave. In Fig. 10, which was taken parallel to the longitudinal axis, the slit- like shape of the cave is shown ; it can also be seen how smooth 88 EDUARD UHLENHUTH. the walls have been washed by the water entering easily through the thin roof of the cave. The longitudinal axis of Beaver Cave runs from N.N.E. to S.S.W,, forming an angle of approximately 25° with the longi- FIG. io. Interior of Beaver Cave. Photograph taken from rock 34 towards board rock. In back of the right hand side wall at its lower end, the opening of the " tube " is visible. tudinal axis of Ezell's Cave ; the length of the entire slit is nearly 500 feet. It is claimed that there is a direct connection between Beaver Cave and Ezell's Cave. We could not verify this state- ment, and it seems certain no one has actually found a connec- tion. We found that at .v in room VI. (see Fig. n) a number of OBSERVATIONS ON TYPHLOMOLGE RATHBUNI. 89 tightly packed rocks and masses of gravel make further penetration im- possible at present and that the lo- cation of both caves and the direc- tion of their main axes are not in favor of the statement mentioned above. The deepest depression in the bottom of Beaver Cave is found in the room indicated in the diagram Fig. nas" Weil-Room." The bot- tom of this floor is 62 feet below the surface and therefore at a level of 590 feet above sea level. As seen from the height of the water level in Johnson's Well and in Ezell's Cave, no water of the Purgatory Creek System should be present in Beaver Cave. And in fact when the cave was discovered there was no water found. But a well drill- ing made at that time from the sur- face above the Well Room had in- dicated the presence of water only a few feet beneath the bottom of the Well Room. Therefore, a hole was dug in the bottom of the Well Room which led to water at a depth of about 3 feet or at the same level as the surface of the water in Ezell's Cave and Frank Johnson's Well (see Fig. 13). At present one finds in the Well Room of Beaver Cave a rectangular basin approximately 6 feeet in length, 3 feet in width and 6 feet in depth, the bottom of which is cov- ered with mud and rocks, and the walls of which are lined with logs. \ ' O 9O EDUARD UHLENHUTH. This basin is filled with water half of its depth. Hence the surface of the water stands at the same level with the surface of the water in Frank Johnson's Well, and the suggestion seems justified that in this basin again part of the Purgatory Creek System was opened up. The water has the same taste as the water of the other localities mentioned and also has the same temperature (21.5° C.). In which way, however, this basin in Beaver Cave could be con- nected with the other localities cannot be stated with certainty at present, since the log lining of the wall made it impossible to search more closely whether or not the rocks of the wall contain any larger cracks or crevices. It also was not determined whether the water is flowing. But its clearness and the fact that the mud when stirred up disappears in a relatively short time would speak in favor of a slight current in the water. There is, however, one fact which hardly could be explained in any other way than that the water in the basin must be in connection at least at certain times with some larger bodies of water. The well in Beaver Cave contains both the Palceinonetes antronnn and the Cirolanides texensis, animals the transmission of which to the basin since it was constructed must have taken place by means of water currents which drive water from certain water bodies (harboring these animals) through the well. Hence it is most probable that the water of Frank Johnson's Well, of Ezell's Cave and of Beaver Cave is the water of the sub- terranean Purgatory Creek System. In the well of Beaver Cave two Typhlomolge were caught, one by means of a dip-net, the other in a trap which was laid with its opening just in front of a hole into which the animal had been seen to pass. One specimen was 82 mm. in length, the other one the largest caught measured 120 mm. Both these animals were observed for some time before they were actually caught ; they proceeded to move in characteristic fashion — as described very accurately by Normann — by intermittent walking and rest- ing in the presence of light. Even when the rays fell directly upon them, they did not seem to be disturbed. In this respect our observations made in the animal's natural habitats, agree verv well with the observations made bv Normann in the labora- OBSERVATIONS ON TYPHLOMOLGE RATHBUNI. 91 tory. Pebbles and a pocket-knife dropped into the water near the animal did not change its behavior; we have not found that the Typhlomolge as Normann claims possesses a specially high sensitivity towards disturbances of the water. Once stirred up the animals immediately swim towards the walls, and if they cannot find cover immediately, they swim along the wall toward the surface pushing out their snouts above the surface. Before I was acquainted well enough with the general situa- tion in the localities in question and before I had other facts indicating a possible connection between Beaver Cave and the Purgatory Creek, the occurrence of the Typhlomolge in the Beaver Cave well was puzzling, since it seemed to be difficult to explain how they could have been transferred to the well. In an anatomical study performed on Typhlomolge rathbuni, E. T. Emmerson points out the close relationship existing between Typhlomolge and Eurycea (Spelerpes}, in particular Eurycea rubra and suggests that Typhlomolge may be the larva of an unknown species of the genus Eurycea. The writer of this article has a large number of larvae of Eurycea rubra under observation and finds that in certain habits (feeding and especially the push- ing out of the snout above the water when aroused) a remarkable resemblance exists between Typhlomolge and Eurycea rubra, a resemblance which was not observed by the writer in larvae of the many other species of salamander closely watched in the labora- tory. Concerning, however, the assumption that Typhlomolge is the larva of some species of Eurycea, this meets with one diffi- culty if it should mean that this species is still in existence. Ezell's Cave and especially Beaver Cave were closely searched for the presence of other salamanders. None were found in Ezell's Cave. In Beaver Cave, however, Mr. Campbell found about 20 specimens all belonging to the species Plethodon gluti- nosus; this is the only salamander which we could detect in these and other caves of the area around San Marcos. In view of this fact it appears that the suggestion as to whether or not Typhlo- molge is the larva of a species represented at the present time also by metamorphosed specimens would be hardly more than speculation. It is, however, certain that it would be of the 92 EDUARD UHLENHUTH. greatest value to raise the Typhlomolge, in order to study closely their mode of propagation, development and to subject these animals to certain experiments indicated by our present technic in the study of the metamorphosis of other salamanders. In connection with the metamorphosis of Typhlomolge it may be pointed out that Miss Emmerson has made a statement which is so important that it arouses curiosity as to why it has attracted so little attention. Miss Emmerson searching for the organs of internal secretion of Typhlomolge found that the animal possesses a thymus gland, but she could not find a thyroid gland. If the lack of a thyroid gland could be confirmed — and we are prepar- ing some of our specimens for examination with that end in view — Miss Emmerson's discovery will explain why the Typhlo- molge cannot metamorphose at present, since Allen has demon- strated that larvae of frogs and toads whose thyroids were ex- tirpated did not metamorphose, though the controls with intact thyroids all metamorphosed. Do the Proteidas (Proteus) possess thyroids, is the lack of the gland common to all of them? And what are the reasons for the atrophy of the gland? These are problems which call urgently for investigation. From the facts mentioned above it is certain that the Typhlo- molge inhabit the subterranean waters which constitute the Purgatory Creek System and a subterranean water channel which supplies the San Marcos Artesian Well. These two systems are located north and south respectively from the Balcones scarp line. On account of the faulting, though both the Purgatory Creek Caves and the Artesian Well Cave are located in the same geological formation, the latter cave occupies a position several hundred feet deeper than the Purgatory Creek Cave; this is indicated in the diagram, Fig. 12. The water in both systems is of different origin, as may be seen from this diagram. The water of the Artesian Well is the so-called "sweet water," which on the plateau, i.e., in the region of the Purgatory Creek System, is carried in beds below those in which the caves of the Purga- tory Creek System are located. The " sweet water " is caught by the basement beds of the Cretaceous, the Travis Peak and Glen Rose formation, where they outcrop on the plateau, and is carried OBSERVATIONS ON TYPHLOMOLGE RATHBUNI. 93 down along the slanting stratum beneath the geologically higher situated Edwards limestone and towards the fault. Along the fault, however, the continuity of the water-bearing strata is broken and they come to lie in one level with the Edwards lime- stone of the plain ; thus, here the water is forced from the Glen Rose formation into the Edwards limestone.1 fel°-~f£ Hy2 No membranes and no cleavage. 8% No membranes, but about il/2 per cent, of cleavage stages, mostly fairly regular 2 and 4 cell stages. 25 Nearly i per cent, blastulae, mostly solid and mo- tionless. EGGS OF ASTERINA (PATIRIA) MINIATA. 109 IV 6 No membranes and no cleavage. 8% About 2 per cent, of eggs cleaving without mem- brane formation, some as advanced as 8 cells. 25 Nearly 2 'per cent, blastulae, slightly abnormal and motionless. V 6l/2 About 5 per cent, of eggs with rather narrow but distinct membranes, no cleavage. •jT/2. About il/2 per cent, of eggs without membranes in early cleavage stages (2, 3, 4 cells), some quite regular, but the majority more or less irregular. 8J^ About 5 per cent, of eggs cleaving, ranging from 2 to 1 6 cells. Evidently a good deal of cleavage has begun since the 7^2 hour observation. A few of the eggs now show wide typical membranes and there are transitional stages between these and the more plentiful type with narrow mem- branes. 26 About 7 per cent, swimming blastulse, some nearly normal, but the majority solid, wrinkled or other- wise abnormal. Eggs with membranes, under- going black cytolysis. 31 Many gastrulaa, some with two or more archentera some exogastrulae, etc. 74 A good collection of twin larvae, studied in a subse- quent connection. No normal larvae. All larvae, swimming on the bottom of the dish. VI 6% About 4 per cent, of eggs with distinct but narrow- membranes, no cleavage. 8% About 2^/2 per cent, of eggs with wide, typical membranes, but no egg with membrane shows cleavage; about ^2 of i per cent, of eggs showing cleavage stages, ranging from 2 to 8 cells, some quite regular. 2&l/2 A very few larvae, all subnormal, some motionless, others feebly swimming. VII 7 No membranes, no cleavage. 9 No membranes, but about 2 per cent, of eggs in cleavage stages ranging from 2 to 32 cells. z6l/2 About i per cent, subnormal blastulae, a few swim- ming. 32 A very few larvae undergoing gastrulation ; several- with two or more archentera. VIII 6^2 No membranes, no cleavage. 9 No membranes, but about 3^2 per cent, of eggs in cleavage stages, ranging from 2 to 16 cells. 26 About 2l/2 per cent, of larvae, all subnormal. HO H. H. NEWMAN. IX 7 About 8 per cent, of maturated eggs with narrow membranes ; about 3 per cent, of eggs without membranes showing first steps in cleavage, a few having completed the first cleavage. Sy2 A few eggs in 4- and 8-cell stages. 3ol/2 A fraction of i per cent, of larvae undergoing gas- trulation, and swimming about, the best of them being nearly normal in appearance. 78 All larvae dead. X 7*4 About 5 per cent, of eggs with fully typical mem- branes, no cleavage stages. §1/2 Over 50 per cent, of maturated eggs in cleavage stages, without membranes, ranging from 2 to 8 cells. No eggs with membranes segmenting. 31 About 75 per cent, of all maturated eggs have un- dergone cleavage without membrane formation, and are in various stages ranging from early cleavage to gastrulse. Numerous dwarf blastulae, due to blastolomy ; many gastrulse with plural archentera ; solid blastulae and exogastrulas in considerable numbers. All were swimming about on the bottom of the bowl. This culture was made the basis of a study of the more advanced development of parthenogenetic eggs and will be referred to in more detail in a subsequent dis- cussion. SIGNIFICANT POINTS BROUGHT OUT BY THE DATA SHOWN IN THE ABOVE SCHEDULE. 1. Membrane formation occurs in exactly half of the experi- ments here described. It was observed in from i to 8 per cent, of the maturated eggs. 2. The degree of completeness of membrane formation varies greatly in different sets of eggs and in different eggs of a given set. In some eggs the membrane is so little lifted from the sur- face of the egg as to be scarcely noticeable, ibut in others the membrane is indistinguishable from that seen in fertilized eggs. 3. Eggs that form membranes, whether narrow or wide, do not further develop, but undergo cytolysis within twenty-four hours. 4. The percentage of maturated eggs that undergo partheno- genetic development varies from none to about seventy-five; in experiment II no cleavage occurred, while in experiment X 75 per cent, of all maturated eggs at least began cleavage. The aver- EGGS OF ASTERINA (PATIRIA) MINIATA. Ill age number of parthenogenetic eggs is about two per cent, of maturated eggs. 5. Eggs that undergo parthenogenetic cleavage never form " fertilization " membranes, the closely fitting vitelline membrane being the only envelope that surrounds the blastomeres. 6. Cleavage in parthenogenetic eggs never begins earlier than six and one half hours after the eggs are placed in sea water and the average time for the beginning of cleavage is about seven and a quarter hours. Cleavage begins in fertilized eggs sometimes as early as three and one half hours, and the average time of be- ginning is about four hours. Subtracting two hours for matura- tion to complete itself, we have cleavage beginning five hours after maturation in parthenogenetic eggs and two hours after maturation in fertilized eggs. There is, therefore, a retardation in development in the case of parthenogenetic eggs of three hours, and at a very critical period. 2 4 6 FIGS. 1-6. Cleavage stages in spontaneously parthenogenetic eggs of As- terina. i. An incompletely segmented two-cell stage in which one blastomere is in advance of the other. 2. A normal two-cell stage. 3 and 4. Irregular cleavage stages. 5. A typical normal four-cell stage. 6. A rather common type of abnormal cleavage in which one blastomere is undergoing cytolysis and the other is remaining normal. 7. Cleavage and subsequent development in parthenogenetic eggs take place much more slowly than in fertilized eggs. Even the most nearly normal parthenogenetic eggs take nearly twice as long to reach a given stage as do fertilized eggs. Develop- ment is, therefore, greatly retarded and we would naturally ex- 112 H. H. NEWMAN. pect the larvae to exhibit the various types of developmental de- fects that are commonly seen in inhibited individuals. 8. In none of the numerous experiments did parthenogenetic 'eggs give rise to even approximately normal bipennariae. The most successful larvae were certain double monsters that will be •discussed later. 9. The average viability of parthenogenetic larvae varies greatly in different sets. As a rule viability was lowest in those sets in which the smallest percentage of larvae occurred and highest in those in which the largest percentage of larvae occurred. 10. Individual viability varies greatly within a given set of eggs. Quite frequently eggs die and disintegrate during the first or subsequent cleavages, while it was not uncommon for a few larvae in each of the best sets to live for from four to seven days. 11. Cleavage in parthenogenetic eggs is sometimes very normal in appearance, but in every set the majority of cleavage stages are irregular (Figs. 1-6). Sometimes blastomeres of the two cell stage separate, and form half-sized blastulae, seldom going further. In other cases one or more blastomeres cease cleavage while the rest go on and form a covering of small cells about a large central cell. Numerous other cleavage anomalies occur which need not be detailed here. DISCUSSION. Loeb's Observations of Spontaneous Parthenogenesis in Asterina. Doubtless the reader recalls the work of Loeb (1905) on "Artificial membrane formation and chemical fertilization in a starfish (Asterina)." In this paper the author describes various methods employed first, for inducing membrane formation and second, for inducing cleavage and subsequent development in the same species of starfish which forms the material of the present investigation. Loeb recognizes the occurrence of spontaneous parthenogenesis in Asterma as is shown by the following quota- tions : " The eggs of the starfish show a slight tendency to develop spontaneously without any external influence." " If the eggs of Asterma are allowed to mature in sea water and are left to them- selves, sometimes none, sometimes a fraction of a per cent., some~ EGGS OF ASTERINA (PATIRIA) MINIATA. 113 times more, will segment and develop into larvae. But the de- velopment of these eggs is much slower than that of fertilized eggs and, as a rule the larvae are not so perfect and die sooner." "We have, therefore, two types of development in these (As- i terina) eggs. One type is represented by the fertilized egg, and this type can be producecf artificially in a number of eggs, at least, by calling forth the membrane formation by the above-named artificial means. The second type is represented by the spon- taneously developing egg in which no membrane has been called forth; these latter eggs begin to segment later, and possibly develop more slowly than the other eggs, and form larvae which are not as perfect as those belonging to the first type." It will be seen that Loeb has touched upon some of the essential points that are brought out in my experiments. He notes that spontaneous parthenogenesis occurs in a small per cent, of eggs ; that parthenogenetic cleavage takes place without membrane formation ; that cleavage begins later ; and that development is slower and less normal than is fertilized eggs. Loeb, however, was not primarily interested in the course or results of spon- taneous parthenogenesis, but merely dealt with it incidentally as a check upon his work on artificial parthenogenesis or chemical fertilization. He, therefore, merely points out the foregoing par- ticulars without entering into any discussion as to their significance. Spontaneous Membrane Formation. In only one important point is there lack of essential agreement between his results and mine : he failed to note any cases of spon- taneous membrane formation which was so frequently noted in my experiments. I am at a loss to explain this discrepancy between his results and mine, both performed at Pacific Grove and both unquestionably safeguarded against accidental error. Possibly the material behaves differently at different times of the year and Loeb's work was done at quite a different time from mine, which was confined to the last few days of April and the first three weeks of May. The only difference in treatment be- tween Loeb's cultures and mine had to do with the methods of 114 H> Hl NEWMAN. sterilizing the sea water in order to avoid normal fertilization. Although he does not mention the fact in these particular experi- ments, his practice was to use boiled or highly heated sea water ; while I used sea water that had been kept in a demijohn for at least four days. It seems barely possible that heating of the water prevents spontaneous membrane formation. I would, of course, have tried this experiment, had I known of Loeb's detailed paper at the time of my experiments, but I had with me only his book on " Artificial Parthenogenesis and Fertilization " and in that book he fails to mention the occurrence of spontaneous parthenogenesis in Asterina. Heated sea water would doubtless be relatively poor in oxygen and this might be responsible for his failure to find spontaneous membrane formation. It is possible also that this process (membrane formation) was so belated in its appearance that it occurred after Loeb had ceased to look for it in his cultures. Unless one gets a very early start in experi- ments with this material the working day is likely to be over before any signs of membrane formation appear, and the next morning these eggs will have undergone cytolysis and their mem- branes will have disappeared. My plan was to make a before- breakfast expedition to the collecting grounds, get the material ready for work, breakfast, and be ready for experimentation by 8:00 A.M. If one begins to collect after breakfast it is likely to be nearly 11:00 A.M. before experiments with Asterina eggs could be commenced. If such were the case it would be 6:00 P.M. before distinct membranes would be visible, later than the time when the investigator habitually " knocks off for the day." It is barely possible then that Loeb may have missed spontaneous membrane formation in some such way as this. Of the validity of my obervations there seems to be no doubt. In answer to the criticism that failure to heat the sea-water vitiates the observations, it may be said that if these eggs with membranes are fertilized, they should segment ; but they never do. We seem to be forced to the conclusion, therefore, that membrane formation in Asterina, which Loeb has been at such pains to bring about by chemical means, occurs spontaneously in a considerable percentage of cases. This being true, the various manipulations EGGS OF ASTERINA (PATIRIA) MINIATA. 115 used by Loeb have merely served to hasten a natural process and to cause it to occur in a larger percentage of eggs. Something in addition to membrane formation occurs in the eggs handled by Loeb, for they go ahead and segment as do normally fertilized eggs, while the eggs that form spontaneous membranes do not segment. From this it would appear that the so-called "fertilisation membrane" is not an essential feature of development, but merely its usual accompaniment. Thus the voluminous literature dealing with artificial membrane formation, as though it were the most important event in the initiation of development, loses some of its force. Loeb himself recognized that development, at least in Asterina, could proceed without membrane formation ; witness his statement, corroborated by my own observations, that spontaneous parthenogenesis proceeds without the preliminary of membrane formation. He seems to suggest, however, that this is not to be considered as typical de- velopment, since it begins later, goes more slowly and results less normally than in the case of fertilized eggs. Exactly similar results may be obtained, however, in fertilized eggs by the use of agents that retard development, such as cold, hybridization, anaesthetics, etc. So we must admit that real development may occur without membrane formation, and that membrane forma- tion may occur without initiation of development. The two processes are independent though they usually are associated in normal ontogeny. The Development Spontaneously of Partheno genetic Eggs of Asterina. According to Loeb, the development of the chemically fertil- ized eggs differs from that of the spontaneously fertilized eggs in two respects ; first, in forming membranes ; and second, in be- ginning earlier and proceeding more rapidly. With this distinc- tion I fully agree. Evidently, in the chemically fertilized eggs, something in addition to membrane formation takes place, a something that results in prompt initiation of the changes ex- pressed by cleavage. In the spontaneously parthenogenetic eggs, however, initiation to development is very slow in beginning, and Il6 H. H. NEWMAN. is less effective when it does begin. In last analysis the difference is evidently to be expressed in terms of rate of change. The whole process of ontogeny in these eggs is from the beginning retarded, and the results are exactly similar to those which may be obtained by the use of growth-retarding agents applied to newly fertilised eggs. The first effect of pronounced retardation of the normal growth process in the egg is the partial or complete obliteration of the characteristic axes of polarity and symmetry in the egg, a breaking down of the axial gradient. This results subsequently in loss of unity of organization, involving physio- logical isolation of blastomeres or of cell aggregates, in double and triple polarity and consequent double or triple monsters, and in a whole series of products of differential inhibition, such as those described by Child for sea-urchin. 8 10 1Z FIGS. 7—12. Later developmental stages in spontaneously parthenogenetic eggs of Asterina. 7. The commonly occurring solid blastula type. 8. A pair of twin blastube enclosed within one vitelline membrane, evidently the result of physiological isolation of two blastomeres in the two-cell stage. o. A mul- tipolar embryo gastrulating at several points. 10. Double monster with two symmetrical archentera. //. Another double monster with an additional an- terior archenteron. 12. A microcephalic ciliated larva, with differentiated stomach and intestine, but no anterior parts. Some of the types of inhibited larvae found in cultures of spon- taneously parthenogenetic Asterina eggs are shown and described in figures 7-12. The solid blastula is the commonest type, a type devoid of an axis of polarity (Fig. 7). Forms that are bipolar EGGS OF ASTERINA (PATIRIA) MINIATA. 1 17 and tripolar, etc., usually undergo gastrulation in two or more places (Figs. 9, 10, n) and produce double and triple monsters, etc. The most nearly normal forms are decidedly abnormal early bipennaria larvae in which the anterior parts are relatively inhibited. Such a form is shown in Fig. 12, in which the mouth never breaks through, oesophogus is not clearly differentiated, but stomach and intestine are well devevloped. Since I have in preparation a detailed paper on twinning in Asterina, in which I intend to discuss the physiology of twinning in general, I shall not enter further into an account of ' the various types of inhibited larvae that result from spontaneous parthenogenesis, for the same types result from several other kinds of inhibiting factors. In closing I merely wish to emphasize this one point : that the results of spontaneous parthenogenesis are those usually found to accom- pany early grozvth retardation. For a summary of this paper the reader is referred to the eleven points referred to on pages 110- 112 and to the italicized clauses in the general discussion. I am greatly indebted to the Hopkins Marine Station of Le- land Stanford University, and to its director, Dr. Walter K. Fisher, for the excellent facilities for research that I enjoyed while at Pacific Grove. LITERATURE. Loeb, J. '05 Artificial Membrane Formation and Chemical Fertilization in a Star- fish (Asterina) Univ. of Calif. Pub., Physiol., Vol. 2, No. 16. '13 Artificial Parthenogenesis and Fertilization. Univ. of Chicago Press. AUTHOR S ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, FEBRUARY 7 ON THE OCCURRENCE OF PAIRED MADREPORIC PORES AND PORE-CANALS IN THE ADVANCED BIPENNARIA LARVAE OF ASTERINA (PATIRIA) MINIATA TOGETHER WITH A DISCUS- SION OF THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SIMI- LAR STRUCTURES IN OTHER ECHINODERM H. H. NEWMAX.i INTRODUCTION. Ever since the theory became current that the bilaterally sym- metrical larvse of echinoderms afford phylogenetic evidence that this group of radially symmetrical animals was derived from bilaterally symmetrical ancestors, larvse that showed more than the normal tendencies toward persistent bilaterality have had a special significance. Normally, the first evidence of the encroachment of the adult radial symmetry upon the the larval bilaterality is seen in the development of a distinct hydroccel with a madreporic pore and pore-canal on the left side, and none on the right. This failure of the right side to keep pace with the left has been considered as the mechanical cause for the twisting around of the serially repeated primordia of the radial water canals and the assumption of the adult radial symmetry. The occurrence, therefore, in the larvse of at least two classes of echinoderms, of paired right and left madreporic pores, pore- canals, and other derivatives of the hydrocoels, looks like the per- sistence of the ancestral bilateriality and tends to strengthen the current theory as to echinoderm phylogeny. As early as 1892 Field, in his account of the larval development of Asterias vulgaris, described the transitory appearance in all i From the Hopkins Marine Station of Leland Stanford University and the Hull Zoological Laboratory of the University of Chicago. 118 BIPENNARIA LARVAE OF ASTERINA (PATIRIA) MINIATA. 1 19 larvae aged about three and a half days of a strictly bilaterally symmetrical condition of the hydroccels, madreporic pores, and pore-canals. Soon after this period the right madreporic pore closes and the pore-canal, without an external opening, persists for a short time and then entirely disappears. Several continental writers had observed the occasional occur- rence in asteroid larvae of paired madreporic pores, but had con- sidered the condition as a pathological one. Field, however, maintains that there normally occurs, in Asterias vulgaris at least, a transitory stage in which bilateral madreporic pores exist, and considers this condition as " a true ontogenetic character, and of very considerable phylogentic significance." Gemmill (1912) was able partially to confirm Field's observations of the occurrence of paired water pores in the genus Asterias, finding this condition in fifty per cent, of larvae of Asterias glacialis and in about ten per cent, of those Asterias rubcns. He also states that in all cases the water-pore soon closes. Paired echinus-organs, madreporic vesicles, and other deriva- tives of the right hydroccel, were observed by MacBride (1911) in two very advanced Plutei, one of Echinus millaris and the other of Echinus esculentis. A similar condition, was observed by Grave (1911) in a single Pluteus of the sand-dollar Mcllita penta- pora, though the figure shows the two madreporic canals making exit through a single median dorsal madreporic pore. PAIRED MADREPORIC PORES IN ASTERINA LARVAE. During the months of April, May and June, 1920, I had occa- sion to observe the development of a very large number of cul- tures of larvae of Asterina (Patina) miniata at Pacific Grove, California. In one culture consisting of otherwise normal, healthy larvae three weeks old, I noticed a larva with two perfect madreporic pores and pore-canals. Further search, involving a complete census of all the larvae in the culture, revealed twenty- six more larvae with right madreporic canals in some cases as well developed as the left ; but in others with the right pore closed and the pore-canal smaller than the one on the left. More than half of all the advanced larvae in this culture had the double madre- I2O H. H. NEWMAN. poric pores or at least double pore-canals, while the remainder of the larvae were quite typical. After a prolonged search in other cultures of Asierlna, I was unable to discover any other larvae with double madreporic pores. These double-pored larvae were .carefully watched and attempts were made to rear them by introducing diatoms collected from FIG. i. Dorsal view of largest bipennaria, viewed as a transparent object. The hydroenterocoel cavities are shown stippled. Note both left and right madreporic pores, opening far apart ; distinct pore-canals on both sides. the kelp found in the tide pools inhabited by Asterina. They fed to some extent on several species of diatoms, but made no progress beyond the condition in which they were when the double-pored character was first noticed. Instead, they slowly retrogressed in BIPENNARIA LAEVJE OF ASTERINA (PATIRIA) MINIATA. 121 differentiation, became sluggish, and died without having begun to metamorphose. Throughout their lives they remained bilater- ally symmetrical and observations made at the end of the fourth week, shortly before the culture began to die out, showed that the right madreporic pore was still open in several of the largest bi- pennarise. While the larvse were still active and in good health, several specimens were quieted with chloretone and mounted for 2 3 FIG. 2. Dorsal view of a somewhat less advanced bipennaria with madre- poric pores close together but both open. FIG, 3. Dorsal view of one of the least advanced bipennariae with right madreporic pore closed, but with distinct pore canal on the right side. microscopic study. These were drawn with camera lucida and three of these drawings are shown in Figs. 1-3. The largest larva in the culture is shown in Fig. I. Its length was a little over 7 mm. The anterior hydroenteroccel pouches have become completely fused in front of the oral funnel and have grown forward into a median pre-oral ccelomic cavity. The right and left body cavities are equally well developed throughout and each has grown posteriorly beyond its own side and has curled round 122 H. H. NEWMAN. the intestine, so as to have its blind end pointed forward on the opposite side of the body. Thus these two posterior outgrowths cross one another and encroach on each other's territory, a condi- tion that could not well represent any ancestral state, but one to be expected in a double monster such as I believe this to be. Each madreporic canal connects broadly with the dorsal wall of its respective hydroccel, slopes slightly toward the median line, and opens by a distinct pore to the exterior. The two pores are not very close together in this specimen. The other two larvae are a little smaller and less advanced than that shown in Fig. i. That shown in Fig. 2 is about 6 mm. in length, has no pronounced for- ward growth of the preoral ccelom and does not show an over- lapping of the posterior extensions of the right and left cceloms. The pores of the two pore-canals are very close together and might form one double madreporite. The specimen shown in Fig. 3 was of about the same stage of advancement as that in Fig. 2 but differs primarily in the fact that the right madreporic pore is closed and its canal is smaller and shorter than its left partner. Also the anterior cceloms have not fused. In discussing these anomalous larvae with Dr. Walter K. Fisher, director of the Hopkins Marine Station, I was interested to learn from him that he had, while collecting, noted adult specimens of Asterina, and of other species of asteroids, in which there were two madreporic plates and, correspondingly, two stone canals. This information immediately suggested to me the strong prob- ability that these adults with paired madreporic plates must have arisen from larvae with double madreporic pores such as I had under observation. The question would then arise as to whether this double condition in the adults would bear the same phylogenetic interpretation as has been offered for the double condition in the larvae. If not; why not? But this involves us in a discussion of the significance of these anomalous paired struc- tures in echinoderms. DISCUSSION. Three distinct interpretations have been offered for the appear- ance of these anomalous right-hand elements that normally appear only on the left. BIPENNARIA LARVJE OF ASTERINA (PATIRIA) MINIATA. 123 1. The first interpretation is well phrased by MacBride1 as follows : " The appearance of a right and left madreporic pore is the first Indication of zvhat is really the key to the understanding of Echi- noderm development, vis., the fact that the tivo sides of the larva: originally gave rise to precisely similar organs, but that sonic of these organs grew and developed on the left side while they atrophied on the right, and that thus an asymmetry was produced." This seems to be the natural interpretation of the facts, but there are certain other facts that this interpretation does not cover. In a larva of the sand-dollar Mcllita pcntapora, Grave (1919) found that not only were the mesodermal structures, in- cluding hydrocoel, pore-canals, etc., bilaterally repeated, but also paired ectodermal pouches occurred which had no reference to the water-vascular system, but were the primordia of the nervous system. Grave is inclined to doubt the validity of interpreting this extra ectodermal pouch as a reversion to an ancestral condi- tion, and I would fully agree with him. The occurence of adult starfishes with paired madreporic plates and stone canals also weakens the phylogentic interpretation of double pores in larvae ; for they are evidently strictly homologous structures. If the double-plate condition in the adult is to be interpreted as a re- version, of what is it an ancestral reminscence ? Surely not of an ancestral starfish with radial symmetry of other organs, but bi- lateral madreporic structures ! 2. The second interpretation of paired madreporic structures involves the idea that they are homceotic variations, in Bateson's sense. Such variations may be viewed according to Grave " as cases of perfected symmetry, the result of a long continued strain due to imperfect balance, either morphological or physiological or both, between the organism and its environment." I confess that I am unable to see the force of this interpretation. It is highly mystical in tone and savors of some internal perfecting principle or " entelechy." If such a principle were operative, the real problem would be to account for the failure of echinoderm 1 " Text-book of Embryology," Vol. I., p. 466. 124 H- H- NEWMAX. larvae in general to continue to maintain their original bilaterality. That is a different problem altogether. 3. A third theory involves the idea that these duplicated struc- tures are the products of twinning and this is what I believe they are. In laboratory cultures of Asterina (and in at least two other species of asteroids with which I have worked) there are numerous instances of twins and double monsters. The exact cause of twinning and doubling is not fully known and will not be discussed here, as I have in preparation a more extensive paper on this subject. It may be said, however, that a long series oi types has been found in which the original right and left pri- mordia of the future embryo become more or less completely physiologically isolated, and in proportion to the duration or com- pleteness of the isolation, each half develops more or less inde- pendently of the other. The result is a series of more or less completely doubled larvae, as follows : twin blastulae which soon separate and develop into half-sized larvae ; gastrulse with paired archentera ; gastrulae with paired blastopores, but with archen- tera fused anteriorly ;. early bipennariae with the anterior end of the archenteron branched and with the beginning of a double set of hyclroenterocoel pouches ; and finally advanced larvae with double madreporic pores and water canals. I have placed the type of anomalous larvae under discussion at the end of what appears to me to be a logical series, representing the results of varying degrees of physiological isolation of bilateral halves of embryos. The type of result attained seems to depend on the time of incidence of the cause or causes of the physiological isolation in question and upon the degree of severity or duration of the causal agent, whatever it may be. There is therefore no more justification for the use of "double- pored" larvae of echinoderms as evidence of an ancestral condi- tion than there is for giving a similar significance to instances of dicephaly or spina bifida in vertebrates. For they are all, in my opinion, phases of "twinning" in the broad sense and will doubt- less be explicable on some general physiological basis that we shall hope to discuss in the future. Let me close with a word of caution. Beware of giving a phylogenetic interpretation to an r.ll'K. \.\.\RI A LARV-E OF ASTERINA (PATIRIA) MINIATA. 125 anomaly found in laboratory-bred larv?e of any sort. Such aber- rations are more than likely to be the result of subnormal condi- tions and nothing more. LITERATURE. Field, G. N. '92 The Larva of Asterias vulgaris. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sc., Vol. 34. Grave, C. 'n Metamerism of the Echinoid Pluteus. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circular, New Series, 1911, No. 2. MacBride, E. W. 'n Two Abnormal Plutei of Echinus in the Light which They Throw on the Factors in Normal Development of Echinus. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sc.. Vol. 57. '14 Text-hook of Embryology, Vol. I. London. Vol. XL. March, 1921. No. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN DIFFERENCES IN VIABILITY IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF REGENERATES FROM DISSOCIATED SPONGES, WITH A NOTE ON THE ENTRY OF SOMATIC CELLS BY SPERMATOZOA. JULIAN S. HUXLEY, XEW COLLEGE, OXFORD. Having occasion recently to go over the notes on which a pre- vious paper of mine1 was based, I came across one result which, although not published at the time, now seems worthy of record. In the paper referred to, it was shown that by filtering chopped Sycons through coarse instead of fine gauze, and pipetting off the first-deposited portion of the cell-sediment, masses of cells could be produced consisting entirely or almost entirely of cho- anocytes.2 The unpublished data concern the occurrence, in cul- tures of such collar-cell masses, of apparently normal regen- erating masses similar to those obtained by straining through fine gauze.3 This would appear to indicate that the chemotactic or other attraction exerted by amcebocytes and dermal cells upon each other is stronger than the similar attraction exerted upon these same cells by choanocytes.4 This would lead to the ob- served differential separation of the bulk of the dermal and amoeboid cells in preparations where they were present only in very small relative number. These normal regenerates, as they may be called, in opposition to collar-cell masses, were found in four of my twelve cultures 1 Huxley, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (B), Vol. 202, 1911. 2 Ibid., p. 177. 3 Ibid., pp. 167-170. * Ibid., p. 167. 127 128 JULIAN S. HUXLEY. of collar-cell masses. In every case, they lived longer than the collar-cell masses. The time that elapsed before all the collar-cell masses (whether spheres or blown-out masses) in any one of these four cultures had shown the first sign of impending death by contracting, was from 6 to 12 days; the time before all the masses of a culture were dead, from 8 to 15 days. The time which elapsed before the normal regenerates in the same culture died, however, was from 14 to 33 days ; in most cases, all normal regenerates lived longer than any collar-cell mass in the same culture. Whether this greater viability of the masses containing all kinds of cells in approximately normal proportions was due to a protective func- tion exerted by the dermal cells after their migration to the ex- terior, or to the fact of some dermal or amoeboid cells serving as food for the rest, or to other possible causes, remains to be seen. In any case, the facts are interesting. A further observation may be referred to. It appears that the spermatozoa of calcareous sponges have very rarely been ob- served. Dr. Gatenby, of University College, London, who has been working on the fertilization of sponges, was discussing the subject with me, when I recalled that bodies resembling sper- matozoa had been visible in some of my preparations of normal regenerating masses from dissociations. Some of my slides I lent to Dr. Gatenby, who re-stained them, and was thus able to discover certain interesting facts. The facts are briefly as follows : Round the margin of all cell-masses from some of my experiments are to be seen minute deeply-staining bodies resembling spermatozoa with an ordinary elongated head ; and groups of such bodies are usually to be seen in the interior of the preparations. They are, however, totally absent from other slides representing other experiments. There can be no doubt that these are spermatozoa. The interesting point about them is that they swarm round the masses of cells whether these contain oocytes or not. I.e., such sponge spermatozoa are at- tracted by somatic cells as well as by their proper partners. On re-staining, Dr. Gatenby found in the interior of many of the somatic cells bodies which could be interpreted as heads of spermatozoa which had been half converted into vesicular nuclei. DIFFERENCES IN VIABILITY IN REGENERATES. Here, however, it is impossible to give full proof of this until further material can be examined. But it is at least suggestive that Dr. Gatenby himself1 has found in the normal fertilization of a closely-related sponge that the spermatozoa do not pene- trate the oocytes directly, but enter collar-cells. Within these they undergo a partial transformation to vesicular nuclei (at this stage closely resembling the bodies found in the cells of the re- generating masses), and are then transferred, by the migration of the collar-cells, to the oocytes, into whose substance they pass. Within the maturing ova they undergo the remainder of the trans- formation to male pronuclei, and then effect fertilization in the usual way. If the bodies within the cells of the regenerating masses do prove to be what they appear to be, namely, half- transformed sperm-heads, two interesting points emerge. The first is that somatic cells can exert an attraction on spermatozoa comparable to that exerted by oocytes. In normal fertilization, only collar-cells within a certain radius are entered by sperma- tozoa ; thus it might be supposed that the attraction was exerted by the oocyte through the collar-cells, and that these had no at- traction of their own. That this is not so, would be proved if our interpretation of the bodies in the regenerating masses is correct. But we would have to suppose that this attraction of the collar-cells was much less than that of the oocytes, whose presence thus would prevent collar-cells beyond a certain dis- tance from oocytes from being entered. • In the second place, the definite but slight attraction of the collar-cells for spermatozoa would be correlated with the definite but partial transformation of the sperm-head to a nucleus within them. This correlation between degree of attraction and degree of nuclear transformation is what would be expected on such a theory of fertilization as Lillie's. It is to be hoped that any worker having the opportunity to ex- amine ripe sponge spermatozoa will undertake an investigation of the problem raised in this note. In conclusion I have to thank Dr. Gatenby for his interest and for permission to publish the results discovered by him. 1 " The Cytoplasmic Inclusions of the Germ-Cells. Part VIII. Fertilization and Gametogenesis in Grantia compressa," Journ. Linnaean Soc., 1920. May 28, 1920. A MICRO-ELECTRODE AND UNICELLULAR STIMULATION. I. H. HYDE.i During the summers of 1918 and 1919, while conducting ex- periments on unicellular organisms and Echinoderm eggs, it was found necessary to construct a micro-pipette that could be more readily and more accurately controlled than could either Bar- ber's1 pipette or Chambers's2 modification of the same. An apparatus was needed with which it was possible, not only to inject definite amounts of fluid, and extract special parts of cells, but also with which these could be electrically stimulated. Such an apparatus was devised, and although it was only in the process of being perfected, nevertheless with it, fluid could be injected and the membrane and other parts of Echinoderm eggs extracted, and these as well as unicellular organisms electrically stimulated. It was possible, for instance, to stimulate different parts of Vorticella, and to determine that the contractile sub- stance of the stalk of this special species differed from the con- tractile substance of the frog's striated muscle fibers, in that, it did not follow the law of " All or Nothing," which was discov- ered for these muscle cells by Pratt4 with his very valuable and interesting micro-electrode. The results pertaining to my ex- periments with these devises will be published in the near future. At present only the micro-electrode, imperfect though it be, shall be described, in the hope that it will be improved by some one who has the opportunity and is interested in the experimental fields requiring its use. The micro-electrodes are Barber pipettes, so modified as to be employed for unipolar stimulation. They are glass tubes about twelve centimeters long, six millimeters in diameter, and drawn 1 From the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory and the University of Kansas. 1 Barber, M. A., The Philippine Jr. Sc.. Sec. Trop. Med., 9, 307. 2 Chambers, R., Am. Jr. Pliys.. 1910, p. 189: BIOL. BULL., 1918, 34, p. 121. 3 Pratt. F.. Am. Jr. Pliys., 1917-1918-1919, Vol. 43. 44. 49. 130 A MICRO-ELECTRODE. 13! out to a bent tip, having a lumen of from three or more microns in the active electrode, and five or more times this in the indif- ferent one. The other end of the glass pipettes are more or less bent. If they contain mercury, they have a platinum wire sol- dered into them, and are fitted airtight with rubber tubing and clamps. The rubber tubing and clamp are supported on a pulley that allows this end to be raised or lowered, thus aiding in the adjustment of the mercury in the bent tip. The pipettes are supported and regulated on the microscopic stage of the Barber pipette holder, and their tips are operated inside of a Barber moist chamber. The pipettes may contain mercury or some electrolytic solu- tion. Or the indifferent one mercury and the active one a solu- tion, or partly mercury and only the tip a solution. Or both pipettes may contain fine wire. The active one connected with Pratt's glass-coated platinum tip sharpened to a point of 8 mi- crons, and the indifferent one platinum. Or it may be platinum and the active one contain an electrolyte. When non-polarizable, Porter boot electrodes are introduced in the circuit, the pipettes and the dish containing the boots may be filled with sea water. Or by means of pressure applied from the rubber capped end of the pipette, mercury can be forced toward the tip. Then by diminishing the pressure it can be brought back into the capillary a certain distance, drawing after it some of the solution desired from a hanging drop in the moist chamber. An equilibrium is then established that will remain constant as long as the condi- tions are not changed. Or the active pipette electrode may be filled with mercury either in accordance with Barber's method, or filled under pressure as far as possible and then placed with the indifferent electrode in contact with a mercury hanging drop. If now the circuit from a battery is closed, the current enter- ing the anode traverses the hanging drop and the cathode. At the moment of the establishment of the current, the equilibrium of forces that holds the mercury at a certain point in the capillary is disturbed. The end of the fine thread of mercury moves up- ward or downward a certain distance owing to a change in sur- 12 I. H. HYDE. face tension. The direction and distance of the movement de- pends of course upon the strength and direction of the current introduced into the active pipette. When the mercury is brought to the tip of this, the pressure clamp is closed, the mercury held near the top, which may end in a drop of the same solution that surrounds the organism that is to be stimulated. If the active electrode be cathodal, a stimulus of a minimal break shock will stimulate, for instance, the stalk or any desired part of a Vorticclla, that is in the hanging drop, and near contact with the active electrode, and the effect of the stimulation is observed under the microscope. A diagram of one micro-electrode is shown in Fig. I. The pipette holder and moist-chamber are omitted in the illustration. H b H d FIG. i. a, battery; b, commutator; c, induction coil; d, clamp; e, platinum wire; /, tip of pipette; g, clamp; /;, rubber tubing. The movements of the mercury due to changes in surface ten- sion by a force sufficient to overcome capillary attraction, in- augurated by the passage of an electrical current, made it pos- sible to employ this devise as a capillary electrode. The fact that the meniscus of mercury moves more or less in either direction in the tip of the micro-pipette by altering the strength and direction of the current, and thus ejecting a solution that lies between the mercury and the tip of the micro-pipette, or drawing in a solution due to suction, led to the idea that it could be adapted for the injection or extraction of minute quantities of substances from unicellular structures. But the mechanism needs further improvements before it can be satisfactorily em- ployed for very accurate work. I therefore was agreeably surprised while this paper was going A MICRO-ELECTRODE. 133 to press, to find that Taylor1 devised an accurately controllable micro-pipette, that seemed to fulfill the requirements of the apparatus needed for injection and extraction. I believe that by soldering plantinum wire into the capillary containing the mer- cury and connecting it to batteries, comutator and coil, that it will answer equally well for electrical stimulation. 1 Taylor, C. V., Science, 1920, June 18. AUTHOR S ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, FEBRUARY 28, IQ2I. EFFECT OF VARIATIONS IN OXYGEN TENSION ON THE TOXICITY OF SODIUM CHLORIDE ISOTONIC TO SEA WATER. ISAAC STARR, JR., MARIXE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. Loeb first observed that he could protect fertilized Arbacia eggs for some time from the toxic action of a NaCl solution, isotonic to sea water, by removing the oxygen from the solution or by adding a little KCN.1 Cyanide also protects unfertilized Arbacia eggs against injury by isotonic solutions of various sodium salts, and anaesthetics in appropriate concentrations have' a similar effect.2 Experiments with Arenicola larvae have given similar process being in some manner connected with the destructive results.3 These results indicate the probability of an oxidative process being in some manner connected with the destructive reaction. The following experiments were undertaken to determine the effect of varying the oxygen tension on the toxicity of NaCl isotonic to sea water. The form chosen to work with was the larva of the marine worm, Arenicola cristata, a free swimming trochophore of three body segments, about I/T, mm. in length. \\ hen normal it is almost constantly in motion, showing ciliary action and bendings to one side, or strong muscular contractions. The larva? employed were all in the swarming stage and were collected from the lighted side of the culture dish, just below the surface of the water, where they gather in large numbers. As they remain in this stage only from three to four days before developing another segment and sinking to the bottom, a fairly homogeneous culture is obtained. When these animals are placed in pure sodium chloride isotonic to sea water they promptly con- 1 Loeb, J., Science, 1910, XXXII., 411; Biochemical Zeitschrift, 1910, XXIX., p. So. - Lillie R. S., Amer. Joitrn. Physio!., 1912, XXX., p. i. 3 Lillie, R. S., Amer. Joitrn. Physio!.. 1912, XXIX., p. 372, and 1913, XXXI., P- 255. 134 VARIATIONS IN OXYGEN TENSION. 135 tract to about -/$ of their former length and all motion ceases. This contraction is followed by a slow relaxation and eventually they are killed. But if replaced in sea water before death, they slowly recover either completely or to a certain extent. The ratio of those in motion to those still gives an index of the extent of the injury.4 TECHNIQUE. The larvae being positively heliotropic, gather in great numbers in the lighted side of the culture dish. A pipette-full (over 500 larvae) was taken and placed in a watch glass, then, as the larvse collected again on the light side, the water could be tilted off, the last traces being removed by blotting paper. They were next washed twice with the solution to be experimented with and then transferred by a pipette to 50 c.c. of that solution. Then at hourly intervals about 100 larvae were removed from the test solution, washed twice with sea water and replaced in sea water. These \vere inspected one hour and in most cases also twelve hours after their return to sea water. Fifty individuals were examined and the ratio of those in motion to those still was determined. EXPERIMENTAL. I. The larva? were first exposed to 0.52 molecular NaCl in almost complete absence of oxygen. The solution was boiled while a stream of hydrogen was passed through, care being taken TABLE I. EXPERIMENT i. Over 50 larvae examined in each case. Examined I Hour after Return to Sea Water. Solution. Time of Exposure. 3 Hours. 6 Hours. Isotonic sion . . NaCl at atmospheric oxygen ten- No motion No motion Isotonic NaCl at reduced oxygen tension . . All larvse show bend- ings No motion 4 For a further description of the behaviour of Arenicola larvse in isotonic NaCl see Lillie, R. S., Am. Jour. Physio!., 1909, XXIV., p. 14, and Am. Jour. Physiol.. 1911, XXVIII., p. 210. 136 ISAAC STARR, JR. to maintain the proper concentration and reduce the temperature to room temperature before introducing the larvae. This pro- cedure removes the oxygen almost entirely, for if alkaline pyro- gallol is added to the solution after this treatment no color ap- pears for an hour or more. The control solution, 0.52 NaCl at atmospheric oxygen tension, was also boiled, air instead of hydrogen being bubbled through. TABLE II. EXPERIMENT i. Over 50 larvse examined in each case. A. Examined i Hour after Return to Sea Water. Time of Exposure. Solution. i Hour. 2 Hours. 3 Hours. Isotonic NaCl at at- mospheric oxygen tension 5 show feeble bend- No motion No motion ings, ^ show no motion Isotonic NaCl at re- duced oxygen ten- sion f show bendings 5 show bendings No motion more violent than control B. Same Larva: Examined 24 Hours after Return to Sea Water. Isotonic NaCl at at- mospheric oxygen tension . I larva showed All disintegrated All disintegrated bendings. The rest had disinte- grated. Isotonic NaCl at re- duced oxygen ten- sion . . All larvae actively All disintegrated motile I All disintegrated The antitoxic effect of the absence of oxygen is marked. This was to be expected from Loeb's experiments on Arbacia eggs. II. To expose the larvse to 0.52 mm. NaCl with increased oxygen tension, the simple apparatus pictured was employed. The oxygen tension desired was obtained by running washed oxygen from a tank into the chamber " A," driving the level oT water inside the chamber down to a mark previously determined VARIATIONS IN OXYGEN TENSION. 137 by calculating the volume required with the necessary corrections. The air already present in the chamber is thus diluted with pure oxygen to the required degree. The water levels in and out of the chamber were kept equal by removing water from the large jar " F." The apparatus is only approximately accurate. Bulb Diagram of apparatus. The larvae were introduced and removed by the tube "T" of i mm. bore, which was connected to a Y tube and the rubber bulb " H." By manipulating the rubber bulb and the two pinch cocks on the connections of the Y tube, it was possible to pump the larvae in or out of the small beaker " E." This beaker contained the isotonic NaCl. A similar beaker "D" contained a control culture in sea water at the same oxygen tension as " E." A third beaker not shown in the diagram contained another control cul- ture in isotonic NaCl at atmospheric oxygen tension. In the first series of experiments the oxygen tension of the NaCl solution containing the larvae was raised gradually. The larvae were placed in the isotonic NaCl solution in the beaker " E " before the oxygen tension was raised in the chamber. The tension in the chamber was then raised to 320 mm. and the salt solution and control were slowly stirred for two minutes. The oxygen tension of the solution and control must rise slowly towards 320 mm., but how long it is before it reaches that figure 138 ISAAC STARR, JR. is difficult to predict. As it was impossible to stir too vigorously for fear of injuring the larvae and as diffusion is slow across the surface of an unagitated liquid, it seems probable that the oxygen tension of the NaCl solution and the sea water in the control never reached 320 mm. during the experiment. TABLE III. EXPERIMENT 2. Over 50 larvae examined in each case. A. Examined I Hour after Return to Sea Water. Time of Exposure. Solution. i Hour. 2 Hours. 3 Hours. Isotonic NaCl at at- mospheric oxygen tension All larvae show No motion No motion bendings Isotonic NaCl at slightly increased oxygen tension. . . All larvae show bendings i /2 larva? show bendings i /4 larva? show bendings Sea water at slightly increased oxygen tension Larvae normal Normal Normal B. Examined 21 Hours after Return to Sea Water. Isotonic NaCl at at- mospheric oxygen tension No motion No motion No motion Isotonic NaCl at slightly increased oxygen tension. . . Larvae completely recovered i / 1 o larva? show bendings Occasional larva shows bendings Sea water at slightly increased oxygen tension . Normal Normal Normal VARIATIONS IN OXYGEN TENSION. 139 TABLE IV. EXPERIMEXT 2. Over 50 larvae examined in each case. A. Examined i Hour after Return to Sea Water. Time of Exposure. Solution, i Hour. 2 Hours. 3 Hours. Isotonic NaCl at at- mospheric oxygen tension 1/2 larvae show No motion No motion bendings Isotonic NaCl at slightly increased oxygen tension. . . All larva? show bendings 1/20 larva? show bendings i/io larvae show bendings Sea water at slightly increased oxygen tension . Larvae normal Normal Normal B. Same Larrcc Examined u Hours after Return to Sen U'atcr. Isotonic NaCl at at- mospheric oxygen tension 1/50 larvae show bendings No motion No motion Isotonic NaCl at slightly increased oxygen tension. . . 1/4 larvae show 1/12 larvae show i/S larvae show bendings bendings bendings Sea water at slightly increased oxygen tension . Normal Normal Normal The toxicity is certainly markedly diminished by the slight increase in oxygen tension. The effect is as marked as when the tension was decreased. III. In this experiment the oxygen tension of the chamber was raised to 230 mm. four hours before the experiment was started. The isotonic NaCl in the beaker " E" was stirred vigorously at intervals of fifteen minutes allowing the solution to come to equi- librium at an oxygen tension of 230 mm. before the larvae were introduced. The larvae were washed twice with this NaCL at 230 mm. oxygen tension, by pumping a few c.c. out through the tube " T" and they were then introduced into the beaker " E" as 140 ISAAC STARR, JR. before. The larvae were therefore suddenly subjected to the change of oxygen tension plus the NaCl. TABLE V. EXPERIMENT 3. Over 50 larvae examined in each case. A. Observed i Hour after Return to Sea Water. Solution. Time of Exposure. i Hour. 2 Hours. 3 Hours. 4 Hours. Isotonic NaCl at atmospheric oxygen tension 158 mm. i/io larvae show bendings 1/5 larvae show bendings 1/5 larvae show bendings No motion Isotonic NaCl at approx. 230 mm. oxygen tension . All larvae show bendings 9/10 larvae show bendings 1/2 larvae show bendings 1/50 larvae show bendings Sea water at ap- prox. 230 mm. oxygen tension. Larvae normal Normal Normal Normal B. Observed 18 Hours after Return to S-ea Water. Isotonic NaCl at 158 mm. oxy- gen tension .... 1/7 larvae show bendings i/ioo larvae show bendings 1/50 larvae show bendings i /i oo lar- vae show bendings Isotonic NaCl at approx. 230 mm. oxygen tension ... 9/10 larvae show i /2 larvae show 3/50 larvae show 2/50 larva? bendings bendings bendings show bendings Sea water at ap- prox. 230 mm. oxygen tension. Normal Normal Normal Normal This experiment shows the same diminution of toxicity due to slightly increased oxygen tension. IV. In this experiment the oxygen tension was raised to 275 mm. before the larvae were introduced, as in the preceding ex- periment. VARIATIONS IN OXYGEN TENSION. 141 TABLE VI. EXPERIMENT 4. Over 50 larvae examined in each case. A. Observed i Hour after Return to Sea Water. Time of Exposure. Solution. i Hour. 2 Hours. 3 Hours. Isotonic NaCl at at- mospheric oxygen tension 160 mm. . i /4 larvae show bendings 1/50 larvae show bendings No motion Isotonic NaCl at approx. 275 mm. oxygen tension. . . i /4 larvae show bendings i/ioo larvae show bendings No motion Sea water at approx. 275 mm. oxygen tension Normal Normal Normal B. When observed 24 hours after return to sea water there was no motion in any case except the control in sea water at 275 mm. which was normal. The parallelism with the control is striking. The toxic and antitoxic effects of the increase of oxygen tension must balance at this tension. V. In the last experiment the larvae were exposed to an oxygen tension of 756 mm. (saturated). A stream of oxygen was bubbled through a flask containing the isotonic NaCl for fifteen minutes. The larvae were washed twice with this solution, then were placed in it and oxygen bubbled through for five minutes more and the flask closed. When some of the larvae were re- moved at hourly intervals for return to sea water, oxygen was bubbled through the remaining solution for one minute immedi- ately after. TABLE VII EXPERIMENT 5. Over 50 larvae examined in each case. A. Observed I Hour after Return to Sea Water. Solution. Time of Exposure. i Hour. 2 Hours, 3 Hours. Isotonic NaCl at at- mospheric oxygen tension 160 mm.. 3/4 larvae bendings show No motion 1/20 larvae show bendings 142 ISAAC STARR, JR. Isotonic NaCl at approx. 756 mm. oxygen tension. . . No motion No motion No motion Sea water at approx. 756 mm. oxygen tension Normal Normal Heliotropism lost, otherwise nor- mal. B. Observed 18 Hours after Return to Sea Water. Isotonic NaCl at at- mospheric oxygen tension. 1/2 larvae show bend ings 1/50 larvae show 2/50 larvae show bendings bendings Isotonic NaCl at approx. 756 mm. oxygen tension. . . 1/50 larvffi show bendings No motion No motion Sea water at approx. 756 mm Normal Normal Some heliotropic, some not helio- tropic. all other- wise normal. The increase in toxicity caused by the excessive oxygen tension is very marked. The writer wishes to express his thanks to Professor R. S. Lillie under whose direction the problem was undertaken. CONCLUSIONS. 1. The removal of most of the oxygen from the solution markedly diminishes the toxicity of sodium chloride isotonic to sea water to Arcnlcola larva;. 2. Slight increases in oxygen tension also markedly diminish the toxicity of isotonic sodium chloride. 3. Saturation with oxygen markedly increases the toxicity of this solution. 4. At a tension of approximately 2/5 mm. the toxic and anti- toxic effects balance. AUTHOR S ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, FEBRUARY 28, IQ2I. TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY.1 LEO LOEB.2 INTRODUCTION. In this paper I shall report very briefly on a series of experi- ments which have been carried out in our laboratory by ourselves and our associates and in which the method of transplantation was made use of in the analysis of individuality. Reactions of tissues serve as indicators with which to judge the interactions of individualities when parts of organisms are transferred into a new soil. Conversely, by means of the re- actions of tissues, which we observe under those conditions, we attempt to obtain an insight into the forces which are active be- tween tissues and into their finer biochemical correlations. Upon these forces depends the preservation of the structure of the organism and thus its maintenance. Thus we hope to contribute to the building up of a physiology of tissue in contradistinction to the physiology of organs. In addition we have studied the lit- erature of transplantation, in order to obtain data which permit the comparison of the interaction of individualities in lower and higher animals and thus to determine whether there are indica- tions that a gradual change has taken place in the course of evo- lution. We shall include in our consideration fertilization which can be considered as an intracellular transplantation. Transplantation is the separation of a piece of tissue from its normal surroundings and its transfer into a new environment, either at a new place in the same host ; this we call " autotrans- plantation " ; or into a related individual : " syngenesiotransplan- tation " ; or into a not related individual : " homoiotransplanta- 1 A lecture delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, on August 3, 1920. A few minor additions to the manuscript have been made subsequently. 2 From the Department of Comparative Pathology, Washington LJniversity School of Medicine, St. Louis. 143 144 LEO LOEB. tion." Within the same species differences of groups and strains, varieties may arise. Transplantation into a different species we call " heterotrans- plantation." Here, nearly related species, which interbreed, further distantly related species, which do not interbreed, species which belong to different genera, families, classes can be distin- guished. To this spectrum of relationships correspond?, with certain limitations, a spectrum of interactions of tissues after transplantation. We judge individuality in man primarily by characteristic social-psychical reactions. It is, therefore, I presume, originally a term connoting psychical attributes. Each individual is sup- posed to form an indivisible whole. It is one organism separate and distinct from all others. No two organisms can be identical. This finds the sharpest expression- in the conception of a soul which is supposed to be the real bearer of the individuality, which is unlike any other soul and indivisible. To the psychical individuality corresponds individuality of the body. The body also is supposed to represent one indivisible whole, different from every other body ; in short one common factor uniting all the parts, and distinguishing them from all the parts of other individuals. This conception, however, does not quite harmonize with the mosaic such as has been revealed by Mendelian analysis of in- heritable characteristics of organisms. Mendelian analysis has shown an organism to consist of a very great number of unit factors, the various unit factors being approximately the same in many organisms of the same species, and the individuals dif- fering from each other in the mosaic of unit factors of which each one is composed. A common factor or set of factors present in all parts of the organism and truly representing its individ- uality is not provided for in this scheme. INDIVIDUALITY DIFFERENTIAL. And yet, such a characteristic present in all parts does exist. It is the same everywhere in the same organism and differs in different organisms. We may call this characteristic individual- ity differential as far as it distinguishes individuals, and species TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 145 differential as far as in addition it differentiates species, the one differential being superimposed upon the other. That such a common factor truly representing the individuality does exist can be shown through a comparative study of transplantation of one part of an organism into the same and other individuals, related and not related, of the same species, and into individuals of various different species. Such transplantations reveal the pres- ence of an individuality differential, either directly through the interaction of tissues and of tissues and body fluids, or in certain cases indirectly through the immunity which follows such trans- plantation of tissues or parfs of organisms. A systematic use of transplantation for the analysis of indi- viduality is of rather recent origin. Carried on, however, in a more or less haphazard way the study of transplantation dates back a considerable number of years. My own interest in trans- plantation as a means of analyzing the biochemical difference in the constitution of individuals was first aroused about nineteen years ago, and again a few years later, when I compared the re- sult of transplantation of tumors in the same individual and in another individual of the same species. The transplanted pieces behaved quite differently in both of these cases. AUTO AND HOMOIOTRANSPLANTATION. It is, however, only recently that the difference in the result of auto and homoiotransplantation has been more generally recog- nized. On the other hand, that heterotransplantation does usu- ally not succeed has been established considerably earlier. THE MECHANISM WHICH DETERMINES THE INTERACTION OF TISSUES. For a number of years my associates and myself have carried out experiments tending to analyze the factors which connect individuality and transplantation, and here I wish to describe very briefly a few of our experiments and to draw some more general conclusions, the latter merely in a tentative manner. Our experimental analysis is not yet concluded and at the present time there are under way certain investigations which we hope will help to clear up some of the doubtful points. For our pur- 146 LEO LOEB. pose it might be best to select a few examples of our experiments in order to illustrate some of the more important factors that come into play under various conditions of transplantation. We shall first discuss transplantation of pigmented skin, in the guinea pig, then as examples of glandular organs, the thyroid gland and kidney, and lastly the uterus as an organ containing a variety of tissues, epithelium, myxoid or predeciduomatous connective tissue and unstriated muscle. TRANSPLANTATION OF PIGMENTED SKIN IN THE GUINEA PIG. If we transplant black skin of the guinea pig into a defect in white skin of the same individual, the black skin usually heals in and even begins after a few weeks to penetrate into the neigh- boring white skin. If instead we transplant it into a defect in the white skin of another guinea pig, the skin may temporarily heal in, but sooner or later it is cast off, in the majority of cases at an early date following the grafting. In a few cases, however, the transplant took. I suspect these were cases in which host and donor were related to each other, so that in realitv we had to j deal with syngensio- rather than homoiotransplantation. Now in these exceptional cases the black skin did not only not pene- trate into the neighboring white skin, but on the contrary, it gradually became paler and its pigmentation disappeared in the end entirely. The black skin became transformed into white skin. Microscopically we found in such cases in addition a gradual ac- cumulation of lymphocytes under and in the strange epidermis. The number of these cells need, however, not be very marked. Lymphocytes are small cells with a relatively prominent round nucleus which originate in lymph glands, gain entrance into the circulation and are capable of active movement, which, how- ever, is probably not as active as in the ordinary polynuclear leu- cocytes. These lymphocytes, as we stated, are attracted by the foreign skin, but not by the skin of the same organism. We notice after this kind of homoiotransplantation, a primary in- compatibility between the strange skin and its environment. As a result of this incompatibility between body fluid of the host and the transplant changes take place in the metabolism of the latter which cause the deficient healing in of the transplant and TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 147 which later attract the lymphocytes. In addition there occur ab- normal reactions in the transplant which render impossible the normal restitution of pigment in the graft. Some of these changes in the transplant may take place so soon after trans- plantation that the conclusion suggests itself that in this case an incompatibility between the graft and the body fluids of the host interferes directly with those tissue reactions on which depends the healing in of the graft and the reestablishment of the normal pigmentation. How far these primary changes in metabolism of the graft injure the transplant directly and to what extent they act possibly through induced changes in vascularization of the graft still remains to be determined. It is, however, more prob- able that the incompatibility between body fluids and graft leads to a direct interference with the transplant. TRANSPLANTATION OF THYROID AND KIDNEY If we transplant thyroid gland into the subcutaneous tissue only the peripheral gland tissue survives, the center of the graft being ill nourished in the first few days following the detachment of the gland from its soil dies. The peripheral gland acini pro- liferate soon after transplantation. After autotransplantation blood and lymph vessels grow through this ring of well-preserved and temporarily growing thyroid tissue into the necrotic center, and especially in the peripheral part of the latter they form a ring of vessels which is very noticeable ; from here vessels penetrate into the center of the necrotic material. They are accompanied by a relatively limited number of fibroblasts which at the inner aspect of the thyroid ring form a loose, almost myxoid connective tissue around the blood and Imyph vessels, a tissue not unlike that found in certain stages of development in the embryo. Further removed from the thyroid ring, in the real center of the necrotic material, there may be produced a nucleus of dense fibrous tissue. But its existence is only temporary after autotransplantation. Sooner or later the blood and Imyph vessels and fibroblasts pene- trate into it, absorb it and substitute for it the same kind of loose vascular connective tissue ; this again gives way more and more to the peripheral real thyroid tissue. As a result of the absorp- tion of the central connective tissue and of the marked develop- 148 LEO LOEB. ment of the peripheral thyroid tissue and of the good vascular supply the normal organ structure is more and more reestab- lished. This occurs within three to five weeks after transplanta- tion. Lymphocytes are at no time prominent in the transplant. After homoiotransplantation of the thyroid gland the first stages are similar to those observed after autotransplantation ; but soon two important differences become noticeable. The well developed ring of lymph and blood vessels in the peripheral part of this center is much less prominent after homoiotransplanta- tion ; the connective tissue ingrowth, on the other hand, is much more marked. The whole center becomes soon converted into a dense fibrous mass, much larger in volume than in the autotrans- plant. It may still be well supplied with vessels, but they are less prominent than after autotransplantation. In contradistinction to what happens in the autotransplant this fibrous mass is not absorbed and not substituted first by myxoid and later by thyroid tissue. This transplant never attains similarity in structure with the normal gland. Even around the individual acini the fibro- blasts may become active and form fibrillar and fibrous tissue. The activity of the connective tissue may go still further, and oc- casionally fibroblasts may penetrate into the interior of some thyroid acini and help to destroy them. The direct destruction of the graft by the host is a very character- istic feature after homoiotransplantation. It is however, not so much the activity of the fibroblasts as of the Imyphocytes which brings about this result. While in the autotransplant the lympho- cytes are practically absent, in the homoiotransplant they begin to appear as early as five and seven days after transplantation. However, they become more prominent only about nine or ten days after transplantation, and from then on they rapidly in- crease in number in many cases. They approach the transplant mainly by way of the lymph vessels, and in consequence in the homoiotransplant the lymph vessels may become as prominent as if they had been injected. This I found especially noticeable in the rat, on account of the peculiar distribution of the lymph ves- sels at the inner aspect of the thyroid ring. The lymphocytes appear at this place in especially large masses and from here they penetrate in a peripheral direction into the thyroid acini TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 149 proper and destroy them. Other lymphocytes approach the thyroid from the periphery and from here push forward in a central direction. All these lymphocytes surround, invade and destroy the thyroid tissue directly after homoiotransplantation and they are, therefore, the chief agent of destruction. They interfere with the nourishment of the acini by surrounding them and cutting them off from the vessels ; they exert furthermore a direct pressure upon them and invade and substitute them. In addition the fibrous tissue which is so prominent after homoio- transplantation also tends to shut off the nourishing material from the vessels. Furthermore it compresses the glandular struc- tures and fibroblasts occasionally invade them, as we have stated above. These lymphocytes and fibroblasts form, therefore, an agency of attack which usually succeeds in destroying the homoio- transplant of the thyroid somewhere between the fifteenth and twenty-eighth day following transplantation. We may again assume that in the strange host the body fluids are not completely adapted to the transplanted gland structures. In consequence their metabolism is to a certain extent altered. This alteration, however, is not of sufficient intensity to cause a direct destruction of the transplanted glandular structures. This alteration in metabolism attracts the lymphocytes, diminishes the vascularization of the transplant and increases the invasion of the graft by fibroblasts, which, however, under these altered con- ditions do not remain intact, succulent cells, but instead form fibrillar and dense fibrous tissue. In principle it is similar after transplantation of the kidney ; but the greater denseness of this material brings about certain minor modifications in the result. Thus in the kidney after auto- transplantation we do not find the inner ring of lymph and blood vessels so noticeable as in thyroid autotransplant. But in all essential respects the conditions are parallel to those after trans- plantation of thyroid. The formation of fibrous tissue is much more prominent after homoiotransplantation of the kidney than after autotransplantation. The lymphocytes play here a similar part. In the end the homoiotransplant is again destroyed in the same way as in the case of the homoiotransplanted thyroid. But this destruction of the kidney may be completed at a somewhat I5O LEO LOEB. later date. After autotransplantation kidney tissue usually re- mains preserved. We have begun comparative studies of auto and homoiotrans- plantation in other species. There are indications that in prin- ciple conditions are similar in those species which we have begun to study, but there may exist some quantitative and perhaps also some qualitative differences in different species, just as we found certain differences in the behavior of the thyroid and kidney. Thus to mention only one difference, we found that in the rabbit the polynuclear leucocytes are much more prominent after trans- plantation than in either rat or guinea pig. SYNGENESIOTRANSPLANTATION. If instead of transplanting the thyroid gland in the guinea pig into not related individuals of the same species, we transplant it into nearly related individuals of the same family, for instance from brother to brother or sister, or from parents to children, we find an intermediate condition between the results of auto and homoiotransplantation, or rather we find all degrees of an inter- mediate condition. Thus while after autotransplantation lympho- cytes are almost absent and after homoiotransplantation they usually begin to become prominent during the latter part of the second week, they may after syngenesiotransplantation, appear as late as the second half of the fourth week ; sometimes- they may appear somewhat earlier or at other times later. But they usually end by destroying the transplant even in relatives. We find therefore a noticeable delay in the reaction on the part of the host. Evidently at first the metabolism of the syngenesiotrans- plant is little altered by the body fluids of the host. Gradually, however, the alteration becomes here also sufficiently strong to attract the lymphocytes. As we have stated above the vascular and connective tissue reaction on the part of the host tissue usu- ally takes place between the seventh and twelfth days after trans- plantation, at a time, therefore, when the alteration of the metab- olism has usually not yet become very marked. The blood and lymph vessel supply may therefore in the case of svngenesio- transplantation be as satisfactory as after autotransplantation, al- though later the lymphocytes begin their destructive work. There TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 151 is a prolonged latent period in the case of syngenesiotransplanta- tion and the vascular and connective tissue reaction falls into this latent period. As we have stated above we find in syngenesiotransplantation all degrees of intermediate condition in different individuals of the same family, for instance in different brothers. In some indi- viduals host and graft may be almost as unsuitable to each other as after homoiotransplantation. In such a case the metabolic alteration of the transplant may have reached a considerable strength at the period, when the vascular and connective tissue reaction is determined. In this case the dense fibrous tissue of homoiotransplantation may be produced in syngenesiotransplan- tation. Most beneficial seems to be the exchange of tissues between brothers and sisters. Very good, but perhaps sligthly less advan- tageous is the transplantation from parents to children. Pecul- iarly enough, we found that after transplantation of the thyroid in the guinea pig from child to mother the result is about as un- favorable as after transplantation into a totally strange individual of the same species. This peculiar phenomenon we intend to analyze still further. A similar intermediate condition we found after multiple simultaneous transplantation of organs into rela- tives in the rat. In this case we have, of course, to take into con- sideration the fact that different organs and parts of organs differ in their power of resistance in the period following transplanta- tion, and that the relation between the parenchyma and stroma also differ in different organs. Again we found in the latter series all degrees of intermediate condition and different organs behaved in the same host in an analogous way, if they, came from the same donor. TRANSPLANTATION OF UTERUS. In the transplantation of the uterus, we are especially interested in the behavior of the myxoid or predeciduomatous, cellular con- nective tissue and in the unstriated muscle tissue which are char- acteristic of the uterine structure. Soon after transplantation the death of a part of the myxoid connective tissue, which is not un- like connective tissue present in the embryo, and of the unstriated 152 LEO LOEB. muscle takes place in the auto as well as in homoio graft. This is the result of the injury caused by the process of transplantation and the defective nourishment directly following the grafting. But from about the sixth to the tenth day following transplan- tation a much better, more complete recovery of the myxoid and unstriated muscle tissue takes place in the auto- than in the homo- iotransplant, and while subsequently in the autotransplant these two tissues maintain themselves, in the homoiotransplant a grad- ual substitution of the injured myxoid and muscle tissue by fibrous tissue takes place sometime between the fourteenth and twenty-fourth day. On this soil of fibrous tissue the epithelium does not thrive so well as on the myxoid connective tissue of the autotransplant ; it decreases therefore in size, and becomes lower ; later it is again attacked by lymphocytes and thus gradually de- stroyed. The lymphocytes though appear here somewhat later than in the homoiotransplanted thyroid and kidney ; but as in the case of the other organs their attack is mainly directed against the epithelial tissue, although they do not leave entirely free some of the other tissues. Again we find as the result of those ab- normal substances which form after homoiotransplantation, — we may call these substances homoiotoxius — an attraction of lympho- cytes and an altered behavior of connective tissue cells. But in addition we find in this case a very early injurious influence of the hcmoiotoxins on two sensitive tissues, namely myxoid or pre- deciduomatous and unstriated muscle tissue. They show the in- jurious effect of the conditions prevailing in the strange host at a time, when lymphocytes have not yet had a chance to play any considerable part. How far these two tissues are injured directly by an inadequate constitution of the body fluids of the host (by the " homoiotoxins "), and how far the latter influence primarily the vascular supply, the latter in turn influencing the life of the myxoid and unstriated muscle tissue, is uncertain at present. It is however more probable that their destruction is primarily due to the inadequacy of the body fluids rather than to an insufficient vascular supply, which latter would then be the direct conse- quence of the lack of adaptation between body fluids and trans- planted tissue. There is another point of interest in the trans- plantation of the uterus. We find that the primary transforma- TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 153 tion of myoxid into fibrous connective tissue leads secondarily to changes in the epithelium which rests on the connective tissue. We find thus a chain reaction and in addition to the direct results indirect results of the homoiotoxin action. MECHANISM OF THE REACTIONS. These experiments prove that the introduction of parts of organs or tissues which originated in a strange individual causes disturbances which lead to changes similar to those found as the result of the action of toxic substances. These substances act not unlike those given off by certain microorganisms, as for instance the tubercle bacillus, which cause changes of a not acute char- acter. Lymphocytes are attracted and besides the relations be- tween various tissues are quite markedly altered. We have every reason to assume that these disturbances are due to products of metabolism given off by the introduced tissue, which act as homo- iotoxins. We have learned that the action of these substances is graded in accordance with the relationship between donor and host. It is as yet doubtful, how far these disturbing substances are those given off in the normal metabolism of the transplanted cells — substances which are toxic merely because they act on a strange host — and how far they are the product of an abnormal metabolism of the introduced cells, the pathological change being due to the action of the body fluids of the new host upon the strange cells. It is probable that the second alternative holds good at least in many cases. Landsteiner, von Dungern and others have shown that in man certain groups of individuals can be dis- tinguished according to the interaction of blood cells on the one hand, and agglutinins preformed in the blood on the other hand. While such agglutinins have not been observed in animals, in certain cases it has been found possible through immunization with blood corpuscles belonging to the same species, but to dif- ferent individuals to produce hemolysins which dissolve cor- puscles of the same species and combine especially with the cor- puscles of the individual whose blood had been used for injection. These observations, as well as our own experiments to which we referred already, as wrell as others to be mentioned later render it at least probable that such an interaction takes place between a 154 LEO LOEB. constituent of the body fluids of the host and the strange cells and that this interaction leads to the formation of toxic substances. While these toxic substances probably interfere in an injurious manner with certain sensitive tissues and lead to their destruction in an indirect manner, in the case especially of certain epithelial structures they merely alter the metabolism in such a way as would be perfectly compatible with the life of the tissues. But this alteration in metabolism sets into motion secondary processes, in consequence of which lymphocytes, vessels and fibroblasts show an altered relation to the transplanted epithelium and these tissue reactions lead secondarily to the death of the transplant. SYNGENESIO AND HOMOIO TOXINS AS PRODUCTS OF METABOLISM. We have assumed that the substances which are characteristic of the individual and which call forth the reactions which we have described, pass into the surrounding medium as the result of the metabolism of the tissue. In all probability they are not merely decomposition products of proteins. In order to exclude this latter interpretation we studied the behavior of the host tissue towards homoiotransplantecl bloodclots in which the blood cells live for a certain period without, however, carrying on an active metabolism. We found that such blood cells do not call forth any of the reactions characteristic of homoiografts ; neither lymphocytes nor connective tissue nor vessels behave towards them in any specific way whatever. These homoiodifferentials are as far as we know, common to all the active tissues of an organism. They are the same in the different organs of the same animal. As we stated above, we could show this fact in the rat by multiple simultaneous transplantation of different organs of an individual into the same host. Under this condition all the organs elicit proportionately the same individuality reaction, because the relation between the individuality differentials of host and donor is everywhere the same. Particularly the lymphocytic reaction allows us to estimate this relationship of the individuality differ- entials in an approximately quantitative way, as our syngenesio- transplantations have shown. TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 155 MULTIPLE AND SUCCESSIVE TRANSPLANTATIONS. We can demonstrate this fact also by multiple simultaneous transplantations of the same kind of organ, for instance, the thyroid from different individuals into the same host. The lobes of thyroid taken from the same animal behave then in an approxi- mately similar manner, while the lobes taken from different ani- mals may behave very differently, each calling forth a lymphocytic reaction in a quantitative way in accordance with the relationship between host and donor. One piece can call forth a marked reac- tion, while at the same time and in the same host another piece proves rather indifferent. This indicates that the reaction is of an entirely local character, called forth by the substances diffusing from the transplanted cells into the neighboring tissue. It is not primarily a general reaction of the character of an immune - reaction, which would depend mainly on the presence of sub- stances originating in response to the inoculation of the tissue and carried through the circulation equally to all parts of the body. The local character of the reaction we could prove still in another way, namely by carrying out successive transplantations of the same kind of organ into the same host. Under these conditions the latent period of the lymphocytic and connective tissue reac- tion was approximately the same after the first and second trans- plantation. An immune substance which could have accelerated the second reaction had, therefore, not been formed. In certain cases, however, such an immune substance may actually develop and hasten the appearance of a reaction around the transplant. This takes place after inoculation with certain tumors. Thus it comes about that the function of the lymphocytes has been misin- terpreted in the case of tumor inoculations. It is believed that they are solely concerned in the production of an immunity against tumor growth. Our observations on the action of lymph- ocytes in the case of transplantation of ordinary tissues, which date back a considerable number of years, clearly prove that the role of lymphocytes is a much more general one, namely, a direct and local, quantitatively graded response to the homoio and syn- genesiotoxins. The immunity reaction in certain cases of tumor transplantation is merely a special case in a set of phenomena of much wider biological significance. 156 LEO LOEB. CONSTANCY OF THE INDIVIDUALITY DIFFERENTIAL. This individuality differential is a relatively constant factor that varies not at all or at least to a very limited extent in the same individual after the animal has reached the age, when it is able to obtain its nourishment independently of its mother. Such condi- tions as pregnancy, temporary undernourishment, certain infec- tions do not suspend the function of the individuality differential. In addition we could show in a separate series of experiments that particularly those changes which call -^orth compensatorv hypertrophy in the thyroid gland do not noticeably interfere with the reaction against the homoiodifferential. The lymphocytes may invade in enormous numbers the gland even after it has become hypertrophic and again in the end they succeed in de- stroying it. THE EFFECT OF HOMOIOTOXINS ON OTHER GROWTH PROCESSES. While thus compensatory hypertrophy does not noticeably modify the action of the homoiotoxins, the homoiotoxins may on the other hand, as our recent experiments have shown, to some extent interfere with the development of compensatory hypertrophy of the thyroid gland, not only by bringing about the destruction of the gland, but apparently also by diminishing the frequency of the hypertrophic changes. In a similar manner our previous experiments had shown that homoiotoxins may to some extent interfere with the production of the maternal placenta and the placentomata such as they can be produced experimentally in the normal as well as in the homoiotransplanted uterus. After homoio-transplantation the experimental formation of placenta is diminished. The homoiotoxins interfere, therefore, to some ex- tent not only with purely regulative processes such as occur after transplantation of organs, but also with those changes which lead to compensatory hypertrophy and to placenta formation. They evidently have an injurious influence on a variety of growth processes, and diminish the intensity of those tissue reactions which initiate placenta formation. TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 157 HETEROTRANSPLANTATION. If we compare with these results of auto, syngenesio and homoiotransplantation, heterotransplantation (transplantation into a strange species ) we find some interesting differences. After heterotransplantation tissues generally live only a short time, which varies between a few days or even less and two weeks or slightly more. In a few exceptional cases tissue may even live as long as three or four weeks. For a short period there may be found a slight proliferation of the heterotransplant. But usually the injurious action of the host and particularly of its body- fluids is very marked after heterotransplantation. The quantity of living, well preserved tissue is therefore very much reduced. These differences between the hetero and homoiotransplant are usually quite marked as early as the latter part of the first and the beginning of the second week. There may be added to the direct injurious effect of the host and its body fluids a destructive action of lymphocytes and an invasive action of fibroblasts. But both of these are usually relatively slight ; and especially the lymphocytic reaction is markedly less prominent after hetero- than after homoiotransplantation. Fibroblasts and bloodvessels of the host show little activity around the heterotransplanted parenchyma. The vascularization is therefore poor and the number of fibroblasts growing directly around the heterotissue is usually restricted. The connective tissue that does grow has the tendency to form fibrous tissue. At some distance from the transplanted parenchmya the fibroblasts and bloodvessels behave otherwise as if they had to deal with an inert foreign body. While thus the lymphocyte and connective tissue contribute only slightly to the destruction of the heterotransplant — the fibrous tissue ex- erting an injurious pressure on the heterotransplant — large masses of lymphocytes may collect in the tissue surrounding the hetero- graft. These lymphocytes, however, are relatively innocuous. If we ask, how it comes about that after heterotransplantation, notwithstanding the greater strangeness of host and donor, the destructive action of the lymphocytes is not only not more marked than after homoiotransplantation, but on the contrary much more restricted, we may suggest that after heterotransplantation the 158 LEO LOEB. grafted tissue is injured to so marked an extent, that a depression in metabolism occurs and the quantity of toxic substances attract- ing the lymphocytes and produced in the metabolism of the tissue is much diminished. All this applies to the transplantation into not nearly related species. If we transplant into nearly related species, results are much better as has been established by W. Schultz. It seems that in this case the tissues behave almost like homoiotransplants. However it appears probable to me that a comparative study — which so far has not yet been made,— would show that even in this case the results are distinctly less good than after homoiotransplantation. If we disregard the hetero- transplantations into nearly related species, there is after hetero- transplantations not a close connection between the results of transplantations and the relationship of the species used. The heterotransplanted tissues are all so near the minimal threshold which just permits life for a short time, that various secondary factor often become of more importance in determining the duration of life and extent of proliferation of the graft than the character of the species differentials. There exists, however, as we have shown an indication that even here such a relationship enters as one of the determining factors. SPECTRUM OF RELATIONSHIPS AND INTERACTION OF TISSUES. If we now compare the effect of the various kinds of trans- plantations on the character of the interactions between the tissues of host and graft, we come to the following conclusions : i. The autotransplants have the greatest degree of efficiency in preserving the integrity of the graft and in maintaining inviolate the boundaries of the organs and in preventing the ingrowth of the connective tissue of the host. The autotransplant behaves in this respect most like the normal organ. From there a decrease in efficiency takes place if we pass to the syngenesio- and to the homoiotransplants. In the heterotransplant this power of pre- serving the integrity of the graft and of warding off the attack by strange connective tissue has become very slight. There is, how- ever, still noticeable a slight action of the transplanted paren- chyma even in this case ; but on the whole the tissue behaves not TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 159 unlike an inert foreign body. Correspondingly the amount of fibrous tissue formed increases and the extent of vascularization decreases in the direction from atitotransplant to heterotransplant. The ability of the transplanted parenchyma to maintain a domi- nance over the stroma, to keep the fibroblasts intact, and if pos- sible in a myxoid condition and to cause the absorption of the connective tissue stroma decreases in the direction from auto to heterotransplant. Similar is the curve which represents the stimulating power of the parenchyma on the vesselgrovvth. It needs further investigation to determine how far the vascular re- action is a primary phenomenon and how far the connective tissue reaction depends upon it. The lymphocytic reaction on the other hand reaches a maximum in the homoiotransplant and decreases again in the heterotransplant. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS. CONTACT SUBSTANCES, AUTO- SUBSTANCES AND TOXINS. — - •«« Our results are best understandable, if we assume that the cells in their metabolism give off a series of substances which regulate the relation with certain other kinds of cells, and in par- ticular the relation of parenchyma (epithelial, glandular, special kinds of connective tissue cells and unstriated muscle) to the surrounding connective tissue, blood and lymph vessels and lymphocytes. We must conclude that the cells living under what we might call " autocondition," give off another substance or another set of substances from those living under " syngenesio," "homoio," "hetero" conditions. We have found a graded injuriousness of the latter kind of substances for the cells of the surrounding tissues. They stimulate the surrounding tissues to reactions which are pathological and which in the end lead to the destruc- tion of the cells which produce these substances and call forth these reactions. We have therefore called these substances " syn- genesio," " homoio," " hetero " toxins. Conversely we may des- ignate those substances which are given off by the normally func- tioning cells under " auto " surroundings as " auto " substances. They regulate the action of connective tissue cells, vessels and I6O LEO LOEB. lymphocytes in the most adequate way, and in a manner peculiar to each organ, in a way which keeps away lymphocytes, which limits the activity of fibroblasts which under those conditions cannot invade the tissue of another kind and merely enter in such relations with these tissues as are demanded by the normal struc- ture and function of the organ. The auto substances thus bring about the restitution of the normal structure in an at first disor- ganized organ, just as these substances maintain the normal struc- ture and function in the normal organ. The syngenesio, homoio and hetero conditions on the other hand lead to those pathological conditions which we have described. There are other facts which equally point to the conclusion that substances wrhich in general we may designate as " contact substances " are given off and regulate the relations of various kinds of tissue to each other. We may mention a few examples of conditions under which contact substances come into play. (a) In our study of the cyclic changes in the mammary gland we found a relation between the state of the glandular paren- chyma and the surrounding connective tissue stroma. We found that an active gland has an active stroma, while a resting, retro- gressing gland has a resting, more or less fibrous stroma. (6) Similarly we find around the various gland ducts which are metabolically inactive usually a resting fibrous stroma, in con- tradistinction to the cellular stroma around the active gland tissue. i c ) Wherever cells of the parenchyma are multiplying we generally find the stroma cells and the vessels to become like- wise active and conversely where connective tissue cells and the vessels are active the cells of the parenchyma, for instance, epi- thelium, receive a stimulus to grow. (d) There are indications that contact substances play also a certain role during embryonic life and that here they help to determine the formation of some organs. Thus a lens producing contact substance is given off by the optic disc. It stimulates growth and a special differentiation in the overlying ectoderm. Thus we know at the present time a large class of contact sub- stances and it is probable that future studies will still add to the number of these substances.1 1 Several years ago Dr. Walsh and the writer found that a substance given off by the ovum determines the development of the follicle in the ovary. TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. l6l CONTACT SUBSTANCES AND HORMONES; THEIR RELATION TO THE INDIVIDUALITY DIFFERENTIAL. These contact substances are contrasted with the hormones, for instance those given off by the corpus luteum which regulates the activity of the mucosa of the uterus and probably of certain other organs. They are given off by certain organs, and carried through the circulation to distant organs. They have a specific distant action. In contradistinction to some of the contact sub- stances these distance substances do not possess an individuality or even a species differential. CONTACT SUBSTANCES AND CHANGES IN OLD AGE. I cannot conclude a consideration of this aspect of the subject without pointing out the similarity of conditions which we find under " homoio conditions " with those found in old age. In both cases we observe a tendency to the formation of a fibrous stroma and to a decrease in good vascularization. This condition also corresponds to that found in states of metabolic inactivity. May we not therefore refer old age changes not only to the lack of certain hormones given off by glands (as for instance thyroid and corpus luteum) with internal secretions, but also to a quantita- tive or sometimes perhaps even to a qualitative change in the character of contact substances, to a diminution in the produc- tion of what we have called the " auto substances " ? Such a diminution in auto substances would be the necessary result of a diminished activity of the parenchyma. Thus a vicious circle would be established. The diminished activity of the paren- chyma causes changes in stroma and vascularization and the latter further depresses the activity of the parenchyma. INHERITANCE OF THE INDIVIDUALITY DIFFERENTIAL. We have seen that there is in each individual and in each cell, at least in the large majority of all cells of an indivdual, an indi- viduality differential which is present in addition to the ordinary Mendelian unit factors. The inheritance of the latter has given rise to numerous investigations which on the whole have tended to show the general applicability of Mendelian rules in the in- 1 62 LEO LOEB. terpretation of phenomena of inheritance. The concept of the individuality differential is too new to have received much at- tention from students of heredity. But von Dungern studied the group agglutinins to which we have referred above and mentions that they are inherited according to the rules of the inheritance of simple Mendelian monohybrid factors. G. Schoene likewise inquired how the characteristic of tolerance for skin grafts was transmitted from parents to offspring and this author also came to the conclusion that it was inherited according to the rules of simple Mendelian heredity. Neither of these investigators, how- ever, gives convincing data in this respect nor does Schoene refer to the finer tissue reactions in his interpretations. Cur own ex- periments lead us to a different conclusion. In the union of a female, and male germcell of two individuals belonging to the same species, two different individuality differentials are hybrid- ized. How are the individuality differentials of the children? Do they follow that of the father or that of the mother or do the differentials of some children follow that of the father, while those of others follow that of the mother? \Ye find that the individuality differentials of the offspring are not identical — at least in the large majority of cases — with the individuality differ- ential of either of the parents, but that they have an intermediate character; there exists, however, as we have shown, all transi- tions between one and the other of the two individuality differ- entials, if we compare the behavior of different children. We have therefore a mode of intermediate or blending inheritance. If we interpret this fact in Mendelian conceptions we must con- clude that the individuality differential is represented by multiple factors. INDIVIDUALITY AND SPECIES DIFFERENTIAL OF SUBSTANCES. SPECIFICALLY ADAPTED SUBSTANCES. The cells and tissues of an organism contain, as we have seen, the individuality and species differential ; they characterize each individual and distinguish it from all other individuals. They make a real indvidual out of a conglomeration of cells and tissues. In order that these cells and tissues develop into an individual TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 163 organism and subsequently function as such, substances are given off by the tissues and organs which act upon adjoining or distant parts of the body and thus bring about a correlation of functions which makes possible the orderly development and maintenance of the organism. Some of these substances still preserve the individuality and species differential. We may, therefore, con- clude that not only cells, but also substances given off by cells may still have the individuality or species differential. This applies to some of the contact substances which we have postu- lated. They may have the individuality differential. In most substances, however, the presence of an individuality differential cannot be demonstrated, but merely the existence of a species dif- ferential. Of especial interest among these are certain sub- stances which make use of this species differential in their func- tion and which are therefore most effective if they interact with other substances having the same species differential or rather a supplementary species differential adapted to the first differ- ential. Such substances I have called " specifically adapted sub- stances.'' To this group of specifically adapted substances belong, as I found in my earlier work, substances which are present in the tissues and erythrocytes and which interact with a constituent of the circulating bodyfluid in order to accelerate the clotting of the blood and lymph. These substances I have called tissue coagulins. They seem to be id~entical with the thrombokinases. The species differential fulfills in this case a definite and im- portant function. Subsequently Hedin discovered in the gastric juice a substance inhibiting the milk coagulating enzyme. Both these substances interact with the species differential. More re- cently Dr. Frank Lillie found a specificially adapted relation be- tween a constituent of the egg, an agglutinin, and the spermatozoa of the same species. In this case, however, the common species differential functions in substances belonging to two different individuals, while in the former cases the interaction occurs in substances of the same individual. On the other hand a large number of important substances which have the function to cor- relate and unify the action of various organs, particularly certain growth substances and the common hormones are not only not 1 64 LEO LOEB. individual specific but not even species specific. This applies for instance to the growth substances emanating from the corpus luteum in which I found the absence of the individuality differ- ential. The lack of the species differential applies to growth sub- stances extracted from the placenta, to the growth substances which determine the formation of the lens, to substances inducing metamorphosis in amphibia and compensatory hypertrophy in mammals ; it applies to the common hormones of the adrenal gland and thyroid. In this case we have to deal with relatively simple substances, some of which are apparently of a lipoid nature, while others are of a still simpler composition. On the other hand we have every reason to assume that the individuality and species differentials are proteid substances or at least that they occur only in combina- tion with proteid substances. In the case of the tissue coagulins we have found that the spe- cies differential of the tissues interacts with an adapted substance in the body fluids. In a similar way we find in general an adap- tation between body fluids and cells which is based on the pres- ence of the individuality and spe?ies differentials. It can be demonstrated directly in the case of the natural hemolysins, but probably applies as we have pointed out above, to the relations of all tissues to body fluids. It exists, as we 'found recently, even in the case of invertebrates where we established the interaction of species differentials in the case of the experimental amcebocytic tissue and the blood serum. We shall refer to it again later. It also applies to the relation between the antigens and immune substances. SUPPLEMENTARY DIFFERENTIALS IN BODY FLUIDS. In all those cases the individuality or species differential of the tissues interacts with an analogous substance in the body fluids. It is, however, not certain that the substance or group in the body fluids is identical with that in the tissues, although they fit into each other specifically. A difference between the two could be demonstrated in the case of tumor immunity. While species im- munity can be produced with body fluids as well as with tissues of a certain species, individuality immunity can only be produced TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 165 with the tissue differential, but not with the corresponding dif- ferential in the body fluids. We may designate the substance present in the body fluid and interacting with the individuality and species differential of the tissues as the supplementary indi- viduality and species differential. PHYLOGENETIC AND ONTOGENETIC EVOLUTION OF THE INDIVID- UALITY AND SPECIES DIFFERENTIAL. The analysis of the individuality differential which we have given so far applies altogether to the higher animals, mammals and birds. Almost all the experiments to which we referred in this paper were made in these two classes. Does this fine differ- entiation of individuality, the delicate discernment of individual relationship such as we have found in the cells and tissues of higher animals, also exist in the lower animals? Is it a charac- teristic of all animal cells or has it gradually evolved together with other differentiations in the course of evolution? Have the differentials, or rather the reactions they call forth, had an evo- lution like structure and certain functions? So far as I am ac- quainted with the literature this question has never been put and no planful investigations have been carried out tending to answer it. In a general way, however, it is known that in lower forms and in earlier embryonic stages transplantability is greater, in correspondence with the greater regenerative power, of these organisms, or in dependence on the greater power of isolated parts of these beings to sustain themselves separated from the remnant of the animal, as particularly W. Schultz has pointed out. But the evolution of species and individuality differentials has not been considered in a conscious way as far as I am aware. I have recently studied the literature of transplantation with the view of determining whether the experiments which were carried out by various investigators for the solution of problems of a different character might throw some light on this question. While in some respects I found the evidence here and there some- what contradictory, still I believe that certain conclusions may be arrived at on this basis with a fair degree of certainty. To begin with invertebrate embryos, the experiments of Driesch, Morgan, Goldfarb and others show that parts of em- 166 LEO LOEB. bryos of the same species can be readily grafted upon each other. The homoiodifferential does apparently not play any role. These embryos on the other hand react against union with the part of an embryo belonging to a different species, against an heterodif- f erential ; the reaction, however, seems to be less marked than in mammals. Similar are the results obtained with transplantation of gonads in larvae of lepidopterse (Meisenheimer, Kopec). In nearly related species the results of grafting are better than in distant species. It is similar in adult invertebrates. Here also no difference seems to exist between auto- and homoiotransplantation and while a reaction takes place against heterotransplants, it is again con- siderably less pronounced than in the higher animals. Of value are here especialy the experiments of Joest, Harms, Leypoldt and Rabes in Lumbricidae and of Wetzel in Hydra. While hetero- differentials and also reactions against heterodifferentials exist here, the reactions are much less intense, if we make allowance for the lower temperature at which these reactions take place and which would naturally retard the reaction considerably. In Lum- bricidae the heterotransplant may remain alive in toto, while even in amphibia part of the heterotransplant becomes necrotic. In adult invertebrates also heterotransplantation succeeds only in certain, not too distant, species. We studied recently the species differential in such simple forms as the blood cells of arthropods. We found that the blood cells of limulus are specifically adapted to their own blood serum. Their activities are optimal in Limu- lus serum. Limulus serum surpasses any other serum so far tested. In order to determine this relationship we made use of experi- mental amcebocyte tissue and we compared the rapidity and quan- tity of outgrowth from this tissue in different sera. The pictures we obtain under those conditions are very similar to those pre- sented by outgrowing embryonic connective tissue. We find then even in the blood cells of invertebrates a specific adaptation be- tween the species differential of the blood cells and the supple- mentary species differential of the body fluids. If we pass to the lower vertebrates, we note in amphibian larvae a condition somewhat analogous to that in invertebrates. Espe- TRANSPLANTATION AND I INDIVIDUALITY. 167 cially the grafting of amphibian embryos, a method originated by Born and subsequently used by Braus, Harrison and others, is interesting in this connection; furthermore the transplantation of skin (Lewis, Weigl), of the eye (Uhlenbath) and the experi- ments of Spemann add valuable data. There is apparently no difference between the results of auto- and homoiotransplanta- tions. On the other hand a heteroreaction again exists, but is less marked than in the case of higher veretebrates. Transplantation into nearer related species succeeds better than into further dis- tant species. In adult amphibia we find the first indication of the existence of a homoiodifferential. However, in adult fishes and amphibia the reaction against homoiotransplantation seems to be less marked than in adult mammals and birds, although we must con- fess the evidence concerning the fate of homoiotransplanted tissues in these classes appears somewhat contradictory. We have furthermore to consider the difference in temperature at which reactions occur in lower and higher vertebrates. This factor might render the homoio reaction much slower in amphibia. Despite these difficulties we may provisionally conclude that the reaction against homoio and heterodifferentials is somewhat less pronounced in lower than in higher vertebrates. The interesting observations of Murphy and Rons who made successful heterografts of tumors in the allantois of chick em- bryos suggest that the individuality reaction is absent even in the embryo of higher vertebrates which serve as hosts. This agrees with an observation of Braus which seems to indicate that in am- phibian larvae used as hosts the heteroreaction appears at a cer- tain stage, namely, when the circulation has been established in the transplant. Likewise if we transplant embryonic mammalian tisue into adult hosts the homoioreaction seems to be somewhat elss pronounced in the case of certain tissues ; the reaction, how- ever, does exist. Embryonic mammalian tissues call forth a very rapid heteroreaction in adult hosts (Saltykow). To summarize, we find absence of homoioreaction in inverte- brates and larvae of lower vertebrates. The heteroreaction exists here, but is less pronounced. In lower adult vertebrates the 1 68 LEO LOEB. homoioreaction as well as the heteroreaction exists, but again both are probably less pronounced than in mammals. There has, therefore, as far as we can judge from the experi- ments so far recorded, taken place an ontogenetic as well as a phylogenetic evolution in the formation of the individuality dif- ferential. Ontogenetic and phylogenetic evolution has apparently led to an individualization of the organisms. There is added gradually to the reaction against the species differential the re- action against the individuality differential. If we inquire into the mechanism on which this gradual refine- ment depends, several factors would have to be considered : 1. The individuality differential might as yet be absent in the lower forms, especially in invertebrates, and appear only in ver- tebrates. 2. The individuality differential might be present in all animal organisms, but the supplementary substance in the body fluids might develop only in certain ontogenetic and phylogenetic stages and consequently the reaction on the part of the host might be very weak. 3. The individuality differential might be present and the host might react towards it, but somehow the tissues of lower or- ganisms show a very low degree of sensitiveness to these re- actions. In other words, is this individualization due to the gradual acquisition of the individuality differential or to the de- velopment of a reaction on the part of the host against the indi- viduality differential or to a greater sensitiveness on the part of the higher tissues to this reaction? Authors have so far not dif- ferentiated between these three possibilities, and the data on hand do therefore not permit us to decide the question definitely. There exist, howrever, some facts which have a bearing on this question. In the first place we find a very interesting exception to the statement that individuality reactions are absent in lower forms: in a certain rhizpocl. Orbitolithes, Max Schultze observed as early as 1863 a peculiar reaction which was further analyzed by P. Jensen. Two pseudopodia belonging to the same individual unite, the protoplasms flowing together at the point of contact ; but if two pseudopodia belonging to two different individuals touch each other a contraction occurs and a reunion fails to take TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 169 place. An individuality differential seems to be present in these protozoa and to lead to a marked direct interaction of proto- plasms. There exist, perhaps, a few similar reactions in certain other unicellular organisms. In other similar protozoa, however, the reaction has not been observed by more recent investigators. If it were possible to generalize from this observation, we should conclude that the individuality differential is present in all animal tissues ; and that the lack of reaction must be due to one of the two other causes. On the other hand there are some indi- cations that the chemical constitutions of the cell proteins of the embryo differ from those of the fully developed forms. To men- tion only one fact of this kind: while according to Roessle em- bryonic tissue contains the same antigen for hemolysins as the adult tissue, it lacks according to Braus the substance which after injection into animals of a different species or class calls forth the production of precipitins ; neither does embryonic tissue bind precipitin which had previously been produced through hetero injection of adult material. Probably the precipitin reaction is in this case a less reliable indicator of the presence of the differen- tial than the hemolysin reaction, which seems to be positive. It is possible that the absence or presence of the supplementary sub- stance in the body fluids may at least in part, be responsible for the hetero reaction ; this is suggested by the observation of Braus according to whom extremities of amphibian embryos grafted on hosts which are as yet in an embryonic stage show the effect of the unsuitable soil, as soon as the body fluids of the host begin to circulate in the grafts. If we take all these facts into consideration, it seems on the whole more probable that the individuality differentials exist in all animal organisms, but that the individuality reactions are lack- ing in lower forms. INDIVIDUALITY AND SPECIES DIFFERENTIAL AND FERTILIZATION. There exists an interesting correlation between the lack of the individuality differential in lower ontogenetic and phylogenetic forms on the one hand and between the lack of an individuality reaction on the part of egg and sperm chromosomes throughout all classes on animals. Homoiofertilization is the normal occur- I7O LEO LOEB. rence and it can be considered as an intracellular transplantation. Homoiotransplantation succeeds in this case as well as autoreac- tion. Indeed it is a transplantation which usually occurs under homoio conditions. Furthermore, just as in the case of the more primitive tissues a reaction of incompatibility occurs after hetero- transplantation, in a corresponding way a reaction of incompati- bility occurs, when chromosomes of germ cells with different species differentials meet, as the experiments of Baltzer, Tennent, Moenkhaus, Guyer, Newman and others have shown. With this conclusion is even in agreement the cross-fertilization between widely different classes which have been made possible through the discovery by Jacques Loeb of a method permitting such hybridizations. In this case the incompatible chromosomes are eliminated. There is an additional similarity between heterotransplantation and heterofertilization. While in both cases the incompatibility increases on the whole in correspondence with the distance of the species, there is no absolute agreement between the effect of heterofertilization and heterotransplantation on the one hand and the relationship of the species on the other hand and in both cases reciprocal relations may lead to very divergent results. There exists on the other hand, as far as we can judge from a study of recorded hybridizations, one noticeable difference be- tween the reactions of chromosomes and tissues. In the latter there is an indication that the incompatibility between species dif- ferentials increases in the course of ontogenetic and phylogenetic development. A study of hybridization on the other hand does not suggest a greater mutual tolerance of chromosomes of dif- ferent species in invertebrates as compared to those of verte- brates. LACK OF THE HOMOIO SENSITIVENESS IN CERTAIN MAMMALIAN TUMORS. We have so far assumed that all mammalian tissues possess the individuality differential and call forth reactions against the homoiodifferentials. In general this statement is correct. There exists, however, at least one notable exception to this rule. There are certain tumors which are able to grow with the same TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 1 71 readiness in another individual of the same species as in the or- ganism in which they originated. This applies by no means to all tumors, on the contrary the large majority of tumors behave in this respect about like ordinary normal tissues which succumb to the homoioreaction, and are only able to grow in the individual a part of which they formed originally. Why there is a relatively limited number of tumors which behave differently, why they are able to withstand the injurious influences of homoiotoxins which destroy the large majority of tumors, we do not know defi- nitely. It is, however, very probable that these tumors also pos- sess the individuality differential, and that their ability to with- stand the homoiotoxins is due to their diminished sensitiveness combined with an increased growth energy. Very often the " homoioreaction " which is ordinarily lacking in these tumors can be called forth through previous immunization of the host. It is exactly such tumors which lack the individuality reaction which have been used by Tyzzer, myself and Fleisher and again by Tyzzer and Little in order to study the inheritance of tol- erance for grafted tumors. Tyzzer crossed for this purpose white and Japanese waltzing mice; Fleisher and myself used diverse strains of white mice. The strain differential is further distant in the spectrum of relationships than individuality differ- ential ; and Tyzzer and Tyzzer and Little dealt even with some- thing akin to species differentials. Tyzzer believed that such investigations may throw light on the character and origin of tumors. While this view is probably not tenable, these investiga- tions throw some light on the hereditary transmission of strain and species differentials. I found here again an intermediate mode of inheritance, while Tyzzer and Tyzzer and Little found a more complex mode of inheritance. Again I suggested in inter- preting my own as well as Tyzzer's results the presence of mul- tiple factors, an interpretation which was subsequently adopted by Tyzzer and Little.1 1 In a paper which just appeared — after completion of this manuscript (C. C. Little, Journal of Experimental Zoology, 1920, XXXI., 307) — Dr. Little expresses the opinion that the intermediate type of heredity is not the typical mode of inheritance of the individuality differential. I believe that the views which Dr. Little expresses are based on a lack of distinction between species or strain differential on the one hand and individuality differential on the 172 LEO LOEB. INDIVIDUALITY DIFFERENTIAL AND POTENTIAL IMMORTALITY OF SOMATIC CELLS. The fact that certain tumors can withstand the action of the homoiotoxins has a still wider bearing. We must remember that common transplantable tumors are the direct descendants of ordi- nary tissue cells, such as we normally find in the individuals of the particular species which we use. The tumors may be derived from a variety of normal tissues and in general the transforma- tion from normal cells into tumor cells takes place under the in- fluence of a long continued action of various factors enhancing growth. Tumor cells are therefore merely somatic cells which have gained an increased growth energy and at the same time somehow gained, in some cases, the power to escape the destruc- tive consequences of homoiotoxins. This ability of certain tumors to grow in other individuals of the same species has enabled us to prove through apparently endless propagation of these tumor cells in other individuals that ordinary somatic cells possess the potential immortality in the same sense in which protozoa and germ cells possess immortality. Thus tumor transplantation made possible the establishment of a fact of great biological in- terest which because of the homoiosensitiveness of normal tissues, could not be shown in the latter. We wish, however, especially to emphasize the fact that our experiments did not merely prove the immortality of tumor cells, but of the ordinary tissue cells as well, the large majority or all of which can be transformed into tumor cells. At an early stage of our investigations we drew, therefore, on the basis of these experiments, the conclusion that ordinary tissue cells are poten- tially immortal ; notwithstanding the fact that especially under Weismann's influence the opposite view had been generally ac- other. I have referred to this distinction in this paper ; I have also empha- sized how unsuitable transplantable tumors are for the analysis of individ- uality differentials. In my previous papers I have discussed the influence of such adventitious factors as sex, age and pregnancy on the individuality dif- ferentials, and showed that within the limits of our experiments such factors do not noticeably influence the individuality reaction ; this applies to guinea pigs above the age of four weeks, as far as the age factor is concerned. We also referred to the apparently abnormal behavior of tissues of the child trans- planted to the mother. The factors that are responsible for this peculiarity need, as I stated above, further investigation. TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 173 ^o rt U) _OJ 'o OJ 2 ii Y S S E O +j E rt J "SB- tft a) C >>.Si rt "C u i rt i i o D. tn Hi c tc o S rt ^ e S o rt — i— i JO s V C rt CO u IH C C I o, tn C a) H O. o 2 '3 w O O n) 'o '3 t; B 5 » O' C -t-J rt I 4-> 5 G 3 — < a w £ o o, c. E O IH 3 O C 1C •a c n) a; Q u nj C. 174 LEO LOEB- cepted, and as it seems to us, with full justification, inasmuch as no facts were known at that time which suggested the immor- tality of somatic cells. It was the apparently endless transplan- tation of tumor cells which proved the contrary view. To recapitulate what we stated above : tumors are merely trans- formed tissue cells. All or the large majority of adult tissues are potential tumor cells. Tumor cells have been shown experi- mentally to be potentially immortal, therefore tissue cells are potentially immortal. This wider conclusion I expressed nineteen years ago. Quite recently the immortality of certain connective tissue cells has been demonstrated by Carrel through in vitro culture of these cells. Under those conditions the tissue cells escape the mechan- isms of attack to which the homoiotoxins expose the ordinary tissue cells in other individuals of the same species. Under these conditions the reactions of the host tissue against homoiotoxins which would have taken place in vivo, are eliminated. We must, however, keep in mind that this method of proving the immor- tality of somatic cells applies only to one particular, very favor- able kind of cells and it is very doubtful, if by cultivation in vitro the same proof could be equally well supplied in the case of other tissues. On the basis of tumor transplantations on the contrary we were able to show that a considerable variety, perhaps the large majority of all tissue cells possess potential immortality. GROWTH CURVES AND SPECTRUM OF RELATIONSHIPS. We may approximately represent the effect of syngenesio, homoio, and heterotoxins on various kinds of tissues in the form of curves, where the base lines indicate the spectrum of relation- ships and the ordinates growth energy of the tissues in the various hosts. We find then that embryonic and adult invertebrate tissues and the embryonic tissues of lower vertebrates from one class (Curve i). This, however, does not necessarily imply that all these tisues behave in an identical manner, but that there exist some essential similarities. Our data are as yet by no means complete in this respect. Very similar to this curve of the primitive tissues is that repre- senting the growth of the transplantable tumors (Curve II). TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 175 CC CU T3 C O to <+-« CJ O W .2 ° i? t*- o *o a Q c ^ "a 3 X 4_) « 'I- •^ ^ o o n •? 9 7, c c 2 2 -2 cd i s'S £§£ ig'Sg * c _ to 4) CD u o 5 -2 « •3^3-0 2 S & c m 3 a .2 •« s ss§ to C a OZ.cn '35-0 S c £ ° -2 JS K o. "~" § n co e C 5 2 » V c -S O O oj 'o '"* "" I. ffil CO u o .Q cs 'c nJ "H, CO C cS 0) to i— i a JJ rt C C ^? o tU Q- .— g>|- c^2 C! US "E, c c o c« 'Z3 V 5 o K D O 176 LEO LOEB. The latter, however, differ from the former in their sensitiveness to strain differences within the same species. In addition there may furthermore perhaps be found some differences in the be- havior towards heterotoxins of invertebrate and embryonic tissues on the one hand and of transplantable tumors on the other hand. From these curves differs very markedly the curve of the adult tissue of the higher vertebrates and similar to this is the curve of the large majority of the tumors, namely of those which generally are not transplantable, although in a limited number of individ- uals of the same species they may perhaps grow (Curve III.). The adult tissue of amphibia and fishes represents a transitional condition between type I. or II. and III. CELLULAR AND PSYCHICAL DISCERNMENT OF INDIVIDUALITY. We have shown that the cells of our body are able to discern in a quantitatively graded manner not only the difference between their own kind, between the constituent parts of the same indi- vidual on the one hand, and the cells of other individuals of the same species, on the other hand, but that they are able even to recognize in a graded manner degrees of relationship between members of the same family. We found especially the lympho- cytic reaction a quantitative indicator of this relationship. We must therefore conclude that there are graded biochemical differ- ences within the same family which these individual cells discern, and to which they react. These reactions represent as far as we are aware, the finest biochemical reaction known at the present time and on the basis of these reactions we may in a tentative manner postulate a graded system of contact substances which regulate the interaction of various tissues. To return in conclusion to the starting point of our discussion, namely, the usual meaning of individuality, we saw that in the main, it designates a social-psychical way of reaction. We are able to differentiate between individuals as a result of certain functions of our central nervous system. If we now inquire how far the development of this kind of individualization is par- allel to the power of cells of higher vertebrates generally to dis- cern individuality, we are handicapped by the lack of data as to the power of animals to discern not merely members of a species, TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 177 i C ^ ^H • CO *J 03 — C w cu '" Sf2 -1 6 g & - aJ'-C *j ts •« • CD •<-• ^ s O in C ' .2 "*-^'C o i> « " 5 2 §1 ^ "GJ ^ ^ 33 ~ c rt S S1 JS c c. ca CO V-i go c is -s o o 2 c 1 1 o K1*-! 0 cu * ° lH ^ u S c f_ o l_^ (Tt fj^ 1 1 - Brother to brothei and mother to child lyngesio-transplanti mammals and birds a w c ~ -i-* o. c 3 c o "o cs '£ rt •V B c o 3 1 re C rt "o, in C CS in "O o in w s D u I 78 LEO LOEB. of a litter or mother and mate, but individuals of the same species as such. This problem does not seem so far to have been con- sidered by students of animal behavior. At least inquiries which I made among some prominent investigators in this field, failed to provide any definite data which might be used in this connec- tion. From my own observations I am very much in doubt as to the ability of such animals as the common rodents to discern individuality in the sense in which we defined it. There seems to be little doubt on the other hand that higher animals like dogs and horses have such an individuality discernment, at least to a certain extent. It is then very probable that the mechanisms which permit the ordinary tissue cells to discern and to react towards individuality have developed much in advance of that mechanism of our nerv- ous system which permits us to recognize individuals in a con- scious manner. On the other hand after the latter faculty has once developed, it has reached in man a very much greater de- gree of refinement in individualization than that exhibited by the discernment of individuality on the part of cells in general. LITERATURE. Baltzer, F. '10 Arch. f. Zellforschung, V., 497. Born, G. '97 Arch. f. Entwickelungsmech., IV., 349. Braus, H. '06 Arch. f. Entwickelungsmech., XXII., 564. Crampton, H. E. 'oo Arch. f. Entwicklungsmech., IX, 293. Driesch, H. 'oo Arch. f. Entw.-mech., X., 411. Dungern, Von. '19 Munch. Med. Wochenschr., L., VII., 293-74°- Fleisher, Moyer S., and Loeb, Leo. '16 Journal Cancer Research, I., 331. Goldfarb, J. '15 Arch. f. Entw.-mech., XL.. I., 579. Guyer, M. F. '12 Journ. Morph., XXIII., 45. Harms, W. '12 Arch. f. Entw.-mech., XXXIV., 90, 1912-13, XXXV., 748. Hektoen, L. '07 Journ. Inf. Diseases, IV., 297. TRANSPLANTATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. 179 Harrison, R. G. '98 Arch. f. Entw.-mech., VII., 430. Hedin, L. G. 'n Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chemie, L., XXIV., 242, LXXVI., 355- Hesselberg, Cora. '15 Journ. Exp. Med., XXI., 164. Hesselberg, Cora, Kerwin, William, and Loeb, Leo. "18 J. Med. Research, XXXVII f., 17. Jensen, P. '96 Pfliigcrs Arch., LXII., 172. Joest, Ernst. '97 Arch. f. Entw.-mech., V. 419. Lewis, W. H. '04 Am. Journ. Anat., III. Lillie, Frank R. '13 Journ. Exept. Zool., XIV., 515. Little, C. C., and Tyzzer, E. e. J. '16 Med. Research, XXXIII., 393- Loeb, Jacques. '12 Jour. Morph., XXIII., i. '08 Arch. f. Entw.-mech., XXVI., 476. Loeb, Leo. '97 Arch. f. Entw.-mech., VI., i. '98 VI., 297- '07 XXIV. Loeb, Leo, and Addison, W. H. F. '09 Arch. f. Entw.-mech., XXII., 73. 'n XXXI., 44. Loeb, Leo. '15 Journ. Am. Med. Assn., L., XIV., 726. Loeb, Leo. '18 Journ. Med. Research XXXVIII., 393- '18 XXXIX., 189. '18 XXXIX., 39. '18 XXXIX., 71. '18 XXXII., 353- '20 XLI., 305. '20 Am. Naturalist, LIV., 45, 55. Loeb, Leo. '03 Montreal Med. Journal, July, 1903. Virchow's Archiv. '04 CLXXVL, 10. '10 Biochem. Zeitschrift, XXVIII., 169. Loeb, Leo, and Moyer, S. Fleisher. '12 Centralbl. f. Bacter., L., XVII., 135. Meisenheimer, J. 'og-'io J. Zool. Anzeiger., XXXV., 446. Myer, Max W. '13 Arch. f. Entw.-mech., XXXVIII., i. ISO LEO LOEB. Meyns, R. '10 Pfluger's Archiv, CXXXII., 433. Moenkhaus, W. J. 'o3-'o4 Am. Journ. Anat., III., 29. Morgan, T. H. '05 BIOL. BUI.I.., VIII., 313. Newman, H. H. '14 Journ. Exp. Zool., XVI., 447. Sachs, Hans. '03 Centralbl. f. Bact., XXXIV., 686. Sale, Llewellyn. '13 Arch. f. Entw.-mech., XXXVII., 248. Saltykow, S. 'oo Arch. f. Entw.-mech., IX., 329. Seelig, M. G. '13 Arch. f. Enlw.-mech., XXXVII., 259. Schultz, W. 'i2-'i3 Arch. f. Entw.-mech., XXXV., 484; XXXVI., 353- '13 XXXVII., 265. 285. '15 XLI., 120. 'i7-'i8 XLIII., 361. Tennent, D. H. '12 Journ. Morph., XXIII, 17; Journ. Exp. Zool., XII., 391. Todd, Charles, and White, R. G. Proc. Roy. Soc., 1910, Series B, LXXXII., 416. Tyzzer, E. E. '15 Journ. Med. Research, XXXII., 331. Tyzzer, E. E., and Little, C. C. '16 Journ. Cancer Research, I., 387. Uhlenhuth, Edward. '13 Arch. f. Entw.-mech, XXXVI., 595. Weigl, Rudolf. '13 Arch. f. Entw.-mech., XXXVI.. 595. Wetzel, G. '95 Arch. f. Mikr. Anat., XLV., 273. Wodsedalek, J. E. '16 RICH.. Rn.i... XXXI.. i. Vol. XL. April, 1921. No. 4. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN AUTHORS ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, MARCH 14, 1921. THE ECOLOGY AND LIFE-HISTORY OF AMPHIGO- NOPTERUS AURORA AND OF OTHER VIVIPAR- OUS PERCHES OF CALIFORNIA. CARL L. HUBBS, MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Introduction 1 8 i Ecology 183 Breeding season 185 Sex-ratio in adults, young and embryos 186 Early differentiation of the sexes, and natal maturity of the males 187 Copulation, and the storage of spermatozoa 189 Embryonic development and natal metamorphosis 191 Period of breeding of females of different size and age 194 Number of young born by females of different size and age 195 The seasonal marks ( annuli) on the scales 197 The metamorphic annulus 200 Comparative size of the sexes at different ages 201 Rate of growth 203 Bibliography 208 INTRODUCTION. As the life-history of these fishes is intimately correlated with their viviparity, it may be of interest and pertinence to consider first some of the main features of viviparity in fishes. Most fishes are characterized by the prolific production of ova that are fertilized in an almost fortuitous manner. Within the group, however, some form of protection of the eggs has become re- peatedly evolved, in correlation with a decrease in the number of ova and with a less random fertilization. This protection is variously accomplished by one or both parents, — by the burying of the eggs in relatively safe situations; the construction of nests of gravel, plants or bubbles ; the driving of predatory 181 1 82 CARL L. HUBBS. enemies away from the eggs or young; the gestation of the young within the mouth or blood pouch ; the enclosure of the eggs in a tough capsule, or finally by the actual development of the young within the oviduct or ovary of the mother. The degree to which this viviparity has become perfected varies widely in the different groups of viviparous fishes. Some teleosts, such as the scorpaenoid fishes, give birth to thousands of minute embryos, still nourished by a relatively large yolk-sac ; while others bear only a few young, but fully developed and capable of self-support, almost immediately after birth, in the normal manner of adult fishes. In some of these, as the Pceciliidae, the embryos are nourished by the yolk in the egg, and a meroblastic type of cleavage persists. In the Embiotocidae or viviparous perches on the other hand, the yolk is greatly reduced in bulk, the cleavage approaches the holoblastic type (according to Eigenmann, 1894, etc.), and the embryos are profoundly modi- fied structurally. The viviparous perches (see Figs. I and 2) comprise a com- pact group, the family Embiotocidse (and the suborder Hol- conoti) of the Acanthopterygii or spiny-rayed fishes. The group is relatively old, apparently, for the many structural features cor- related with viviparity are common to all of the species, and hence became fixed before the extensive generic differentiation char- acteristic of the family arose. Almost all of the species are generically distinct from the others, another situation suggesting the age of the group (cf. Eigenmann and Ulrey, 1894; Jordan and Evermann, 1898, and Hubbs, 1918). The immediate rela- tionships of the Embiotocidse not being apparent, nothing definite can be said concerning the origin of their viviparity. The viviparity of the embiotocids was first definitely made known by Dr. A. C. Jackson in 1853, in a letter to the elder Agassiz. These fishes then almost immediately attracted the at- tention and study of a number of zoologists, among whom may be mentioned both Louis and Alexander Agassiz, Gibbons, and Girard. Later Ryder, and particularly Eigenmann, studied their embryology, and Jordan and Gilbert, Eigenmann and Ulrey and others also studied the group (see bibliography). I have re- LIFE-HISTORY OF AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURORA. cently reviewed the family from a taxonomic standpoint (Hubbs, 1918), and have studied the life-history of several species, that of Amphigonopterus aurora (Fig. 2) in greatest detail. Although the following account is largely based on this species, comparisons with others are made in several connections. ECOLOGY. Nothing whatever has been written concerning the life-history of Amphigonopterus aurora, the only species of the genus, and all that has been printed concerning its environmental relations is the statement that it is an inhabitant of the tide-pools of Monterey Bay, California, and that it feeds on algae. Its habit of feeding FIG. i. Adult female of Micrometnis minimus. on algae, except when very young, when I found it feeding on copepods, is correlated with its tricuspid teeth and comparatively elongate intestine. Similarly I found that the related Micro- metnis minimus (Fig. i), though chiefly herbivorous, feeds on small crustaceans when young (Pt. Loma ; December 31), and occasionally is caught on clam bait when adult. These two species alone comprise a distinct subfamily, the Micrometrinae, which I have recently distinguished (Hubbs, 1918). Amphigonopterus aurora inhabits the tidal pools and channels 1 84 CARL L. HUBBS. along the rock-bound portions of the central California coast, its habitat differing widely from that usual to the . species of the family, most of which live in the surf along sandy beaches, or in sheltered bays. In the preference of this species for this extreme type of habitat it is perhaps most nearly approached by Micrometrus minimus. The associational distribution of even these two species is, however, imperfectly complementary. Both range from the region of San Francisco southward in the cold coastal waters of central California to the reefs about Point Conception, where the habitat of A. aurora is abruptly terminated, whereas that of M. miniums is continued southward in the rela- tively warm waters along the coasts of southern and of Lower California. Micrometrus minimus is in fact most abundant in the warmer southern portion of its range, although fairly com- mon northward, where the ranges of the two species coincide. Here, however, M. minimus occupies to a large extent a biotic association different from that of its congener, but adjacent to it : it lives and breeds in or not far below the lowermost tide- levels, mostly in the low, deep, plant-filled pools of the reefs (but also in enclosed bays and estcros}. Amphigonopterus aurora, in contrast, is restricted to the reefs, and while breeding at times even in the same pools with its relative, more commonly lives and breeds in the pools and channels of medium tidal height, particu- larly those that are largely open, free of eel-grass and algse, and floored with sand. The breeding season of Amphigonopterus, moreover, appears to begin earlier than that of Micrometrus in central California (see following section). Both of these fishes were found associated in the lower outer rock-pools of the Cali- fornia reefs with the following other species of the family : Em- biotoca jacksoni, E. latcralis, Hypsurus caryi and Cymatogastcr aggregatus. In these open pools the fishes of this species swim about freely in schools1 at low-tide, occupying the mid-water stratum chiefly, 1 That these schools of A. aurora remain intact for considerable periods of time appears probable from two sets of observations. A number of pools on the reefs just south of Piedras Blancas, and just south of Pt. Sal, by careful observation over a period of several days (during a single series of low-tides in each case), were found to contain many more individuals than any of the adjoining pools, and to contain schools of apparently the same individuals, LIFE-HISTORY OF AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURORA. I 85 occasionally leaping clear of the water (a habit observed only at Pt. Purisima, California, on August 13). During high-tide, how- ever, they must seek the protection of crevices in the sides of the pools, for otherwise they would be dashed about on the rocks by the pounding, churning surf as it breaks on the reefs. In corre- lation with its preference for pools clearer of vegetation, and with its habits of swimming about rather more freely, Amphi- gonopterus aurora- is more extensively silvery than Micrometrus minimus, and lacks the dark color pattern characteristic of that species2 (see Fig. i). In this connection we should recall that practically all free-swimming or pelagic fishes are silvery and lack the dark markings usually developed in fishes which live among rocks or plants. Like most reef-fishes examined, Amphigonopterus aurora is not heavily parasitized, a fact apparently correlated with the strength of the wave and tidal currents on the reefs. Occasion- ally, however, a slender lernsean copepod was found attached to the inner surface of the base o>f the pectoral fin, or to the anal fin near its base. BREEDING SEASON. The breeding season of Amphigonopterus aurora is the sum- mer, approximately synchronous with that of Cymatogaster ag- gregatus, which breeds in bays and estuaries. It begins shortly before the first of June, as is evident from the observations made on the reefs of Piedras Blancas, California, during the first week of that month. Most of the many females taken on that occasion contained young, relatively few of the largest being spent. Fur- thermore, all of the hundreds of young in the higher pools were approximately of the size at which they are born. The breeding judging from the approximate number of the fishes of each size. In a number of pools fished during the summer and fall, the young of the year of each sex were so uniform in size that it seemed probable that they had remained in that pool together since their birth at some time during the breeding season. 2 The most conspicuous color feature of Amphigonopterus aurora (the one on which its specific name was based) is the longitudinal band of golden or orange color, which is rarely obsolete (a row of blotches of similar color and position often is present in M. minimus, representing this longitudinal band of A. aurora). In young specimens the vertical fins are dusky with a reddish tinge, the spinous dorsal, and in the male the anterior portion of the anal fin, being darkest ; the pectoral, nearly colorless. 1 86 CARL L. HUBBS. season was found to be still at its height about the middle of Julyv but to have ended long before October 26. The breeding season of Micrometrus minimus in central Cali- fornia apparently commences somewhat later than that of Am- phigonoptcrus aurora. Of females taken in the same pool near Piedras Blancas on June 2, those of Micrometrus contained embryos from 4.6 to 18.7 mm. long, none ready for birth, whereas those of Amphigonopterus contained embryos 12 to 34 mm. long, the largest obviously ready for birth, being similar to numerous young found at the same locality. A single female of Micro- metrus collected at Point Purisima, California, on August 14, was spent, but all of those taken during June still contained young. Young showing considerable growth since birth were taken in reef-pools of southern California early in July, suggest- ing that the breeding season occurs earlier in the warmer waters to the southward. SEX-RATIO IN ADULTS, YOUNG AND EMBRYOS. In the breeding pools poisoned near Piedras Blancas, the females were found to be more numerous than the males, in the proportion of nearly two to one: of those taken (by poison) and sexed, 139 proved to be males; 264, females.1 An unrecorded observation by Dr. C. H. Gilbert on Cyniatogastcr aggregates may have some bearing on this point : he has observed a single male " herding about " several females. On the contrary I ob- served several small fishes of the same species, presumably males, accompanying a mating pair (Hubbs, 1917). However this may be, the numbers of the sexes of the young fishes were found to be approximately equal in two pools at different localities fished in the autumn, after the close of the breeding season : in these two pools, 83 young males and 82 young females were obtained. The 35 adult specimens of Micrometrus minimus obtained in a single pool near Piedras Blancas comprised 19 males and 16 females. A more accurate sex-ratio can be obtained by determining the sex of a series of embryos, by means of the secondary differences in the anal fin, which become clearly evident very early in the i This difference in the sex-ratio may be determined by the greater lon- gevity of the females. LIFE-HISTORY OF AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURORA. 18? development of Amphigonopterus and Micrometrus (see next section and Fig. 2). Of 630 embryos of Amphigonopterus aurora (from mothers one to four years old), 337 were found to be males, 293 females (sex-ratio: 100 males to 87 females); the ratio does not vary with the age of the parent fishes, being 100 to 86.5 in the embryos from the yearling females only. Of 150 embryos of Micrometrus minimus examined, 76 were males, 74 females ; the proportion of males to females in each of the seven cases included was, 7 to 9, 9 to 14, 10 to 12, 10 to 13, n to 8, 13 to 12, 16 to 6. No tendency toward uniformity in sex even of embryos lying within the same ovarian sheets was evident ; hence Live Sto FIG. 2. Newly-born young male of Amphigonopterus aurora, from near Piedras Blancas, Cal. Dissected to show mature development of testes. polyembryony does not occur. Eigenmann recorded similar data for Cymatogaster aggregatus, having distinguished the sexes cyto- logically. EARLY DIFFERENTIATION OF THE SEXES, AND THE NATAL MATURITY OF THE MALES. Secondary sexual differentiation is early manifest in the de- velopment of Amphigonopterus aurora and Micrometrus mini- mus. The differential number of anal rays characteristic of the sexes of each of these two species (Hubbs, 1918) is clearly ap- parent in embryos only 12 mm. long (the anal rays are first formed when a total length of about 10 mm. has been attained). Eigenmann was unable to distinguish the sexes in Cymatogaster i88 CARL L. HUBBS. cytologically at earlier stages than this, although he traced the development of the sex-cells from much smaller embryos. At the 15 mm. stage the sexual differences in the form of the anal fin are also apparent in Amphigonoptenis and Micrometrus, although the gonad remains merely a fine strand of tissue ; but at the 20 mm. stage the testes have begun to enlarge, and a slight thickening of the radial membranes marks the position of the /£? x^VSNOnf VJ&T VV\( fc$ ' <\\(?$'£z£ A *rf\^T,a0k 8 / 1 • i\\\ «'.'(*• ,',V«i " / / . ' . * r.irf'' 'W "VJM^"-V' «8) / ';.v;-:""' \ * « FIG. 3. Section of testis of a newly-born Amphigonoptenis, showing several stages in spermatogenesis. elaborate gland developed later on the anal fin of the male. The development of these primary and secondary sexual structures thence rapidly proceeds in Amphigonoptenis aurora until birth, at which time the gland on the anal fin is fully elaborated (see Fig. 2), and all stages in spermatogenesis from the primordial germ cells to transforming spermatids at least are evident in the testis, the spermatogonia predominating. Just after birth, the LIFE-HISTORY OF AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURORA. 189 transforming spermatids and spermatozoa appear most .abundant (Fig. 3) : the testes, as well as the gland on the anal fin, are a; well developed in these newly born males, as in the one-, two- and four-year-old males obtained during the breeding season. Both the primary and secondary sexual structures become greatly reduced in size during the autumn, winter and spring of the first, as of the succeeding years. In fact two young males only a few millimeters longer than the birth stage, collected in June, were already " spent." The writer has further determined that the testis becomes similarly enlarged in Micrometrus minimus and in Cymatogaster aggrcgatus just before birth. No evidence was obtained, however, to indicate that the males of Embiotoca later- alls are mature at birth ; even the two one-year-old males of this species (in and 116 mm. long to caudal) obtained near Pt. Sal, in California, on June 17, with breeding females, were immature. It is quite possible that the natal maturity of the males is con- fined to the smaller species of the Embiotocidse. This natal maturity of the males is particularly significant in view of the fact that the females bear young first at the age of one year. This phenomenon, while unique in the whole class of fishes, so far as the writer is aware, finds a physiological parallel in protandric hermaphroditism, in the frequent early maturing of the male (the "grilse") in the Salmonidse, and in the earlier seasonal activities of the males of many animals. COPULATION, AND THE STORAGE OF SPERMATOZOA. Dr. Eigenmann (1894, p. 420) summarized one phase of his studies of another viviparous perch with this statement : " Copu- lation takes place in Cymatogaster during June or early July, although the eggs are not fertilized till the following December." He based this conclusion firstly on observations on the seasonal activities of the two sexes, and on the seasonal development of the testes in the male, and secondly, on the discovery of the presence of spermatozoa in the oviduct and in the ovarian folds of the female, during the latter part of the summer, and the autumn. The writer has been able to extend this evidence by the first observation of the copulation of this, in fact of any, embio- tocid. The female of the pair in question upon capture was IQO CARL L. HUBBS. found to contain only one young, partially protruding from the oviduct, and of the same size as numerous others recently born, found swimming about in the same body of water (Hubbs, 1917). In Amphigonopterus aurora also it is probable that, copulation having taken place during the breeding season in the summer, the spermatozoa are retained in the females until winter (or pos- sibly late autumn or early spring), when fertilization occurs and whence intramaternal development proceeds for several months ; and that, therefore, one year elapses between the time of copula- tion and the birth of the young. Six lines of evidence lead to, or are at least not inconsistent with, these conclusions. 1. This condition apparently holds in C y mat og aster aggregatus, a distantly related species in which the breeding season is ap- proximately synchronous with that of the present species, the structures correlated with viviparity similar, and in which the adults, and the young at birth, are of similar size to those of Amphigonopterus aurora. 2. Females taken in the autumn contained no young, and males secured on October 26, November 25 and April I had small and obviously non-functional testes, whereas all of the males taken with the breeding females in the summer had mature testes. This is true also of Micrometrus minimus, and perhaps of all embio- tocids. 3. The smallest embryos, only 12 mm. long to the caudal fin, taken from any of the females secured in June, would presum- ably have attained their full embryonic size (about 30 to 35 mm.) late in the summer, toward the end of the breeding season. This fact suggests a moderately long period of gestation; the largest females, which at this time were bearing young, presumably had contained embryos for several months. A similar situation holds also in the case of Micrometrus minimus. 4. The largest females, which produce young early in the sea- son, were found to be in a spent condition, not containing a new lot of embryos, during the months of July and August. Although the data are less complete, this condition appears to hold also in the case of Micrometrus. 5. The fact that the smaller yearling females bear fewer young LIFE-HISTORY OF AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURORA. 191 * than do the larger ones (as also in Micrometrus miniums and other embiotocids) suggests that fertilization is delayed for a considerable period subsequent to copulation. Now it is a well- known fact, in oviparous as well as in viviparous fishes, that the larger females of a given species are more prolific than smaller ones, and that is the situation in this family. In the present in- stance, however, it is presumed that the copulation preceding the development of the first brood of young (those carried by the yearling females under discussion) takes place soon after birth, when there is little variation in size or age (see preceding sec- tion). If fertilization were then immediately effected, some rather anomalous method of fertilization, or of egg production or resorption, would have to be postulated to explain why those females which would be smaller at the end of pregnancy bear fewer young than those females, which for some reason, early birth or otherwise, are destined to be larger when their young are ready for birth. But if it be assumed that fertilization is de- layed for some time, until a considerable variation in size shall have arisen, the bearing of the fewer young by the smaller year- ling fishes becomes no longer such a special problem. 6. Finally, the young males are sexually mature immediately after birth (see preceding section), at a time when they are asso- ciated only with the newly-born females, which apparently do not bear young until the next breeding season, one year later. A similar situation presumably holds in the cases of Micrometrus minimus and Cymatogastcr aggrcgatus. EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT AND NATAL METAMORPHOSIS. The developing embryos of the Embiotocidse, in compensation for the reduced amount of yolk in the relatively minute egg, de- rive their nourishment almost entirely from the nutritive ovarian fluid in which they are bathed. This fluid, as Eigenmann (1894, etc.) determined, is circulated by the action of cilia through the embryos. The portion of the alimentary canal in which absorp- tion chiefly takes place is doubtless the hypertrophied hind-gut, which in the embryos of Amphigonopterus and Micromctnts, as of other genera of the family, is a wide but thin-walled tube nearly filled with long, hollow, vascular villi. The respiration of 192 CARL L. HUBBS. these embryos is seemingly largely effected over the surface of the body and fins, especially in the highly elevated vertical fins, in the distal dermal flaps of which the large interradial vessels form an extensive capillary net-work (cf. Ryder, 1885, 1893). The embryos, thus supplied with food and oxygen, pass through their development in the ovary, lying tightly packed against the ovarian walls and ovarian sheets, some directed forward, others back- ward, in such a fashion, as Agassiz long ago pointed out, as greatly to conserve space. About the time of birth, the young of Amphigonopterus (and of other embiotocids) undergo a notable change, which may be termed the natal metamorphosis. The body becomes thicker, the flesh firmer ; the vertical fins become shorter and less flexible, the interradial vessels smaller, the dermal flaps obsolete, and the hind gut more nearly normal in structure. The scales have al- ready developed so far that they are widely imbricate, and the chromatophores have been formed in large numbers, but the body even in the largest embryos is very much paler in color than in the newly born young, particularly the males, which are even darker than the adults. In other species, as Enibiotoca lateralis, and Hypsitnis caryi, the latter as described by Agassiz, a sharply defined color pattern is developed before birth. The viviparous perches thus lose nearly all traces of embryonic peculiarities im- mediately before and after birth. The young of Amphigonopterus aurora at birth vary in length approximately from 30 to 35 mm. (the caudal fin excluded), being about one third or one fourth as long as their mothers, as in other species of the family. Among several hundred examined early in June, the smallest free-swimming young was 29.0 mm. long, the longest unborn embryo, 35.5 mm. In a given series of embryos from one female, the variation in length is seldom more than one or two millimeters ; thus the two sexes in Amphigonop- terus are seen to be of at least approximately the same size at the time of birth ; the differential rate of growth is wholly, or almost wholly, postnatal. A female of Enibiotoca lateralis, 257 mm. long to caudal, caught near Piedras Blancas, California, on June 2, contained 26 young 46 to 49 mm. long, not quite ready for birth. A slightly LIFE-HISTORY OF AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURQRA. 193 larger female, 265 mm. long, collected in the same pool, also con- tained 26 young, but these were larger, 50 to 54 mm. long, and similar to recently born young obtained near Piedras Blancas, Pt. Sal and Pt. Arguello. Another female of this species, 200 mm. long and 125 mm. deep (exclusive of fins) contained only ten young, 55 to 58 mm. long, some having apparently been already born. The newly born young obtained, all during June, varied in standard length from 43 to 58 mm. A variation in size at birth of at least 16 mm. is thus suggested. Possibly, however, a slight decrease in actual length accompanies the metamorphosis of this species (as in Albnla wipes and the eels). In the case of Micrometrus minimus, the extreme lengths of the embryos of a single female were found to differ normally from o.o to 3.0 mm. In three cases, however, the variation was much greater : in one lot of six embryos, the individual lengths were 5.5, 9.5, 10.8, 11.5, 14.3, and 14.7 mm.; in a second lot, five were 6.6 to 7.6 mm. long, a sixth, 2.7 mm. ; in the third case, all but one of the foetuses were 12.0 to 13.7 mm. long, the abnormal one being 9.0 mm. long, and provided with a strongly sigmoid verte- bral column and a single eye, represented only by a mass of black pigment. Occasionally, a male embryo was found to be slightly larger or smaller than any of its fellows. If the 16 em- bryos in one female, 7 were males 16.3 to 18.7 mm. long, while 9 were females 17.0 to 18.0 mm. long; the average as well as the mean length for each sex was 17.5 mm. In another lot of 23 foetuses from one female, 10 were males 20.0 to 22.3 mm. long (average length, 21.8 mm.), while 13 were females 20.4 to 23.0 mm. long (average length, 21.7 mm.). Soon after birth the young of Amphigonopterus aurora leave the lower pools in which they were born, only a few remaining, probably for a very short time, in company with the breeding adults. They make their way thence into the pools accessible only at high tide, in such abundance that these pools, which are usually of small size and shallow, not infrequently harbor aston- ishingly large numbers of these young fishes. Such pools pro- vide a large degree of seclusion from predatory enemies, as well as the warmest available water, in which the rapid growth of the first months may take place. This concentration and segregation 194 CARL L. HUBBS. of the young may also be correlated with selective mating, espe- cially in view of the natal maturity of the males. § PERIOD OF BREEDING OF FEMALES OF DIFFERENT SIZE AND AGE. The following table gives the average length of the young found in each of fifty one- and three-year-old1 females of Ainphi- TABLE I. SIZE OF YOUNG OF AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURORA CARRIED BY FEMALES OF DIF- FERENT LENGTH AND AGE. Average Length of Young Lengths of Females Carry- Age of Females (End (in mm. to Base of ing Young of Foregoing of Given Year Caudal) Length. since Birth). 12... .... 77 I.(i) 13 96 I. (i) M 85 I. (i) IS 84 I. (i). 16... ... 76,77,82,85 I. (4) 17 77,86,90,95 I. (4) 18 78,81,84,85,88,94 I- (6) i9 . 8^87,92 I. (3) 20 88, 88 I. (2) 21. .. 92, 94,95,98,98,99 I- (6) 85,87,91 I. (3) 23 — 24 102; 122 I. (i) ; III. (i) 25 95, 103 I. (2) 26 103 I. (i) 27 1 02 I.(i) 28 95,96; 118 I.(2); III. (r) 29 112 III. (i) 30 — 31 126 III. (i) 32 121, 123, 128 III. (3) 33 122, 123, 128 III. (3) 34 129 HI. d) gonoptcms, all of which were obtained near Piedras Blancas. California, during the first week of June, 1916. Both adults and embryos were measured when freshly caught, prior to their preservation. The smallest young are not nearly developed to the stage at which they are born : it is improbable that the smaller females give little to young notably smaller than those of the larger females. 1 The method of age-determination by scale examination will be discussed later. LIFE-HISTORY OF AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURORA. 195 The foregoing table indicates clearly — and the evidence has been confirmed by the writer by a study of material obtained at other localities — that the smaller and younger females of Amphi- gonoptcrus give birth to their young later in tJic season than do the larger and older females. This is true likewise of Micro- metnis miniums (Table II. ), and as Eigenmann (1894) has demonstrated, of Cymatogaster and other genera of the family (but Eigenmann made no definite age-determinations). This delayed breeding of the smaller, younger females of AmpJiigonop- terns and other Embiotocids may be an advantageous adaptation, allowing the growth of the yearling females to be continued, as the structure of the scales indicates it does, during the breeding of the older females. Most of the females being one-year fishes in Amphigonopterus at least, this added growth would seem to admit of a material increase in the number of young produced. NUMBER OF YOUNG BORN BY FEMALES OF DIFFERENT SIZE AND AGE. / The following table III., based upon data obtained from 48 breeding females of Amphigonopterus aurora (all obtained near Piedras Blancas during the first week of June, 1916), conclusively shows that the smaller females bear fewer young than do the older and larger ones — the one-year-old females with 5-9 young being 76—94 mm. long (average length, 83 mm.) ; the one-year-old females with 10—15 young being 85-103 mm. long (average length, 96 mm.) ; the 3- or 4-year-old females with 16-30 young being 121-129 mm. long (average length, 125 mm.). Exceptional cases, excluded from this summary, are those of a three-year female with but 9 small young, and a one-year female with 19 young. Dr. Eigenmann (1894) has similarly found that the smaller females of several other species of the Embiotocidse bear fewer young than do the larger ones, and the data presented in Table II. shows that this holds true in the case of Micrometrus minimus. 196 CARL L. HUBBS. TABLE II. NUMBER AND SIZE OF EMBRYOS OF MICROMETRUS MINIMUS CARRIED BY FEMALES OF GIVEN AGE AND SIZE (IN MM. TO CAUDAL FIN). Locality (Approxi- mate). Date. Mother. Embryos. Age. Size.i Number. Size.1 IVIontercy . . Mar. 26-Apr. 2 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 *4 4 4 44 4 4 44 I. I. I. I. I. I. I. II. II. II. II. III.?2 4 1 4 1 4 4 59 61 65 67 7i 73 74 86 92 92 92 1 06 107 no 113 116 7 7 7 10 9 IO 10 13 17 i? 19 22 23 24 25 19 3-7-4-3 S-o-5-5 5.0-6.0 6.0-6.6 4.6-5.4 7-0 7-6-8.3 8.6-10.6 9.3-10.2 11.6-13.0 11.6-12.7 16.6-17.6 16.4-17.3 18.0-21.0 18.6-21.6 21.6-23.5 * 4 * 4 .. .. .. 1 4 t 4 .. .. 4 t 1 t II t t Avila . . . May 25 III.?2 VI.?2 no 198 21 21.7-23.6 Piedras Blancas. . . 44 44 44 44 44 it it 1 4 4 1 41 44 ; 4 « « 14 t < 1 1 * * 1 1 tf 4 1 »1 41 i 1 ( t 4 ( 4 t June 2 *4 4 4 4 4 4 4 11 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. II. III. 58 60 60 61 66 67 70 70 7i 73 74 76 79 79 85 97 3 2 4 6 8 7 6 8 9 8 8 12 10 13 IS 16 5-3-5-5 4.6 6-7 10.0-10.4 7-4-8-9 io.o-n.8 5-5-14-7 12.7-13.4 12.3-13.0 12.2-12.5 15.0 9.0-13.7 16.0-18.0 I5-7-I7-7 15.0-17.0 16.3-18.7 Pt. Sal June 17 44 4 I 4 4 4 4 I. I. I. III.?2 V.?2 VI.?2 69 72 74 96 114 129 6 6 7 17 23 22 ii.o-n.6 2.7-7.6 I3-2-I3-7 17.0-18.3 20.0-23.0 «. 1 1 ** « Pt. Purisima June 1 8 I. I. I. 64 67 76 2 6 6 IO.O 8.3-9-3 13.4-15.0 4 4 1 Preserved material measured. 2 Age uncertain, owing to the development of apparently accessory annuli. LIFE-HISTORY OF AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURORA. 197 TABLE III. SIZE OF YOUNG CARRIED BY FEMALES OF DIFFERENT SIZE AND AGE. Number of Lengths of Females Age of Females (End of Young. Carrying Young. Given Year syice Birth). 5 87 I. (j) 6 76,82 I. (2) 7 77. 77. 78, 79, Si, 84, 85, 87, 88 I. (9) 8 77,81,90 I. (3) 9 84,85,86,88,94; 122 I. (5) ; III. (i) 10 92, 96, 103 I. (3) ii 85,88,91,95,95 I. (5) 12 92 I. (i) 13 98, 98, 102 I- (3) M 94, 95, 102 I. (3) 15 99, 103 I. (2) 16 129 IV. (i) 17 — l8 122 IV.(l) 19 96; 123 I. (i) ; III. (i) 2O 122, 128 III. (2) 21 22 121, 128 III. (2) 23 123 IV. (i) 24 to 29 - 30 126 ni.(i) SEASONAL MARKS (OR ANNULI) ON THE SCALES. During recent years there have been conducted numerous studies, of biological interest and economic significance, based upon age-determinations and the computed rate of growth of fishes. In these studies there has been developed and rather thor- oughly tested a method of age-determination involving an in- terpretation of the seasonal rings indicated in scales, otoliths and certain bones ; the scales have been most widely used. It has been demonstrated, most definitely in the salmonoid fishes, that the cir- culi covering the surface of the scales (cf. Fig. 4) become weaker in structure, more interrupted and more closely approximated during each winter, apparently as a result of the lessened physio- logical activity and retarded growth of the fish at that season. In certain fishes which have been investigated, these winter marks or annuli are indicated not so much by an approximation of the circuli as by a change in their direction and an interruption in 198 CARL L. HUBBS. their course, along a line parallel with the scale margin (cf. par- ticularly Taylor, 1914) / The reason for the formation of this type of annulus is the fact that the circuli toward the end of each year's growth gradually become more strongly curved, whereas those marking the new growth are straighten This is the type of annulus formed on the scales of the Embiotocidse (see Fig. 4), (1913) FIG. 4. Lateral field of a scale from a three-year-old female of Amphigonop- tents aurora, showing the annul i. although an approximation of the circuli is also frequently evi- dent, especially on the basal and lateral fields. That the annuli on the scales of Amphigonopterus aurora are formed during the winter is evident from a consideration of the following facts. A series of young from New Monterey col- lected on October 26, and another lot from near Pillar Pt.. Cali- fornia, obtained on November 25, show no trace of an annulus at the margin of their scales, and had not yet attained the com- puted length at which this mark had been formed in larger speci- mens. Excluding recently born young, the smallest examples of either sex among those taken near Piedras Blancas during the first week of June, and also the young specimens secured near Pillar Pt. on April I, have a single annulus on their scales, some dis- 1 The statement by Taylor that no approximation of the circuli occurs in the annuli is partially erroneous (particularly as it applies to salmonoid fishes), as is also his conclusion that the annuli of the fishes which he studied were formed during the summer (even Taylor's own data indicates the contrary). LIFE-HISTORY OF AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURORA. 199 tance within the margin. Thus it appears that considerable growth had taken place since the annulus was formed. The actual amount of this growth (determined by a method discussed later), in 50 of the specimens from near Piedras Blancas, was estimated to have varied from 10 to 28 mm. ; in more than half (28) of these the growth had been 14 to 18 mm., while the average growth computed to have occurred between the forma- tion of the first two annuli of older fishes from the same locality, was about 24 mm. No annulus was found on the margin of the scales of gravid nor recently spent females, indicating that it is not a breeding mark. In certain other species of the family, the annuli are doubled in a confusing fashion, suggesting the possibility that two annual checks in growth are registered on the scales, one during the winter and the other during the breeding season. For instance, the scales of a 200 mm. female of Embiotoca laterdlis, taken on June i/, when bearing young, show five typical winter annuli, and in addition to these, and located between them, less distinct but similarly formed rings, the outermost at the extreme margin of the scales. Similarly in Micromctrus minimus the annuli are often closely approximated or doubled (beyond the second winter annulus) ; in these cases also the outermost annulus is located at the margin of the scales of females carrying young. Such a condition is seldom apparent in Amphigonopterus, but may have introduced an occasional error in the interpretation of the scales of the fishes three or four years old. The annuli or seasonal rings on the scales of Micromctrus minimus closely resemble those of Amphigonopterus aurora (ex- cept in the more frequent appearance of doubled annuli, as just noted). The outermost annulus is located at some distance within the margin of the scales of yearling specimens taken in late spring and early summer in central California. In several specimens of both sexes, young of the preceding summer, taken at Pt. Loma on December 31, the single winter annulus is on or immediately within, in one male considerably within, the margin of the scale. These facts indicate that the annuli of Micrometrus are winter marks, that the first is formed in December in southern 2OO CARL L. HUBBS. California, and that there is some variation in the time of their formation. METAMORPHIC ANNULUS. The scales of even the largest embryos of Auiphigonopterus aurora and of Micrometrus miniums are marked from focus to border by evenly spaced, concentric striae ; those of all but the most recently born young, on the other hand, are marked near the margin by a zone in which the circuli are finer and more closely approximated than on either side, and frequently angulated, their course on the scale within this zone being slightly different from that without. This mark, which is formed during the summer, resembles the winter checks or annuli formed farther out on the scales of older fishes, and perhaps quite as closely simulates the annulus on the scales of the Pacific salmon. As a distinctive name, the term metamorphic annul us is proposed for this mark. It is likewise indicated on the scales of Cymatogaster aggregatus and of other species of the family ; the time of its formation (as indicated above soon after birth during the summer) has been confirmed in the case of Embiotoca lateralis. The cause leading to the formation of the natal annulus is ap- parently a temporary retarding of growth immediately after birth, just as the other annuli are supposed to be formed as a consequence of the decreased nutrition and growth of the fish during the cold season. In this connection there should be re- called the sudden alteration of the method of feeding and respira- tion forced upon the young of these fishes at birth. They are then cast out into a very different medium, from which oxygen must be absorbed mostly through the gills, rather than through the skin and the tips of the fins. Instead of merely passing through themselves the nutritive fluid with which they were sur- rounded, they must now feed in the normal fashion of fishes. It is obviously these changes in the manner of living, which stamp a lasting mark on the scale. The metamorphic annulus significantly is usually more sharply evident in the males than in the females of those embiotocids known to be characterized by the natal ma- turity of the males. LIFE-HISTORY OF AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURORA. 201 COMPARATIVE SIZE OF THE SEXES AT DIFFERENT AGES. Scales were retained from numerous specimens of Ajnf>hi- gonoptcru*; aurora of measured length, all obtained near Piedra? Blancas, California, on June 2 and 4, 1916. Excepting a few selected to represent extreme sizes, these were chosen at random from the large number collected. The annuli, discussed above, are well developed on these scales, their number indicating the approximate age of the fish (the time of intramaternal develop- ment, about one half year, being arbitrarily excluded). Thus the presence of a single annulus, in addition of course to the natal annulus, indicates that the fish was born in the preceding summer, and that it is just completing or has just completed, the first year TABLE IV. LENGTH TO CAUDAL BASE OF FEMALES OF AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURORA OF DIFFERENT AGES. Age, One Year. Age, Three Years. Age, Four Years Age, Five Years. Age, Six Years. 76 mm. (i) 116 mm (I) 122 mm. (i) 141 mm. (i) 138 mm. (i) 77 (3) 117 123 (i) 78 . . . 118 (2) 129 (2) 79 (i) 119 (I) 136 (i) 80 . . . I2O (I) 81 (3) 121 (I) 82 (i) 122 (2) 83 123 (I) 84 (3) 124 85 (4) 125 (3) 86 (i) 126 (I) 87 (2) 127 88 (3) 128 (2) 89 (i) 90 (2) 9i (I) 92 (3) 93 (I) 94 (2) 95 (4) 96 (2) 97 (I) 98 (I) 99 (2) IOO (2) 101 IO2 (2) 103 (2) IO4 105 (I) I O6 107 108 (i) 2O2 CARL L. HUBBS. of its free-swimming life. As these fishes were obtained in the summer of 1916, those with three annuli were born in the summer of 1913, etc. The collecting done near Piedras Blancas and at other locali- ties indicated that the males average decidedly smaller than the females. It is of interest to have the field observations definitely confirmed by age-determinations. » TABLE V. LENGTH OF MALES OF DIFFERENT AGES. Two Years. Four Years. 82 mm. (i) 89 mm. (i) One Year. 59 mm. (i) 60 (0 61 (0 62 (0 63 (i) 64 (3) 65 (4) 67 68 (4) 69 U) 70 (2) 7i (i) 72 (3) 73 (0 The wide difference in the size of the two sexes of Micrometrus minimus as well as of Amphigonopterus aurora (Table VI.) ap- pears to be of particular significance in the case of a small vivi- parous fish. The female of Amphigonopterus carries from 5 to 30 young which attain before birth more than one fourth the length of their mother, whereas the testes of the male are rela- tively small for a fish, — a fact determined by the conservation of spermatozoa, correlated with copulation (similar size relations prevail in certain other and probably in all embiotocids, and in many of the viviparous poeciliids). The differential rate of growth producing the relatively smaller size of the adult males is entirely or almost entirely postnatal, as previously indicated ; in this connection it should again be recalled that at birth, only the males are mature. LIFE-HISTORY OF AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURORA. 203 TABLE VI. THE COMPARATIVE SIZE OF THE SEXES IN AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURORA AND MlCROMETRUS MINIMUS. Species. Approximate Locality (California). Date of Collection. Age (Win- ters). Length in Mm. to Caudal. Sex. Number of Specimens. A. aurora. . . . Piedras Blancas June 2-4 I. 59-73 cT 25 * * I. 76-108 9 50 * * * t II. 82 0" I '* " It III. II6-I28 9 15 ' * 1 1 IV. 89 55 o u 0 s rt (LI > £ ~E IH 12 in in U 0 u J M-, "c H bfl u. bo c o OJ «*i be efl in ^3 .2 c C91 OH 021 OOT 08 09 Ot> OZ *( (t tt ft tl t( 2O6 CARL L. HUBBS. appears particularly significant, in view of the fact that the females become pregnant at or immediately after their first winter. As usual in fishes, their is no evidence that the growth ever wholly ceases during life, although it is markedly and increasingly retarded with age. The growth of the single four-year-old male of Amphigonop- terus obtained near Piedras Blancas was computed from the direct ratio of scale length to fish length. The length of the head and body to the end of the formation of each annulus was thus estimated to have been as indicated below. Length at end of formation of natal annulus 26 mm. first winter annulus 50 mm. " second winter annulus 63 mm. third winter annulus 73 mm. " " " " " fourth winter annulus 84 mm. " " " fourth year (on June 4, 1916) 89 mm. The growth of this male, although slower, was quite similar to that of the females, being greater between birth in the summer and the first winter, than during any subsequent whole year; the check in growth rate in this case follows the second, rather than as usual the first, period of breeding. The writer has found but one published record of a direct observation on the rate of growth of a viviparous perch. It was made on aquarium fishes by the late Charles Frederick Holder, and published anonymously and without identification of species.1 The obscure but pertinent passage is as follows. " The young, ten or twenty in number, born in the summer, are from an inch and a half long at birtri, and attain half their adult size the first winter, and their full growth in about two and a half or three years." Dr. Eigenmann (1894) has remarked on the large size of the smaller breeding females of Cymatogastcr, which he cor- rectly assumed to be one year old. A similar rate of growth holds in the case of Micrometrus minimus. In the course of his extensive investigations of the life-history of the sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus ncrka) , Dr. C. H. Gilbert i Another note by the same author makes it evident that the species ob- served was Cymatogaster aggregatus (see Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., Vol. 28, 1908 (1910), p. 1139). LIFE-HISTORY OF AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURORA. 207 (1914, pp. 61-71) has induced an important generalization, the lazv of groivth compensation. Those salmon which grow most in their first year (as a result of earliest hatching or of other causes), tend on the average to grow least in their succeeding years, while those which have attained a relatively small size at the end of the first year, grow with accelerated speed during the next years. The physiological mechanism of the salmon appears to regulate its growth in such a fashion that the length of the adult fishes of each race varies but little. It was hoped that it might be determined whether this law of growth applies to Am- phigonoptcrus, but so few fishes more than one year of age were examined, that the data are incomplete. The evidence being suggestive, however, is presented in the following table (based upon the material from Piedras Blancas). TABLE VIII. COMPUTED LENGTHS OF TWENTY 3- TO 6-YEAR-OLD FEMALES OF AMPHIGOXOP- TERUS AT THE END OF FlRST THREE WINTERS. » Length at End of First Winter. Length at End of Second Winter. Length at End of Third Winter. 52 76 97 58 91 108 61 94 109 62 93 107 62 96 121 63 98 no 64 80 IOO 6? 101 US 67 94 113 68 82 109 72 93 113 74 IOI 120 75 103 119 77 IOI I2O 79 98 124 80 1 08 120 81 96 118 83 103 I2O 85 99 III 93 109 124 Variation 52 to 93 76 to 109 97 to 124 Range 41 33 27 Range • 57 .40 .26 Mean J 1 It appears probable that the variation in size of Amphigonop- tcms at the end of the third winter is less than at the end of the 208 CARL L. HUBBS. first winter ; that the principle of growth compensation is appli- cable to this embiotocid. Similar data gathered from one-year- old females strengthen this conclusion. TABLE IX. COMPUTED SPRING GROWTH OF SPECIMENS WHICH HAD ATTAINED EITHER A SMALL OR A LARGE SIZE AT THEIR FIRST WINTER. Length at End of Formation of First Annulus. Spring Growth (in Millimeters). 10 ii 12 J3 *4 IS 16 T7 18 *9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Less than 75 mm. . T ; : 7, 3 T I 6 2 T 5 T. 3 ?. 2 2 T 4 2 J I T - - - I More than 7=; mm.. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Note: Eigenmann (1894) has given an extensive bibliography and a discus- sion of the earlier contributions pertinent to the viviparity and embryology of the Embiotocidas. Only the later references need therefore be listed here. Additional papers by the same authors may be located with the aid of Dean's Bibliography of Fishes. Eigenmann, Carl H. '94 On the Viviparous Fishes of the Pacific Coast of North America. Bull. U S. Fish Comm., Vol. 12, 1892, pp. 381-478; pis. 92-118. '95 Development of Sexual Organs in Cymatogaster. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci., 1894, p. 138. '96 The history of the Sex-cells from the Time of Segregation to Sexual Differentiation in Cymatogaster. Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc., Vol. i". pp. 172-173- 'g6a Sex-differentiation in the Viviparous Teleost Cymatogaster. Arch. Entwick.-Mech. Organ., Vol. 4, 1896, pp. 125-179; 6 pis. 'g6b The Bearing of the Origin and Differentiation of the Sex Cells of Cymatogaster on the Idea of the Continuity of the Germ Plasm. Amer. Nat., Vol. 30, pp. 265-271. Eigenmann, Carl H., and Ulrey, Albert B. '94 A Review of the Embiotocidse. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., Vol. 12, 1892, pp. 382-400. Gilbert, C. H. '14 Contributions to the Life-history of the Sockeye Salmon. (No. I.) Rept. Comm. Fish. Brit. Col., 1913, pp. S3-/8, 9 plates. Holder, Charles Frederick. No date [Avalon] Aquarium Guide. Animals of the Submarine Gardens Santa Catalina (no pag.)-. Hubbs, Carl L. '17 The Breeding Habits of Cymatogaster aggregatus. Copeia, No. 47, PP- 72-74. LIFE-HISTORY OF AMPHIGONOPTERUS AURORA. '18 A Review of the Viviparous Perches. Proc. Biol. Soc. .Wash., Vol. 31, pp. 9-i3- Jordan, David Starr. '05 Guide to the Study of Fishes, 2 vols. [viviparity in fishes: Vol. i, pp. 124-130, Figs. 91-96. — Embiotocidse : Vol. 2, pp. 372-379, Figs. 306- 312]. Jordan, David Starr, and Evermann, Barton W. '98 The Fishes of North and Middle America. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 47, pt. 2 [Embiotocidse, pp. 1493-1511]. 'oo Ibidem, pt. 4, plates [Embiotocidre : Figs. 577-S86]. Taylor, Harden F. '16 The Structure and Growth of the Scales of the Squeteague and the Pigfish as Indicative of Life-history. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 34, 1914. pp. 287-330, Figs, (bibliography). AUTHOR S ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, MARCH 14, IQ2I. STUDIES OF THE BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS.1 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF THE FOOD RELATIONS OF CERTAIN UNIONIDJE. WILLIAM RAY ALLEN. CONTENTS. PAGE. 1. Introduction 210 2. Constancy of the feeding activity 211 (a) The feeding posture 212 (fe) Hunger and the degree of digestion 213 3. The utilization of nannoplankton and megaloplankton 215 (a) Experiments in selective feeding , 216 (b) The feeding of sewage 220 (c) The feeding of infusions 221 4. The physiology of the crystalline style 223 (a) Recent studies • 223 (b) The feeding of specific substances 226 (c) Forced feeding 229 (d) The effect of temperature on style renewal • 229 5. The mechanism of ingestion 232 (a) The role of the labial palps 234 (fr) The gills as an assorting mechanism 235 (c) The marly incrustation of the shell 238 6. Summary and conclusions 238 i. INTRODUCTION. The writer, while a member of the Indiana University Biolog- ical Station at Winona Lake, Indiana, devoted several summers to ecological studies of the freshwater mussels. The work was done under the direction of Dr. Will Scott, and formed a part of his general limnological program. A first paper on the feed- ing habits of the Unionidse appeared in 1914. The present paper has expanded the former through the use of experimental 1 Contribution from the Zoological Laboratory of Indiana University No. 174; submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy. 2IO STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 211 methods, and approaches the study of the crystalline style from the physiological standpoint. In subsequent papers I hope to present further studies along the lines of reactions to stimuli and distribution. For the study of the smaller glacial lakes and their inhabitants the region is especially favorable. Winona Lake has a maximum length of two miles, and being of the kettle-hole type, is deep. Its greatest depth is eighty feet. The bivalve population is limited to a shelf about its margin. Three small creeks drain into the lake. Their course follows the flat, marshy land between moraines, and their volume is small and comparatively constant. The Unionids have not extended up into the creeks. The lake forms the upper limit of their distribution in the Winona drain- age system. Eight species of mussels have been recorded from this lake : Lampsilis lutcolus, Anodonta grandis, A. cdentula, Quadrula rubiginosa, and Lampsilis subrostratus are common, the first two being very abundant. Lampsilis glans, Micromya fabalis, and Margaritana marginata are rare. I have found a single specimen of a ninth species, Quadrula undulata. All these mussels are of the " lake " type, as contrasted with " river " mussels. For most of the following experimental studies Lampsilis luteo- lus and Anodonta grandis have been employed. For work during the winter, and for comparison with the above mentioned lacus- trine forms, mussels from White River were used. These in- clude Quadrula hcros, 0. pustulosa, Lampsilis anodontoides, L. ligamentimis, etc. They were collected from the east fork of White River, near Shoals, Indiana, and from the west fork of the same river near, Gosport, Indiana. 2. CONSTANCY OF THE FEEDING ACTIVITY. In a previous paper I stated that the lake mussel continues feeding at nearly all times, when under normal conditions (Allen, '14). Virtually all the observations made since the publication of that paper have been of a confirmatory nature. Rarely is a freshly collected mussel found to be without food material in its alimentary tract, often much of it wholly undigested. When 212 WILLIAM RAY ALLEN. brought into captivity defecation usually continues to occur even after several hours, and indicates that feeding has at no time been long suspended. The normal position of the palps, gills, and mantle with respect to each other is favorable to ingestion. The structure of the mussel is such that it requires a greater effort to refrain from feeding than to continue feeding. The ciliary apparatus is in constant activity, regardless of the presence or absence of food. The gills are at all times siphoning water. Particles suspended in the water are at all times being sifted out and caught upon the mucous secretions of the gills. The gills have no way of rejecting such collections. They are always passed on by the fixed ciliary tracts of the gills to a given point on the lower margin of the inner gill which hangs between the labial palps. Without an adverse stimulus and an avoiding move- ment of the palps the collections pass on to their apposed surfaces. Thence it is but a short distance to the mouth. If, despite the structure of the mechanism of ingestion, one might still doubt that feeding is a constant process, he is forced to grant that feeding is speedily resumed by mussels artificially starved. Those starved a sufficient length of time to get rid of the crystalline style, when placed again in lake or stream, begin the renewal of the style within fifteen to thirty minutes. (a) The Feeding Posture. To what extent feeding is conditioned by the position of the mantle, palps, and gills the following experiment will show : Some LainpsUls and Anodonta were starved several days to insure the disappearance of the crystalline styles. The renewal of these organs was then taken as an index of the feeding activi- ties. Various individuals were placed in the lake, in lake water, and in Pocahontas creek. Some were partially inserted in sand in the normal posture, others with the siphons turned upward, others laid upon the right or left side, and still others upon the hinge and having the gape of the shell uppermost. At intervals some from each situation were examined. The styles were found to be reformed in all of them at about the same rate. The position of the ciliated parts, with relation to one STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 213 another and to gravity, was obviously of no consequence. Food could be passed from the gills to the palps as readily upward as downward or horizontally. Due to the buoyancy of the mucus in which food material is gathered and passed to the stomach, so near the specific gravity of the surrounding water, cilia need exert only a very slight traction upon the food masses to move them in any direction. No Unionids have acquired an asymmetry like that of the oyster, but some species, particularly Quadrulse, are always found lying upon one side or the other. They feed as readily upon one side as upon the other. Neither the right side nor the left is favored. There is no exceptional arrangement of ciliated parts within the mantle chamber for countering the unsymmetrical pull of gravity, unless the unusual size of the labial palps of some species may be interpreted as a means of preventing the loss of food between gills and palps. No matter, then, in what position the gills and palps may be. food is readily passed mouthward, and the process of food collect- ing goes on constantly in the absence of adverse stimuli. Only with the closure of the siphons is the streaming of fresh material interrupted. Only in case of powerful stimulus are the palps caused to move out of line, away from the inner gill, thus refus- ing food masses entirely. It has been difficult to demonstrate the constancy of the food stream upon the contiguous faces of the labial palps. The ciliated furrows (p. 234) ha've the func- tions of accepting or rejecting material, but to what extent the latter function is exercised under normal circumstances it is difficult to determine directly. When fed in high concentrations certain specific substances were rejected entirely, others taken readily, e.g., starch grains were never recovered in the alimentary tract, while Glococapsa passed through in great numbers (p. 227 ). It is permissible, therefore, to postulate that the labial palps behave in harmony with the rest of the food-gathering apparatus. (b) The Degree of Digestion a Response to Tissue Demands. The cilia of the alimentary tract are virtually in constant move- ment. (Nelson, '18, has reported the partial suspension of the 214 WILLIAM RAY ALLEN. cilia of the style sac.) It involves little, if any, additional energy to keep a stream of water coursing through it. That much food material passes through without being digested is shown both by the mass color of the feces and by the appearance of diatom and other algal cells from the feces, when examined microscopically. It has been argued that diatoms are accidental and not the real food. Empty diatom tests are found in considerable quantity in fecal matter, and there is no doubt that the contents have been digested out of, at least, some of them. • Furthermore, the freshly formed style, in a mussel which has been starved and then fed with diatomaceous matter, has the amber color of diatomin. In this case digestion is prompt and rapid. The style tends to be- come colorless as soon as the streaming of food through the style sac is checked by the growing style. Since the ciliary mechanism is functioning constantly, and since some material is digested and some is not, it may be con- cluded that the demand for food on the part of the tissues affects rather the secretion of digestive fluids and ferments than the con- trol of ingestion. On several grounds it is seen, then, that a given particle may or may not be digested on its passage through the alimentary tract. Nelson's suggestion ('18), that the style sac serves as a means of returning undigested particles to the stomach where they may be exposed again to the digestive secretions, is very plausible. The morphology of the structure fits such a function to a nicety. Moreover, while a starved mussel is renewing its style much green material is being threaded into its core. The fact that some diatoms are digested while others are not might at first thought find a sufficient explanation in Nelson's view. For some particles would be diverted into the style sac and others continue on un- digested. This would perhaps as readily explain the presence of both normal diatoms and empty tests in the rectum as my sug- gestion of uninterrupted feeding. There is no doubt that Nelson's explanation is entirely adequate for Ostrcca and Modiolus, for these forms interrupt siphoning and feeding with every tide. Their styles are absorbed and renewed regularly with the ebb and flood. Hence twice each day the stvle sac is STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 215 thrown open to the passage of food; and for this reason, if for no other, one should find a mingling of digested with undigested food in the rectum. In the Unionidse this mingling does not have an adequate explanation in the style sac. For there is no loss of crystalline style except with starvation. No normal mussel is found without it. Under normal conditions the style has no color, with a very slight core of green. The amount of food which passes through the style or style sac under ordinary condi- tions is very slight. Hence most of the digested diatoms whose tests are found in the rectum have been through the stomach but once. Resume. — In the rectum and feces the simultaneous occur- rence of green diatoms and empty tests shows that part, but not all, of such material is digested. At any rate it is usable as food. Ingestion is continuous, but digestion is discontinuous, and de- pendent upon demand for nutrition on the part of the tissues. In the Unionidse the return of material from the intestine to the stomach through the style sac does not account for much of the food actually digested, for such a transference of food is pos- sible only when the style sac is empty. Since digestion is a chem- ical reaction the contents of the stomach should be affected alike, and not some wholly digested and some not at all, when equally digestible. 3. THE UTILIZATION OF NANNOPLANKTON AND MEGALOPLANKTON. The materials recovered from the rectum grade down from the largest phytoplankton to very small species. While stomach and rectal contents vary, the larger particles are obviously oftener found undigested than the smaller. This suggests that the smaller are more easily digested ; that everything else being equal, digestibility is inversely proportional to size. The question arises : does the nannoplankton constitute an important, though less conspicuous element of the food of a mussel? Juday (see Ward and Whipple, '18) has shown that the nanno- plankton content of a lake may exist in vastly greater number and in a much greater volume than does the net plankton. Even though most of such organisms should escape through the gills 2l6 WILLIAM RAY ALLEN. of the mussel, the recovery of only a fraction of them is sufficient in some lakes to equal or surpass the total volume of larger or- ganisms utilized. (a) Experiments in Selective Feeding. A few experiments were made to separate the nannoplankton from the grosser, in order to feed them separately. There is no hard and fast line by which the nannoplankton may be distinguished, except Lohmann's ('n) arbitrary size limit of 25 microns. Stomach and intestinal contents were examined for evident of a predominance of either larger or smaller forms. So far as the diatoms are concerned such evidence is not very conclusive, though on the whole the smaller organisms appar- ently have the better of the argument. As for Flagellata, they were commonly seen in the rectal contents, but more often in the stomach. This is as we should expect, for some of them do not possess so resistant a test as the diatoms. The fact that even a few of the smaller flagellates and dia- toms are found demonstrates that the gill-meshes are fine enough to accomplish something with the nannoplankton, while the di- minished number of flagellates in the rectum implies the more complete digestion of that group. Certain flagellates are more resistant to digestion than others, e.g., Peridiniwn; some are doubtless, of more frequent occurrence in the alimentary tract on account of their colonial form and greater bulk, e.g., Pandorina. We have no very efficient mechanical means for separating plankton according to size. The nets of finest bolting silk allow nearly all flagellates and all but the large or colonial diatoms to pass through. It was found that water, poured through a net suspended in the air, forces more large organisms through the meshes than in the case when the net is suspended in water, and the water containing plankton poured through slowly. A concentration of net plankton actually took place in the plankton bucket. A complete separation of coarse from fine plankton is not claimed, nor was it necessary to the experiment. Undoubtedly some of the grosser forms passed through the silk. But these were never in sufficient quantity to be detected in the STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 217 intestines of mussels feeding in the escaping water. One com- plete experiment follows : Water from the creek or lake was first poured through a cop- per gauze in order to remove such debris as plant fragments and flakes of limy incrustation. From these it passed into a conical plankton-net of No. 20 bolting-silk, terminating in a detachable Birge bucket. The lower portion of the cone and the bucket were suspended in a jar of water. Measured quantities of the natural water, varying from 50 to 250 liters in the several ex- periments, were passed through. From time to time the meshes of the bucket became choked and the process was slowed down. This was especially true in the lake following high winds, when there was considerable turbidity. At intervals, therefore, the bucket was removed, rinsed out into a container, and the gross filtrate brought into contact with a group of mussels which had been starved for a few days in order to cause the disappearance of the crystalline style. The overflow water which had passed through the silk was allowed to siphon over into another jar in which were kept another group of starved mussels. They were thus given opportunity to feed upon nannoplankton almost solely. In order to demonstrate that any regeneration of the crystal- line style that might occur could not be ascribed to the chemical or physical character of the water itself, a quantity of the strained water was also siphoned over into a sheet of filter paper and mus- sels placed in the jar beneath. The mussels fed upon filtered water in no instance showed the least evidence of re-forming the style. That many organisms passed through the plankton net is well shown by the amber-green coating which soon formed on the filter paper. Upon these organisms the second group of mus- sels had opportunity to feed, provided the gills might be a suffi- ciently effective mechanism to entrap particles which had passed through the silk. During the progress of the experiment, usually about four hours, checks were kept in the lake or creek, near the experi- ment. They also had been starved for the same length of time, in tap water. The water was taken from a depth of two to three feet in the lake, along the east shore, where it is open to wind and wave 2l8 WILLIAM RAY ALLEN. t action, but has the shelter of a broad zone of Potamogeton. The creek water was from the mouth of Pocahontas creek, having a depth from a few inches up to more than a foot, and a bottom of gravel and rubble. A drain from a large septic tank enters 500 feet upstream. In its upper course it receives the water of drainage ditches in swamp land, and has a small, though constant, volume throughout summer. Its flow is rapid, and the character of the bottom such that mussels have not ascended it. The water has a slightly brown color due to its swampy course (Rice, '16). In this experiment two mussels were used as checks, three kept in filtered water, ten placed in the overflow from the plank- ton net, and ten were fed upon the gross concentrate given them in tap water. Of the two checks, one developed a well formed crystalline style, the other none, but it had a large amount of green ma- terial in the intestine, showing that it also had resumed feeding. Of the ten fed upon net plankton, seven renewed the style more or less completely, three not at all; of the naiiiioplaiikton- fed eight had formed a style and two had not. These data are not full, yet they demonstrate the ability of the respective food materials to renew the style. It will be seen that there is little difference in the power to renew the style between the larger plankton which remained, and the smaller which went through the silk. It is certain that the larger forms do have a food value, for there were few of the smaller which remained in the plankton bucket, and the residue of grosser material alone \vas put into the aquarium with the first group of mussels. It is possibly not quite so well demon- strated that the other eight renewed the styles in response to the ingestion of nannoplankton solely, but such is a reasonable supposition. Two things at least cannot be gainsaid : ( i ) there was a significant increase in the ratio of megaloplankton to nan- noplankton within the bucket, and of course a reversal of this ratio outside, without greatly affecting the crystalline style re- newal in either case; (2) no net plankton \vas recognized in the intestines of the second group of experimental animals, although conspicuous in those used as a check. The above facts do not argue a greater digestibility of the STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 219 smaller organisms. But when the matter of dilution or concen- tration is taken into account, we have such an argument. The greatly concentrated net-plankton was fed in a container of water which was changed but slightly throughout the experiment. The nannoplankton, on the other hand, was caused to stream over the second group of mussels in the original water, and with the orig- inal concentration. If it had been concentrated as much as the net plankton a much more marked ingestion would probably have been obtained. It is hoped that in the future a method for con- centrating nannoplankton in quantity may be applied to the solu- tion of this question. An experiment similar to the foregoing consisted in placing starved mussels in the creek, enclosed in a tight metal container, whose two ends were then closed with bolting-silk. The creek was dammed on either side of the container, so as to raise the level slightly and maintain a flow of water through it upon the mussels. The stopping of the meshes of the silk was expected to interfere with the flow after a few hours. But, as a matter of fact, there was sufficient eddy and overflow to keep the silk fairly well washed, so that at the end of the experiment a slight current might still be detected. Experimental mussels and checks were placed both above and below the sewer outlet, where they were allowed to feed for twenty-four hours. Small numbers were used here — four mus- sels in each situation. So far as the results derived are trust- worthy, they show a utilization of nannoplankton as food, and corroborate those of the previous experiment. The mussels from the three situations showed a well-defined gradation in the reconstruction of the crystalline style: (i) those from experimental conditions showed only a partial renewal; (2) the checks nearby had virtually completed the renewal; (3) below the sewer outlet the checks had well formed and entirely hyaline crystalline styles. Presumably they had an additional source of food — the sewer. The mussels used as a check, and whose styles had grown large and hyaline, accumulated considerable masses of green in the intestine during the twenty-four hours. Examination showed this material to comprise, among other forms, Namcula, Oscil- 22O WILLIAM RAY ALLEN. latoria (small amount), Sccncdesnnis, Synedra, and Tabellaria. Considerable debris, both organic and inorganic, was found, and some fragments of considerable length. In the case of those fed upon " bolted " water considerable amounts of green were found in the intestine, and the styles were flaccid and green. No large particles were obtained. Tabellaria, Diatoma, and Navicula occurred, but it was only very small spe- cies in each case, and no coherent members of colonies. Very little inorganic stuff was found, but many organic fragments, some of them partially digested. The smaller flagellates were proportionately more numerous than in the checks. Naturally the diatoms were of the solider, creek type, and none of the grace- ful lake forms adapted for flotation. (&) The Feeding of Seivage. The presence of Oscillatoria may be taken as an index of the amount of sewage in the food. It also shows a well-defined gradation in the several feeding stations: (i) no Oscillatoria was recorded from the experimental animals above the sewer outlet; (2) very little appeared in the checks kept in the un- screened stream at this point; (3) somewhat more Oscillatoria, consisting of very incomplete filaments, was seen in the experi- mental animals below the sewer ; and (4) the checks below the sewer contained numerous large fragments of Oscillatoria, and many relatively large bits of debris never met with elsewhere. Mussels which had been kept in the mouth of the creek for several weeeks prior to these experiments were opened at the same time. The styles were well formed and without color. On various occasions the styles of the experimental animals reacted differently. At one time all of the styles were whitish when par- tially renewed, having a distinct white, spiral core. In those most perfectly formed the white color was disappearing, and the entire mass was becoming more solid and more hyaline. On other occa- sions the newly formed styles were of the typical amber hue which suggested diatomin. Subsequently mussels opened here contained sometimes whitish, sometimes colorless styles. At times freshly formed styles were found which were green in the STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 221 stomach and becoming white in the style sac, indicating a change from one color to the other. Only one explanation of the above differences offers itself— namely the effect of bacteria. These, through a mass effect or through the breaking down of the style substance itself, are prob- ably responsible for the white color. Rice (I.e.) has shown that the abundance of bacteria and of nitrates is here subject to pro- found variation, on account of the periodic discharge from the septic tank mentioned above. Whatever the cause of the white color it might have been expected to be mingled with green from the normal food brought down from above. That green is actu- ally present in concealment is shown by the boiling of such styles (p. 226). The white style pertains mostly to the creek. In the lake a white style is observed only during low water in mussels which have been feeding near the creek outlet. During freshets and great dilution of the bacteria it does not occur even in the creek. These observations may be taken as a further indication of the direct dependence of the crystalline style upon the char- acter of the food. (c) The Feeding of Infusions. Previously I had observed the renewal of the style and the accumulation of material in the alimentary tract of animals fed with hay infusions rich in ciliates (Allen, I.e.). The unmistak- able finding of protozoan fragments in the stomach showed that some such material is ingested, and I was satisfied that the style renewal was due to their presence. The above nannoplankton studies suggested that there might also be food value in the bac- teria and flagellates which are present in such concentration in infusions. The former experiments upon the feeding of infu- sions were repeated with the same results. Again, white crystal- line styles appeared (p. 220). However, in order to determine if the bacteria and flagellates present may be responsible for the style renewal an attempt was made to separate them from the large ciliates. The above method for the separation of plankton was applied here. It was possible, at any rate, to dispose of most of the bacteria by washing. The process resulted in the death of many ciliates due to crushing and to the change into fresher 222 WILLIAM RAY ALLEN. water. However, it was possible to accumulate a considerable mass of living and fragmented infusoria. Starved mussels fed upon this concentrate did not renew the style. This negative result must not be trusted too implicitly, considering that, as re- ported above, ciliate material is sometimes found in the stomach. Yet the present experiment points toward a greater utilization of the smaller organisms of infusions than of relatively large ciliates. Aside from the ciliated protozoa the infusorian population con- sisted mostly of extremely minute forms. The maceration ex- periments described elsewhere (p. 228) show conclusively that the Unionid gill is capable of intercepting very small material in- deed— even the pyrenoids of algae. It may be questioned whether the formation of a crystalline style is a reliable index of the feeding activity. In my opinion it is as reliable as a direct examination of the alimentary tract. On some occasions food may be found in the intestine before regen- eration of the style is perceptible. But, on the contrary, there are as many occasions when a starved mussel recently fed is seen to have the beginnings of a style before anything is readily recov- erable from the intestine. In far the greater number of cases examined the synchronism between style renewal and the pres- ence of food is exact. The bearings of this upon the significance of the style are discussed below (p. 229). Resume. — The more minute plankton organisms are of as great nutrient value as the more conspicuous, often undigested matter commonly listed from rectal or fecal examinations. However the net plankton is shown to have a food value as well. Experi- ments which more or less perfectly separated the net- from nan- noplankton show that both are capable of re-forming the crystal- line styles of starved mussels. The minute flagellates sometimes exceed the volume of net plankton in lakes many fold. Since it is certain that they can be entrapped by the gills of the mussel and can be ingested, it is likely that their rarity in the rectum is due to the fact that most of them have been digested. Infusions which have nothing of food value except ciliates and minute or- ganisms renew the style. STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 223 4. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CRYSTALLINE STYLE. Everyone, myself included, who has dealt with the crystalline style during the past decade, has made apology for adding to the bulky list of the things not certainly known concerning that organ. (a) Recent Studies. The most thoroughgoing and satisfactory account of the crys- talline style is that of Nelson ('18). He has assembled and or- ganized the literature on the subject to the minutest detail, has very effectualy eliminated most of the groundless speculations, and has sifted out the truth contained in the rest. Nelson's work on the morphology is of a sort which virtually closes that sub- ject. All future studies of the crystalline style may well make Nelson's work the point of departure.2 There is no occasion to review the literature here or to describe either the style itself or the associated portions of the alimentary tract. I shall be content to record the physiological data which have accumulated during the intermittent observations made over a period of some six years. Most of the writers, with the exception of Mitra ('01), and Nelson (l.c.~), have taken a viewpoint which has been fatally erroneous, it seems to me. Despite all the divergent speculations which observers have permitted themselves to make (a point well reviewed by Nelson), they have really been looking for one explanation — the most plausible function that this organ might be supposed to perform. Few have granted the probability that two or more uses of the style might exist concurrently. - The preceding sentence, when written, was prophetic. For just as this paper is about ready for the press, Edmondson's timely account of the crystal- line style in Mya arenaria has appeared ('20). Like Nelson, he has devoted considerable study to the morphology, but has centered his attention upon the renewal of the style. It is gratifying to find others interested in the physio- logical study of the style, for, aside from its chemistry, most work has been done from the viewpoint of structure. This author's account of Mya arenaria shows the style to have diverged very far, indeed, from its homologue in the Unionidze. It lies in a distinct caecum. Operative methods instead of starvation were necessary to remove it. It is a very solid structure, nearly insoluble, and nearly devoid of albu- minoids. Its regeneration in Mya precedes rather than follows resumption of feeding. Seventy-four days were required for its reformation in Mya, while one day more or less suffices in the Unionidx. 224 WILLIAM RAY ALLEN! Mitra (I.e.) was the first to recognize clearly that the crystal- line style may meet several needs. The fact that it is dissolved when food is wanting, and that in solution it may be taken up by the blood, leads to the conclusion that it is (so far as it goes) a reserve of nutriment. Furthermore, the work of Mitra and others has shown that it bears enzymes capable of furthering starch digestion. Dr. Scott Edwards has kindly checked over this matter for me, with confirmatory results. Insofar as suitable food is brought into contact with it, it is a means of supplying digestive ferments. Nelson (I.e.) has shown very well that the rotation of the crystalline style against the " gastric shield "in the stomach shreds the dissolving end so as to form a brush. The rotation of this brush sweeps the food into the proper ciliated channels, aids in dissolving the food out of the mucous masses in which it reaches the stomach, and acts as a substitute for peristalsis in mingling food with the digestive fluids from the liver, etc. It might have been pointed out that these movements afford a ready means of bringing the contained enzymes of the style into thorough contact with the food. Since the style actually accomplishes all these things, we can not choose any one of them as the function for which it was designed. We cannot assert that the style is exactly adapted to perform any one of them, or that it is the function which it has always performed in ancestral forms. If such were the case one might expect to find somewhere in the more primitive existing species a style little changed from the ancestral condition. But the Najades have taken to fresh water, and as a result have be- come profoundly modified in life history, ontogeny, and structure. While the crystalline style has shown as little structural change as any organ, it is not improbable that its relation to the organism as a whole, to metabolism, has suffered changes of which we know nothing. Nelson suggests a further function of the style sac, that of returning undigested material from the intestine to the stomach, to prevent the loss of food. In Modiohts, which undergoes a periodic cessation of feeding and dissolution of the style, the STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 225 cilia of the sac periodically carry a stream of food from the intestine through it into the stomach. In common with all ciliated epithelia this organ raises the very interesting and equally difficult problem of accounting for the present direction of the beat of the cilia. In the simpler ancestral forms the beat most probably was in the opposite direction. The style sac of Modiolus contains more food in winter than in summer. It is difficult to see why the structure in Modiolus should be (as Nelson reports) more effective in winter, when the metabolism is low and the food requirement slight, than in summer, when the demand for food is greater. In winter the secretion of the style substance is slowed down by the tempera- ture to such an extent that the organ is not promptly re-formed with each feeding period (p. 229). The style sac therefore con- tains no style and may be utilized to reconvey food from the intestine to the stomach. In the Unionidse it is certain that the return of particles through the style sac is a phenomenon which takes place normally only after starvation. Of the many hun- dreds of specimens examined when taken from the water, not half a dozen were ever found in which the style was lacking. Usually the newly formed style has an abnormally large core of plankton. This indicates that the first undigested or partially digested material which streams into the intestine is diverted at the posterior end of the style sac and carried forward again into the stomach. In the meantime the glands of the typhlosole (Nelson, l.c.~) begin secreting and wrapping the spiral of the style substance about this core. The streaming in of materials from the intestine is limited more and more as the style more and more completely fills the lumen of the sac. After the style moves forward and has been dissolved its entire length, the newer por- tion, with a diminished core, has entirely replaced the original portion with its loose structure and large core of food. This takes place twice daily in Modiolus or Ostrcca, and the newly re- generated style is thus oftener encountered. In Lampsilis or Anodonta under normal circumstances, it is a very infrequent occurrence. My observation has been to a very great extent upon lake forms, which are not subject to many vicissitudes. It is 226 WILLIAM RAY ALLEN. presumable that river forms, if taken at the right times, demon- strate a more periodic activity in response to the rise and fall of the current, the degree of turbidity, etc. Nelson is probably in accord with these reservations concerning the Unionidse, for he agrees (I.e., p. 100) that the formation of the style is directly dependent upon the food supply. In the marine forms the return of food through the style sac to the stomach is considerable. In the Unionids the return of food through the style sac has become reduced because the sac is usually occupied by the style. The spiral character of the style, caused, as demonstrated by Nelson, by its axial rotation, has been brought out nicely in three ways in my observation : fa) A regenerated style in one starved Anodonta was found to have a great deal of green matter throughout, and but a very slight amount of style substance. It had grown to at least normal diameter. When kept for a time the secreted portion dissolved out, leaving the green cohering portion wrapped about the core like the threads of a screw, or a lathe shaving. (&) A few whitish styles were boiled for a short time in strong sodium hydroxide. They were much reduced, and the residue was in the form of a close rope-like spiral.3 The white appear- ance had given place to the amber-green color characteristic of most newly regenerated styles. (c ) The actual rotation of the style has often been observed. Examinations were frequently made of the food substances which could be recovered from the core of more or less com- pletely regenerated styles. The food never showed a perceptibly greater degree of digestion at the stomach end than posteriorly. It is not likely, therefore, that the digestive processes are much furthered during progress through the style or style sac toward the stomach. (b) The Feeding of Specific Substances. A series of experiments in feeding certain substances, and in forced feeding by injection into the stomach, were undertaken 3 Edmondson's ('20) figures of partially formed styles very well represent these. STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 22 7 to throw light upon the actual stimulus which initiates the renewal of the style. The stimuli may be either mechanical or chemical. Carborundum, carmine, starch, etc., of varying fineness, were introduced into the incurrent siphon with the streaming water. Such organic or inorganic material, however neutral, of whatso- ever dilution, or however administered through the respiratory water, were never found subsequently in the alimentary canal. Nor did the molluscs ever display any indication of style renewal in response to these things. The experiment has a further significance to be discussed on page 229. A culture of Glccocapsa was looked over carefully and found to have very few organisms of the size of Glccocapsa, but much coarse debris. This material was washed into a jar with active, starved mussels, and agitated from time to time to prevent its settling. After eighteen hours the mussels were examined. The crystalline styles were partially renewed in all cases. In others kept in jars of Glccocapsa not stirred frequently the styles failed to show any indications of re-forming, even after three or four days. Evidently not enough food to stimulate style formation had been taken into the siphons. In all, small masses of Glccocapsa were encountered in the rectum, in the stomach, and in clots of mucus upon the gills and palps. The clots were almost pure Glccocapsa. The stomach and intestine contained minute frag- ments of green, partially digested individuals, and sometimes Glccocapsa cells without the capsule. There is thus no doubt but that a pretty rigid selection of the alga from the coarser matter with it was taking place, and that the alga was being digested. The frequent occurrence of the Glceocapsa in the rectal con- tents, still wrapped in mucus, shows the effect of the want of the style. Had that organ been present the mucus masses would probably have been torn up, the alga freed in the stomach and exposed to digestive action. It appears that the process of di- gestion does not function perfectly, even prior to the formation of a style, and not even a hungry mussel exposes all particles equally well to the digestive fluids.4 4 Edmondson finds the alimentary tract of Mya arenarla empty of food until the style is partially replaced. 228 WILLIAM RAY ALLEN. A quantity of Spirogyra and other filamentous algae was cut as finely as possible with scissors, then macerated with a pestle. Examined microscopically there were found fragments of cell- wall varying in size, fragmented chloroplasts, and pyrenoids. Without screening, this material was fed, in considerable quantity to starved mussels. The water was agitated occasionally so as to keep some of the macerated material in suspension. One mass of alga had been taken from a dish in which decomposition had gone far. Although the mussels held the siphons nearly closed in the decomposing culture, they nevertheless ingested sufficient alga to answer the purpose of the experiment. Feeding the de- composed alga is comparable to the feeding of infusions, and the animals reacted similarly. In all cases of feeding infusion, de- caying alga, and the feeding of mussels below the sewer outlet in Pocahontas creek, the regenerated crystalline styles had the same milk-white appearance. Thus there is no doubt that in all cases the color was due to bacteria. Mussels fed upon macerated fresh Zygnenia had clear, and colorless or green, styles. In one mussel fed upon a maceration of Spirogyra the partially regenerated style had a large core, and only two or three thin layers of style substance. This gave it the proportions and ap- pearance of a rubber tube. When stretched out in a watch crystal and placed under the weight of a cover'glass, the contents slowly oozed out at a broken point. The core was then seen to consist almost entirely of pyrenoids (or like bodies) closely packed, and in very great quantity. Their mass had a gray-yellow color. Only here and there was there a minute spot of green. Not a trace of cell walls or of a spiral fragment of chloroplast was found here or in the stomach. We have then another case of the rigid selection of food particles, and a little suggestion of the character of the materials which are capable of inciting the secre- tion of a new style. Again we have evidence that the gill is capable of taking very small particles from the water. In a decaying macerated Spirogyra culture several starved mussels kept the siphons almost entirely closed. When a few c.c. of alcohol were added they shortly began and continued siphoning vigorously. Yet the food sorting mechanism functioned normal- STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 22Q ly, for no stomachs nor intestines were found to contain larger fragments than usually occur there. (c) Forced Feeding. From the above experiments, and on grounds discussed else- where (p. 227), it is seen that the ingesting apparatus exercises considerable choice, and that (at least under experimental condi- tions) only certain sorts of material are admitted to the stomach. An attempt was made to introduce distasteful matter into a starved mussel with the food. When fed alone, carmine had never been ingested. It was therefore administered with Glcco- capsa and macerated Spirogyra. In no case was it found in the alimentary canal. Very little of the food entered, for thai matter. The presence of the carmine caused a rejection of most of the food as well. In order to ascertain if substances rejected by the mouth might yet have the power to stimulate the secretion of the crystalline style, these were introduced little by little through a fine pipette directly into the stomach. Fine carborundum (120-180 gauge) carmine, and starch were tried. In none of these cases was any trace of a style to be found later. It should be explained that the shock of operation was not alone responsible for this failure, for when Glococapsa was fed to the animals in the same way, it was capable of renewing the style to a slight degree. There is suffi- cient ground for the conclusion that mere mechanical stimulation of the intestine or style sac on the part of fine particles is not sufficient to initiate the formation of the style. There must be a stimulus of a chemical nature as well. A reaction to the feeding- activity might have incited secretion through reflexes from the palps. Yet this is inadequate to account for the renewal of the style when Glccocapsa was administered through the stomach wall. (d) The Effect of Temperature on Style Renewal. With the approach of winter it becomes more and more diffi- cult to secure a prompt renewal of the crystalline style on the resumption of feeding. Where experiments are made in water of quite low temperature the same behavior is observed. Riddle, 230 WILLIAM RAY ALLEN. ('09), Krogh ('14) and others have shown that the rate of meta- bolic processes is related to body temperature. In this case the decrease in temperature probably directly affects the rate of secre- tion of the typhlosole glands. It is not improbable that a seasonal metabolic rhythm exists.5 In order to test the effect of temperature alone in this matter and to eliminate the other possible elements, the following experi- ment was carried out : Checks were kept at room temperature. In each repetition of the experiment one jar was placed in the cold water of the outlet of an artesian well. When the temperature was sufficiently re- duced the experimental starved animals were introduced into their respective jars. Meantime concentrations of lake plankton were made by filtering through fine bolting-silk, and the plankton remaining in the bucket washed out into the check and experi- mental jars. Each mussel had a jar to itself. The water in all had a decided green tint when agitated, for the concentration was in all cases from 100 volumes to i. The jars were well shaded to eliminate the possible action of sunlight in orienting the plank- tonts, and thus keeping the food equally available to all. The amount of water was equalized, and the mussels so placed that the exhalent stream played obliquely upon the sides of the jar and maintained an eddy to keep the planktonts in circulation. The material was collected at about 10:00 A.M.. and about three hours were allowed for the temperature adjustment. The experiments began at about i :oo P.M., and continued from three to four and one-half hours, usually four. The average tempera- ture of the experimental jars at the beginning of the experiments was 13.4° C, varying between 12.6° C. and 14.0° C. The aver- age of the same jars at the end of the experiments was 13.1° C., varying between 12.0° C. and 14.4° C. There was an average loss in temperature of 0.3° in these jars. The checks gave an average at the beginning of 26.0° C., varying between 23.6° C. and 30.0° ; at the end an average of 27.2° C., and a variation between 24.0° and 29.6° C. The average rise in temperature of 5 The crystalline style of Mya arenaria is reformed more rapidly during summer than winter. Edmondson (I. c.) ascribes this to the increased metab- olism of the approaching breeding season. STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 23! the checks was 1.2° C. At the beginning the checks averaged 12.6° higher than the others, and at the end averaged 14.1° higher. Nearly ten degrees (9.6) separated the lowest check from the highest temperature in an experimental jar. As was to be ex- pected the atmospheric temperatures created considerable varia- tion in the checks (6.4°) and much less in the cooled jars (2.4° C.) Of the twenty animals used only ten showed partially renewed styles. Of these ten only two occurred at the reduced tempera- ture, and eight in the checks. The two which appeared in the low temperature were smaller than any of the eight formed in the checks. Moreover, the two were both in Anodonta, and Ano- donta has shown a greater response always than Lain[>silis, never failing to show some renewal. Lampsilis more slowly loses and more slowly regains its style than Anodonta. While the number used is small, exact quantitative results are here unnecessary, and there is sufficient demonstration of the qualitative effect of temperature upon style formation. This effect may be partially explainable through the effect of tempera- ture upon the cilia and the rate of ingestion. But the reason men- tioned above is probably more pertinent, for the intestine was usually found to contain food in the experimental animals. So long as the quality of the ingested material is right, the quantity required to initiate the formation of the style is very small. At times a single battery jar of water dipped at random from the surface of the littoral has contained sufficient food to restore it, in part. Held to the light the water had given no hint of green. But after it had been siphoned from one to two hours, the resulting thread-like crystalline style contained a conspicuous core of green. Where food is abundant the length of time needed to renew secretion after the beginning of feeding is very short. A fair beginning may sometimes be observed within fifteen to thirty minutes. Large well-formed styles are sometimes secreted in four hours or less. The time depends largely upon the degree of .starvation. More often twenty-four hours, at least, are required. On the whole it is a much more deliberate process than in some 232 WILLIAM RAY ALLEN. tidal forms, where the breaking down and renewal of the style occur rhythmically. Of passing interest is the observation that small, newly formed styles sometimes may be seen coiled up in the stomach, where they have pushed forth more rapidly than they could be broken up and dissolved against the gastric shield. Resume. — It is here contended that the crystalline style accom- plishes a number of purposes, for none of which it is entirely indispensable, nor entirely a perfect adaptation ; that it is no longer performing an identical, single, primitive function traceable to a primitive Lamellibranch ancestor. The response of this organ to similar conditions is much the same in various bivalves ; but the tranquil life of the lake has stabilized the feeding activity and the style formation in the Unionids, while the styles of some species inhabiting the marine littoral are profoundly affected by the tidal phenomena. The formation and dissolution of the crystalline style goes on in the same way that a paper, candle-lighter might, if extended to an indefinite length by rolling up a sheet of paper of indefinite length, and burning off the free end as rapidly as new paper is added at the other. There is no evidence that digestion is furthered during the passage of food through the style or style sac. The feeding of inert substances, both normally and through the stomach wall, indicates that the mechanical stimulation of the wall of the enteron is not alone the cause of the secretion of a new style. The rate of formation of the style is shown to depend in part upon temperature. Little food and little time are required to set the process going. 5. THE MECHANISM OF INGESTION. It has long been known that the gills with their great multiplica- tion of surface are responsible for the movement of respiratory water, and for the concentration of food material from the » water. It is surprising to encounter in the work of so eminent a student as Simpson, written only a score of years ago ('99), a statement that the siphoning is due to the waving of the palps. STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 233 It was shown by Posner ('75), Wallengren ('05), and other?, against the contention of M'Alpine ('88), that the collections of food are transmitted to the labial palps, and by their cilia to the mouth. The writer shows (I.e.] that the ciliary streams of the upper portion of the mantle chamber all tend toward the mouth; while those of the lower portion of the visceral mass and mantle lead away from the mouth. The latter accomplish the duty ascribed by M'Alpine to all the cilia, that of freeing the mantle chamber of heavier materials and rejected food clots. It was stated by the writer that the food material is subject to rejection at four points: (i) the siphons, (2) the point on gills and mantle where the food stream passes to the palps, (3) the furrowed surfaces of the palps, and (4) the lips, at the mouth. More recent observations have all corroborated this. Perhaps the fact has not been sufficiently stressed that only an unusual chemical or tactual stimulus results in the closure of the siphons or lips. The palps somewhat oftener refuse masses from the gills and mantle by turning aside. The greater number of reac- tions occur as the food stream passes between the contiguous palp surfaces. The work of Wallengren ('05), and others, has demonstrated the action of the labial palps, the ridges of which are capable of reversing the food stream. Near the distal margin of each ridge of the palp surface the beat of the cilia is toward the apex, both in front and behind. When the ridges are inclined forward, the effective beat of the cilia is forward ; when the ridges alter their axis, the backward-beating cilia are brought into play and the others turned under. The course of the ciliary streams at the bottoms of the furrows between the ridges is much more difficult to observe. Wallengren believes that the cilia strike downwards to the edge of the palps, and that the resulting streams belong to the excurrent system. Siebert ('13), working on Anodonta ccllensis, says they strike in the opposite direction — upward to the apex of the inverted V formed by the two palps, thence forward to the lips and mouth. 234 WILLIAM RAY ALLEN. (a) The Role of the Labial Palps. The writer has checked the matter as carefully as possible, and believes that there is ground for the views of both Wallengren and Siebert. The details of arrangement may not correspond exactly in the several species. On the lower half of the palps the cilia under consideration usually strike downward, and those of the tipper half strike upward. Thus the lighter and finer particles tend to be drawn upward and forward as food, while the heavier, coarser, materials are more likely to be carried downward. The differentiation of the mechanism corresponds pretty well to that of the upper and lower portions of the ciliated surfaces of the mantle chamber as a whole. It is impossible to make direct observation of the streaming on any one ridge of the palps. But where substances of varying fineness are placed together on the palps, such as carborundum dust and carmine, there is a tendency to assort them. The carborundum particles move along the apices of the ridges and are carried nearly lengthwise of the palps. The carmine gravitates farther into the furrows between the ridges. Near the lower margin of the palps carmine is carried obliquely downward and forward, and on the average reaches the lower edge of the palps before the carborundum. When placed on the upper portion of the contiguous palp surface, carmine is drawn upward and forward to a greater extent than the car- borundum, then forward toward the mouth. The respective upward or downward pull upon the carmine may be accentuated by stretching the palps lengthwise, thus drawing the ridges farther apart and exposing the cilia of the furrows to a greater extent. Attempts were made to effect a reversal of the ciliary currents of the furrowed surface of the palps by injections of curari, strychnin, atropin, pilocarpine, and by electric stimulation. The injections were made through the body wall into the sinuses near the base of the palps. Observations were made at various in- tervals from ten minutes up to several hours after injection. It was never found possible to control the reaction. There was a perceptible response to none of the several drugs except strychnin. This sometimes caused a contraction, at other times a relaxation STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 235 of the palps. When the palps were in a state of contraction, most of the streaming carmine and carborundum were drawn to the edge and into the mantle chamber. These mieager results tend to corroborate previous observations on the reaction of the palps- that food may be rejected through a greater or less erection of the ridges. Negative results prove nothing, while ever so slight posi- tive evidence may be taken as an indication that a reversal of the ciliary streams can, and actually does, take place, through the bringing of another set of cilia into play. The above shows clearly that the palps bear two sets of cilia working at right angles to each other. Due to their interaction materials often travel obliquely downward or obliquely upward. The former materials are eliminated at the lower edge of the palps, the latter reach the mouth. The effectiveness of the assorting mechanism is well brought out by the measurements of the ingested particles. The largest fragment I have ever secured from the enteron was found in the intestine — a pinnately branched alga 3.3 mm. in length, probably Mv.roncina. The second largest particle was a bit of Oscillatoria, 1.5 mm. in length. It is unusual in Winona Lake mussels to en- counter fragments of greater length than 500 microns. Starved individuals, probably experiencing a sensation akin to hunger, are observed to ingest freely much more large material than under normal circumstances. Nelson ('18) has described the action of the food sorting caecum of Modiolns, a diverticuluin of the stomach. Since Modiolus ingests large quantities of sand in its periodic feeding, Nelson's ccccitin affords a means of separating food from sand. It has been shown elsewhere in this paper that feeding in the Unionidse is a more constant function, and that little sand and mud are taken into the stomach. The gills and labial palps are an entirely sufficient assorting mechanism. (b) The Gills as an Assorting Mechanism. Little attention has been given to the gills as having a possible food-sorting function. I find that they play no small part. Clots of mucus taken from various parts of the gills and palps have 236 WILLIAM RAY ALLEN. been examined, and often contain little but the finest ingestible material. This was well shown in the case of a Glccocapsa cul- ture fed to a starved mussel. The culture was very pure except for numerous fragments much coarser than the Glccocapsa itself. There was an almost complete separation of Glccocapsa from the other material by the gills themselves. Almost all the larger fragments had been separated out by the gills themselves before the finer had been agglutinated in mucus. Little of the former was found in the masses present in the alimentary tract. The marsupial function of the gravid gill of the female inter- feres somewhat with its respiratory and food collecting functions. Ortmann ('12) has shown that secondary water tubes appear, in which water circulates about the egg masses, and accomplishes the aeration of the eggs and glochidia. Yet the volume of water siphoned is much less than in the case of the non-marsupial gills. This is well brought out by the fact that the gravid females almost invariably regenerate the crystalline style much more slowly than others. When kept under artificial conditions for some time the gill-masses are usually aborted, another indication that the gravid gills are unable to meet all the demand upon them. The greater remoteness of the marsupial gill has suggested that it has become differentiated for the storage of the eggs and has lost its food collecting function. This notion is pretty well refuted by the facts mentioned above concerning the regeneration of the style in gravid females as compared with non-gravid females. It has also been suggested that the mantle has taken over much of the respiratory duty of the gills. If this were true the gravid female should be under no special respiratory difficulty. When first brought into captivity these females die at a much greater rate tlfan others. The accessory water-tubes seem to be a very im- perfect makeshift, sufficient perhaps for the glochidia, but afford- ing the mother little aid. Since in the gills and palps there exists a mechanism well adapted for the sorting of food ; since both observationally and experimentally this mechanism is shown to accomplish a con- centration of food ; and since the contents of the alimentary canal have a decided green or brown color due to such concentra- STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 237 tion, we may feel safe in the reiterated conclusion that the Unionids exercise choice in the ingestion of materials. As stated by Zacharias ('07), Petersen ('n), the writer ('14), Baker ('16), and others, considerable quantities of inorganic and organic debris are carried into the stomach with food. Probably much of the stuff which Evermann and Clark ('17) call "mud" is organic. The fact that neither they nor other writers list sand in the stomach contents is further evidence of a selection of food material, and that river species are not an exception. Starved mussels were placed in the lake in two localities — (i) an open leeward shore in clear water; (2) near the outlet of Pocahontas creek, in muddy water following a rainstorm. The mussels of the first situation reformed the crystalline styles within a few hours. The others contained great quantities of muddy mucus, and did not have well renewed styles until the following day. The slow renewal of the style may be accounted for in part by the dilution of the food. But the presence of mud must be held partially ac- countable, for immediately after the subsidence and clearing of the water it was always found to contain ample food material to renew the style promptly. In most species the position of the siphons at some distance above the substratum tends to keep out most of the grosser particles, admitting little but plankton and other materials in suspension. In the discussion of the crystalline style (p. 227) the feeding of specific inert substances were recounted. When such materials which were readily identifiable were admitted with the incurrent water they were in no case found in the alimentary tract. As far as size is concerned these particles could very readily have entered the mouth. Since all were rigidly excluded we cannot doubt that sense organs exist for their detection, and that the assorting mechanism is a fairly effective one. Of the materials mentioned only starch might be expected to have a food value, though we cannot assume that it is in acceptable form. As a matter of fact the rejecting reactions were more vigorous in re- sponse to starch than to the other substances. In the above experiments on the crystalline style neutral sub- 238 WILLIAM RAY ALLEN. stances were introduced through the body wall into the stomach. At later periods the intestine and rectum were opened. Carmine and starch grains were recognized throughout the length of the alimentary canal. Only a few carborundum flakes were found in the intestine, and the rest were not carried out of the stomach. It is thus shown that the ciliary streams of the intestine are capable of manipulating only minute particles. The cilia are too small or too sparse to take care of the I2o-gauge carborundum, even in suspension in the liquid of the gut. Thus they must be altogether inadequate to keep a stream of sand in motion, if sand were ingested, unless it were of extremely fine grade. (c) The Marly Incrustation of the Shell. Since the dense, limy incrustation deposited on the exposed por- tions of the shells of lake mussels is the site of the active prolifera- tion of diatoms, I suggested (I.e.') that this might be a source of food. In order to test its food value the following simple experi- ment was made : A number of freshly collected mussels were placed in an aquar- ium ; an equal number, having the incrustation scraped and washed off, acted as controls. During intervals, covering several days the animals were opened and the condition of the crystalline styles noted. The experimental animals were found to contain a trace of the style up to the fifth day, while the checks had virtually lost it by the end of the second day and entirely lost it on the third. Of course the crowding created rather special conditions, unlike those of the lake. The conclusion is that the incrustation contains considerable food. 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. 1. Feeding in the Najades is a nearly constant function under normal conditions. The presence of much undigested and some- times living matter in the rectum and feces shows that there is a greater fluctuation in the degree of digestion than in the rate of ingestion. 2. The posture of a mussel has no effect upon the continuity of the feeding process, a further indication that under normal STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 239 circumstances ingestion may go on with less effort than an inter- ruption of feeding. 3. The return of undigested material from the intestine through the style sac to the stomach is an unusual occurrence in the Najades, which takes place only after periods of starvation, and which is interrupted With the reformation of the style. It is a function much less significant in the Najades than in the tidal forms. 4. Experiments in feeding relatively finer and coarser plankton show that both are capable at least of stimulating the renewal of the crystalline style. Both have food value. It is probable that the nannoplankton furnishes a much greater part of a mussel's food than has been suspected. The studies of intestinal contents of the Unionids have not demonstrated what the actual food is, but rather the undigested residue. Experiment here has shown, however, that the organisms undigested in the feces are some- times digested, under another set of conditions. 5. Starved animals fed in Pocahontas creek below the outlet of a sewer showed the following peculiarities in intestinal contents : ( i ) the occurrence of many relatively large organic fragments ; (2) abundance of minute flagellates; and (3) great quantities of Oscillatoria filament. 6. The regeneration of the crystalline style is in response to the ingestion of food, and not due to the physico-chemical character of the water. 7. Creek-fed mussels show a variation in the color of the style through hyaline, amber, and milky. The apparently rhythmic character of this variation corresponds roughly to the variation of sewage discharged from a septic tank. The milky color is ac- counted for by the presence of bacteria. 8. A repetition of experiments in feeding infusions indicates that flagellates (and bacteria) present are responsible to a greater extent for the renewal of the style than are the bulkier ciliates. 9. The reformation of the crystalline style is a satisfactory index of the renewal of the feeding activity. 10. The function of the crystalline style varies. It may more or less imperfectly perform several functions at once. The 240 WILLIAM RAY ALLEN. rhythmic loss and renewal of the style in tidal forms has no parallel in freshwater species. 11. The feeding of specific substances in high concentration never produces a renewal of the crystalline style unless such sub- tances have a food value. No indication was observed that the stimulus for its secretion is a mechanical one. 12. The style is much less readily formed in autumn or winter. That temperature is responsible is shown by experiments in which starved mussels were fed a concentration of plankton in water of high and low temperature, respectively. 13. A very small amount of plankton is sufficient to stimulate style formation. Also only a short time is required. 14. The labial palps are the primary assorting mechanism. The gills are of considerable importance in this matter also. 15. Sand is never ingested, at least by lake forms, and mud but slightly. Much less inorganic debris finds its way into the stomach than would be the case if selection were not exercised bv the gills and palps. 1 6. The cilia of the alimentary canal are unable to move coarse materials, or to maintain a stream of sand or heavy mud. 17. Gravidity of the gills is a serious hindrance to the respira- tory and alimentary activities. LITERATURE CITED. Allen, W. R. '14 The Food and Feeding Habits of Freshwater Mussels. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 27, pp. 127-139. Baker, F. C. '16 The Relation of Mollusks to Fish in Oneida Lake. Tech. Pub. no. 4, N. Y. State Coll. Forestry, pp. 1-366. Baker, F. C. '18 The Productivity of Invertebrate Fish Food on the Bottom of Oneida Lake, with Special Reference to Mollusks. Tech. Pub. no. 9, N. Y. State Coll. Forestry, pp. 1-264. Edmondson, C. H. '20 The Reformation of the Crystalline Style in Mya arenaria after Ex- traction. Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 30, pp. 259-291. Ege, R., and Krogh, A. '14 On the Relation between the Temperature and the Respiratory Ex- change in Fishes. Int. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol., Bd. 7, pp. 48-55. Evermann, B. W., and Clark, H. W. '17 The Unionidae of Lake Maxinkuckee. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci., pp. 251- 285. STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS. 24! Headlee, T. J., and Simonton, J. '03 Ecological Notes on the Mussels of Winona Lake. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci., pp. I73-I79- Lohmann, H. 'n Uber das Nannoplankton und die Zentrifugierung kleinster Wasser- proben zur Gewinnung desselben in Lebenden Zustande. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol., Bd. 4, pp. 1—38. Nelson, T. C. '18 On the Origin, Nature, and Function of the Crystalline Style of Lamel- libranchs. Jour. Morph., Vol. 31, pp. 53-111. Has an exhaustive bibliography on the crystalline style. Ortmann, A. E. '12 Notes upon the Families and Genera of the Najades. An. Carnegie Mus., Vol. 8, pp. 221—365. Petersen, C. G. J., and Boysen-Jensen, P. 'n The Valuation of the Sea. Kept. Dan. Biol. Sta., Vol. 20. Rice, T. B. '16 A Study of the Relations between Plant Growth and Combined Nitro- gen in Winona Lake. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci., pp. 333-362. Riddle, 0. '09 The Rate of Digestion in Cold-blooded Vertebrates — the Influence of Season and Temperature. Am. Jour. Physiol., Vol. 24, No. 5. Simpson, C. T. 'oo Synopsis of the Naiades, or Pearly Fresh-water Mussels. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. 22, pp. 501-1044. Ward, H. B., and Whipple, G. C. '18 Freshwater Biology. New York, 1111 pp., and 1547 figs. Zacharias, 0. '07 Planktonalgen als Molluskennahrung. Archiv f. Hydrobiologie u. Planktonkunde, Bd. 2, pp. 358-361. Vol. XL. May, 1921. No. 5 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN INTER-PERIODIC CORRELATION IN THE ANALYSIS OF GROWTH. J. ARTHUR HARRIS AND H. S. REED, STATION FOR EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION, COLD SPRING HARBOR, LONG ISLAND. I. INTRODUCTORY. In the literature of growth, mathematical equations to describe changes in the actual size of the organism, or changes in the growth rate, are finding continuously widening applications. One has merely to refer to the papers by Robertson, Miyake, Moeser, Ostwald, Reed and Holland (1919), and Reed (I92O)1 for illus- trations. The criticism usually directed against such work is that in the higher organism, growth is a highly complex process, and that in consequence it cannot be represented mathematically. It is be- cause of the very fact that growth is a complex process that mathematical analysis of the experimental data is necessary. Corollary to this must be the recognition of the fact that since growth is not a simple process, no one mathematical formula will be adequate for full description2 and no one method adequate for complete analysis. Our purpose in the present note is to illustrate on a series of data collected by one of us (1919) the application of inter-periodic correlation coefficients to certain phases of the problem of growth. Before passing to the analysis, which is the special purpose of this paper, definition of the terms which will be used and a note 1 Citations of literature may be traced from Reed's paper. 2 Those who consider the possible adequacy of a single equation take the ground that if it be possible to represent the growth of an organism by a simple equation, it may be by virtue of the fact that during growth the various (often conflicting external) factors which affect the living substance are inte- grated by the organism. 243 244 J. ARTHUR HARRIS AND H. S. REED. on the nature of the data on which the statistical methods are illustrated are in order. By growth stage we mean any given moment of time at which a series of organisms are measured. It is, therefore, synonymous with age during the growth period. The absolute size of the organism or of one or more of its parts at a given growth stage is the only character of the organism available for consideration. By growth period we understand the period of time elapsing between the sth and the s -f- nth growth stage. The increase in size during any such period we shall designate as a growth increment. By relative growth increment, /",-«, we understand the ratio of the growth increment, /, to the absolute size of the individual at stage, r, where r and 5 are any two successive stages. Turning now to the question of the original data as given in Table I. of Reed's (1919) publication we note from a study of the physical constants for absolute size in Tables I. and II. that there is an increase in the mean height of the plants up to the 77th day. TABLE I. STATISTICAL CONSTANTS FOR SIZE AT VARIOUS GROWTH STAGES. Growth Stage. Mean. Standard Deviation. Coefficient of Variation. 7 I7.Q7I I 617 Q O 14 . 76.728 4 786 17 •» 21 ... 67.845; 8 Q72 172 28 O7 672 IA 677 I ? O •JS . I7O 724 TO 17/1 Td 7 42 168.707 24.801 14 7 49 20=;. 107 72 76o 16 o 56. . 22Q 672 77 842 16 ^ 63. 2A7 1AZ A2 Z.7A. * 17 2 70. . 2ZI 776 A-i /177 T 7 7 77 2s^.8lO 47 767 17 2 The increase from the 63d to the /oth and from the 7oth to the 77th day is relatively slight, being only 443 cm. or 1.79 per cent, of the height for the 63d day in the first case and only 2.03 cm. or 0.81 per cent, of the value for the 7oth day in the second case. The difference between the 84th day and the 7/th day is negli- gible. In view of the fact that there is no appreciable growth in INTER-PERIODIC CORRELATION. 245 the sense in which the term is used here between the 77th and the 84th day, this period will be left entirely out of account in the calculation of the correlations for the following discussions. Furthermore by considering the constants for growth incre- ments as shown in Table II., we note that the coefficients of varia- TABLE II. STATISTICAL CONSTANTS FOR GROWTH INCREMENTS FOR VARIOUS GROWTH PERIODS. Growth Period. Mean Increment. Standard Deviation. Coefficient of Variation. 7 to 14 18.397 3-704 20.5 14 tO 21 7I.CI7 5.164 16.4 21 to 28 20.827 7.907 26.5 28 to "is •33. 052 7.505 22.7 ^ to 42 . , 37.983 11.578 30-5 A2 tO AO ^6.690 14.266 38-9 J.O tO ^6 24.276 16.540 68.1 s6 to 6^? . 17.672 13.803 78.1 6^? to 7O . 4-4^1 4-713 106.4 70 to 77 2.0^4 5.096 250.5 tion for growth increments from the 63d to the 77th day are abnormally great. This may be in part due to biological causes, but it is doubtless due to a considerable extent to the relatively large error of measurement when the increment is very small in comparison with the size of the organism. If this be true, we should expect the correlations for actual size for the 63d to the 84th day to be about the same as those for the immediately preced- ing growth stages, but the correlations for growth increments may be expected to be of little value. The problems which may be considered will be presented and discussed seriatim. II. ANALYSIS OF DATA. PROBLEM I. The correlation between the absolute size of the organisms at its several periods of development. When examined at an early stage of development, organisms are found to differ among themselves in size. The same is found to be the case when the same series is measured at a later growth stage or at maturity. In the biological analysis of the phenomenon of growth a prob- 246 J. ARTHUR HARRIS AND H. S. REED. lem of great importance is that of the causes which bring about the differences in size observable at any stage of development, or after growth has entirely ceased. Are individuals which are found to be small at maturity those which were small initially and have remained so from the beginning, or may the growth rate of an individual change during the course of its development to such an extent that it may vary its position in the series under investi- gation from time to time? That the latter is to some extent the case we know from general observations on human children. The problem to be solved is that of the quantitative magnitude of the relationship between the size of the individual at different stages of development. The nature of the biological problems to be investigated has been stated in earlier work, and an attempt has been made to solve them by grouping plants according to quintile (Pearl and Surface, 1915) or quartile (Reed, 1919) position in the culture to which they belong and ascertaining the quartile or quintile in which they fall at different stages of growth. This method has the disadvantage that all the individuals, whatever their size, are lumped together in four or five groups. In this method of treatment, small differences between two indi- viduals are, therefore, given as much significance as large ones, providing they are large enough to throw the two individuals into different quartiles or quintiles. An alternative method, which will completely obviate this dif- ficulty, is to determine the correlation between the sizes of the individual at different periods of growth. The possible correla- tions between the absolute size of the individuals in the n dif- ferent stages of growth of the Hcliantluis plants are shown in Table III. The coefficients in this table can be best understood by first ex- amining those for the relationships between the sizes of the plants near the period of maturity, and then passing to the relationships between the sizes of the plants at earlier stages. Considering first of all the coefficients in the lower right-hand corner of the table, we note that all the coefficients are very high, denoting practically perfect correlation. This is the relationship which would be expected for a period when the organism has INTER-PERIODIC CORRELATION. 247 w j a < H tn M u < EH t/2 K H £ O « O H H H < Pn tLH O w o 5 E u K H H n _; a K Bi O U a rt t/5 oo CO O r- OO O oj OO O o OO O O M t- O OO O O ON O O oo O oo O oo O O O -H oo o oo o oo o -HS.-H O o -H 00 00 00 !>• ^O ^f H ooooooo . O\iOMOOOro O " t^ Tf- 10 ro oo OOOOt^O^t OOOOO -H S.-H5 ^ ° -H 5^ oooo •H^g -H 3-H S-H . OS J> 00 ON o IJ H oO O oo JJCNJJ "tl. ,A "H '°MI^ OOO O\ M O OOOOOO -H .-H-H o(i\ S -H S -H o _nO\ 'Tj- o xC o r- oo oo oo O o o O M M ooo d 0^ -H8 -HM oo oo O\ oo t^ O vo oo O r^ oo O oo oo O oo oo O oo oo O oo oo O rt 55 (*5 >O 248 J. ARTHUR HARRIS AND H. S. REED. practically attained its adult size and in which there is relatively little change from one week to another. As we follow the correlations between the later periods and preceding periods back, we note that there is a regular decrease in the values of the correlation coefficients. This may be best shown by summarizing the results graphically in diagram I. In the graph the correlation of the size of the organism at each l-o •3 •8 14- Zl 28 35 42. 49 AGE OF PLAA/T (STAGE) DIAGRAM i. 56 63 70 growth stage with its size at every antecedent growth stage (shown at the bottom of the diagram) is shown on the scale of correlation at the left by points marking the magnitude of the correlations for each of the growth stages. The pitch of the lines connecting the points for the i_j.th to the 77th growth stage shows the rapid decrease in the magnitude of the correlations as the stages be- come more widely separated in time. INTER-PERIODIC CORRELATION. 249 The same type of diagram may be used to show the relation- ship between the size at early and at later growth stages. Dia- gram 2 shows the distribution of the magnitudes of the correla- tions for sizes of the individuals at the 7th to the 7oth day (stage) and the size at subsequent growth stages. From these lines it is clear that the correlations between size 1-0 •9 •8 r 14 21 28 35 42. 49 56 /JG£ OF PLAA/T (STAGE) DIAGRAM 2. 63 70 77 at antecedent and subsequent periods decrease as the periods be- come more widely separated in time. This is true without ex- ception for every period which furnishes evidence upon the question. The coefficients are, however, positive in sign throughout, thus suggesting (though in some cases not proving) that throughout its growth period the size of the plant bears some relation to its size when first measured. This result is in agreement with the 25O J. ARTHUR HARRIS AND H. S. REED. findings of Webber (1920) in regard to the growth of Citrus stock. PROBLEM 2. The correlation between the growth increments of the organism during the several growth periods. Our second problem is to determine whether there is a corre- lation in growth increments as well as in actual size of the or- ganism. We shall thus answer the question whether the organism which grows more rapidly than the average during one growth period will grow more rapidly than the average in other growth periods and whether the organism which lags behind the average in its rate of growth during one growth period will also lag be- hind during other growth periods. Little has heretofore been done towards the statistical treat- ment of growth increments. This is probably in part due to the arithmetical difficulties of computing the constants for incre- ments, but if the moments and product moments be taken about zero as origin in computing the coefficients required under Prob- lem i above, the calculations for growth increments are easily made by the use of formulae given elsewhere (Harris, 1920). The symmetrical table showing the relationship between the actual growth increments for all of the combinations of growth periods appears as Table IV. This table shows positive and sta- tistically significant correlation coefficients for closely associated periods throughout the season up to and including the period for the 63d to the /oth day. The coefficients for the period from the 7Oth to the 7/th day cannot in general be considered statis- tically significant in comparison with their probable errors. Examining these results in a little greater detail, we note that the nine coefficients showing the relationship between the growth increments of successive weeks (the constants bordering the diag- onal cell of the symmetrical table of constants) are all positive in sign and with the exception of the last (showing the relationship between the growth of the period from the 63d to /oth and that between the /oth to 7/th day) all are statistically significant. The eight coefficients measuring the correlations between the growth increments of weekly periods which are separated by one week are also without exception positive, but are lower in magnitude and less certainly statistically significant. For periods more INTER-PERIODIC CORRELATION. 251 o o t^. r-» oo co oo o q r f C\ CO q r O CO cc oo q q r r 00 CO o + ON 10 oo oo q q -i- + OO CO o 4i c 4' t e. 0 en q q f l' o -H c r q q r r o ^ 0- r o q JJ ^r -U "" Tl TJ- Tl C + + t \ > CO co o 41 o\ o 41 PH PERIODS. m 0 oo oo q q II ^ 11 ^ Tl O> Tl tn M 6 ° H 00 O O M + + 00 o £* M f oo co q q 4l PO 41 r- J PO (vj t— o rs o r + oo o o ^ 10 + oo O N + o o -i- oo 0 < ij O S Tl (N + EVERAL GROW 10 2 oo oo o o -rl^-H H &\ t-H O O r + OO o 1 _n oi r CO 00 o q r + t^~ o O iy + oo q 4i t 5 §! ' + r- o M' 41 oo 0 ?j{? o +. in w pH H O z 1— 1 p Q Period. o OO 00 0 0 jj t~ jj r N u ^* f M O r r oo q *" _U ' 3 Tl r CO ro q q + + 0 1 4 t— oo O O 41 41 co q 2 41 f oo o 3 41 rr 2 OO o + 1 — 1 w M H INCREMENTS i Growth o tn oo oo o q r + oo q + O 0 0 jj r- + ro q 41 00 00 o q ' 0 ^ r- + + oo o 0 _M f oo q r THE GROWTH IO 0 CO OG OO q q + + 10 o •T; -O + 0 q + oo 0 ~- jj c •O Tl I ° 5 ' 41 oo oo o q f l' o o ro jj fO Tl r oo 2-fl S r^. o\ _; f )NS BETWEEN oo o M w oo *o q q + + XI 10 oo q q JJ I-J _M V + + oo o D JJ r oo oo q q r f oo q r oo q r H M O PO ir> O M CO OO 00 O 0 ON oo O O\ 00 co oo 0 O oo oo 0 CO oo O OS Hi 0 U o H is -H °°- 41 M 41 ii t- jj ro II c^i Tl w T o^°§ :•« PO II ro O\ Tl 10 4- + 4- 4- i 4- + i 1 1O o PO co o O\ I— oo oo o o oo oo 0 CO 00 oo oo 0 0 oo oo O oo O 4- -H ?4t « 41 2"4I ?)41 CT4I o 41 <>41 £-H S; £ M £ n z ° z " 2 M ?Mi 0 & ° PO M 4- + + 1 1 1 4- 1 1 o *^- U U Tt M M N 0 0 CO o IO M 0 0 o O PC 0 0 o 0 o *• 2" H oo 10 O) o o ro 0 252 J. ARTHUR HARRIS AND H. S. REED. widely separated in time the correlations are in part positive and in part negative in sign. Thus from the results as a whole it appears that the incre- ments of successive periods are generally positive and fairly highly correlated when the periods show actual growth incre- ments. Thus the zone of coefficients lying along the diagonal cell are positive and generally fairly high. When the periods are separated by any considerable length of time the coefficients are generally insignificant in magnitude and may, as a matter of fact, be either positive or negative in sign. The relationship may be brought out by determining the aver- ages of the correlation coefficients, with regard to sign, for the increments of periods separated by various lengths of time. The results are as follows. Period of Separation Number of Correlations Average (Weeks). Averaged. Correlation. 0 9 + -5009 1 8 + .2240 2 7 —.0334 3 6 —.1236 4 5 -.1640 5 4 —.1033 6 3 —.0077 7 2 —.0585 8 i — .1360 If we disregard the cases in which there are less than five co- efficients to be averaged, we note a steady decrease in the magni- tude of the correlation coefficient. Periods of growth which are successive or separated by only one week have positively corre- lated growth increments. Periods which are more widely separ- ated show negative correlations of the increments. The relationship between the coefficients in Table IV. may be clarified by diagram 3 which shows the relationship between four of the ten growth increments and each of the other ten incre- ments. The increments selected as a " first variable " in the cor- relation are the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth. This has the advantage of representing the first and the last growth incre- ment, and of leaving undrawn no more than two successive incre- ments. The figures are aligned according to the ten increments representing the " second variable " of the correlation. INTER-PERIODIC CORRELATION. 253 - +-60 K - +-*o £ | PER/OTJ 7 TO /4 -+•20 K - g 00 * BO i < < i i i _i •60 •40 •20 •GO' •20 •40 k PER 101 28 JO 35 o t-H P + •40 -PER/OH 49 70 SS •+•20 •00 •-•20 1 PfRlOU 70 TO 77 •00 --•20 , ft: I •STAGE 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 254 J- ARTHUR HARRIS AND H. S. REED. The graphs for the first, fourth and seventh increment show clearly the shift in the position of the maximum positive corre- lation from the earlier to the later periods as the " first variable " is chosen from the later periods. The same is shown less clearly by the correlations for the tenth increment, but there the coeffi- cients are very small, presumably because growth has practically ceased. It is clear, therefore, that plants which are growing more rapidly during any period of development will 'grow more rapidly during a closely associated subsequent period of development but that there is little or no relationship, or even a negative relation- ship, between the rate of growth of the organisms studied at con- siderably separated periods of time. Since the correlations for absolute growth increments are so small for all except successive periods of time, it seems unneces- sary to deal at present with the relative growth increments, i.e., with the growth increments expressed as a fraction of the size of the organisms at the beginning of the growth period. PROBLEM 3. The correlation between the absolute sise of the organism at given stages of development and subsequent growth increments. In the higher plant organism rate of growth at any period must be supposed to depend to some extent upon plastic ma- terials synthesized by the more nearly mature portions of the same individual. Thus one might expect to find a relationship between the actual size of the organism at any stage of growth and the rate at which the organism increases in size during a sub- sequent period. We have determined the possible correlations between the ab- solute size of the organism at different periods and the growth increment of the organism during subsequent growth periods. The coefficients are presented in Table V. This shows positive correlation between the actual size of the organism at every stage of development from the 7th to the 7Oth day and the increase in the size of the organism during the following week. The mag- nitude of the correlation is of the order ?- = o.45 to r==o.6o for the Jth, I4th, 2ist, and 28th day. For these growth stages the correlation between actual size and the subsequent growth incre- INTER-PERIODIC CORRELATION. 255 W J H < H Q O H O OS o H < U) H Z H S W H O 2 to a H O « O W H H a o H M O tn 2 O H 6 oo t- cooo t^r^-oooo o\O\ oo co oooooooooooooooo • o o OOOOOOOO ^ O _u 1" JJ ~n M ~n ^ Oil MTloOTi •^TIO~H OTlooTl O~H O *•• O . ' i_i ' *"O ' to .— 1 Tf .J 10 ,_j ro k«4 *"* o ^ o ^" o Q O ^3" O r~^ cs ^f ON f^* O O *"• M 1-1 wO^i—iOOOO f f i' r r r r \ \ oo oo OO O O\ oo co Ox f^* 00 00 oo oo t^- r^- oo GO oo o q q o o o o o q o t-s _M ^J* _U O IJ W H ^" jj I>» jj O\ ij f^" 1 I tN i 1 CO o "71 N Tl F*- Tl o\ Ti M TJ H "Ti ro Tl M Tl ro Tl Tf M X C^ Q IH X ro pj O\ri~f*r5^'^ fO^O ^M CO o "o OO CO O) ^^ MO W W O M ro f) d O M f \ r r r r i' r + oo oo OO 00 o q oo oo oo oo co oo oooooo o it t~- _i| Tl rf Tl S+la-riS'-H 5-H^-Ho-H M MO ^t ° to '-'oo'0' ?°' c?"^0' S5°'co ^ tr> O 0 o o M o q H 1 + + 1 1 1 + + oo oo oo r— ^f t^ oo ^o oo oo 0 O oo oo oo oo oo 0 '0 0 0 O o -H Jo-H g'-H^-fi ^.-H S-H^-HW -*-1 \O « O MNr>csMr^^toMONd o •* " 0\ TJ- N M ro t^ "* q q o H p> H q f \ i' r f r + oo oo oo oo ON t> oo oo OO OO OO f^ • 0 O o o q q o -U M 44 Tl 'T Tl sOjj^H^ll1^^1^ O "Tl t^ Tl ON™ OTlsO •o N ^ ° ON Mvo>c'ooo'o"o''Or*' _o O 0 O O O ro 1-1 01 — 1 1 111 + J3 >o t^~ oo oo ro % 00 00 oo oo oo 2 • o q O O O O 0 jj co _n Tl oo Tl O Tl ^f Tl t^ Tl O IT) O M ^" M TJ- \O lO CO M M O O M f \ f + + O\ ON r- IN 00 OO oo r— ID q q q q CO 11 C^ II M _M r^- ij oo o Tl ro Tl 9 ^r J? 9 oo W O ° u~i M ro M O 0 I-H TT \ + + + •* M W"> oo oo 0 co q q q o Tl oo "H O jj O to Tl ON M ro OO ro M t>- M 2I. THE CHROMOSOMES OF PSEUDOCOCCUS NIP^E. FRANZ SCHRADER, BRYN MAWR COLLEGE. INTRODUCTION. In the course of some work on sex determination in the dif- ferent species of Pseudococcus — a genus of the Homoptera— very peculiar conditions were met with in the chromosome be- havior. These peculiarities were observed especially in Pseudo- coccus nipcc (identified by H. Morrison, Bureau of Entomology), and it is of this species that the present account is given. A more detailed report, covering other species of Pseudococcus as well, is reserved for a later paper. Most of the material was fixed in Allen's modification of Benin's fluid. On the whole, fixation is more or less difficult ; and at best the cells are somewhat small. The main features are clear cut, however, and hardly to be mistaken. I am indebted to Professor E. B. Wilson and to Professor C. E. McClung who examined some of my slides and offered helpful criticism. THE CHROMOSOMES IN THE FEMALE. The number of somatic chromosomes in the female is ten, with little or no size and form differentiation. Counts are made with little difficulty in various cells, but oogonial cells furnish of course the best criterion. Generally the chromosomes are counted most easily just before they .have become arranged in a meta- phase plate. There can be no doubt as to their number (Fig. 6). A detailed study of the maturation phenomena in the female was not made. Suffice it to say that five tetrads are formed and that these are normal in appearance ; they are very much like those formed in the oogenesis of many other Homoptera (Fig. /). The reduction process is thus probably not unusual. SPERM ATOGENESIS. The somatic number of chromosomes in the male is also ten, and as in the female these seem to be alike in size and shape. 259 26O FRANZ SCHRADER. Such chromosome counts were generally made in cells of the de- veloping nervous tissue where division phases are common (Figs. 3 and 4). Spermatogonial divisions seem to be completed with compara- tive speed, for specimens which show them are not plentiful. Just as in the somatic cells the number here is undoubtedly ten (Fig. 5). The stage following the spermatogonia seems to be much longer in duration. The cells increase perceptibly in size during this time. The earliest phase observable shows some flocculent masses of lightly staining chromatin irregularly distributed through the nucleus. At one point, always at the periphery of the nucleus, there is a more deeply staining mass. Nothing concerning the structure of this can be made out and its shape is variable (Fig. 8). With progressive development this deeply staining mass undergoes a few, very definite, changes. In successive steps it appears that a number of more or less irregular lumps is evolved. Still massed at first, these gradually become separated and then it is certain that they are five in number (Figs. 8 to n). It is at this latter stage that a split is occasionally visible in some of them, but with increasing condensation this again becomes obliterated. Throughout this development these five bodies retain a definite tendency to remain in close proximity to each other, and this tendency is one that persists also through subsequent stages. In the meanwhile the flocculent and more lightly staining chro- matin has also undergone development. Before the denser mass has become evolved into five distinct bodies, this chromatin has been transformed into a fine network of threads. Apparently these are polarized toward the dense mass (Fig. 9). Like the leptotene threads of other forms, these threads shorten and thicken, a process accompanied by a progressive increase of their staining intensity. Polarization is finally lost, and already at this stage it becomes apparent that the number of shortened threads is less than ten (Fig. 10). As the threads continue their process of shortening, they are counted with greater ease, and in such a stage as shown in Fig. 1 1 it becomes certain that they are five in number. Like the denser bodies, these sometimes show a lon- gitudinal split. THE CHROMOSOMES OF PSEUDOCOCCUS NIPyE. 261 Both the denser bodies as well as the threads continue pro- gressive condensation, and the former reach their final form some time ahead of the latter (Fig. 12). They are then somewhat oblong in shape, and take the haematoxylin stain with great inten- sity and there can be no doubt of their chromosomal nature. Somewhat later the erstwhile threads have also assumed this form, and there are then ten of these bodies or chromosomes, identical in size and shape. Those first evolved continue to be- tray a certain affinity for each other, and in the metaphase plate constitute a central group around which the other five chromo- somes become ranged in no definite order (Figs. 13 and 14). Aside from this very characteristic grouping, the only difference between the two sets of chromosomes that is apparent consists in the rate at which they evolve or the stage which is the starting point of their development. Throughout this development, there has been no trace of a tetrad formation. The general features of the case indicate that the split which was spoken of as occurring at one stage is nothing more than preparation for the equation division or else something of the nature of the " Querkerbe " observable in lower Crustacea. Division now occurs in ordinary manner and ten chromosomes go to each pole (Figs. 15 to 17). The arrangement of chromo- somes in the daughter cells is not absolutely certain, although fig. 1 6 indicates that there also the characteristic grouping is retained. Figures like these are too rare to admit of any definite conclusion however. At any rate, the time in which such an arrangement persists must be very short, for the chromosomes are generally found in a more or less irregular heap (Fig. 18). The division just described is undoubtedly equational in char- acter. Following it there seems to be no intervening further development in the chromosomes of the daughter cells. Instead, they begin to scatter in a longitudinal direction. This process is not entirely irregular however for it results in their separation into two groups of five each (Figs. 1 8 to 22). It is a remarkable feature that these two groups are each characterized by a distinct and different arrangement of their component chromosomes. The group going to one pole assumes the form of a V or a 262 FRANZ SCHRADER. triangle, while the sister group which goes to the opposite pole is circular or lumped in arrangement (Figs. 21 and 22). This grouping is so constant and has been observed in so many speci- mens, that no mistake seems possible, and the conclusion seems inescapable that it is of some significance. The telophase of this anomalous division still shows traces of the arrangement, but these are soon lost as the chromosomes of each daughter cell dis- tribute themselves around the periphery of the nucleus. Their number here is undoubtedly five (Fig. 24). This initiates the formation of the spermatids in which the chromosomes gradually loose their staining reaction. No study of the subsequent stages was made except to determine that there is no sign of degenerat- ing or abortive cells nor a size dimorphism in the spermatozoa. SOMATIC CHROMOSOMES. Returning to the somatic tissues, it may be remarked here that although the number of chromosomes in each sex is the same, their arrangement differs in the two sexes. This is especially noticeable in the developing nerve tract, where in the male the cells in the resting stage show a relatively large nucleolus like structure (Fig. 2). This is not to be seen in the same tissue in the female where cells show only the flocculent chromatin peculiar to that phase (Fig. i). That the nucleolus-like structure in the male nerve cells is nothing but the group of five chromosomes mentioned in the description of the spermatogenesis becomes almost certain in metaphase plates found in the same tissue. Figs. 3 and 4 show such grouping without a doubt. Exactly the same feature is observable in spermatogonial plates, though the size of these renders them less favorable (Fig. 5). In contradistinction, oogonial plates have no such arrangement, and even in such a late stage before division as shown in Fig. 6 the chromosomes are arranged in no definite order. DISCUSSION. An interpretation of these observations is perhaps not out of place. It is here given with the idea that it should not affect the observations however it may be received and is advanced in a speculative way. THE CHROMOSOMES OF PSEUDOCOCCUS NIP.E. 263 As has already been stated, oogenesis very probably follows ordinary lines. The ten chromosomes constituting the diploid number are composed of five homologous pairs, and these synapse and form tetrads. Reduction is very probably normal, and re- sults in a pronucleus with five chromosomes. In the spermatogenesis, the spermatogonial divisions, like the somatic divisions, also occur in orthodox manner. This is ap- parently not true of the meiotic divisions however. In explana- tion of these, the best hypothesis is one which views the various developments in the light of sex chromosomal behavior and is as follows : The central group of chromosomes which appears in the growth stages of the male as the more densely staining mass contains sex chromatin, equally distributed among the five chromosomes. The remaining chromosomes, which stain lightly at first, represent what may be regarded as purely autosomal chromatin. Granting this, and the assumption does not appear unjust in the light of what has been described, the seemingly peculiar development becomes a natural consequence. Just as in the spermatogenesis of the various Orthoptera and Hemiptera, the sex chromosomes always stain more or less intensely, and as far as observable do not go through the various stages of thread formation. That such formation may occur earlier, or in a restricted sense even while the dense mass is still irregular in outline, is not ruled out by any means. The autosomal chromatin on the other hand goes through all the usual steps, culminating in the formation of five chromosomes. The sex chromatin contained in the five grouped chromosomes will tend to explain their grouped arrangement, since again as in the Hemiptera, multiple X or X and Y chromo- somes show a tendency to remain in close proximity during development. If now the sex chromosomes in Pseudo coccus nipcc are re- garded homologous in every way to the autosomes, except that each carries a certain amount of sex chromatin, the subsequent behavior is just as would be expected. I may mention here that such sex chromosomes would imply a more intimate union of sex and autosomal chromatin than is illustrated bv such a case as 264 FRANZ SCHRADER. Menniria (McClung, '05) where the sex chromosome and the autosomes are distinct, but the former is attached to one of the latter. It is at present unnecessary to go into the relation of the two conditions, though very possibly they represent two distinct steps in the phylogeny of sex chromosomes. Their subsequent behavior is more or less analogous to that of the X Y pair in other forms. This pair does not form a tetrad in the ordinary sense simply because its members are not homo- logous, or better perhaps, because neither has a true synaptic mate. When as in the homozygous state both members of a pair of sex chromosomes are homologous, synapsis and tetrad forma- tion occur just as in the autosomes. This fact is plainly borne out in the oogenesis of many Hemiptera (Morrill, '10) as well as in the growth and maturation phenomena of the eggs of Pscudo- coccus nipcc. It is thus to be assumed that if in the present case of the spermatogenesis of Pseudococcus nipce the sex chromatin were distributed equally over the ten autosomes, the pairs would be homologous and tetrads would be formed in the usual way. The cytological evidence indicates nothing that should render an equation division exceptional in nature, and it does indeed occur in the usual manner. The second division witnesses reduction in that the autosomes carrying sex chromatin go to one pole while the purely autosomal chromosomes go to the opposite pole. Taking recourse to a parallel case once more, attention may be drawn to the two X chromosomes in Syroniastcs which always go the same pole in reduction (Wilson, '09). Similarly, the multiple X of the Reduviidae always goes to one pole, although this is not an exactly parallel case since it is probably the product of frag- mentation of a single X. Thus to repeat what has already been intimated for the present case, the distribution of the chromosomes to their respective poles in the reduction division may be explained on the ground that we are concerned with five pairs of chromosomes. The members of each pair are homologous except for the fact that one of them in each instance carries a certain amount of sex chromatin. The presence of the latter does not influence the behavior of the chromosome pairs in reduction and the members of each pair go THE CHROMOSOMES OF PSEUDOCOCCUS NIPJE. 265 to opposite poles. Its presence does however prevent haphazard distribution in that the five chromosomes carrying this sex chro- mation tend to remain clustered or grouped and therefore go to the same pole. Although more or less contrary to the cytological evidence furnished by other groups of insects, it may not be amiss to sug- gest the possibility that in animals with haploid males each chromosome carries a certain amount of sex chromatin. It follows that the diploid female would then represent 2 X, whereas the haploid male would represent I X. In the haploid male the reduction division is not truly abortional as has been supposed, but is merely a division in which these sex chromatin carrying chromosomes go to one pole while the opposite pole receives no chromosomes simply because the mates to these chromosomes are absent. It is of interest to note that the straggling or lagging so often observed in the sex chromosomes of various insects is paralleled by the scattered and irregular distribution of the chro- mosomes on the spindle of this division in the Hymenoptera. And lastly, such irregular distribution is found also in the reduction division of Pseudococciis niptr. Pseudococciis nipcc thus would stand half way between forms with haploid males where every chromosome carries sex chro- matin, and forms in which the sex chromatin is carried in very few chromosomes and there is little numerical variation in the chromosomes of the two sexes. In other words, half of the chromosomes in the males carry sex chromatin. Although superficially an instance of Weismann's postulated ideal type of reduction in which the diploid number of chromo- somes is halved without previous syndesis, the spermatogenesis of Pseudococciis nipcc nevertheless follows the commonly ac- cepted lines of meiosis. The apparently exceptional behavior can be explained as due to an extreme mode of sex chromatin distribution and is not a unique example of the Prim&rtypus of reduction. It may be remembered that Goldschmidt ('05 and '08) gave this name to an instance of Weismann's simple type which he thought to have discovered in Zodgonus minis. The Schreiners ('08) examining Goldschmidts slides believed to have 266 FRANZ SCHRADER. found a serious error in his counts of somatic chromosomes, which they believed in reality to be 24 and not 10 as he had reported. Furthermore, reduction occurred in the ordinary way, just as in Tomoptcris. Gregoire ('09) in going over the same slides maintained that the Schreiners were correct in that the case was one of ordinary reduction, but that they in turn had made an error in the chromosome counts. The somatic number is about 12, and the reduced number 6. Lastly Wassermann ('n, '12, and '13) procured new material and concluded that Gregoire's counts had been correct. He did not agree with Gregoire as to the mode of synapsis however, and apparently was unable to reach a final conclusion in this regard himself. Al- though he thus does not believe that the question has received a definite settlement, the fact remains that Zoogonus does not represent the simple type of reduction that Weismann advanced in a hypothetical way. If my hypothesis is correct, the male of Pscudococcus nip a; is heterozygous in that it has five sex-chromatin carrying chromo- somes and five chromosomes purely autosomal in character. Crossing over would not occur in these chromosomes. It would occur however in the female, in which the ten chromosomes are composed of five homologous pairs. If the male represents i X, the female with ten sex-chromatin carrying chromosomes repre- sents 2 X. SUMMARY. 1. The diploid number of chromosomes in Psendococcits nipce is ten in both sexes. 2. In the maturation of the egg, five tetrads are formed and reduction is probably normal. 3. In the spermatogenesis, five chromosomes are developed before the others, and 'these tend to remain grouped together. 4. No tetrads are formed, and in reduction five chromosomes go to one pole (supposedly those evolved first) and five to the other. 5. Explanation of this seemingly anomalous behavior is to be sought in the fact that five of the chromosomes carry sex chromatin. THE CHROMOSOMES OF PSEUDOCOCCUS NIP.E. 267 6. The case is not so much to be regarded as an illustration of Weismann's ideal type of reduction, as an exceptional example of reduction due to unusual sex chromatin distribution. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Goldschmidt, Richard. '05 Eireifung, Befruchtung, und Embryonalentwicklung des Zodgonus minis. Zool. Jahrb., Bd. 21. '08 Die Chromatinreifung der Geschlechtszellen des Zodgonus mints und der Primartypus der Reduktion. Arch. f. Zellf., Bd. 2. Gregoire, Victor. '09 Le reduction dans Ie Zodgonus mints Lss. et le " Primartypus." La Cellule, Tome 25. McClung, C. E. '05 The Chromosome Complex of Orthopteran Spermatocytes. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 9. Morrill, Charles V. '10 The Chromosomes in the Oogenesis, Fertilization, and Cleavage of Coreid Hemiptera. BIOL. BULL., 19. Schreiner, A., und K. E. '08 Neue Studien, V. Die Reifung der Geschlechtszellen von Zodgonus mints. Vidensk. Selks. Schr. I. Math.-Naturv. Kl. Wassermann, F. 'n Ueber die Eireifung bei Zodgonus mints Lss. Sitz.-Ber. d. Ges. f. Morph. und Phys., Mtinchen. '12 Zur Eireifung von Zodgonus mirus, ein Beitrag zur Synapsisfrage. Ver. d. Anat. Ges. Bd. 26. '13 Die Oogenese des Zodgonus mints Lss. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bd. 83, Abt. 2. Wilson, E. B. '09 Studies on Chromosomes. IV. Jour. Exp. Zool., 6. All drawings made with a Spencer 15 eyepiece and Zeiss 1.5 objective with the exception of Figs, i and 2, where a 10 eyepiece and 2 mm. objective were used. 268 FRANZ SCHRADER. PLATE I. 1. Cells in nervous tissue of the female. 2. Cells in nervous tissue of the male. 3 and 4. Metaphase plates from nerve tissue of the male. 5. Spermatogonial plates. 6. Oogonial cell. 7. Tetrads prior to polar body formation in the egg. 8 to 12. Growth stages prior to first division. 13. Metaphase plate of first division. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN VOL. XL. PLATE I. 1 v •;rr?. f-f '-.'I . - • *'£%&*'. •/ / • , * '• / ' / 7 - 10 V 11 12 13 FRANZ SCHRADER. 27O FRANZ SCHRADER. PLATE II. 14. Metaphase plate of first division. 15. Side view of plate. 16 to 18. First division (equational). 19 to 23. Second or reduction disvision 24 and 25. Spermatids. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XL. PIATE II. 14 ' 15 16 17 18 19 20 '.. 21 22 ,* ;N 'I, 0 23 * ' 24 ** * . V -^ 4 v ^ / 25 FRANZ SCHRADER. AUTHOR'S ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, MARCH l6, IQ2I. OBSERVATIONS ON THE LARV^ OF CORETHRA PUNCTIPENNIS SAY. CHANCEY JUDAY.i INTRODUCTION. As part of a general problem relating to the biological produc- tivity of lakes, a quantitative survey of the bottom fauna in the deeper portions of Lake Mendota at Madison, Wisconsin, was made between the early part of May, 1916, and the middle of August, 1918. This survey included only the macroscopic forms, such as the insect larvae, the Oligochseta, and the Mollusca. The investigation showed that the full-grown larvae of Corethra punc- tipcnnis Say constitute the principal element of the bottom popu- lation in the daytime during the greater part of the year. For at least three quarters of the year, in fact, they not only far outnum- ber all of the other forms combined, but they also exceed them in total weight. The great abundance of these larvae thus makes them a very important factor in the biological complex of the lake. Samples of the bottom were obtained by means of a modified form of the Ekman dredge ; the opening of this instrument cov- ered an area of 473 square centimeters. The mud obtained in each haul of the dredge was washed through a gauze net having meshes fine enough to retain all of the macroscopic forms. The material secured by the net was transferred to a jar and was then taken to the laboratory where the various organisms were sorted out and enumerated in the living state. The average live and dry weights of the various forms were also obtained, as well as the percentage of ash. Observations were made at five regular stations located in water having a depth of 20.5 meters to 23.5 meters. These sta- tions were widely separated in order to secure a fair average of the density of the bottom population in the deeper portions of the 1 Notes from the Biological Laboratory of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey No. XXI. 2JI 2J2 CHANCEY JUDAY. lake. The results obtained at only one of these stations, desig- nated as Station II., are considered here, however, because the other four were not visited regularly during the winter months. From April to June inclusive, the number of larvae found at Sta- tion II. was from 10 per cent, to 20 per cent, larger than the gen- eral average of the five stations during these months, but in August the general average was larger than the numbers at Sta- tion II. In the six sets of averages obtained for the last three months of the year in 1916 and 1917, three of the averages for Station II. were larger than the corresponding averages of the five stations and three were smaller. Thus, the numbers ob- tained at Station II. were somewhat larger than the general aver- age for the deeper part of the lake as a whole during the first half of the year, but they were somewhat smaller from July to September and substantially the same from October to De- cember. NUMERICAL RESULTS. The average number of Corethra larva? per square meter of bottom is shown for the different months of the year in Table I. Large numbers of these larvae live over winter ; in fact they are TABLE I. THE NUMBER OF CORETHRA LARVAE PER SQUARE METER OBTAINED FROM THE MUD ix THE DAYTIME AT STATION II. DURING THE DIFFERENT MONTHS OF THE YEAR. In all months except January and February the numbers represent averages of two to nine samples. Year. January. February. March. April. May. June. ioi6. . 17,300 4,??O IOI7. . 2S.34O 2^,74.0 30,380 33,230 I7,9OO l6,OOO 1918 23, 44O 20,160 l8,O4O 18,170 0.43O Year. July- August. September. October. November. December. 1016. . 3,380 7,400 17,600 26,900 26,90O IQI7 . . 6,080 8OO -2,740 II,5OO I7,70O 24,8OO 1018. . 2,820 060 more numerous from November to April than at any other time of the year. During this interval the numbers range from ap- proximately 18,000 to 30,000 individuals per square meter. At OBSERVATIONS ON LARVAE OF CORETHRA PUNCTIPENNIS. 273 this time of the year there is no loss from pupation and the losses from other causes are not great enough to reduce the number of these larvae very materially, so that the number remains uni- formly high during this period of time. The ice usually disappears from the lake during the first week in April and soon after this event the larvae begin to pupate. As the temperature of the water rises, the rate of pupation increases so that an appreciable decrease in the number of larva is noted for the month of May. With the further advance of the season, pupation becomes still more common and this results in a very marked decrease in the number of Corcthra larvae in late June as in 1916 and in 1918, or in early July as in 1917. This decline in numbers continues until the minimum of the year is reached in August, more especially during the first half of this month. A minimum of 295 larvae per square meter was noted at Station II. on August 2, 1917, while the average in March of this year was a little more than one hundred times as large. (See Table I.) Small swarms *of adults appear in May and in early June, but the great flights are correlated in time with waves of very active pupation in late June, in July, and in early August. Thus, enor- mous swarms appear from time to time during the latter period. During late August and especially in September there is a slackening in the process of pupation and correlated with this is an increase in the number of larvae. The increase is most marked during the second half of September and in early October, but the numbers do not reach the maximum point until November or December. The largest number of larvae obtained in any of the samples was 33-8oo individuals per square meter on December 21, 1917. Pupae were not noted in the samples of mud until about the middle of June, or at the beginning of the more active period of pupation ; thereafter they appeared regularly until late August. A maximum of 2,890 pupae per square meter was found on June 28, 1917, while the second in rank was 1,370 individuals per square meter on July 9, 1917. 274 CHANCEY JUDAY. DEPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT OF EGGS. According to Muttkowski the adults emerge at night, "begin- ning early in the evening and continuing through the night. In the morning, if the lake is quiet, the females can be seen on the surface, ovipositing through the surface film." Eggs deposited by females kept in insect cages sink to the bottom of the aquarium and experimental evidence indicates that those deposited at the surface of the lake also sink to the bottom. Mud from Station II. where the water is 23.5 meters deep and also from Station I., located in water 18.5 meters deep, was washed through a sieve with meshes fine enough to remove all of the larvae ; this sifted mud wTas then placed in aquaria. At the end of five days a dozen small Corcthra larvae had appeared in the material from Station II., while five small larvae were noted in the other bottom ma- terial at the end of a week, thus showing that the mud from both stations contained eggs. Eggs that were deposited by females kept in captivity hatched within forty-eight hours when the temperature of the laboratory ranged from 21° to 24° C. The temperature of the lower water in the deeper portions of the lake is much lower than this, how- ever, and the eggs which reach the bottom in these areas probably do not develop so rapidly. The bottom temperature at Station II. in summer, for example, ranges from slightly more than 9° in some years to about 14° in other years. On the other hand, eggs deposited in water not exceeding five meters in depth are subject to temperatures of 20° to 25° in July and August so that they probably hatch about as promptly as those kept under lab- oratory conditions. Another factor that may retard development in the deeper water is the absence of free oxygen. Usually all of the dissolved oxygen below a depth of 18 meters is used up by the middle of July, after which no oxygen is available in this region until Oc- tober. Thus, all of the Corethra eggs which reach the bottom in water that is 18 meters deep or more during this period must de- velop under anaerobic conditions if they develop at all. This anaerobic stage covers the greater part of the most active repro- ductive period of this insect and approximately 30 per cent, of OBSERVATIONS ON LARWE OF CORETHRA PUNCTIPENNIS. 275 the area of the lake lies within the 18 meter contour. For two or three weeks in August, in fact, a little more than half of the lake bottom is subject to anaerobic conditions. No attempt was made to ascertain the effect of this lack of oxygen on the devel- opment of the Corethra eggs. Many cocoons of the Oligochaet Limnodrilus wrere noted in the bottom material during this period, however, and the eggs in them seemed to be developing normally in the absence of oxygen. This fact suggests that the eggs of Corethra may also develop normally under anaerobic conditions. The young Corethra larvae were not noted in the series of net catches until the last week in June, though the eggs of the first adults each year undoubtedly hatch at an earlier date than this. They were found regularly in the net catches from the latter part of June to the first week in October. BEHAVIOR. In 1917 and 1918 net hauls were made regularly at three of the stations before the mud catch was taken in order to see if any of the full-grown larvae occupied the water in the daytime, but the results were entirely negative. Some of these hauls were made as early as 8 : 30 A.M. and others as late as 4:30 P.M., so that these observations covered the chief portion of the day. It was found also that the full-grown larvae deserted the water on cloudy days as well as on clear days. A series of observations made at Station II. during the after- noon and evening of July 16, 1917, showed that the full-grown Corethra larvae had not emerged from the mud by 7 : 30 P.M., or just about sunset. At 8:00 P.M., or half an hour after sunset, 133 larvae and 88 pupae per square meter of lake surface were found in the water. By 8:30 P.M., or one hour after sunset, these numbers had increased to 3,945 larvae and 442 pupae. At the latter hour the full-grown larvse had reached the surface of the lake, thus showing a vertical migration of 23.5 meters during an interval of about one hour. A similar set of observations was made in 1920 beginning at 5 :45 P.M. on June 10 and continuing until 5 :3O A.M. on June ii. On the former date sunset came at 7:36 P.M., standard time, and sunrise on the following day at 4:18 A.M. No Co- 276 CHANCEY JUDAY. rethra larvae were obtained from the water on June 10 until 7:15 P.M., at which time a catch yielded 22 individuals per square meter of lake surface. Fifteen minutes later, or just a few min- utes before sunset, this number had risen to 176 larvae per square meter, and by 7:50 P.M., or about a quarter of an hour after sunset, the number was 1,576. At 7:36 P.M. the larvae had not invaded the upper 10 meters of water, but they had ascended to the 10-15 nieter stratum. They did not appear at the surface until about an hour and a quarter after sunset, so that the rate of upward migration was somewhat slower than that noted in 1917. Pupae reached the surface at 9:00 P.M., or approximately an hour and a half after sunset. The largest number of both larvae and pupae found in the water during this set of observations was noted in a catch taken at 10:00 P.M.; of the former there were 4,730 individuals per square meter of lake surface and of the latter 287. By 11:00 P.M. the numbers had declined to 2,100 and no respectively; the numbers were substantially the same as these at 2:00 A.M. on June 11. Larvae were still found in the upper meter of water at 3 : 30 A.M., but they had disappeared from the upper 10 meters by 3:47 A.M. and only one individual was obtained in a catch taken from the 0-15 meter stratum at 3:50 A.M. Practically, then, they deserted the upper 15 meters of water during a period of about 20 minutes. It should be noted, also, that this downward migration was not due to direct sunlight since it took place at least half an hour before sunrise. The larvae were still occupy- ing the 15-23 meter stratum in considerable numbers, since a catch at 3:55 A.M. yielded 1,658 individuals per square meter in that region ; the same catch contained 88 pupae per square meter also. The number of larvae in the lower water then gradu- ally diminished, the last disappearing between 4 : 45 and 5 : °° A.M. According to these results, then, the full-grown Corcthra larvae enter the bottom mud by the end of the first half hour after sunrise and they remain there until about sunset. Samples of mud taken at 6:00 and at 7:00 P.M. on June 10, 1920, yielded an average of 2,720 larvae and 55 pupae per square meter of bottom ; as a result of the migration into the water these numbers had declined to 1,400 larvae and 22 pupae per square OBSERVATIONS ON LARWE OF CORETHRA PUNCTIPENNIS. 2J7 meter at 8:00 P.M., while the samples obtained during the next three hours yielded from 1,600 to 2,100 larvae. The latter num- ber was also found at 3:00 A.M., bvit it rose to 2,665 at 4:00 A.M. and to slightly more than 3,000 per square meter at 5:00 A.M. Thus the mud contained from one half to two thirds as many larvae at night as were found there in the daytime. For a certain period after they hatch out, the behavior of the young larvae is very different in the daytime from that of the full- grown individuals ; that is, the former occupy the lower water during the daylight hours instead of the mud, being found in the lower part of the mesolimnion and in the hypolimnion. The young larvae migrate into the upper water at night just as the full-grown ones do. It has not been definitely determined just how long this difference in behavior lasts ; only rarely was an individual found in the mud which was estimated to be only one third as large as a full-grown larva and frequently individuals were obtained from the water wrhich were recorded as half grown. Thus, it appears that the young larvae inhabit the lower water in the daytime instead of the mud until they are approxi- mately one third grown, or perhaps a little larger. Muttkowski states that the larval period lasts from six to seven weeks in the summer broods; on this basis it may be estimated that the dif- ference in behavior between the young and full-grown larvae con- tinues for the first ten days or two weeks of the larval period. A series of catches wras made with a plankton trap on August 2, 1917, for the purpose of ascertaining the vertical distribution of the small larvae. The results are shown in Table II. No larvae were found in the upper 8 meters, but they appeared at 10 meters and at greater depths. The maximum number, 489 individuals per cubic meter of water, was obtained at a depth of 18 meters, which was about the middle of the hypolimnion. Somewhat more than 88 per cent, of the total number of individuals occu- pied the 15-20 meter stratum. Some results obtained on Devils Lake, Wisconsin, show that the behavior of the full-grown larvae of Corcthra plumicornis Fabricius1 differs in the daytime from that of C. punctipennis in i Dr. ]. R. Malloch kindly identified this larva. 278 CHANCEY JUDAY. TABLE II. THE NUMBER OF YOUNG CORETHRA LARVAE PER CUBIC METER OF WATER AT DIFFERENT DEPTHS OF LAKE MENDOTA ON AUGUST 2, 1917. Those obtained at 10 meters and 12 meters were recorded as very small and for the other depths the individuals were estimated to be from a quarter to a third as large as full grown larvae. Depth in Temperature, Number of Larvae .Meters. Degrees C. per Cubic Meter. 8 19-8 O 10 17-4 44 I2 l6.0 67 15 14-5 20° 18 13-6 489 20 13-5 3ii 23 13-3 22 Lake Mendota. In the former lake two net catches on May 25, 1917, which were made in the deepest water, namely, 14 meters, gave an average of 422 full-grown C. plumicornis larvae per square meter of surface, while two hauls of mud at the same place yielded an average of 433 individuals per square meter. That is, these larvae were substantially equally divided between the water and the mud at about 10: oo A.M. on a bright morning when the water was so transparent that a white disc 10 centi- meters in diameter did not disappear from viewr until it reached a depth of 8.6 meters. In other words, the day distribution of the larvae of C. plumicornis was practically the same in Devils Lake as the nocturnal distribution of the larvae of C. punctipennis in Lake Mendota. While the larvae of Corethra punctipcnms give a prompt nega- tive reaction to light, yet it hardly seems probable that their ex- tensive depth migration in Lake Mendota, even including a descent into the mud, is a simple light phenomenon. The trans- parency of the water is usually low in summer; a white disc 10 centimeters in diameter generally disappears from view at a depth of two meters to about four meters at this season of the year, which indicates that the light is cut off rather rapidly by the upper strata of water. On the morning of June n, 1920, for example, the disc reading was 4.25 meters. A pyrlimnimeter has been used to determine the rate at which the sun's energy is cut off by the upper strata of the lake. The results obtained with this instru- OBSERVATIONS ON LARVJE OF CORETHRA PUNCTIPENNIS. 2J9 ment indicate that the intensity of the illumination at a depth of 23 meters on a clear day, between n : oo A.M. and I : oo P.M., is about equal to that produced by full moonlight at the 'surf ace of the lake. During the early forenoon and the late afternoon, as well as on cloudy days, the illumination is much smaller than this. For some time before sunset, the bottom stratum must be sub- stantially in total darkness, yet the observations show that the emergence of the larvae from the mud is very closely correlated in time with the setting of the sun. Not only does the illumination in the bottom water become very small in the late afternoon, but there is a further protection from light afforded by the bottom ooze in which the larvae remain concealed during the day. To what depth the larvse penetrate the loose mud is not known, but in the laboratory they readily burrow down to a depth of a centimeter or more. The dim light which reaches the bottom in the deeper portions of the lake can penetrate the ooze only to a very slight extent at most, even dur- ing the brightest part of the day, and this raises the very interest- ing question as to what stimulus causes the larvae and pupae to emerge from the mud so promptly and regularly about the time of sunset. No definite data bearing on this point have yet been obtained. These larvae are eaten with avidity by many fishes and their habit of occupying the mud in the daytime may thus serve a very important purpose from the standpoint of protection from such enemies. A further protection is afforded by the disappearance of the dissolved oxygen in the hypolimnion. Usually by the first of August very little free oxygen remains in this stratum, which makes the lower water unfit for the permanent occupation of the larger forms which prey upon these larvae. In spite of the lack of oxygen, however, P'earse and Achtenberg found that the yel- low perch — Perca flavesccns (Mitchill) — invades the lower water and feeds upon these larvae. While these fish survive for a period of two hours in water that contains no dissolved oxygen, these authors state that it is doubtful whether a perch is able to feed for more than a few minutes at a time under such conditions. It seems probable, therefore, that the Corethra larvae are not eaten as freely as they might be if anaerobic conditions did not 280 CHANCEY JUDAY. prevail in the lower strata of the deeper water. Also, the ab- sence of dissolved oxygen in the hypolimnion serves as a protec- tion to the young larvae which occupy this region in the daytime for a certain period after they hatch out. NUMBER IN SHALLOWER WATER. The larvae of Corcthra pnnctipennis show a decided preference for the deepest portion of Lake Mendota. In the daytime, they are much more abundant in the mud where the water reaches a depth of 20 meters or more than they are in the shallower areas. It was found that the average number of larvae within the area bounded by the 20 meter contour line was more than three times as large as the average for the region lying between the 8 meter and the 20 meter contours, while the number obtained in areas where the water did not exceed five meters in depth was prac- tically negligible. Some three hundred samples were taken in series which ex- tended from the shallow water to the deep water ; that is, from a depth of 8 meters or 10 meters down to a depth of 20 meters. The results of four sets of these observations are shown in Table III. It will be noted that there was a marked increase in the TABLE III. THE NUMBER OF CORETHRA LARVAE PER SQUARE METER OF BOTTOM AT DIFFER- ENT DEPTHS IN FOUR SETS OF OBSERVATIONS WHICH WERE MADE IN 1917. Date. Depth in Meters. Number. Date. Depth in Meters. Number. May 15 10. S 820 September 24 . . IO 110 June 22 . .... 12.5 15-5 18 2O IO 1, 6OO 4.640 4,810 7,800 IOO October 24 12 15 18 20 12 250 5-500 7.490 13.380 85 12 IS 18.5 20.5 85 i, 080 i, 710 3,610 IS 18 20 2,740 11,650 15.930 number of larvae correlated with the increase in the depth of the water. On May 15, for example, the sample taken at 15 meters yielded about six times as many as the one at 10 meters, while OBSERVATIONS ON LARV.E OF CORETHRA PUNCTIPENNIS. 28 1 that at 20 meters gave nearly ten times as many as the latter. On September 24, the differences were fiftyfold and more than a hundredfold, respectively, and on October 24 the number was nearly two hundred times as large at 20 meters as at 12 meters. Just how these larvae are able to constantly maintain such a marked difference in numbers in favor of the deep water is a puzzling question. Their method of locomotion would not lead one to expect them to travel very far of their own accord should they reach the shallow areas, yet it seems probable that many of them are carried into the shallow water by the currents when they migrate into the upper strata at night. This would be true especially on windy nights. Table III. shows that a very small number of larvae is found at 10 meters as compared with the deep water and 39 per cent, of the area of the lake lies outside the 10 meter contour line. The number is usually not much larger at 12 meters than at 10 meters and the former divides the area of the lake approximately into halves. The outer or shallower half of the lake, then, is very sparsely populated by these larvae, but it is not clear just how the number is kept so small in comparison with the inner or deeper half of the lake. In a large proportion of the former area the bottom does not consist of material in which the larvae can readily conceal them- selves in the daytime, being composed of sand, gravel, and rock, so that the tendency would be to avoid these areas. On the other hand, the larvae are no more abundant in the shallow portions of protected bays where a muddy bottom suitable for concealment is found at a depth of only 5 meters or 6 meters. The difference can scarcely be attributed to a proportionally unequal distribution of eggs between the two regions because very large numbers of egg bearing females are found over the shallow water as well as along the shore ; it seems probable, therefore, that enormous num- bers of eggs are deposited in the shallow areas. When the larvae migrate into the upper strata of the lake at night, the direct currents tend to carry them into the shallow water, but the return currents, on the other hand, will aid more or less in bringing them back to the deep water. Apparently the chief factors governing the distribution of the Corcthni larvae 282 CHANCEY JUDAY. between the shallow half and the deep half of the lake are (i) an active migration, (2) the currents — direct currents on the wind- ward side of the lake and return currents on the leeward side, (3) a relatively greater loss in the shallow water due to pre- datory enemies. NUMBER IN OTHER LAKES. For purposes of comparison similar quantitative studies of the bottom population were made regularly in Lake Monona and in Lake Waubesa during 1917. The former is only one kilometer from Lake Mendota and has nearly as great a maximum depth, namely, 22.5 meters. Lake Waubesa lies about seven kilometers southeast of Lake Mendota, but it is a much shallower body of water, having a maximum depth of only a little more than u meters. In Lake Monona only about one tenth as many Corethra larvae were found as at corresponding depths and times in Lake Mendota ; in some instances the difference was more than a hun- dredfold in favor of the latter lake. In the deepest part of Lake Waubesa the number varied from about the same as that at 1 1 meters in Lake Mendota to only a third or a quarter as many ; but the deeper water of Lake Mendota yielded from forty to a hun- dred times as many larve as the deepest portion of Lake Waubesa. Bottom material has been obtained from about a dozen other Wis- consin lakes and in all of them the Corethra population has been relatively small, which seems to indicate that Lake Mendota offers a particularly favorable habitat for these larva?. GRAVIMETRIC RESULTS. Between June, 1916, and April, 1917, more than fourteen thousand larvae of Corethra punctipennis were picked out of the material collected in Lake Mendota and they were dried for the purpose of making a chemical analysis of them. The average amount of dry matter per individual for this number was 0.251 milligram. The average weight was also determined for eleven other lots of larvae containing from 100 to 300 individuals each. These averages ranged from a maximum of 0.311 milligram per larva, dry matter, in June to a minimum of 0.182 milligram in early September. The results of these weighings are shown in OBSERVATIONS ON LARV.E OF CORETHRA PUNCTIPENNIS. 283 Table IV. The higher average of dry matter in the June material may be due to a larger proportion of chitin in the larvae just before they pupate. In August and early September the average size of the larvae seems to be smaller than that of the winter brood and this is confirmed by the weights. At the height of the pupating season the summer larvae pupate when they are distinctly smaller than the individuals which live over winter. The live weights of the smaller lots were also determined, as shown in Table IV., and they indicate that about 91 per cent, of the living animal consists of water. The live weight of the June pupa? was only about n per cent, larger than that of the June larvae, but the dry weight of the former was nearly twice as large as that of the latter. (See Table IV.) This marked difference in the dry weight was prob- ably due to the presence of a larger amount of chitin in the pupa. TABLE IV. THE AVERAGE WEIGHT OF A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL OF CORETHRA PUNCTIPENNIS IN MILLIGRAMS, TOGETHER WITH THE PERCENTAGES OF WATER AND OF ASH. Form. Month. Live Weight in Milligrams. Dry Weight in Milligrams/ Per Cent, of Water. Per Cent, of Ash. Larva .... February. . . May 3-06 1.1O 0.250 0.264 91.72 Q2.I2 7.06 7 O6 June I.I e; O.1II 80. I*? 7 11 September. . October. . . . November. . 2-57 2.83 3-20 0.182 0.264 0.285 92-93 9O.66 91.03 9-53 8.62 8.10 Pupa. . June . . . 1. $2 O ?74 8l 71 C go Adult June . . . O.7=C O.427 41 12 c go The adults yielded a much smaller live weight than either the larvae or the pupae because they possessed a much smaller propor- tion of water. Their dry weight was greater than that of the larvae but smaller than that of the pupae. The adults used for this weight were obtained from a large swarm on June 29, 1918, when pupation was very active, but there was no means of ascer- taining their age ; their weight probably decreases somewhat with age, and they live for a period of three to five days. The ash of the larvae varied from a minimum of about 7 per 284 CHANCEY JUDAY. cent, of the dry weight to a maximum of 9.5 per cent., the former being noted in February and the latter in September. The pupae and adults yielded substantially the same percentages of ash, but these percentages were much smaller than in the larvae. There is more or less overlapping of the summer broods, which makes it difficult to estimate the number of larvae produced during this season, but the winter crop of larvae may be estimated with some degree of accuracy. In this investigation twenty-two samples of mud were obtained at the five regular stations in deep water during the month of November and they yielded an average of 17,350 Corcthra larvae per square meter of bottom. Five samples were secured in December also, and they gave an average of 21,900 individuals per square meter; but four of these samples were taken at Station II. which usually gave a larger yield than the other four stations. According to these figures, the early winter population of Corcthra larvae within the 20 meter contour may be conservatively estimated at 18,000 individuals per square meter. Between October and May the live weight averaged 3.1 milligrams per larva and the dry weight 0.266 milligram. Apply- ing these weights to the above population gives a live weight of 55.8 grams per square meter, or 558 kilograms per hectare, which is equivalent to 497 pounds per acre, and a dry weight of 4.8 grams per square meter, or 48 kilograms per hectare, equivalent to 42.7 pounds per acre. Muttkowski states that there may be two generations of summer larvse in addition to the winter generation ; but, since the former average somewhat smaller in size than the latter, the total weight of the summer broods is probably not greatly in excess of that of the winter brood. That is, a live weight of 1,200 kilo- grams per hectare (1,070 pounds per acre) would be a conserva- tive estimate for the total annual production of Coretlira larvae in the deeper part of Lake Mendota ; on this basis the dry weight would amount to somewhat more than 100 kilograms per hectare, or approximately 90 pounds per acre. These figures apply only to that portion of the lake which lies within the 20 meter contour line, since the larvae are found in very much smaller numbers in the shallower water. OBSERVATIONS ON LARVAE OF CORETHRA PUNCTIPENNIS. 285 The 20 meter contour encloses an area of 664 hectares which would give an annual crop of larvse amounting to substantially 797 metric tons, live weight, for this portion of the lake, or a dry weight of about 67 metric tons. The live weight of all other macroscopic inhabitants of this area was 92.3 metric tons and their dry weight was about 19 metric tons. As previously indicated, the population of Corethra larvse in the region between 8 meters and 20 meters averaged about one third as large per unit area as that in the deeper water. In order not to overestimate the annual production of the shallower water, the area lying between the shoreline and a depth of 10 meters may be omitted from the calculation since the number of larvae found in this region is small ; in addition, also, the average between the 10 meter and 20 meter contours, comprising an area of 1,738 hectares, may be reckoned as one quarter instead of one third as large as that of the deep water. On this basis the live weight becomes 300 kilograms per hectare and the dry weight 25 kilograms, thus making the annual crop of Corethra larvae in this portion of the lake a little more than 521 metric tons, live weight, or about 43 metric tons of dry material. These results combined with those obtained for the deep water area give a total annual production of 1,318 metric tons of living larvse which would yield no metric tons of dry material. CHEMICAL RESULTS. The results of the chemical analysis of the larvae are shown in Table V. and they are stated in percentages of the dry weight. TABLE V. RESULTS OF THE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE LARV.E OF CORETHRA PUNCTI- PENNIS STATED IN PERCENTAGES OF THE DRY WEIGHT. Nitrogen. Crude Protein (NX6.25.) Ether Extract (Fat). Crude Fiber (Chitin) Per Cent. Ash, 10.74 67.12 9-45 6.15 7.96 The percentage of nitrogen is notably high, which means a cor- respondingly large proportion of crude protein. The percentage 286 CHANCEY JUDAY. given in the table does not include the nitrogen in the crude fiber (chitin) which amounted to 0.46 per cent. In comparison with this the larvae of Chironomus tentans yielded a much smaller percentage of nitrogen, namely, 7.36 per cent. The larvae yielded a fairly large amount of fat (ether extract), namely 9.45 per cent, of the dry sample. Together the crude protein and the fat constituted more than 76 per cent, of the dry material. From the standpoint of quality, this large proportion of these two. excellent food materials gives the larva of Corcthra punctipennis a very high rank as a source of food for other organisms. LITERATURE. Birge, E. A., and Juday, C. 'n The Inland Lakes of Wisconsin. The dissolved gases of the water and their biological significance. Wisconsin Geological and Natural His- tory Survey, Bulletin No. XXII, pp. xx •-•- 259. Madison. Juday, C. '04 The Diurnal Movement of Plankton Crustacea. Trans. Wis. Acad. Science, Arts and Let., Vol. XIV., Part 2, pp. 534-568. Madison. '08 Some Aquatic Invertebrates that Live under Anaerobic Conditions. Trans. Wis. Acad. Science, Arts and Let., Vol. XVI., Part i, pp. 10-16. Madison. Muttkowski, R. A. '18 The Fauna of Lake Mendota. Trans. Wis. Acad. Science, Arts and Let., Vol. XIX., Part i, pp. 374-482. Madison. Pearse, A. S., and Achtenberg, Henrietta. '20 Habits of Yellow Perch in Wisconsin Lakes. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI. , pp. 295-366. Washington. Vol. XL. • June, IQ2I. No. 6 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN MORPHOLOGY AND ORIENTATION OF THE OTOCYSTS OF GONIONEMUS.1 L. J. THOMAS. INTRODUCTION. Gonionemus is used as an example of the Hydro-medusa in many zoological laboratories of this country. In spite of this fact relatively' little is known regarding the morphology and orientation of the sense organs of the representatives of this genus. Both the location and the structure of the otocysts have been very imperfectly treated in the literature. Frequently morphological and experimental treatises mentioning the otocysts refer the reader to the works upon other genera, the otocysts of which are presumed to be essentially similar to those of Gonio- nemus. In studying specimens of Gonionemus vcrtcns Ag. and of G. Jintrbachii Mayer the writer was impressed by the lack of agreement between his direct observations and the published statements by various early workers. These discrepancies led the writer to investigate the problem further in an attempt to discover the source of the statements which have been so gen- erally incorporated into the literature and to determine, if pos- sible, the precise structure and relationships of the otocysts in this genus. On the Pacific coast of this country G. vcrtens A. Ag. occurs i'~> the Puget Sound region and on the Atlantic coast G. uiurbachii Mayer is found in abundance in the Eel Pond at Woods Hole, Mass. Many references in the older literature incorrectly refer to the Atlantic species as G. zfcrtcns because at that time the Atlantic form was not considered as specifically distinct from the i Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Illinois, No. 181. 287 288 L. J. THOMAS. type of the genus. In 1895 Murbach mentioned certain differ- ences between the two forms and in consideration for his work upon the Atlantic species A. G. Mayer (1901) described it as a distinct species under the name of Gonionetnus murbachii. The terms otocyst, statocyst, and lithocyst have been used interchangeably throughout the literature on Ccelenterates. In this paper the term otocyst is used in referring to the entire struc- ture which is supposed to function as an organ of equilibrium. A careful study of the otocysts in Gonionemus has revealed the fact that the terminology ordinarily employed in describing the otocyst is entirely inadequate for an intelligible description of the parts and understanding of their functional relations. In Gonionemus the otocyst is not a simple vesicle enclosing an otolith as has usually been considered the case. From a morpho- logical point of view there is considerable evidence that in Gonio- nemus the large vesicular structure is merely an adaptation for the protection of the true sensory apparatus all of which is lodged within the structure that has ordinarily been termed the otolith. This obvious confusion of terms renders a detailed de- scription of the organ necessary. Details of the organization of the otocyst are shown in Text Figure I. The wall of the primary vesicle ('/>?•) is the outermost wall of the entire organ and encloses a fluid-filled cavity (c) within which the spheroid (s) is suspended by the primary pedicel (pf>~). The thick wall of the spheroid encloses the fluid- filled cavity which is designated as the secondary vesicle (si'}. Within the secondary vesicle rests the otolith (o), free to move about within the fluid-filled chamber. Extending from the distal end of the primary pedicel to the membranous lining of the secondary vesicle is a distinctly differentiated region to which the term secondary pedicel (sp) has been applied. This investigation was carried on under the general direction of Dr. H. J. Van Cleave, to whom the writer is greatly indebted for suggestions and for securing the material and the identifica- tion of the species under consideration. Individuals of Gonio- nemus murbachii were obtained through the Supply Department of the Woods Hole Marine Biological Station for comparison MORPHOLOGY OF OTOCYSTS OF GONIONEMUS. 289 with those of G. vcrtcns upon which the greater part of the work was done. Specimens of G. vertens collected at Friday Harbor, Washington, were submitted to Dr. Alfred G. Mayer and to Dr. TEXT FIGURE i. General organization of the otocyst of Gonionemus: pv, primary vesicle; c, fluid filled cavity; s, spheroid; pp, primary pedicel; si>, secondary vesicle; o, otolith ; s p, secondary pedicel. / Henry B. Bigelow, both of whom very kindly verified the tenta- tive identification of the species. While the present paper deals primarily with the finer struc- ture of the otocyst the latter part is devoted to a discussion of the orientation of the otocyst in the organism. METHODS OF STUDY. Specimens preserved in formalin were too opaque for accurate observations of the otocysts. Serial sections and toto-mounts of the bell margin, including ring canal, otocysts, and tentacles were prepared for the detailed study of the morphology and the orientation of the otocysts. The toto-mounts were made by 2QO L. J. THOMAS. trimming the tentacles close to the bell margin with fine scissors and then clipping this rim, with the velum included, free from the remainder of the bell. Such preparations were stained with borax carmine and mounted in damar. The otocysts, though embedded in the mesoglea, were by this method sharply defined and readily visible for accurate observations. In some speci- mens prepared in this manner the finer details of structure could be determined. By careful manipulation, mounts prepared in this manner showed practically no distortion. Individuals 9 to 15 mm. in diameter were dehydrated, cleared, and mounted in damar with a shrinkage of i mm. or less in diameter. This shrinkage was obviously sustained uniformly by the various tissues for no evidences of wrinkling or distortion of parts were observable in the finished preparations. All drawings were made with the camera lucida from prepared mounts and sections. STRUCTURE OF THE OTOCYST. Murbach (1903: 205) dismisses the anatomy of the otocysts in Gonioncinus with the footnote: "The finer anatomy is natur- ally omitted. The description of the nervous system and the otocyst given in ' Das Nervensystem mid die Sinnesorgane der Medusen,' O. u. R. Hertwig, text, pp. 48-69, Plates 4 and 5, fits very nearly those of Gonioneinus." A careful examination of the Hertwig descriptions and drawings of otocysts in other genera reveals many points where a closer " fit " might be desired if the descriptions and drawings are to cover the conditions found in Gonioncinns. Superficial examination under a compound microscope reveals the otocysts of Gonioncinns as tiny bubbles, each of which usually encloses a single spherical object. This last mentioned body has usually been considered as the otolith, though it probably com- prises the entire sensory mechanism of the organ as indicated in the introduction to this paper. Detailed structure of this body is shown in Fig. 2, Plate I., which was drawn from a 15^ section. This figure shows only the spheroid pendant from the wall of the primary vesicle by the minute primary pedicel ( />/>)• The heavily nucleated cells which comprise the wall of the secondary MORPHOLOGY OF OTOCYSTS OF GONIONEMUS. 291 vesicle (sv) completely envelope the secondary pedicel (sp). The true otolith (o) is shown within the secondary vesicle. In the section from which this drawing was made a small tangential slice such as is shown in Fig. 3, Plate I., had been cut from the surface of the spheriod thus disclosing the cavity of the sec- ondary vesicle. No sensory hairs or ridges were demonstrated. Perkins ( 1902 : 786) also calls attention to the absence of such structures, though his observations were probably confined1 to the walls of the primary vesicle. In sections a thin tangential slice from the surface of the spheroid. Text Figure 2, may at TEXT FIGURE 2. Tangential slice only partly removed from wall of spheroid. first glance remind one of the projections figured by Hertwig (1879: 183, Figs, i and 2) for Cannarina. The primary pedicel measures 0.043 nim- m diameter and 0.069 mm. in length. At its proximal end a single large nucleus is found. This pedicel is very delicate for in sectioning, it, together with the spheroid, is often torn loose from the cyst wall. In other cases only the spheroid is torn away from the distal end of the pedicel and may be found elsewhere on the slide. Goto (1903: 8) records encountering the same difficulty in the prepara- tion of sections. The secondary pedicel measures 0.115 mm. in length. Its diameter near the middle is about 0.023 min. but the distal end is L. J. THOMAS. expanded to about 0.043 mni- Two nuclei of apparently fixed relationships are found in the secondary pedicel, one near the proximal and the other near the distal end. The cavity of the secondary vesicle is normally spherical in form though it is capable of some distortion. The diameter is about 0.138 mm. The contents of this cavity take stains so lightly and so evenly that there is strong evidence that only a fluid is present. Two or three concentric rings are observable in the spherical otolith contained within the secondary vesicle (Figs. 4-5, Plate I.). There is considerable variability in the size of the otolith. Some of the largest measured 0.069 mm- m diameter. The fluid in which the specimens were preserved was distinctly acid, consequently any calcareous deposits that might have been present in the otolith had been destroyed, leaving only the sup- porting structures. Perkins (1902: 786) refers to the otolith as " a calcium salt deposit in an organic matrix." In the specimens examined the otolith had no fixed position within the secondary vesicle but was apparently free to move about in the fluid filled space. The entire sensory mechanism as ordinarily described for an otocyst is thus contained within the confines of the spheroid. In the light of this morphological evidence it might be easily pos- sible that the destruction of the primary vesicle need not appre- ciably impair the functioning of the organ. Murbach (1903: 206) in experiments upon the function of the otocysts of Gonioncmus collapsed the " otocysts " by thrusting them with a fine needle. In all probability the injury inflicted did not extend beyond the collapsing of the primary vesicle. Ac- cording to his statements the specimens continued to act normally after this treatment. Upon the results of these experiments and upon the behavior of a single individual from which the otocysts were excised he based his conclusion that the otocysts play no important part in establishing the equilibrium in Gonionemus. The more or less normal behavior of the much mutilated indi- vidual from which the otocysts were cut is not readily explain- able. On the other hand, in view of the fact that morphologically the entire sensory mechanism of the otocyst seems to be confined to the secondary vesicle there is little reason to expect serious MORPHOLOGY OF OTOCYSTS OF GONIONEMUS. 293 interference with the functioning of that organ when only the protective primary vesicle is collapsed. My observations upon specimens of G. rcrtcns and of G. mur- bachii have failed to disclose any essential difference in the de- tails of structure or in the general orientation of the otocysts of these two species. RELATIONS OF OTOCYSTS TO BELL MARGIN. Because of the reliance placed upon the works of previous investigators and writers on the subject, Mayer's "Medusae of the World " includes several erroneous statements and incorrect figures of the otocysts of Gonionemus. Few authors, with the exception of Mayer, have attempted to describe definitely the location of the otocysts with reference to their position on the margin of the bell. It seems probable that his description is based chiefly on Perkins' publication (1903: 786) which has been extensively quoted by Mayer though his observations upon the otocysts are very misleading. In Plate 34, Fig. 19, Perkins has reproduced a drawing by Professor Brooks which shows the otocysts as external projections, from the margin of the bell between the bases of the tentacles. Further, the drawing of the "radial transverse section" of the bell (Fig. 25 of his same plate) confirms the impression of their external location. His explanation of their origin is as follows : In the case of the sensory clubs, the endodermal tissue of the circular canal grows down in a plug into the ectodermal tissue of the bell margin. This latter becomes closely applied to the outside of the plug, as a thin investing epithe- lium, and it also spreads out in a thin lamella over the inner surface of the capsule which appears in the ectoderm of the developing club. Iii his summary Perkins (1903: 789) says, "sense organs appear at determinate points on the bell margin." The work in this article on sense organs seems to be principally that of Professor W. K. Brooks whose observations were apparently accepted by Perkins without attempt at verification. Mayer (1910: 341) in his synopsis of the genus seems to have •'ncorporated the foregoing incorrect observations bodily for he Defers to the otocysts as " lithocysts external." On page 342 of the same work he again states that there are " numerous ex- 294 L. J. THOMAS. ternal lithocysts upon the bell margin between the tentacles." In characterizing the genus Cubaia (page 351), he states that there are "lithocysts projecting outward as in Gonionemns". . . " this genus is closely related to Vallentinia Brown 1902 but in Vallcntinia the lithocysts are enclosed and on the inner side of the margin, whereas in Cubaia they are external and on the lower side of the margin between the tentacles." The plates of the same monograph are just as confusing as the foregoing descrip- tions in the manner in which the otocysts are located. Otocysts are shown as distinct projections from the external margin of the bell in Fig. i of Plate 45, though Fig. 2 of the same plate and Fig. 3 of Plate 46 correctly portray them embedded in the meso- glea as outgrowths from the ring canal. The location of the otocyst within the mesoglea and the orienta- tion with reference to other structures is shown in Fig. I, Plate I. RELATIONS OF OTOCYSTS TO TENTACLES. Hargitt (1910: 249) referring to the location of the otocysts, says : ' Normally they should occur in somewhat symmetrical order between the bases of the tentacles. This, however, is rarely the case." Mayer (1910: 342) gives the number of tentacles for specimens of G. vert ens 15 mm. in diameter as 60 to /o but it appears that his count is too low. In the following table are given the data regarding the numbers of otocysts and tentacles in part of the material studied in the present investigation. TABLE I. RELATIVE NUMBERS OF OTOCYSTS AND TENTACLES IN GONIONEMUS. Specimen Number. Diameter of Bell After Clearing. No. of Tentacles. No. of Otocysts. G. vertens I 14.5 mm. 01 76 2 14 86 77 3 . 14 00 72 4- . 12 84 60 ? II 04 7? 6. II IOI 78 7 IO 04 80 8 Q 70 6l Q 8? C7 IO 8 70 V 60 G. murbachii i 48 61 2 . . 10 6> 70 MORPHOLOGY OF OTOCYSTS OF GONIONEMUS. 2Q5 With reference to the tentacles these organs display no abso- lutely fixed relationship. Though they usually alternate with the tentacles they may occur in pairs between two adjacent tentacles or two or more tentacles in continuous sequence may have no intervening otocyst. In G. vertens, nos. 6 and 7 had three paired otocysts between adjacent tentacles ; no. 7 also had two abnormal otocysts with two TEXT FIGURE 3. Abnormal otocyst with two sensory spheroids within the same primary vesicle. sensory spheroids in each capsule Text Figure 3. Hargitt (1901 : 249) has noted this last mentioned variation and has called attention to its relative infrequence. Specimen no. I of G. mur~ bachii had thirteen paired otocysts and no. 2 of the same species had eight. SUMMARY. 1. There are two distinct vesicles in the otocyst of Gonloncnius. 2. It seems probable that the conspicuous primary vesicle has chiefly a protective function, enclosing the essential sensory mechanism. 3. The secondary vesicle contains the otolith within a fluid- filled cavity. 4. No sensory hairs or ridges have been demonstrated. 5. Puncture of the primary vesicle as practiced by Murbach and others probably does not impair the essential sensory mechanism. 6. The otocysts of G. zfcrtcns and of G. uiurbachii are in close proximity to the periphery of the ring canal, their capsules im- bedded in the mesoglea so that no portion of them protrudes beyond the margin of the bell. 7. The number and arrangement of otocysts and tentacles in Gonlonenius is variable. 296 L. J. THOMAS. REFERENCES. Agassiz, A. '62 Contributions to the Natural History of the United States. Vol. 4, Boston. '65 North American Acalephae, 'Vol. 2, Cambridge. Bigelow, H. B. '09 The Medusae. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard College, Vol. 37. Brooks, W. K. '86 Life-History of the Hydromedusae. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. 3: 359-430. '95 The Sens-ory Clubs or Cordyli of Laodice. Jour. Morpnol., Vol. 10: 287-304. Claus, C. '78 Ueber Charybdea Marsupialis. Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien, Vol. i: 221-276. Goto, S. '03 The Craspedote Medusa Olindias and Some of its Natu.-al Allies. Mark Anniversary Volume : 3—25. Haeckel, E. '81 Monographic der Medusen, Vol. 2. Jena. Hargitt, C. W. 'oo Variation Among Hydromedusae. BIOL. BULL.. Vol. 2: 221-255. Hertwig, 0. u. R. '78 Das Nervensystem und die Sinnesorgane der Medusen. Leipzig. Mayer, A. G. '09 Medusae of the World, Vol. 2, The Hydromedusae. Carnegie Inst. Washington, Publication No. 109. Murbach, L. '03 The -Static Function in Gonioneiuus. Amer. Jour. Physiol., Vol. 10: 201—209. Murbach, L., and Shearer, C. '03 On Medusa from the Coast of British Columbia and Alaska. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Vol. 2 : 164-189. Nutting, C. C. '99 The Hydroids of the Woods Hole Region. Bull. U. S. Fish Com., Vol. 19 : 325-386. Perkins, H. F. '03 The Development of Gonionemns inurbachii. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Vol. 54 : 750—790. 298 L. J. THOMAS. EXPLANATION OF PLATE. SYMBOLS. c, cavity of secondary vesicle, p p, primary pedicel, e c, ectoderm, r, ring canal, e ii, endoderm, s, spheroid, e x, exumbrella, s I, supporting layer, m, mesoglea, ^ p, secondary pedicel, n, nerve ring, s 11 , subumbrella, n c, nettling cells, j v, secondary vesicle, o, otolith, 7', velum. PLATE I. The otocyst of Gonionemus rertens. All drawings were made with the camera lucida. The projected scale indicating magnification in each instance has the value of o.oi mm. FIG. i. Section through bell margin showing general location of the otocyst within the mesoglea and its orientation with reference to ring canal. FIG. 2. Longitudinal section through the spheroid of an otocyst showing histological details. FIG. 3. Tangential slice from the wall of the spheroid similar to the sec- tion removed from the front surface of the wall of the secondary vesicle in the foregoing figure. FIG. 4. Longitudinal section through an otocyst to show the concentric rings within the otolith. FIG. 5. A spheroid with a portion of the wall of the secondary vesicle removed. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN VOL. XL. PLATE I. L. J. THOMAS. A SYMBIOTIC FUNGUS OCCURRING I> THE FAT- BODY OF PULVINARIA INNUMERABILIS RATH.1 CHARLES T. BRUES AND RUDOLF W. GLASER. During the late winter and spring of 1920 the present writers became interested in the supposedly symbiotic organisms which occur in various scale insects, hoping that they might be able to propagate some of them in artificial cultures and learn something of their physiological activities. From knowledge gained thus, it seemed probable that they might be able better to determine whether such organisms exist in the insects as true symbionts, as mere commensals or as innocuous parasites. As is well known through the investigations of several workers, the entrance of the symbionts2 into the egg of scale insects can be readily followed as well as their behavior during embryological development. A good account of this has been given by Shinji ('19) who also includes a summary of the previous work of other authors. In the nymphal or full-grown scales of many species it is more difficult to find and interpret the symbionts and it seems probable that in some cases they must either become very much reduced in numbers, very highly modified, or perhaps reduced to minute and unrecognizable spores or granules. Several workers who have recently examined the symbionts of Coccids (e.g., Buchner '12, Sulk '10, Teodoro '18) regard them as yeasts (Saccharomycetes), although Berlese ('06) referred one species to the genus Oospora, one of the Hyphomycetes. Before beginning our work with Pulvinaria innumerabilis, the cottony maple scale, we examined several other species of Coccids, but were unable successfully to cultivate the symbionts from these, with the possible exception of one of the pine scales, 1 Contribution from the Entomological Laboratory of tht Bussey Institu- tion, Harvard University, No. 176. 2 We have used this name as a convenient designation already in current use and will discuss its appropriateness on a later page. 299 3OO CHARLES T. BRUES AND RUDOLPH W. GLASER. Cliionaspis pinifolicc Fitch. From the latter we isolated an or- ganism, perhaps related fo Oospora, but we could not secure it with sufficient regularity to satisfy ourselves that it was really the symbiont. and not a contaminating species of microorganism of which one always encounters numerous species in work of this kind. Just how closely related the symbionts of various Coccids may be, must remain a matter of doubt until a considerable num- ber have been carefully investigated, and preferably cultivated also, but our own observations lead us to think that more than one type of organism will be found after careful, systematic study. In the following brief review of literature we have considered only such contributions as appear to bear directly on symbionts quite probably closely related to the form with which we have worked. The first reference to the occurrence of symbiotic organisms in Coccidse is that of Leydig ('54) who found discrete, lanceolate bodies which he believed to lie free in the lymph of Coccus (now Lecanium) hesperidum. He described them as 4^ in length, multiplying by buds which do not separate till they have attained the size of the parent cell. Neither at this time, nor in 1860 in his contribution to the development of the Daphnids, did he realize their significance. From the rather large size and method of multiplication, these are probably similar to the organisms found in Puh'inana, which also appear in freshly mounted smears as though they were free in body fluid. Putnam ('79) studied in considerable detail the biology, anatomy and development of Pulvinaria innumcralnlis in Iowa. In connection with a section devoted to the contents of the ovaries he gave an account of the organisms with which we deal in the present paper. His observa- tions were so carefully made that we have thought it worth while to include the following resume. On opening a female at any time from October to May, five classes of bodies are set free, all of them apparently associated with the development of the eggs. These are : First, a clear protoplasmic liquid ; second, clear spherical globules 10 ^-30 /x in diameter, lighter than water, r.nd not taking the ordinary aniline stains. He was undoubtedly cor- FUNGUS OCCURRING IN PULVINARIA INNUMERABILIS. 30 1 rect in believing these to be yolk and fat globules. Third,' ex- ceedingly minute, apparently spherical bodies, heavier than water and staining with cosine. Putnam thought that these might be bacteria although he suggests that they may be comparable to the blood-disks [erythrocytes] of vertebrates or that they may be stages in the development of the fourth class of bodies which he next considers. That all of these suppositions are probably in- correct will appear from our account on a later page. Fourth, small oval bodies 3/^-5^ in diameter and io/x long and heavier than water. These represent the organism which we have studied but Putnam was unable to decide whether they were spermato- phores or whether they corresponded to the pseudonavicella: observed by Ley dig in Lccanium, as had been suggested to him by Dr. E. L. Mark.1 A fifth class of bodies observed were the small incompletely formed eggs. There can be no doubt that Putnam found the fungus with which we have worked as his description and figures make this point very clear. As he found it in all cases, it is further clear that the symbiont enjoys a wide range since his observations were made on specimens collected in the middle west and our own on material from eastern Massachusetts. Metschnikoff ('84) found in a crustacean, Daphnla magna, a fungus which he called Monospora bicuspidata. This he re- garded as a parasite, but recent developments in the study of apparently similar organisms in insects, suggests that these Crus- taceans should be reexamined. Moniez ('87) described a fungus which he called Lccaniascus polymorphus, occurring in the scale insect, Lecan'mm hesperidum. He refers to Leydig's 1854 paper, mentioning the fact that Lecaniascus is evidently the same as Leydig's pseudonavicellae. Moniez speaks of the organism as a parasite, and he found it in all specimens, both young and old, of the Lccanium that he ex- amined. He described the isolated cells as 4-5 ^ in length, and found mycelia attaining a length of 50-60 p.. Some doubt is cast upon this author's conclusions by Vejdovsky ('07) who suggests that Moniez may have seen two microorganisms, one represented i Mark ('77) does not consider these bodies, however, in his paper on the anatomy and histology of the Coccidse. 3O2 CHARLES T. BRUES AND RUDOLPH W. GLASER. by the single cells and another by the mycelia and asci, the latter perhaps Alternaria tennis, a parasitic fungus that attacks various Coccids of the genus Lccanhnn. Lindner (1895) found in an European scale insect (Aspidiotits ncrii) a yeast-like organism which he regarded as related to Saccliaroin\ccs aplculatus. By crushing one of the insects be- tween a slide and cover-glass he observed large numbers of the yeasts, both between the small masses of fat-body and actually in the adipocytes. The organisms he described and figured as usually very long, pointed at one end, or lanceolate, sometimes joined in pairs by their acute tips, and frequently budding after the manner of yeast cells. At that time Lindner was unable to cultivate the organism although he evidently regarded it as a. parasite, naming it Saccharomyces aplculatus, var. parasitus. He found it forming a mass at the posterior pole of the egg and made an ingenious explanation for its presence there, suggesting that one of the pointed tips perforated the egg and gave off a bud which then multiplied to form the mass or mycetome. A later paper by Lindner ( '07) which appeared in the Woch- cnschrift filr Braucrcl we have not seen, but from published reviews of this, it appears that it contains nothing bearing on the physiology or systematic position of his yeast-like organism. Berlese ('06) studied in detail an organism which he found in Ceroplastcs ruscl, and was successful in growing it on artificial media. From Berlese's account, it appears that the fungus, which he calls Oospora saccardlana is very similar to the one described by us in the present paper. The yeast-like cells in the Coccid vary in length from 4-12 //,, sometimes attaining a length of 16-18/4 in early summer, agreeing in size and also in form with those we have observed in Pulvinaria. In culture there is z great similarity in the general morphology and development of mycelia, and although Berlese gives few details concerning cul- tural characteristics, at least one statement shows a striking dif- ference between the two. He found that although the symbiont from Ceroplastcs grows rapidly on gelatine media, that these arc not liquified, while as will appear from our account, the Puh'l- naria fungus exhibits a powerful liquefactive action on gelatine. FUNGUS OCCURRING IN PULVINARIA INNUMERABILIS. 303 Concerning the distribution of the symbionts in the body of Ccroplastes, Berlese gives no account, except to state that they generally occupy the visceral cavity completely in all individuals, in numbers estimated at from 60,000-70,000 cells. Two other genera of soft scales, Kcnncs and Physokermes, have been the subject of investigation by Sulc ('07) and Vejdovsky ('07). The former found two distinct symbiotic organisms in two species of these Coccids, readily distinguishable from one another on the basis of size and form. These he described as representatives of a new genus, Kerminicold. Vejdovsky re- garded them as Saccharomycetes in which opinion Sulc con- curred. The microscopical structure of the symbionts was care- fully described and is similar to that of the species in Pulvinaria studied by us, although Kcnninicola evidently has a much more prominent and discrete nucleus and fewer multinucleate cells ; also the form of the cells is generally much more elongate. Vejdovsky found the symbionts in the fat cells of the host in large numbers and observed them freed in the haemolymph as a result of a disintegration of the adipocytes which he believed due to the activity of the included organisms. He, therefore, re- garded them as parasites, but pointed out that their activities do not affect the gonads of the host, nor the development of the eggs in its body. They do, however, serve to break down the fat and to consume the remaining tissues of the host's body, after which it remains a shell for the protection of the now fully developed nymphal Kcrmes. In a later paper, Sulc ('10) gives a more extended account of the similar organisms of a number of Homoptera and speculates at considerable length upon the relations between the insects and fungi. After more extended study, his ideas have been consider- ably modified and he has come to regard the microorganisms as essentially symbiotic in their association with their host insects. He suggests that the production of enzymes by yeasts (for he still refers the symbionts to the Saccharomycetes) must be con- sidered in any interpretation of their physiological relations to the insects. Apparently he made no attempts at cultivation in vitro. Pierantoni has considered the symbionts of certain Coccidze in 304 CHARLES T. BRUES AND RUDOLPH W. GLASER. several papers of which that of 1910 in the Zoologischcr Ansc:gcr is of greatest interest in the present connection. In Iccr\a pur- chasl, he traced the entrance of the organisms into the egg of the scale insect and its subsequent behavior through the formation of the polar mass in the egg to the development of the mycetocyte in the larva. He found that the individual symbionts of this species were at first round or oval, and not noticeably elongated, and that later during embryonic development and at the time of hatching they became quite inconstant in form, varying from rounded or oval to much elongated and frequently strongly curved cells, all, however, of about the same diameter. These long forms may fragment, each piece becoming a new individual, while the short ones commonly divide by fission into equal parts. Occasionally, however, Pierantoni found cells multiplying by budding in the body cavity of the host, and more rarely in the mycetome. On a gelatine medium, with high sugar content (20 per cent, saccharose) he was able to cultivate a yeast-like organism from the mycetocytes. These developed after four days' incubation as colonies that are described as small spheres in the gelatine which develop a sort of finger-like process which becomes prolonged toward the surface of the gelatine and then emerges projecting above it in the form of a finger, or with the base enlarged and pyriform. The individual organisms were of yeast-like form with buds more or less developed. It thus appears that the organism obtained in culture by Pierantoni differed greatly in form, size, and method of multiplication from the organisms in the insects, as will be shown later, the cultures obtained by us from Puh'i- naria innumerabilis exhibit no such remarkable distinctions, in morphology and reproduction, from the cells in the host insect. Although he makes no mention of the development of mycelia in his cultures, the form of the colonies indicates without question that such must have been present, and that if the organisms in the mycetome were actually those obtained in culture, the symbiont of Icer\a is a true fungus. FUNGUS OCCURRING IN PULVINARIA INNUMERABILIS. 305 THE SYMBIONTS OF THE HALF-GROWN PULVINARIA. In early April the overwintered cottony maple scale-insects are partly grown and may be found attached to the bark of small twigs on the food plants, which consist of various maples and a few other wroody plants. At this time they are nearing the end of their period of hibernation and do not yet exhibit any active growth. If a specimen in this condition be crushed on a slide in normal salt solution, the symbionts may be readily seen free in the liquid. They are heavier than the medium and fall next to the slide, thus separating from the released fat globules which accumulate above, against the cover-slip. In such a preparation all the organisms appear to be in the liquid, as those in the fat cells are not readily discernible on account of their hyaline nature. This, no doubt, accounts for the statements that the symbionts occur in the lymph rather than in the tissue. In sections it is evident, however, that the organisms are absent, or at least very nearly so, from the blood and that they are very generally distributed through the fat body, imbedded in the adi- pose cells. They are usually spaced in a quite regular way show- ing that they migrate or at least change their position in the cells subsequent to multiplication. The density of distribution is well indicated in the drawing (Fig. I, A) which is made from a section of 6 /x. in thickness where all of the symbionts present have been sketched. The photograph on Plate I., Fig. i, is made from a typical cross-section through an entire insect, in which the sym- bionts appear as minute oval dots. CM Plate I., Figs. 2, 3 and 4, are reproduced several small areas of the fat-body viewed at higher magnification with their symbiont inclusions. Sketches of a few still more highly magnified symbionts are shown in Fig. i, B. Here it will be seen that they are extremely variable in size and shape, but always quite distinctly oval in form with one pole more acute and the opposite one more rounded. They vary in length from 1 0-16.7 /x by 5-6.5^ in width, with an average size of 10-12.5 /A by 5.7^. Budding forms are frequently present, the bud developing at the narrow pole and separating either as a small oval, or more rarely rounded, cell. The buds at the time of sepa- 306 CHARLES T. BRUES AND RUDOLPH W. GLASER. ration are of the same general shape as the cells from which they originate, but much smaller, varying in length from 6.2-6.7 /x. Some buds are nearly round, in which case they separate when considerably smaller, about 3.7 /x in diameter. .••••,-•• , - SE&F&aB ill ' ' ^^^SKM • -- ' -' * '" ^" • '- ' ~^<- ' • "' t^*- • "•"•" '• • ' -'-(•', L\'---L*l ' ^ —k/7' T; ,, FIG. i. a, Section of fat body showing symbionts in situ in overwintered nymphal Pulvinaria, X 260 ; b, isolated symbionts, stained with methylene blue and eosin, X 1,000. The internal structure of the symbionts shows very little uni- formity. Sections of tissue fixed in Zenker's solution and stained with methylene blue and eosin show one or several rather distinct deeply stained portions that resemble nuclei. When one is pres- ent it is usually central, when two or more are present, they are separated rather evenly from one another and from the cell wall. The remaining protoplasm shows irregular denser streaks and spots of irregular size, with usually one large, several smaller, or one large and one small, vacuole, with generally a number of minute clear spots that can be seen only after very close examina- tion. We have tried to bring out other details of structure by dif- ferent methods of fixation and stajning but without much success. Smears fixed by such methods as drying and submersion in abso- lute alcohol and subsequent staining with Giemsa's stain, Hanson's Protozoan stain and carbol-fuchsin, give quite similar pictures to those in sections which are disappointing from a cytological stand- point. Evidently the symbionts are of very delicate consistency. No chains of symbionts occur at this time (early April) except for the single attached buds, and no masses of contiguous ones are to be found. FUNGUS OCCURRING IN PULVINARIA INNUMERABILIS. 307 CHANGES IN THE SYMBIONTS AFTER HIBERNATION. Our observations on these are very fragmentary as our available time at this season was occupied with the cultural experiments described below. It appears quite certain, however, that the oval symbionts of the early spring Pnhnnaria nymphs undergo further multiplication and morphological changes in late April, and dur- ing May. A cursory examination of specimens about May 10 showed the symbionts in groups sometimes forming short strings, somewhat similar to the typical mycelium which was obtained in cultures. The picture at this time indicates cmite clearly the fungous nature of the yeast-like organisms just described, found before spring growth begins. % ISOLATION OF THE FUNGUS FROM PULVINARIA. Our first attempts to cultivate in artificial media the yeast-like cells present in Puh'inaria were made in early April. The over- wintered, partly grown scales were brought into the laboratory still attached to the maple twigs on which they occur. The scales can readily be detached from the twig by means of a sterile needle and allowed to fall upon a sterile microscope slide. The scales thus removed, were treated in several ways as experience had taught us that material of this sort is very apt to be contami- nated on the surface by various microorganisms. Some were treated with 85 per cent, alcohol for a few minutes, others rapidly passed through the flame of a Bunsen burner, and others were used without treatment, except to avoid contact with any un- sterile object. Our first media were potato agar and " sugar agar " which consisted of potato agar to which varying amounts of maple sugar (2l/2 per cent.- 20 per cent.) had been added. These tubes are readily inoculated by crushing the scale insect between two microscope slides and streaking the agar with a loop dipped in the body-juices thus extracted. It is also easy to drop the whole insects into culture tubes and then crush them on the agar by means of a dissecting needle. From a large series of tubes inoculated according to these methods, nearly one half showed after three days a good growth, white in color, spread- ing on the surface of the media. These colonies appeared to de- 3o8 CHARLES T. BRUES AND RUDOLPH W. GLASER. velop almost equally well in the greatly diverse concentrations of sugar and in the plain potato agar. A microscopic examina- tion at this time showed that nearly all the tubes in which growths occurred contained the same microorganism, and that only a few were contaminated by molds (PemcilUum) and bacteria. The abundant species showed large numbers of budding yeast cells like those in the living scale insects and the development of my- celium as well showing that the symbiont was a fungus and not a yeast as one might otherwise be led to believe from a study of the living insects, at this season of the year when only single budding cells occur in the fat body. Several of the colonies thus obtained were plated, found to be pure and sub-cultures were then made from these which have furnished the material for the description and cultural characters detailed below. Although the morphology of the organism in the living insects and in the cultures and the fact that it was recovered in such a large proportion of the cultures, left little doubt as to the identity of the two, we undertook some serological tests to corroborate if possible the conclusion based on morphological data. For this purpose, two rabbits were secured, inoculated with bouillon cultures of the fungus, and serum from each was tested with the cultures and also with the organisms in the living scale insects. The following table shows the doses used and the reac- tions of the rabbits. Date. Amount of Culture. Weight. Rabbit A. Rabbit B. April 13 3 c.c. 5 C.C. 5 c.c. 6 c.c. 6 c.c. 2185 gms. 2180 gms. 2080 gms. 2110 gms. 2070 gms. 1905 gms. 1910 gms. IQIO gms. 1895 gms. IQI=; gms. April 1 6 April 20 April 24 Anril 20 . One week later some blood was withdrawn from each rabbit and serum prepared. A precipitin test with the culture gave a positive reaction after four hours, and agglutination was very pronounced after one and one half hours as examined under the microscope. On account of the impossibility of securing suf- ficient material from the living scales, it was possible to try with FUNGUS OCCURRING IN PULVINARIA INNUMERABILIS. them only the agglutination test. With these the reaction was not so pronounced as with the yeast-like forms in culture, but nevertheless distinctly positive. Unfortunately by the time the animals had been immunized (early May) the number of yeast- like cells in the insects had decreased and the reaction could not be so readily observed as in the cultures, or so well as it might have been several weeks earlier in the spring when the insects contained innumerable, separated, oval cells. The data from the rabbit experiments has, however, convinced us that there can be practically no question that the organism cultivated is actually the one present in the insects. Furthermore, since we have never failed to observe it in living scales from this locality, and since Putnam (v. antca, p. 301) found it invariably present in Iowa, it is undoubtedly present regularly in Pnlvinaria inmimerabilis. CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FUNGUS. As stated at the outset, we wished to grow the symbiont on arti- ficial media, not only to describe it adequately, but to determine as completely as possible its physiological activities. In order to do this, sub-cultures from the original isolations were planted upon various media, such as are in general use by bacteriologists and mycologists. From these, the following observations were made. Growth on Solid Media. Potato Gelatine Colonies. — Growth rapid ; after 72 hours, cot- tony with flocculent elevated center and filamentous edge, diam- eter of center I mm., width of margin I mm. Liquefaction cup- shaped. Nutrient Gelatine Colonies. — Growth slow ; after 72 hours, rounded, with central elevation. Diameter 0.3 mm., with roundly lacerated edge. Liquefaction cup-shaped. Potato Agar Colonies. — Growth rapid; after 72 hours, fila- mentous, ciliate (sub-surface) or rounded (surface). Disk when present, smooth ; elevation convex ; edge of round colonies smooth, that of irregular colonies radiately filamentous or ciliate. Internal structure finely granular. Diameter 1.5-2.5 mm. Nutrient Agar Colonies. — Growth slow ; after 72 hours, round, 3IO CHARLES T. BRUES AND RUDOLPH W. GLASER. with smooth surface and convex elevation. Edge smooth ; inter- nal structure finely granular, with irregular central core. Diam- eter 0.6 mm. Potato Gelatine Stab. — Liquefaction begins in 48 hours ; growth best at tip, the line of puncture filiform ; liquefaction at first napi- form, becoming stratiform, surface umbonate. Medium un- changed. Nutrient Gelatine Stab. — Same, but liquefaction proceeds more slowly and is more nearly crateriform. Potato Agar Slant. — After 72 hours growth is abundant, spread- ing, densely rhizoid, convex. Color white, opaque, surface glis- tening, smooth. No odor, consistency viscid. Medium un- changed. Nutrient Agar Slant. — After 72 hours growth is moderate, beaded, with a few rhizoid colonies where medium is thin. Sur- face smooth, glistening. Color white, opaque. No odor, con- sistency butyrous. Medium unchanged. Locke's Agar Slant. — Growth like other agar slants, scanty, beaded, many rhizoid colonies, consistency butyrous. After a much longer incubation (four weeks) there is not a very heavy growth, but it is still more or less beaded and highly rhizoid on the sides and extending deep into the agar. Molisch's Agar Slant. — After 72 hours growth abundant, much like that on potato agar. Consistency very ropy. No pig- ment, even in old cultures. Potato Agar (with Yeast1) Slant. Growth after 72 hours abundant, like that on potato agar, but with fewer rhizoids. Potato (Pieces). — Colonies raised, slightly yellow, growth good. There is a trace of ammonia. Growth in Liquid Media. Nutrient Bouillon. — After 48 hours growth good; after 72 hours, no surface growth, no clouding and no odor, but with an abundant viscid sediment. No hydrogen sulphide is produced. Locke's Solution. — After 48 hours not very much growth; after 72 hours, no surface growth, no clouding and no odor, but with an abundant viscid sediment. After a much longer incuba- 1 Made by adding 2 per cent, of thoroughly crushed bread yeast. FUNGUS OCCURRING IN PULVINARIA IN NUMERABILIS. 3! I tion at room temperature (four weeks), the growth becomes very flocculent and adheres to the surface of the glass where it is finely dotted with very dark, pigmented spots. Moli-sctis Solution. — After 48 hours rather good growth ; after 72 hours, no clouding or surface growth, but with very abundant, slightly viscid sediment, no odor. Sugars. — We have grown the organism in six sugars : lactose, dextrose, mannite, saccharose, levulose and maltose. None of these, however, furnish any differentiating characters ; in all there is good growth without the formation of gas, but with heavy viscid sedimentation, and after prolonged incubation, the development of a distinct surface film. Milk. — Growth is abundant, and after four to six days incuba- tion the milk begins to clear at the top, sediment collecting in the lower half of the liquid. Litmus milk becomes distinctly red at the time of clearing. After about a week, the liquid becomes whey, with a sediment at the bottom of the tube. Anaerobic Media. — We have not been able to cultivate the or- ganism under anaerobic conditions. PRODUCTION OF ENZYMES. Protease. — Gelatine is rapidly liquefied. Milk cultures, tested after 20 days, give a positive reaction with MgSO4, NaOH and CuSO4, showing the presence of peptones. Lipase. — After both 20 and 30 days' incubation, cultures in either whole or skimmed milk give positive reactions. There is a strong odor of butyric acid. Ethyl butyrate is also decomposed with the formation of butyric acid. The 3O-day culture was tested with pyrogallol and stannic chloride and gave a positive reaction also. Diastase. — Bouillon cultures after ten days' incubation were treated with starch paste at incubator temperature for 48 hours ; after this, Fehling's solution was reduced, demonstrating the presence of sugar. MORPHOLOGY OF THE CULTIVATED FUNGUS. The cultures show during the first few days only yeast-like budding cells like those seen in the early spring in the fat-body 312 CHARLES T. BRUES AND RUDOLPH W. GLASER. of the insects. These vary considerably in size, ranging from 6-i6;u in length and from 3-9^ in width. They are thus more variable in size in culture than in the insect and generally more elongate. The maximum length is about the same, but there are more smaller cells in culture, due no doubt to the fact that during rapid development the buds separate when less fully developed than in the insect. The internal structure when stained, appears to be the same as that of the forms in the fat-body described above. After prolonged incubation on solid media the formation of a distinct mycelium always occurs. This is at first wThite, but after several wreeks, blackened spots sometimes become visible, due to the development of pigment in the walls of certain groups of cells. This occurs especially on potato-agar. In at least one liquid medium, Locke's solution, the same blackened cells develop. FIG. 2. Portion of mycelial growth of symbionts after prolonged incuba- tion (10 days) in liquid bouillon medium. Magnified about 400 diameters. The mycelium (Fig. 2) is branched and of quite irregular form. The larger hyphse measure from 6-i$p. in diameter, broad and narrow cells frequently alternating or with one size interpolated in series of the other. Some cells, usually single ones or pairs, more rarely several in succession are heavily pig- FUNGUS OCCURRING IN PULVINARIA INNUMERABILIS. 313 merited and appear very dark in fresh material ; a pair of these are frequently rather closely fused to form an oval body. The contents of these dark cells are highly granular, with the proto- plasmic mass clearly separated from the cell wall by a hyaline layer. Toward the tips the hyphse are usually much more slender, pale in color and with only scattered granules in the protoplasm. The method of branching is entirely dichotomous, many lateral branches along the larger hyphse consisting of but a single cell although both near the tips and on the larger hyphae there are many long branches which again subdivide. Very rarely there is an anastomosis of the finer apical branches formed by lateral prolongations of the cells. In preparations we have had difficulty in recognizing the conidiophores, but free conidia are present in old cultures. They measure from 8-io/x in length and are broadly oval in form, very nearly transparent and without color. SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF THE CULTIVATED FUNGUS. We have been unable to deal with this matter in a satisfactory way owing to our un familiarity with cryptogamic botany and must leave it for consideration by an experienced mycologist. It is very evident that the symbiotic organism in Pulvinaria cannot be regarded as a Saccharomycete, although its morphology and method of multiplication in the insect does not preclude such an assumption. Indeed, the symbionts that have been observed in other Coccids and in most other Homoptera as well have usually been regarded as yeast-like organisms and commonly referred to the genus Saccharomyces or to new genera located in the same group of plants. Berlese ('06) has placed the organism which he cultivated from Ccroplastcs in the genus Oospora, thus recog- nizing it as a true fungus, but hitherto, with the possible exception of Pierantoni ('10) no one else seems to have been successful in growing in vitro any of the symbionts of coccids. The species which we have obtained from Pnh'inaria seems to be quite similar to the one described and figured by Berlese from Ceroplastcs so far as the general morphology of the yeast-like cells in the coccid and the mycelial structure in culture. Neither species, however, has been sufficiently studied to make a more posi- 3 H CHARLES T. BRUES AND RUDOLPH W. GLASER. tive statement. Dr. O. F. Burger kindly examined some of our cultures and has expressed the opinion that they probably repre- sent a species of Dematium or a related genus. Such morpho- logical characters as we have been able to make out agree well with descriptions of this genus to which it may be tentatively re- ferred. PHYSIOLOGICAL ROLE OF THE SYMBIONT. As stated at the outset, we have attempted to determine the physiological behavior of the Pulvinaria symbiont in culture to ascertain in what way it may affect the metabolism of the coccid. Contrary to what occurs in the case of most yeasts, this or- ganism produced no gas in media made from any of the sugars in which it was grown. This is quite what might be expected as the coccid tissues are undoubtedly rich in sugars and any organ- ism producing gas in the presence of such substances could not be tolerated in the body of the coccid. On the other hand a diastatic ferment is produced in quite ap- preciable quantities. Whether this bears any relation to the metabolism of the coccid is not entirely clear. In the adipose tissue and body liquids, starch is probably not present to any con- siderable extent, although in the large quantities of plant sap in- gested by the coccids there must be substances upon which this ferment might act. It has been shown also by Biisgen ('91) that certain modifications are produced in the tissues of the food plants of Coccids at the point where the mouth setfe are thrust into the plant. These modifications appear to be induced by se- cretions actually injected into the plant tissue by the insects and they may act in liquefying or in partly digesting already liquid or semi-liquid material, before it is withdrawn by the insect. It is quite possible therefore that a diastatic ferment might act in two possible ways in aiding the digestion of the coccid. If freed in the blood, it might either pass into the alimentary tract, there to act upon ingested food, or it might be taken up by the salivary glands to be later injected into the plant and thus act as an extra- intestinal digestive agent. Such extra-intestinal digestion is known to occur in several diverse insects, although in these cases the ferments are no doubt elaborated directly by the salivary glands. FUNGUS OCCURRING IN PULVINARIA INNUMERABILIS. 3!$ We have also clearly shown that a proteolytic enzyme and a lipase are produced abundantly by the Pulvinaria symbiont. The possibilities for these to influence the digestion and metabolism of the coccid are more diverse than those presented by the pres- ence of diastase. Both, particularly the lipase, must act upon the adipose cells in which the symbionts occur. We might therefore suppose that they assist in the rapid breaking down of this tissue at the time of maturity when the eggs of the Pulvinaria are rapidly developed. That they may assist in digestion, either in the body or through the agency of secretions injected into the plant is also quite possible, although such indirect action must undoubtedly be secondary if it occurs at all. THE GENERAL NATURE OF THE RELATION BETWEEN SYMBIONT AND COCCID. The symbionts have gradualy come to be regarded rather gen- erally as truly symbiotic organisms, although those who first studied them naturally assumed that their presence indicated some sort of parasitism. There are several reasons why it is dif- ficult to believe that they are actually parasitic. In the first place, not only in Puhnnaria, but in the other species in which they have been found, they are universally present in all the individuals of a species in approximately equal numbers. Many true parasites, e.g., certain Nematode worms, the Protozoan parasites of human malaria, etc., commonly appear with great frequency in the bodies of their hosts, but their occurrence never includes all the individ- uals of a host species, except at certain times and places where parasitism is unusually heavy and assumes the form of an epi- demic. In 'such cases also, the affected population is not in a healthy condition and species so generally affected cannot be ex- pected to represent ones well fitted to survive and become abun- dant. Pulvinaria and other Coccids certainly cannot be placed in such a category. On the other hand the presence of detrimental parasites results in tissue changes or disturbances of metabolism that can be recognized. Such can be seen in the behavior of the fat-body in Pulvinaria and other genera ( Sulc, '11), but as has just been said this is most readily regarded as beneficial rather 316 CHARLES T. BRUES AND RUDOLPH W. GLASER. than detrimental as the fat is not broken down until the time that it would normally disintegrate to supply nourishment for the de- veloping eggs of the coccids. Without any definite indication of pathological changes, it seems impossible, therefore, to regard the universally present symbionts as harmful parasites. It has also been suggested that they may represent innocuous or indifferent parasites and it is not so easy to distinguish between these and true symbiotic or benign organisms from their effect on the coccids. As a matter of fact it seems necessary to regard all three as steps in an evolutionary process, harmful parasites in their first association, later as innocuous ones and finally as true symbionts. These will follow one another as the host adapts itself to withstand or nullify any ill effects of the parasite until it finally is able to utilize the products of the intruder to further its own metabolic processes. Thus it seems reasonable to regard these three types of asso- ciation as not clearly distinct from one another, but as connected by intergrades. Since, however, there is good reason to believe that the pro- duction of diastase, protease and lipase by the symbionts may serve to benefit the coccids, the possibility of real symbiosis can- not be excluded. There is one point, however, which needs further study. By a minute study of the changes in the tissue of the food-plant ad- jacent to the proboscis of the feeding Coccid, it should be pos- sible to gain much additional evidences upon the changes which undoubtedly occur in such tissue. This we have not had oppor- tunity to undertake. Why the disintegration of the fat-body is delayed till the proper time in the life-cycle of the coccid also is not clear. Since, however, changes in the vegetative character of the symbiotic fungus are initiated in the late spring, it seems probable that they may determine to some extent the quantities of enzymes produced. On the other hand it is evident that the coccid is able to inhibit any excess development of the symbiont as the number of symbiont cells remains very uniform and never seems to increase beyond certain bounds, quite a different condi- FUNGUS OCCURRING IN PULVINARIA INNUMERABILIS. 317 tion from that obtained among pathogenic parasitic microor- ganisms.1 This indicates a nice physiological balance between the coccid and symbiont and is another reason for considering this a case of true mutualism. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Berlese, Am. '06 Sopra una nuova specie mucidinea parassita del Ceroplastes nisei. Redia, Vol. 3, PP- 8-15. Breest, F. '14 Zur Kenntnis der Symbionteniibertragung bei viviparen Cocciden und bei Psylliden. Arch. f. Protistenk., Vol. 24, pp. 263—276, 2 Taf. Buchner, P. 'n Ueber intrazellulare Symbionten bei zuckersaugenden Insekten und ihre Vererbung. SB. Ges. Morph. Physiol. Miinchen, Vol. 27, pp. 89—96. '12 Studien an intracellularen Symbionten. I. Die intracellularen Sym- bionten der Hemipteren. Arch. f. Protistenk., Vol. 26, pp. i— 116. Taf. 12. Biisgen, M. '91 Der Honigtau, biologische Studien an Pflanzen und Pflanzenlausen. Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturwiss., Vol. 25, pp. 339—428, Taf. 2. Howard, L. 0. 'oo The Two Most Abundant Pulvinarias on Maple. Bull. Div. Entom. U. S. Dept. Agric., n. s., No. 22, pp. 7-16. Leydig, F. '54 Zur Anatomic von Coccus hesperidum'. Zeits. wiss. Zcb'l., Vol. 5, pp. i — 12, Figs. 6 Lindner, P. '95 Ueber eine in Aspidiotus nerii parasitisch lebende Apiculatus-hefe. Centralbl. f. Bakt., Vol. i, pp. 782—787, Figs. g. '07 Das Vorkommen der parasitischen Apiculatus-hefe. Wcchenschr. f. Brauerei. Mark, E. L. '77 Beitrage zur Anatomic und Histologie der Pflanzenlause, insbesondere der Cocciden. Arch. Mikr. Anat., Vol. 13, pp. 31-86, Taf. 3. Mercier. '07 Recherches sur les bacteroides des blattides. Arch. f. Protistenk., Vol. 9, pp. 346-358, Taf. 2. Metchnikoff, I. '84 Ueber eine Sprosspilzkrankheit der Daphniden. Arch. f. path. Anat. u. Physiol. u. f. klin. Med., Vol. 96, p. 177. Moniez, R. '87 Sur uti champignon parasite du Lecanium hesperidiim (Lcciniascns polymorphns nobis). Bull. Soc. Zool. France, Vol. 12, pp. 150—152. 1 In this connection it is interesting to note that we found antibodies devel- oped abundantly in rabbits immunized against our cultures of the Pulvinaria symbionts. 3l8 CHARLES T. BRUES AND RUDOLPH W. GLASER. Pierantoni, U. 'og L'origine di alcuni organi della Icerya purchasi e la simbiosi ereditaria. Bull. Soc. Napoli, Vol. 23, pp. 147-150. 'ioa Origine e struttura del corpo ovale del Dacty'.opius citri e del corpo verde del Aphis brassies:. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, Vol. 24, pp. 1-4. 'iob Ulteriore osservazione sulla simbiosi ereditaria degli Omotteri. Zool. Anz.. Vol. 36, pp. 96-111, Figs. 10. '12 Studi sullo sviluppo d'Icerya pnrchasi Mask. Part I. Origine ed evolu- zione degli element! sessuali femminili. Arch. Zool. Ital., Vol. 5, pp. '133 Studi sullo sviluppo d'Icerya pnrchasi Mask. Part II. Origine ed evo- luzione degli organi sessuali maschili. Arch. Zool. Ital., Vol. 7, pp. 243-274, Tav. 3. 'i3b Struttura ed evoluzione dell'Organo simbiotico di Pseudococcus citri Risso e ciclo biologico del Coccidomyces dactylopii Buchner. Arch. f. Protistenk., Vol. 31, pp. 300-316, Taf. 3. Putnam, J. D. '80 Biological and Other Notes on Coccidse. Proc. Davenport Acad. Sci., Vol. 2, pt. 2, pp. 293-347, I pi. Sanders, J. G. '05 The Cottony Maple Scale. Circ. Bur. Entom., U. S. Dept., n. s., No. 64, pp. 6. Shinji, G. 0. '19 Embryology of Coccids, with Special Reference to the Ovary, Origin and Differentiation of the Germ Cells, Germ Layers. Rudiments of the Mid-gut, and the Intracellular Symbiotic Organism. Journ. Morphol., Vol. 33, pp. 73-167, Pis. 20. Sulc, K. '07 Kerminicola kermesina n. gen., n. sp., und physbkermina n. sp., neue Mikroendosymbiotiker der Cocciden. SB. kgl. bohm. Gesellsch. Wiss. Prag., Jahrg. 1906, art. 19, pp. 6, Figs. 2. 'n Pseudovitellus und ahnliche Gewebe der Homopteren sind wohnstatten symbiotischen Saccharomyceten. SB. kgl. Bohm. Gessellsch. Wiss. Prag. Jahrg. 1910, art. 3, pp. 39, Figs. 18. Teodoro, G. '12 Richerche -sull'emolinfa dei lecanini. Atti Acad. ven.-trent.-istr., Anno 5, pp. 72-84. '16 Osservazione sulla ecologia delle cocciniglie con speciale riguardo alia morfologia e alia fisiologia de questi insetti. Redia, Vol. 11, pp. 129-209, Figs. 3, Pis. 3. '18 Alcune osservazione sui saccaromiceti del Lecanium persiccc Fab. Re dia. Vol. 13, pp. 1-5. Vejdovsky, F. '07 Bemerkungen zum Aufsatze des Herrn Dr. H. Sulc ueber Kerminicola kermesina. SB. kgl. bohm. Gesellsch. Wiss. Prag, Jahrg. 1906, art. pp. 6-12, Fig. i. 32O CHARLES T. CRUES AND RUDOLPH W. CLASER. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE I. 1. Cross-section of overwintering Coccid, showing distribution of symbionts in the fat-body. Low magnification. 2. Portion of fat-body at higher magnification with symbionts included in adipose cells. Magnification about 400 diameters. 3. Similar portion, showing more abundant symbionts. Magnification about 400 diameters. 4. Symbionts in adipose tissue which is apparently in prccess of disinte- gration. Magnification about 400 diameters. 5. Smear from culture of symbionts in liquid medium after 48 hours incu- bation. Magnification about 400 diameters. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL XL. C. T. BRUES AND R. W. GL'SER. 322 CHARLES T. BRUES AND RUDOLPH W. GLASER. PLATE II. 6. Form of young colonies of symbiont after 72 hours incubation on potato agar plate, viewed by reflected light. Magnified 5 diameters. 7. Group of colonies of symbiont on nutrient agar after 10 days incuba- tion. Magnified 4 diameters. Note small size of colonies and paucity of processes. 8. Group of colonies on the plate illustrated in figure 6, at same magnifi- cation, viewed by transmitted light, to show internal structure and manner in which radial processes develop. 9. Development of mycelia in liquid culture of symbiont after prolonged incubation of 10 days. Magnified about 60 diameters. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XL. PLATE II C T. BRUES AND R. W GLASER. 324 CHARLES T. BRUES AND RUDOLPH W. GLASER. PLATE III. 10. Gross appearance of colonies of symbiont after prolonged incubation (12 days) on potato agar. Viewed by reflected light to show peripheral proc- esses. Magnified 3 diameters. 11. Portion of same plate at same magnification, viewed by transmitted light, to show internal mycelial structure. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL XL. PI AIE III. C 1 BRUES AND R. W. GLASER. THE MIGRATION OF THE PRIMARY SEX-CELLS OF FUNDULUS HETEROCLITUS. A. RICHARDS AND JAMES T. THOMPSON, ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA. The origin of the primary sex-cells in vertebrates is a problem which has received considerable attention during late years. Ex- tensive summaries of the literature upon this subject may be found in the articles of Allen, 1911, and Jordan, 1917. Since no complete agreement with regard to details has as yet been reached, it is perhaps desirable to review briefly the earlier investigations, and to point out any discrepancies in the results already obtained which would seem to require further study. It would seem that more evidence is necessary to warrant safe conclusions on the matter. Waldeyer (18/0) first described the differentiation of the sex- cells from the " germinal epithelium " of a four-day chick. His view of sex-cell origin from the mesothelium covering the meso- nephros was accepted at the time, and has been supported even by recent investigators. In 1880 Nussbaum advanced a rival theory as a result of his observations on the embryology of the trout and frog. He held that the sex-cells were of blastomeric origin, and further that there was an extra-regional segregation and a migra- tion to the germ gland. Weismann (1886) popularized this idea in his work on the " continuity of the germ plasm." Since the time of Nussbaum the evidence against the " germinal epithelium" idea has steadily increased. A number of investi- gators (Hoffman, 1892; Eigenmann, 1892; Beard, 1900; Woods, 1902; Allen, 1906, 1907, 1911; Dodds, 1910; Swift, 1914, 1915, 1916; Jordan, 1917) have failed to find any conditions not in ac- cord with Nussbaum's theory. However other recent workers (Firket, 1914, 1920; von Beren- berg-Gossler, 1914) have been unable to accept this interpretation of the activities of these cells. According to their viewpoint, the 325 326 A. RICHARDS AND JAMES T. THOMPSON. migration of the primary sex-cells is reduced to a mere phylo- genetic vestige and is without any great genetic significance. Firket speaks of the primordial germ-cells as " primary genital cells " which, after migration disintegrate in the germ gland, being replaced by the true of " secondary genital cells " which arise from the peritoneal cells of the germ gland. Von Beren- berg-Gossler regards 'them as mesodermal wandering cells of late endodermal origin, and describes them as contributory in the for- mation of the Wolffian ducts. In our study of this general problem in Fundiilus a number of questions have arisen as separate phases of the matter. The blas- tomeric origin of the sex-cells, their path and method of migra- tion, and their history after reaching the germ gland are all mat- ters requiring separate study. This paper has, as its special aim, the definite identification of the primary sex-cells and the deter- mination of the germinal path in Fundiilus embryos ; that is, it is concerned with the second question listed. As yet our data upon the first question is inadequate and we have not enough material for a study of the third. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The material for this investigation consisted of the eggs of the teleost, Fundiilus hctcroclitus and was collected at Woods Hole in the summer of 1919. Care was exercised to insure an approxr mately uniform fertilization of the ova by mixing them with chopped testis. Two extensive series w^ere preserved during the summer. Although accurate records were kept as to the age of each group, they are of only jiominal value in this investigation, since environmental and individual differences cause variations in development of embryos of like age. All embryos in these two series were fixed in Bouin's fluid and stained by the familiar " long method " for iron haematoxylin. Other material in various fixatives was also available for com- parison. No trouble was experienced in obtaining slides which show clearly the cytological characteristics throughout the series as far as described. A majority of sections were cut 4 micra thick, but some were cut 5, 6 and / micra. The thickness of all sections MIGRATION OF SEX-CELLS OF FUNDULUS HETEROCLITUS. 327 was of course recorded. Most of the observations were made from serial transverse sections because they show the dorso- ventral position of the sex-cells more clearly in relation to the outstanding features of the developing embryo than do those cut longitudinally. OBSERVATIONS. Criteria of the Primary Sc.r-cclls. The enumeration of criteria for any group of cells as distin- guished from all others in a series of embryos is a task which promises but doubtful results. There can be no question however that the primary sex-cells do have distinctive characteristics which make them easily recognizable, during the resting stages, to one who has had them under observation. It is not always feasible positively to identify the cells during division. Throughout the migration period these cells maintain the same general characteristics. There are, to be sure, slight variations in the ratio between the nuclear and cytoplasmic elements, in size and in the character and arrangement of the chromatin granules ; but these features may be observed only on close inspection, rather than in a preliminary study of the primary sex-cells. The primary sex-cells vary in diameter from 9 to 128 micra. As contrasted with other cells they are spherical or ovoid with very definite cell outlines. The nuclei conform to the general shape of the cell body within which they are located. The cyto- plasmic content is always clearer and takes less stain than that of the surrounding cells. Likewise the achromatin of the nuclei is quite clear, allowing the chromatic granules to stand out in bold contrast. The limn network is directly beneath the nuclear mem- brane, and due to this arrangement the chromatin granules are distributed peripherally over the nucleus. This peripheral ar- rangement of the chromatin is a constant distinguishing charac- teristic not to be mistaken, for it is never produced in any other cells. The linin network is connected to one, or more frequently to two nucleoli which are located near the center of the nucleus. No peculiar invagination of the nuclear membrane, such as was reported by Dodds (1910), was observed in Fundnhis. An un- usually large centrosome is, as a rule plainly visible in the cyto- 328 A. RICHARDS AND JAMES T. THOMPSON. plasm. In older embryos these cells may be recognized by their size, since they are larger than any others which may occur in the same region. Figures i, 2, 3 and 3a are surface views of typical sex-cells. The peripheral arrangement of the chromatin has been empha- sized in drawing Fig. <\b, by focusing upon a level with the center of the nucleus. Fig. 40 was obtained by focusing higher on the surface of the same nucleus. Thus Fig. 46 represents the chro- matin knots in an optical section ; wrhile Fig. 40 shows them in a surface view. If Fig. 40 were superimposed upon Fig. 4^ the resulting composite \vould be a cell not unlike that represented in Fig. 3, except that in the latter the knots have taken the familiar granular appearance. A positive identification of the primary sex-cells was first made in a 24-day embryo. From this stage their path was followed backwards, through all the intermediate phases of migration, until they were no longer evident. It is considered expedient to describe their position in the 24-day stage, so that no question shall arise later as to the exact nature of the migrating cells whose course is to be traced. Having established the identification of the sex-cells in the late embryo (24 days) their migration may be traced from their earliest appearance up to this stage. Although this sequence is contrary to our experimental procedure, it is believed to be more easily followed by the reader. zj-Day Embryo. 5.75 Mm. Long, — At the 24-day stage the sex-cells lie in the sac-like anlagen of the germ glands, which have formed dorsally and slightly laterally to the hind gut. Here they are unquestionably recognizable (Fig. 5). These cells are numerically inferior to the peritoneal cells which surround them and which are beginning to take a very active part in the forma- tion of the future sex gland. The size and position of the germ gland anlagen in relation to the embryo is shown in Figs. 6 and 7. No attempt has been made to ascertain the average number of sex-cells which are present during this stage. Whether these are the true sex-cells as maintained by many investigators, or whether they later disintegrate and become re- placed by "secondary genital cells" as indicated by Firket (1914, MIGRATION OF SEX-CELLS OF FUXDULUf, HETEROCLITUS. 329 1920) and others, is a question which may be omitted from the present discussion. Observations of the Germinal Path. From many available embryos the following were selected for consideration because they constitute representative stages, and are essential to a clear understanding of the migration of the primary sex-cells. Embryos from 46 to 50 Hours. — Three embryos of this very early stage, designated in our material as B' 2iX, B' 2iL and B' 23 respectively were carefully studied. Others were available but they were used merely as checks on the three which are reported. The position of the sex-cells at this stage is most striking. There is a wide range of distribution in each embryo. The most anterior of the sex-cells \vere invariably farther along the ger- minal path than were the more posterior ones of the same embryo. To demonstrate this fact Fig. 20 has been drawn ; it is an exact outline diagram of B' 2iX, reconstructed by the most accurate means possible. The lateral extent of the neural tube, of the mesoderm and the positions of the sex-cells were determined by measuring from the median line. The thickness 'of the sections was known. These determinations were plotted on millimeter paper and the outline filled in as indicated by the plotted guides. The exact antero-posterior positions of the sex-cells were deter- mined by counting the sections of the serially sectioned embryo. Figs. 9, 10 and 11 are outline drawings from the embryo B' 2iX which was sectioned transversely, and Fig. 12 from B' 2iL which was sectioned longitudinally. These drawings show the exact positions of the sex-cells more clearly than would be possible in a written description. The letters A, B and C on Fig. 20 indicate the positions of the sex-cells shown in Figs, n, 10 and 9 respectively. Fig. 11 illus- trates clearly the position of the primary sex-cell in the extra- embryonic region at the posterior of the embryo. Four sex-cells are shown in Fig. 12 as being lateral to the undifferentiated endo- dermal cell mass and ventral to the elongating tail. In Figs. 9 and 10 the migration has progressed proportionally to the devel- 330 A. RICHARDS AND JAMES T. THOMPSON. D TEXT FIG. A. Semidiagrammatic transection through the posterior of the 5o-hour embryo B' 23. The spots indicate the positions in which the greater portion of the sex-cells are found at this stage. The rectangle includes the area which is drawn in detail in Fig. 8. X 225. •TEXT FIG. B. Transection from the iO5-hour embryo, showing the first decided advance over the stage illustrated in Text Fig. A. Here the gut, Wolffiau ducts and the ccelome have taken form. The rectangle includes the area drawn in Figs. 14, 15 and 16. X 225. TEXT FIG. C. Showing progress of development after (5 days. Figs. 17 and 18 are detailed drawings of the area included in the rectangle. X 225. TEXT FIG. D. Transection through the developing gonads of the g-day embryo, B 34. The sex-cells are collected ventral to the Wolffian ducts. The dorsal mesentery shows a decided change from conditions found in earlier stages. X 90. TEXT FIG. E. From the 1 3-day embryo B 42, showing the effect of the developing swim bladder. X 90. MIGRATION OF SEX-CELLS OF FUNDULUS HETEROCLITUS. 33! opment of the embryo at the regions represented. The sex-cells lie between the periblast and the endoderm in Fig. 10 ; while in Fig. 9 their position is below the mesoderm and lateral to the de- veloping hind gut. The positions of the most anterior sex-cells in embryo B' 23 are indicated in Text Fig. A. The rectangle in this text figure in- cludes the region which is drawn in detail in Fig. 8. Here a pri- mary sex-cell is shown which is entirely free from any possible connection with the lateral mesoderm. It can scarcely be said to lie in, but rather lateral to the gut endoderm. It is half buried in the periblast. This fact suggests intimate relation with this nu- tritive layer. The cell figured is one of the few ever found with an irregular outline. This might seem to suggest amoeboid activ- ity, but this type is so extremely rare that it may be neglected from consideration. Fig. 13 from B' 23 shows a sex-cell which is .06 mm. to the rear of the one just mentioned. It is plainly in that portion of the lateral mesoderm which will develop into the splanchnic layer upon the formation of the ccelome (about the third day). Observations of these early embryos show several important facts. The primary sex-cells are as truly characteristic and as easily recognizable as any found in the germ glands of later stages. They are located in the posterior half of the embryo, becoming gradually more numerous as the anterior part of this region is approached. Laterally they range from the extra-embryonic region to within the lateral mesoderm and the edge of the de- veloping gut. In general their progress along the germinal path is directly proportional to the development of the embryo. lOj-Hour Embryo. — Text Fig. B shows the relative positions of the sex-cells in the 105-hour embryo, B' 26. As in previous cases the rectangle indicates the area from which Figs. 14, 15 and 16 were drawn. These three figures from the same embryo illus- trate the full extent of the migration at this stage. On the left side of the embryo the sex-cells are found scattered all along the splanchnic mesoderm, from the region very near the split in the lateral mesoderm (Fig. 14) to that at the side of the gut (Fig. 16). On the right of Text Fig. B the sex-cells on the opposite side of the embryo are shown massed lateral to the gut. Should 332 A. RICHARDS AND JAMES T. THOMPSON. the lateral mesoderm fuse above the gut, the formation of the dorsal mesentery would result and the position of the sex-cells would be identical to that found in later stages. Ex. Figs. 17 and 18. 6-Day Embryo. 2.6 Mm. Long. — Text Fig. C represents the position of the sex-cells as found in the 6-day embryo. At this time they are apparently in a state of rapid migration from the loose mesenchyme dorsal to the hind gut, to the positions ventral to the Wolffian ducts. Because of the laterally compressed con- dition of the embryo, which was due to the softness of the paraffin at the time of cutting, the transections are not exactly typical. However this embryo has been used since it represents most clearly the transitional stage between those figured in Text Fig. B and D. Figs. 17 and 18 are detailed drawings of the 6-day stage. They illustrate the complete extent of the migration in the mesentery. The majority of the sex-cells were in the dorso- ventral position indicated by the cells in Fig. 17, while only a few were in that shown in Fig. 18. The more anterior sex-cells were farther along in the germinal path (being nearer the Wolffian ducts) than the more posterior ones. The position of the germ gland anlagen ventral to the Wolffian ducts is illustrated in Text Fig. D. i^-Day Embryo. 4 Mm. Long. — Text Fig. E represents the position of the germ gland anlagen as found in the 1 3-day embryo B 42 (4 mm.). The rectangle in Text Fig. E includes the region which is drawn in detail in Fig. 19. Rarely more than one sex- cell is found at this stage in any one section of a germ gland anlage. The anlagen are little more than protuberances from the peritoneum, containing relatively few peritoneal cells (al- though the sex-cells are surrounded by them) and they have not yet reached the future position of the gonads. It is obvious that the sex-cells which are contained in the peritoneal sac are all pushed ventrally by the developing swim bladder. One cell was observed in the position indicated by the cross in Text Fig. E. It was not included in the peritoneal sac and seemed apparently helpless in the loose mesenchyme ventral to the Wolffian duct. This cell had been delayed in reaching this position, had not been included in the sac, and in consequence of this fact it had not been MIGRATION OF SEX-CELLS OF FUNDULUS HETEROCLITUS. 3^3 influenced by the action of the swim bladder. One of these lost cells is shown in the mesentery in Text Fig. D. The future of such cells is an open question. A count of the sex-cells in this embryo, B 42, gave 64. There was never any question of recognizing these cells, for no cells of doubtful character were observed. Four of these cells found were in the mesentery above the gut, and one was in the loose tissue ventral to the Wolffian duct. No cases of disintegrating sex-cells were observed in our Fnndnlus material, although such conditions are reported by some investigators. The 2^-day embryo shows the next advance in the germinal path. This stage has been considered perviously in connection with " Criteria of the Primary Sex-Cells." TABLE OF AVERAGE DIAMETERS. For the purposes of this investigation the diameters in micra were found by averaging the long and short dimensions of the cell and nucleus. By this method a number of representative sex- cells of embryos in all stages of migration were measured under the oil immersion and the following results were obtained. Embryo. Average. i.B'2iX (embryonic region) 46 hour6! Cell IO.O IO.S o 6 10 4 IO I 2.B'2iX (extra-embryonic) 46 hours Nucleus. . Cell . 6.0 12.8 6.4 II. 2 5-6 II. 2 5-2 II. e 5-8 117 3.B'26 105 hours Nucleus. . Cell . . . 6.0 Q.Q 6.1 II. O 6.5 10.7 6-5 10.4 IO.2 6.3 IO A 4.B 30 6 days . . Nucleus. . Cell . 6.1 12. T, 6.2 12.4 6.2 12.7 6.1 II. 2 5.8 6.1 122 S.B 42 13 days Nucleus. . Cell 6.6 ii. =; 6.6 II. 5 7-0 I I.Q 6.2 IO.7 Q.O 1 1.<; 6.6 II. 2 6.B 65 24 days . . Nucleus. . Cell . 7.2 i i.s 6.6 11. 8 8.0 IO.2 7.8 IO A 5-7 0 O 6.3 9C 6.9 IO A Nucleus. . 6.1 7.8 7-3 7.0 6.2 6.6 7.2 Multiplication of tlic Sc.v-cclls. The early distribution of the sex-cells (Figs. 20 and 21) is best explained, we believe, in connection with the streaming of the organ-forming substances which contribute materials to the em- bryo body. In most processes of this nature not only cell trans- J34 A- RICHARDS AND JAMES T. THOMPSON. portation but cell division takes part. Certain workers with other forms have held that the movement of the cells into the anlagen of the gonads is not the only factor responsible for their increase, but that multiplication actually occurs during the period of trans- location. Mitotic figures have never been observed in Fundulus among the recognizable sex-cells which are within the embryo, although a most thorough search has been made for them in many embryos at all stages of development. A count of these cells in several specimens in various stages reveals the fact that there is a tendency for their number to vary more or less from the average established (67). However there is not enough variation to con- vince one that there is any marked multiplication of the sex-cells during the migration period. These facts naturally lead to the conclusion that the first period of multiplication takes place in the extra-embryonic region. In the description of the earliest embryos referred to in this report and in the figures presented, emphasis has been placed upon the fact that the primary sex-cells in any one embryo are not in the same phase of migration. Furthermore observations upon all stages show that development becomes more advanced anteriorly than posteriorly. It is of further interest that in em- bryos containing sex-cells both within and without the body, the number falls below the average for older stages. These condi- tions and the fact that no sex-cells have been found in any region other than that already described, suggest the explanation that these cells multiply in the extra-embryonic region. Indeed the four sex-cells illustrated in Fig. 12 may indicate recent cell divi- sion by their very association. If they are not of recent and iden- tical origin they would probably be farther separated than they are in this figure. These views are presented only tentatively, due to lack of sufficient material to warrant definite statements on this multiplication ; for no mitotic figures have ever been seen in the extra-embryonic region to substantiate this belief in a divi- sion as suggested. Our material has not permitted a careful study of this matter. However considering the longitudinal distribu- tion of the sex-cells in the earliest available embryos, and their tendency to approach a common average number in each indi- vidual, one is inclined to regard them as being of unquestionably MIGRATION OF SEX-CELLS OF FUNDULUS HETEROCLITUS. 335 earlier origin than it has beeli possible thus far to trace them. It seems not unreasonable to believe that the fore-runners of these cells have been segregated at a time very early in the de- velopment of the germ ring. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. This paper attempts to identify definitely the sex-cells which are present in the 24-day embryo as the " primordial germ cells " of previous writers, or as the " primary genital cells " of Firket. It also presents evidence on the manner in which these cells reach their final destination. The method of embryo formation in the teleosts has a bearing upon the question of sex-cell migration in Fnndulus. It will be recalled that the anterior portion of the embryo is formed from the head fold, which may perhaps be nothing more than a thick- ening on the germ ring ; while the body or posterior portion is to be regarded as the result of the developmental process termed concrescence. It is only this latter portion of the body that is involved in the formation of the sex-cells. The eggs have a large amount of yolk, and a very distinct germ ring. As cell proliferation takes place, the germ ring moves gradually down- ward over the yoke mass. The primitive streak moves back- ward and receives the converging limbs of the germ ring posteriorly. The material of the halves of the germ ring, after fusion, is differentiated into the embryo posterior to the head process. The rudiments of the embryo body are not clearly marked out in Fnndulus until the germ ring is completely closed. The earliest primary sex-cells which we have located are from embryos in which the germ ring has been closed but a few hours, and in which the tail is just beginning to elongate. Their posi- tion in the extra-embryonic region lateral to the undifferen- tiated endodermal cell mass at the posterior half of the embryo is indicated in Fig. 20. In other embryos of the same stage of development, numerous primary sex-cells are present in prac- tically the identical relation to the embryo that is clearly demon- strated in Fig. 20. These sex-cells invariably lie just above the periblast and are associated with the sheet of cells which is a lateral expansion of the undifferentiated endodermal cell mass 336 A. RICHARDS AND JAMES T. THOMPSON. (peripheral endoderm, Allen). The complete germinal path from this position to one lateral to the hind gut may be followed in almost any embryo of from 46 to 50 hours. This very advan- tageous condition is made possible by the greater development near the middle of the embryo, for it is only a natural result of embryo formation by concrescence that development is progres- sively greater anteriorly from the point of convergence of the germ ring. These cells are transported from the edge of the embryonic region medially, to positions just beneath or within the endoder- mal cell mass, as the case may be. They are carried passively from one position to another by the same forces of growth which bring together the halves of the germ ring. The influence of this factor can scarcely be over emphasized. Although not out- wardly as apparent as in earlier stages, these forces are neverthe- less responsible for the flowing of the streams of embryonic material towards the future position of the organs which are to develop therefrom. The sex-cells come to lie within these shifting layers of em- bryonic endoderm and mesoderm and naturally accompany these layers in their changes of position. Because of the fact that the movement of the sex-cells is not active but rather dependent upon that of surrounding layers, the expression " migration " seems rather unfortunate. Some term such as " translocation " would perhaps be more truly expressive of the actual conditions. These cells come to lie in the edge of the embryonic region, and when a portion of the undifferentiated cell mass gives rise to gut endoderm and another to lateral mesoderm, they follow one layer or the other. The sex-cells follow one or the other of these layers until they reach a position lateral to the newly formed gut. Which layer is chosen apparently depends upon chance. Those cells which have been carried in the edge of the endoderm never enter the gut, but move dorsally from the side of it into the lat- eral mesoderm. Here they join the sex-cells which have been carried in the mesoderm. By this time the split, resulting in the formation of the ccelome between the splanchnic and somatic mesoderm has taken place. Although the sex-cells are asso- ciated with all parts of the lateral mesoderm before the forma- MIGRATION OF SEX-CELLS OF FUNDULUS HETEROCLITUS. tion of the coelome, it is a noteworthy fact that they never occur within the somatic layer after differentiation. From this position lateral to the hind gut the cells are in the general dorsal movement of the mesoderm which eventually re- sults in the formation of the intestinal mesentery. The cells from either half of the embryo remain apart and seem to lie in separate streams of mesodermal cells which are flowing toward the Wolffian ducts. But although there may be a pause here, at no time do the sex-cells appear to establish any intimate relation with the cells of these ducts (Text Fig. D). From the evidence at hand, an explanation of the function of these cells which makes them contributory to the development of the already well- formed Wolffian ducts, as suggested by certain investigators, does not seem plausible in Fnndnlns. As the sex-cells reach a position nearly ventral to the Wolffian ducts they become surrounded by a single layer of peritoneal cells. This covering develops until the position of the future sex organs is attained ; the sex-cells then rest in sac-like protuber- ances from the peritoneum, the germ gland anlagen. Assisting in the movement which brings the sex-cells into their future posi- tions, are several factors entirely external to the germ glands. For example, there is a rapid proliferation of the loose mesen- chyme dorsal to the gut and the development of the swim blad- der which results in a median down pushing. The ventral movement (Text Figs. D and £) from the region of the Wolf- fian ducts is clearly due to the wedge-like effect produced by the growing swim bladder. That this process is necessarily passive is evident from the fact that amoeboid activity of the cells in- cluded within the germ gland would be unable to produce any change in its position. From the evidence in Fundulus it is apparent that the sex-cells enter the embryo and are located in the germ glands by the same forces that are influential in the distribution of the other organ forming substances of the body. Their " migration " is not to be looked upon as different from that of any other group of cells. But while the sex-cells are not amoeboid, there is nevertheless reason for misunderstandings which have arisen regarding their activities. In the first place they are relatively few in compari- 33^ A. RICHARDS AND JAMES T. THOMPSON. son to the great numbers of cells in the surrounding tissues. Al- though the entire mass of cells is continuously in motion, only the movement of the sex-cells is at all noticeable. They are shifted about by the active surrounding tissues and naturally assume slightly irregular outlines at times, due to the unequal tension upon the cell membrane. Through a misinterpretation of the conditions within the embryo these sex-cells may easily be ac- credited with peculiar powers of locomotion. A sex-cell, as a slowly drifting cloud, can be seen gradually to change its posi- tion; but movements of the tissue cells about it, due to their loca- tion in continuous layers, are so inconspicuous as to go unnoticed. Because of this, the movement of the sex-cells should be consid- ered merely as the passive indication of the rate and direction of progress of contiguous layers. SUMMARY. 1. The earliest primary sex-cells found in Finidnliis were located in the peripheral endoderm, lateral to the posterior half of the 46-hour embryo. No sex-cells were observed in that part of the embryo which develops from the head fold. 2. The germinal path leads from the peripheral endoderm, into the border of the undifferentiated endodermal cell mass. When this cell mass splits to form gut endoderm and lateral mesoderm, the sex-cells proceed medially with either layer. By the time the gut is formed, these cells are lateral to it ; they all eventually be- come located in the splanchnic mesoderm of this region. From here the sex-cells migrate dorsal to the hind gut, thence to the region ventral to the Wolffian ducts. Here they become sur- rounded by peritoneal cells which form the somatic portion of the gonads. From this position the germ gland anlagen are shifted back to their final location dorsal to the gut.* 3. There is very little multiplication of the sex-cells during the period of migration. Division apparently takes place in the extra-embryonic area, and is not renewed to any marked extent until after the sex-cells become located in the germ glands. 4. The constant distinguishing characteristics insure positive identification of these cells throughout all phases of their migra- tion, and leave no reason to question their identity as being the "primordial germ cells" of previous writers. MIGRATION OF SEX-CELLS OF FUNDULUS HETEROCLITUS. 339 5. Migration is passive, being due to forces of growth which are altogether external to the cells themselves. These forces of growth are factors common to the development of the organs formed in the body of the teleost embryo. 6. Evidence derived from this study of Fundulus is an abso- lute harmony with the theory of early segregation of these pri- mary sex-cells. NOTE Some time after the manuscript of this paper had been sent to the press, an extensive article by Okkelberg, entitled, " The Early History of the Germ Cells in the Brook Lamprey, Ento- sphcnus zi'ildcri (Gage), up to and Including the Period of Sex Differentiation," appeared (Jour. Morph., Vol. 35, No. I, 1921). This article contains much data and many important conclusions, and it is to be noted (on pages 35 and 36) that the author, in considering the sex cells, has discussed their methods of migra- tion. It is of great interest that the conclusions reached by Ok- kelberg on this matter for the lamprey are very similar to our own upon Fnndnlus. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Allen, B. M. '04 The Embryonic Development of the Ovary and Testis of the Mam- malia. Amer. Jour, of Anat., Vol. 3. 'n The Origin of the Sex-Cells of Aiuia and Lepidostcns. Jour, of Mor- phology, Vol. 22, No. i. Dodds, G. S. '10 Segregation of the Germ-Cells of the Teleost Lopluits. Jour, of Mor- phology, Vol. 21. Eigenmann, C. '92 On the Precocious Segregation of the Sex-Cells of Cymatogaster. Jour, of Morphology, Vol. 5. '96 Sex Differentiation in the Viviparous Teleost Cymatogaster. Arch. fur Entw. Mech., Bd. 4. '03 Viviparous Fishes of the Pacific Coast (Cymatogaster aggregates}. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., Vol. XII, p. 412. Firket, F. '20 On the Origin of the Germ-Cells in the Higher Vertebrates. Anat. Record, Vol. 18, No. 3. Jarvis, May. '08 The Segregation of the Germ Cells of Phrynosoma cornatitiu. Pre- liminary Note. BIOL. BULLETIN, Vol. 15, No. 3. Jordan, H. E. '17 Embryonic History of the Germ-Cells of the Loggerhead Turtle. Pub. No. 251 Carnegie Inst. of Wash., pages 313 to 344. 34O A. RICHARDS AND JAMES T. THOMPSON. King, H. D. '08 The Oogenesis of Bufo Lentiginosus. Jcur. of Morphology, Vol. 19 P- 369. Nussbaum, M. '80 Zur Differenzierung des Geschlechts im Tierreich. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 18. Swift, C. H. '14 Origin and Early History of the Primordial Germ-Cells in the Chick. Amer. Jour, of Anatomy, Vol. 15, No. 4. '15 Origin of the Definitive Sex-Cells in the Female Chick and their Rela- tion to the Primordial Germ-Cells. Amer. Jour. Anat., Vol. 1 8, p. 441. '16 Origin of the Sex-Cords and Definitive Spermatogonia in the Male Chick. Amer. Jour. Anatomy, Vol. 20, p. 375. Wilson, H. V. '89 Embryology of the Sea Bass. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., Vol. 9. Woods, F. A. '02 Origin and Migration of the Germ-Cells in Acanthias. Amer. Jour Anat., Vol. i, No. 3. EXPLANATION OF ILLUSTRATIONS. ' All figures in this report were drawn with the aid of a camera lucida. Any lens combinations which were considered necessary to produce the best results were used. The magnification as given for each figure was calculated carefully and is correct for the reproductions as they appear on these plates. ABBREVIATIONS. a., anus. Mes., gut mesentery. Ao., aorta. Af, notochord. B., blood cells. Nt., neural tube. c., centrosome. nu., nucleolus. cr., chromatin knots. P., peritoneum. Co., ccelome. pe., periblast. Ect., ectoderm. P.N., periblast nucleus. EM., endodermal cell mass. 5"., sex-cell. En., gut endoderm. sw., swim bladder. G., germ gland anlagen. So., somatic mesoderm. g.t gut. Sp., splanchnic mesoderm L.M., lateral mesoderm. T., elongating tail. li., linin network. Wo., Wolffian duct. M., mesoderm. 342 A. RICHARDS AND JAMES T. THOMPSON. DESCRIPTION OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATE I. FIG. i. A typical primary sex-cell from a los-hour embryo (B' 26). Showing the large centrosome, two nuck-oli and chromatin knots scattered oVer the periphery of the nucleus. X 1420. FIG. 2. A typical sex-cell from a 6-day embryo (B 30). Chromatin gran- ules finer than in the preceding cell. X 1420. FIG. 3. Sex-cell from a loo-hour embryo (B' 25-3). From the extra- embryonic region. It is closely associated with the periblast. In other sec- tions the peripheral endoderm may be seen out over this area. X 1420. FIG. 3«. Sex-cell from a g-day embryo (B 34). Chromatin arrangement is intermediate between that found in Figs, i and 2. X 1420. FIG. 40. Surface view of a nucleus from a sex-cell in a io5-hour embryo, showing the chromatin knots in surface view. X 1420. FIG. 4&. From the same nucleus as the one used in Fig. 40. Obtained by focusing upon the center of the nucleus, illustrating the chromatin knots in optical section. X 1420. FIG. 5. Showing the sex-cells in the germ gland anlagen dorsal to the hind gut of a 24-day embryo. The function of the peritoneal cells at this stage is quite evident in this illustration. The sex-cells are completely sur- rounded by mesoderm. X 700. FIG. 6. Transection through a 24-day embryo (B 65-2) taken at the posi- tion indicated by the plane X-X' in Fig. 7. Showing the position of the gonads in relation to other parts of the embryo ; especially as regards the developing swim bladder. X 120. FIG. 7. Longitudinal section lateral to the median line of the 24-day em- bryo (B 65). Illustrating the position of the gonads as being the same as in the adult. Migration ceases at this point. The activities within the gonads after they have reached this point of development will not be considered at this time. X 25. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XL. PLATE I. 4b A. RICHARD1 AND J. T. THOMPSON 344 A- RICHARDS AND JAMES T. THOMPSON. PLATE II. FIG. 8. A sex-cell from the so-hour embryo (B' 23). Showing in detail the region at the edge of the embryo, where the germ layers meet the peri- blast. The sex-cell is in the edge of the gut endoderm, entirely removed from any connection with the lateral mesoderm, and is partially imbedded in the periblast. Several very early cells have been found in this relation to the periblast, but so far it has been impossible to establish any significance to this fact. Due to exertion of unequal tension upon the cell membrane, the cell outline appears slightly irregular. X 1400. FIG. 9. Semi-diagrammatic transection of the 46-hour embryo B' 21 X taken at the position indicated by the line " C " in Fig. 20. At this early stage the lumen of the gut is not formed completely, even in this most ante- rior region. The sex-cells lie between the periblast and the lateral mesoderm, at the side of the developing hind gut. X 300. (The positions of the sex- cells in the germinal path correspond to certain stages in development of the gut.) FIG. 10. Transection of embryo B' 21 X taken at the position indicated by the line B in Fig. 20. Here the gut endoderm and the lateral mesoderm are differentiated to a certain extent, although the splitting of the endodermal cell mass has not yet occurred. The sex-cell lies above the periblast in the edge of the cell mass. X 300. FIG. ii. Transection of embryo B' 21 X taken at the line "A " in Fig. 20. The sex-cell illustrated is in the extra-embryonic region, associated closely with the peripheral endoderm. X 300. FIG. 12. A longitudinal section through the elongating tail of the 46-hour embryo B' 21 L. The 4 sex-cells illustrated are in the peripheral endoderm at the extreme posterior of the embryonic area. X 300. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XL. PLATE II. 10 A. RICHARDS AND J. T. THOMPSON. 346 A. RICHARDS AND JAMES T. THOMPSON. PLATE III. FIG. 13. Sex-cell from the so-hour embryo B' 23. It lies in the extreme edge of the lateral mesoderm. just dorsal to its separation from the periblast. This cell lies in that portion of the mesoderm which will give rise to the splanchnic layer. X 700. FIG. 14. A sex-cell in the splanchnic mesoderm of the io5-hour embryo B' 26. The cell is just medial to the point of differentiation between the somatic and splanchnic layers. This stage also shows an advance over the one illustrated in Fig. 13, in that the gut and Wolman duct have taken form. X 700. FIG. 15. A group of sex-cells from the region anterior to that drawn in Fig. 14. Here the sex-cells are approaching the side of the hind gut. X 700. FIG. 1 6. A sex-cell from embryo B' 26, in the region anterior to those illustrated in Figs. 14 and 15. The more medially placed cell is in the splanchnic mesoderm lateral to the gut. As this layer grows up over the gut to form the dorsal mesentery, the sex-cells will naturally be brought to lie in this region. X 700. FIG. 17. Four sex-cells from the 6-day embryo B 30 in the mesentery dorsal to the gut. This shows in detail the region included in the rectangle in Text Fig. C. The extraordinary width of the mesentery at this stage is doubtless due in part to the presence of the sex-cells. X 420. FIG. 1 8. This figure illustrates the extremes of the migration at this stage. No cell was found at any earlier stage than the one near the gut, none later than that ventral to the Wolffian duct. From embryo B 30. X 420. FIG. 19. Showing the development of the gonads in the 1 3-day embryo B 42. The sex-cells are fixed in sac-like protuberances from the peritoneum. From this figure it is possible to obtain an idea of the effect produced by the rapid growth of .the swim bladder, in literally pushing the gut and all related tissues ventrally. It is also interesting to observe that the peritoneal cover- ing renders this cell dependent upon surrounding tissues for movement to its final position dorsal to the gut. X 420. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. X' PLATE III. A. RICHARDS AND J. T. THOMPSON. 34-8 A. RICHARDS AND JAMES T. THOMPSON. PLATE IV. FIG. 20. A diagrammatic reproduction of embryo B' 21 (46 hours) dem- onstrating the distribution of the sex-cells at this early stage. The variation in anterior-posterior development is very noticeable and is explained fully in the text. X 65. FIG. 21. Reproduction of embryo B' 26 (105 hours) constructed simi- larly to Fig. 20. Showing the positions of the sex-cells as being more medially placed than in the earlier stage. The cells on the right are not as far along with migration as those on the left ; the former group migrated with the mesoderm and the latter followed the gut endoderm. X 65. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL XL. PLATE IV 7.1 A. RICHARDS AND J. T. THOMPSON. SPERMATOGENESIS OF APHIDS ; THE FATE OF THE SMALLER SECONDARY SPERMATOCYTE. H. HONDA. CONTENTS. I. Introduction ^49 II. Method 35o III. Stomaphis yanois 350 1 . Primary Spermatocyte 350 2. Larger Secondary Spermatocyte 351 3. Smaller Secondary Spermatocyte 352 4. Smaller spermatid 353 IV. Neothomasia populicola and Macrosiphum ambrosia: 356 V. Review 358 VI. Summary 360 I. INTRODUCTION. It has been shown by Morgan and von Baehr that in aphids the primary Spermatocyte divides unequally producing larger and smaller secondary spermatocytes. The larger secondary Spermatocyte undergoes a second maturation division, and pro- duces two equal-sized spermatids which transform into func- tional spermatozoa. The smaller secondary Spermatocyte, which has received fewer chromosomes is said to degenerate. Only two similar spermatozoa, consequently, are formed from a primary spermatocyte. Von Baehr (1909 and 1912) states that he very rarely observed the development of the smaller secondary spermatocyte to the prophase of the second maturation division, but that it does not divide. Stevens (1909) says that in a preparation which has unfortunately been lost, the anaphase of the smaller secondary spermatocyte was seen, and that such stage may also be distin- guished among the degenerating spermatocytes. Morgan (1915) states : " The small cell is left with two chromosomes and a small amount of cytoplasm. It never divides again, and later degen- erates. Stevens was inclined to think that the small cell may 349 35O H. HONDA. sometimes show a division figure, which subsequently fades away, but I have never seen a case of this kind." In Macrosiphum ambrosia: and Ncothomasia popnlicola I have observed the late telophase of the smaller secondary spermato- cytes. In Stomaphis yanois, moreover, I have found that the smaller secondary spermatocytes divide and form equal-sized spermatids which are much smaller than the larger spermatids. These smaller spermatids develop and reach the sustentacular cells with the developed larger spermatids ; they, however, fail to attach to the sustentacular cells. Thus their development ceases ; they, therefore, do not fully transform into spermatozoa, but retrogress and form spherical cells, which attach themselves to the epithelium of the cysts of the testes. A further account of this will appear in the following pages. The work on the spermatogenesis of Stomaphis yanois was done in the Tokyo Higher Normal College, and the work on the other aphids has been done in the University of Chciago. The writer's thanks are due to Prof. F. R. Lillie and Prof. S. Yama- nouchi, who gave him many suggestions and much help. The writer also wishes to thank Prof. A. Oka and Prof. U. Takakura for their kindness during his stay in Tokyo. For the identifica- tion of the aphids the writer is indebted to Dr. A. L. Quaintance and Dr. A. C. Baker. II. METHODS. Both the males and parthenogenetic females were fixed in either strong Flemming's, Zenker's or a mixture of absolute alco- hol one part, acetic acid one part, and saturated aqueous solution of corrosive sublimate two parts. Sections were cut 3, 5 and 10 micra in thickness ; most of them, however, were cut 5 micra thick. They were stained with Heidenhain's iron-hematoxylin followed by eosin or borax carmin. III. STOMAPHIS YANOIS. i. Primary Spcrmatocytc. Figs, i and 2 show the primary spermatocyte prophase. In Fig. i, one of the chromosomes is formed, and in Fig. 2, the proc- SPERMATOGENESIS OF APHIDS. 35! ess of the formation of the chromosomes is almost finished. There are ten chromosomes, five larger and five smaller, in the equatorial plate of the first spermatocyte division, and they are connected with one another by linin threads as is shown in Figs. 4 and 5. The side view of the mitotic figure shows centrosomes of about the same size agreeing with von Baehr's observation on Aphis saliceti (Fig. 3). In the anaphase unequal cell division is indicated. The larger and smaller daughter cells are connected by a bridge of cyto- plasm, and elongated lagging chromosomes lie between the chro- mosomes passing to the daughter cells (Fig. 7). The lagging chromosomes do not show any tendency to go to the larger cell at this time, but after the nuclear membrane is formed, the lag- ging chromosomes enter the larger cell (Fig. 8). It is interesting to note that the size of the nuclear membrane -is larger in the larger cell. The inequality of the size of the nuclei of the daugh- ter cells, therefore, does not seem to be due to the unequal num- ber of the chromosomes, but to an unequal quantity of cytoplasm. In a case where the two daughter cells were about equal the size of the nuclear membrane was about the same. I have observed many cases in which the lagging chromosomes appear to be divided, but I doubt that this ever occurs. Morgan (1909) states: "That artificial conditions, such as handling or osmosis, might break such a delicate connection at this time is not at all improbable, and such an artificial result might give the im- pression that the accessory is actually divided. Moreover, if the bridge arches toward or away from the observer, the effect may be produced at certain focal levels of discontinuity between the ends of the lagging chromosomes, when none such exist." The larger secondary spermatocyte receives eight divided and two lagging undivided chromosomes, and the smaller secondary spermatocyte receives eight divided chromosomes. 2. Larger Secondary Speniiatocyte. The larger secondary spermatocyte undergoes an equal second division without an intervening resting stage. The equatorial plate (Figs. 12 and 13) of the second division shows ten chro- 352 H. HONDA. mosomes. In the first maturation division five of the ten chromo- somes are larger and five of them are smaller, but in this case six are larger and four are smaller. The reason for this is discussed later on. As in the case of the first division, chromosomes are connected by linin threads. When the split chromosomes shift to the opposite poles interzonal fibers appear. In the first divi- sion the middle part of the two daughter cells becomes narrow and show's an appearance of a dumb-bell with the ends different in size. In this case, however, the middle part is broad, so that the interzonal fibers are separated (Fig. 15). 3. Smaller Secondary Spermatocyte. The smaller secondary spermatocyte shows chromosomes in its nuclear cavity at the telophase of the first maturation division. It is not difficult to distinguish the smaller secondary spermato- cyte as their diameter is hardly half that of the larger ones. The nucleus does not enter a resting stage. I have found in some cases two small bodies near the nuclear membrane (Fig. 9). These seem to be centrosomes, but I am unable to speak with cer- tainty. The changes in preparation for the second division are similar to those of the larger spermatocyte. The equatorial plate (Figs. 20 and 21) shows eight chromo- somes as compared with ten chromosomes in the equatorial plate of the larger secondary spermatocyte. The cases which distinctly show eight chromosomes are rare ; there can be little doubt, how- ever, that this is the full number since there are ten chromosomes in the equatorial plate of the first maturation division, and two of them pass to the larger one as the lagging chromosomes. Four chromosomes are larger and the other four are smaller. There are five larger and five smaller chromosomes in the equatorial plate of the first division ; the lagging chromosomes, therefore, must be a larger and a smaller chromosome. If all the chromo- somes were to divide in the first division, five larger and five smaller chromosomes would appear in the equatorial plate of the second division. Two chromosomes, one larger and one smaller, lag and enter the larger cell without dividing. The smaller of the lagging chromosomes, consequently, becomes larger than the SPERM ATOGENESIS OF APHIDS. 353 other smaller chromosomes. This must be the reason why we see four smaller chromosomes in the larger secondary spermato- cyte instead of five. The side view of the metaphase of the smaller spermatocyte differs from that of the larger one in shape. It is more spindle- shaped (Fig. 22). Fibers are not seen distinctly in the prepara- tions stained with iron hematoxylin. The two stained bodies on both sides of the chromosomes in the equatorial plate might be the centrosomes (Fig. 23). There are cases which show sep- arated chromosomes, and cases which show massed chromosomes (Figs. 23-25). So far as my observation goes, in most cases the chromosomes seem to fuse soon after their splitting. The telo- phase does not show distinctly the interzonal fibers as in the case of the larger cell. Two equal smaller spermatids are produced after the division. 4. Smaller Spermatid. The germ cells of each cyst of the testes are generally in about the same stage. When the spermatids are young the cysts are spherical in shape, but they elongate during the development of the spermatids. The young smaller spermatids (Fig. 28) have condensed nuclei, but the larger spermatids (Fig. 18) between which they lie have vesicular nuclei. These smaller and larger spermatids are seen all through the cyst. I have examined many cases in order to see whether the polarities of the larger and smaller spermatids are established with relation to the epithelium or not. Most of the young larger and smaller spermatids, which are seen near the epithelium, develop their tails toward the center of the cyst, but some of them may develop along the epithelium or develop their tails toward the epithelium. Those in the cen- tral part do not show any definite orientation, and in extreme cases spermatids existing side by side may show opposite direc- tions. In cysts in which the larger spermatids are developed to the stage shown in Fig. 18, the orientation of the larger and smaller spermatids remains unchanged. In a little later stage, however, all the larger and smaller spermatids begin to orient in the same direction, and when the larger spermatids develop to the stage shown in Fig. 19, all are oriented in the same direction. 354 H- HONDA. There must be an interaction, probably chemical, between the sustentacular cells and the larger and smaller spermatids. The larger and smaller spermatids in the outer part opposite the sus- tentacular cells and in the central part of the cyst generally move among the tails of the other spermatids toward the sustentacular cells, but those in the other parts move toward sustentacular cells along the epithelium. Developed smaller spermatids (Fig. 31) are seen among the larger spermatids near the sustentacular cells, and do not show any inferiority to the larger spermatids in moving toward the cells. Before the nucleus of the larger spermatid showrs marked differentiation the smaller spermatids have retreated a little towards the interior. In other words, well developed smaller spermatids approach towards the sustentacular cells, but do not attach to them. I have examined many smaller spermatids in order to see whether they develop apical parts. Figure 30 shows a developing smaller spermatid, which has a cone-shaped apical part. There is a developed smaller spermatid, which seems to have a \vell-developed apical part, but we cannot distinctly ob- serve since it is seen in close contact with the tails of the larger spermatids. In most of the smaller spermatids, which have elon- gated tails, I have not, however, observed developed apical parts. As to the interpretation of the cells identified as smaller sper- matids, may they not be degenerating larger spermatids? So far as my observation goes the larger spermatids rarely degen- erate ; moreover, it is not hard to distinguish degenerating young larger spermatids from the smaller spermatids, since the former are not only much larger than the latter, but the nucleus of the larger spermatid becomes vesicular while the nucleus of the smaller spermatid is condensed. If the larger spermatids devel- oped to the stage shown in Fig. 19 begin to degenerate, we can recognize them by the difference in the state of the nuclei. If the almost fully developed spermatids begin to degenerate, it is quite easy to tell them from the smaller spermatids, since they have very slender nuclei and the smaller spermatids, which are seen in the same cyst with them, have spherical nuclei. If degeneration of the larger spermatids should occur at the stage in which they SPERMATOGENESIS OF APHIDS. 355 I have condensed ovoid nuclei which elongate later, the criterion by which to distinguish them is their position, since when they have developed to such a stage, the smaller spermatids with con- densed spherical nuclei have already left the epithelium. The metaphase of the smaller secondary spermatocytes are seen among those of the larger secondary ones; I think, there- fore, there is no doubt that the smaller secondary spermatocytes undergo the second division. More developed larger spermatids are seen with more developed smaller spermatids in the same cyst. We may conclude from these observations that the smaller spermatids develop with the larger spermatids. I have observed cases where the larger and smaller sperma- tids are seen in the central part of the cyst, while the majority of spermatids have already reached the sustentacular cells. Such larger and smaller spermatids might fail to reach the susten- tacular cells, since they have to move among the spermatids. The examination of the later stages, however, has shown that they succeed in reaching the sustentacular cells. Figure 32 shows a smaller spermatid which is abnormally big and has a distinct axial filament. Ordinarily the smaller sperma- tids elongate similarly, but are more delicate. One of the most developed smaller spermatids is shown in Fig. 33. In such a stage their development comes to a standstill, and they begin to retrogress. They gradually retreat toward the tails of the larger spermatids. Their nuclei which are deeply stained with iron hematoxylin are seen among the tails of the larger spermatids in a somewhat regular position. Finally they pass out to the cavity -of the cyst. The smaller spermatids fail in attaching to the sustentacular cells ; they cannot, consequently, get material for their further development. They have to live on their own substance. Their tails become shorter, and the cytoplasm around the nucleus in- creases (Fig. 34). The forms shown in Fig. 35 are seen near the tail of the fully de- veloped functional spermatozoa in the cavity of the cyst. We do not see such spermatids in the cavities of the cysts at the younger stages. These smaller spermatids still have elongated tails, but later transform into spherical cells which have a distinct cell 356 H. HONDA. membrane (Fig. 39) and show a tendency to fuse with each other. There are some cells which have two or more condensed nuclei. These seem to be the products of the fusion of two or more smaller spermatids. Some of the retrogressed cells of the smaller spermatids attach to the epithelium, and on these cells other cells attach themselves ; thus they form layers as shown in Fig. 38. In other cases they are irregularly attached to the epithelium. When they attach themselves to each other they show a polygonal shape. A, b and c in Fig. 38 are parts of adjacent cysts, where fully developed spermatozoa occur though not shown in the figure. The cells occurring between the cysts are the retrogressed smaller spermatids produced in the cyst c, and the epithelium proper is very thin as seen between cysts a and b. As we see in the figure these cells are not equal in size. In some of them the nuclei are broken up and their fragments are seen scattered throughout the cells. The others still show condensed spherical nuclei. As stated already the larger spermatids rarely degenerate. These larger spermatids may become like the cells just mentioned. Though degenerating larger spermatids mingle among these cells, there is no criterion by which they may be distinguished from retrogressed cells of the smaller spermatids. Some of these cells may be absorbed by the epithelial cells, but how far the absorption proceeds is at present undetermined. When these cells attach to the epithelium the functional sperma- tozoa are already fully developed. Afterwards the wall of the cyst ruptures, and these cells being deprived of their connection with the testis are destined to disappear. It is possible that they are extruded from the testis along with the spermatozoa. I have observed epithelial cells of the cyst and retrogressed cells of the smaller spermatids in some of the vasa deferentia. The sec- tions of the testes of the old males show remarkable changes. Their walls are thickened and neither spermatozoa nor the cysts, which fill the young testes, can be seen. IV. NEOTHOMASIA POPULICOLA AND MACROSIPHUM AMBROSIA. The testes of embryos of Neothomasia populicola and Ma-cro- siphum ambrosia are in the early stages, but those of larvae are SPERMATOGENESIS OF APHIDS. 357 suitable for the purpose of studying the spermatocyte divisions. As is the case in other aphid's, the primary spermatocytes of these aphids divide unequally, and the anaphase shows the lagging chro- mosomes. I have found in these aphids telophases of the second maturation division of the smaller secondary spermatocyte, but have observed no developing smaller spermatid ; we may, there- fore, conclude that the smaller secondary spermatocytes and the smaller spermatids of these aphids degenerate as in the cases of the aphids studied by Morgan, von Baehr and Stevens. In Ma- crosiphnni ambrosia I observed cases in which all smaller sec- ondary spermatocytes seemed to be dividing, but I will conclude in a succeeding paper whether all the smaller secondary sper- matocytes divide or not. In the cyst, where larger spermatids are already attached to the sustentacular cells, there are seen spermatids which look like the smaller spermatids of Stomaphis yanois. As stated above, since no development of the smaller spermatids was observed, they must be larger spermatids. In slightly younger cysts some sper- matids are seen among the developed tails of other larger sper- matids, which are about to attach to the sustentacular cells. Such spermatids probably have no chance of reaching the cells. I have found cases in which the larger spermatids are already attached to the cells, but some spermatids are seen among the ends of the tails of the larger spermatids. In other cysts spermatids with condensed nuclei are seen apart from the sustentacular cells, while others are attached to them. As in the case of Stomaphis yanois young spermatids of these aphids change their orientation to the same direction ; some sper- matids, therefore, move to the sustentacular cells across the whole diameter of the cyst or reach the cells moving along the epi- thelium. If they move to the sustentacular cells along the epi- thelium, as most of the spermatids do, they may lose the chance to become attached to them. Developed spermatids have been found by the side of spermatids which are attached to the sus- tentacular cells and are developing. They wrere probably pre- vented from reaching the cells by other spermatids, and their development came to a standstill ; they, consequently, show younger stages than the spermatids which are attached to the 358 H. HONDA. cells. Since many spermatids are produced in the cysts, if they move to the sustentacular cells through the tails of other sper- matids, they meet much resistance; they, therefore, might be un- able to reach the cells. The most conspicuous difference between the case of Stomaphis yanois and that of these aphids is the position of the retrogress- ing spermatids. In the former case the smaller spermatids ap- proach the sustentacular cells, and then gradually retreat toward the tails of the larger spermatids ; their position, consequently, is regular, having a relation to the development of the larger sper- matids. In the latter case, however, the position of the retro- gressing spermatids is irregular. As in the case of Stomaphis yanois retrogressed spherical cells are seen in the cyst with fully developed spermatozoa. These cells attach themselves to the epithelium of the cysts and have the same fate as the retrogressed cells of the smaller spermatids of Stomaphis yanois. V. REVIEW. According to Meves and others, one of the secondary sperma- tocytes of the honey bee is much smaller than the other, and re- ceives no chromosomes ; it, consequently, degenerates after some time. The larger secondary spermatocyte, moreover, divides unequally in the second spermatocyte division. The chromo- somes divide this time, and there are produced larger and smaller spermatids. The larger spermatids differentiate into functional spermatozoa. The smaller spermatids also undergo some differ- entiation which, however, comes to a standstill at a late stage and then they degenerate without transforming into functional spermatozoa. The smaller spermatid of Stomaphis yanois re- sembles that of the honey bee in some respects. Both of them are much smaller than the larger spermatids, but judging from the Meves' drawings, the difference in size between the larger and the smaller spermatids is greater in the honey bee than in the aphid. They both develop to some extent, but do not transform into functional spermatozoa. Meves does not state what kind of changes occurs in the degenerating smaller spermatids of the honey bee ; I am, therefore, unable to compare their later stages with those of the smaller spgrmatids of Stomaphis yanois. SPERMATOGENESIS OF APHIDS. 359 The most conspicuous difference between the smaller sperma- tids of the honey bee and this aphid is seen in the nuclei. The nucleus of the smaller spermatid of the honey bee returns to a resting stage, and differentiates similar to that of the larger spermatid. The nucleus of the smaller spermatid of this aphid, however, becomes condensed after the second spermatocyte divi- sion, and remains in the same state, although the cytoplasm shows changes similar to those of the larger spermatid. This may be caused by the absence of the lagging chromosomes in the smaller spermatids, while in the honey bee the smaller spermatids have the same number of chromosomes as the larger spermatids. Whitney (1918) mentions that the normal and rudimentary spermatozoa have been found in considerable number of rotifers. In his paper of 1917 he says that the functional spermatozoa are identical in their power of determining the sex of the individual that develops from a fertilized egg, since after a functional sper- matozoon has fertilized a parthenogenic male egg, the egg always develops into a female individual. In the case of these rotifers, according to Whitney, the chro- mosomes divide in the first spermatocyte division. One half of the secondary spermatocytes divide and form the normal sper- matids. The remaining half of the secondary spermatocytes, contrary to the case of the smaller secondary spermatocyte of Stomaphis yanois, do not divide, but develop directly into the degenerate spermatozoa. The spermatocytes destined to degen- erate are smaller than the others, and their development into the complete rudimentary spermatozoa is strikingly different from the development of the normal spermatids. Whitney ('18) says that as all the fertilized eggs in both phyl- loxerans and rotifers develop into female young, it seems safe to conclude, as Morgan has already concluded, that the degenerate sperm cells are the male-determining ones and that the normal sperm cells are the female-determining ones. Stevens (1905) found many degenerate spermatozoa in Blat- tella germanlca. She states that the distribution and varying number of these degenerate spermatozoa make it impossible to interpret their condition as due to the absence of the accessory chromosome as Miss Wallace does in the spider, and that the only 360 H. HONDA. probable explanation seems to lie in the imperfect mitosis. She detected no evidence of degeneracy among the young spermatids. VI. SUMMARY. 1. In Stomaphis yanois the smaller secondary spermatocytes divide, and develop to some extent, but retrogress to spherical cells. 2. In Neothoniasia populicola and Macrosiphum ambrosia, cases of division of the smaller secondary spermatocytes were found, but no developing smaller spermatids were observed. 3. In Neothoniasia populicola and Macrosiphinn ambrosia spherical cells like tho